//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Nevermore // by cerealkiller78 //------------------------------// Rainbow Dash looked up as Sunset approached her table. Her face paled, and all doubt that she had anything to do with the attempted attack at the school left Sunset. Her expression gave her away, but as Sunset stopped in front of her, she asked anyway. "...Tell me honestly Dash. Did Gilda jump you and take your phone? Or did you give it to her?.." Rainbow just stared at her. "...Did you know?" Sunset pressed. Rainbow Dash didn't say anything, but she definitely looked guilty. "Answer me Dash!" Sunset cried angrily. "...Yes." Rainbow said quietly. "I was angry at you for posting that picture of me and Gilda." She began gaining some of her confidence back, and glared at Sunset. "I wasn't thinking straight, and ya, I probably went overboard, but you sure as hell provoked us!" Sunset gritted her teeth in barely restrained rage. "I. Posted. Nothing." She growled. "Load. Of. Bull." Rainbow stood up from the table, looking ready to knock Sunset out then and there. "Whoah!" Cyborg approached the two before things could escalate even further. "This is not the place for a fight." Rainbow Dash surveyed the newcomer. "When did Sugarcube Corner get security?.." "He's not Sugarcube Corner's security." Sunset said. "He saved me from the setup you helped create." "Oh, so he's YOUR security. Gotta at least say he's better than Snips and Snails." Rainbow scoffed. "And who's the green bean?" She gestured to Beast Boy. Cyborg let out a snort at that, trying to contain his laughter. "Seriously??" Beast Boy cried. "See BB? It's not just me." He chuckled. "For the record, it's Beast Boy, not "green bean." He muttered to Rainbow Dash. "Whatever." Rainbow grumbled, turning back to Sunset. "If you're not leaving, I am." She took her coat and left the shop without another word.