//------------------------------// // Moving In // Story: Lunar Love // by Midnight Blackhorn //------------------------------// Avril was getting some of Pinkie's punch, which was the best she had ever had in her life! Man, ponies are awesome at making food and drinks Avril thought to herself. She then thought back to Luna, and teared up again. "Hey, what's wrong with you?" a slightly hoarse voice piped up from behind her. She turned and saw a rainbow maned pony, sitting on her haunches staring up at her. She mentally had a daww moment. "Oh, just thinking" Avril replied "About the princess? Don't worry, if I know her at all, she will forgive you. You just need some time away from each other is all" Rainbow said. Then she realized Avril had no idea who she was. "By the way, my name's Rainbow Dash" "Hello Rainbow Dash. I'm Avril. Hey, how did you know about me and the Princess?" She asked the pegasus "Well, Twilight is like, one of my best friends, so it wasn't that hard to get it from her" she replied. Avril chuckled. "Well, I guess it'll be hard to keep it a secret then, huh?" Now it was Rainbow's turn to laugh. "If you were trying to keep it a secret, you're pretty bad at keeping secrets" "Yeah, well. What's a girl to do? It's just my luck, too. I mean really, anytime you step into a magical world filled with equine inhabitants, then fall in love with one of their royals, you're gonna have a bad time" she said, laughing at her own lame joke. Rainbow, who was not familiar with the Internet, didn't get it. Man, now that I think of it, everything that has happened to me since I got to Equestria sounds like some angsty teen romance novel, written by some kid with no life. Like Twilight, but instead of vampires and werewolves, Ponies Avril thought to herself. "What are you talking about?" Rainbow said to the human. "I have no idea" she replied giggling. Suddenly they heard a voice coming from behind Avril. "Dashie! Dashie! Come here! I have an idea a really super cool idea for a prank and I just know you will-" Rainbow Dash silenced Pinkie with a hoof. "Slow down will ya? Geez, Pinkie, you're more hyper than usual. How much punch have you drank today?" "Oh, you know just three or four" "Three or four what?" Rainbow asked "Gallons, silly!" Pinkie said, giggling and "booping" her friend on the muzzle. Avril was totally lost at this point. She looked around for Twilight, and found her pretty quickly. She was near the door talking to Rarity, presumably about living arrangements or clothes or something. Avril was terrible at reading human lips, so reading Twilight's or Rarity's would be pretty much impossible. She walked over to the two of them, and attempted to clear her throat, but ended up coughing instead. Rarity, having her back turned to Avril, nearly jumped out of her fur. She turned sharply to face whoever had coughed and scared her, only to see Avril there, blushing of embarrassment. "Sorry to interrupt, Twilight, but I think I've decided on who I'll stay with until Lul- I mean Luna, cools off" "That's great! So who have you decided on?" "Well, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to stay with Rainbow Dash" "What?" Rainbow Dash had been standing behind Avril when she heard that. Avril turned to face her. "Twilight said I could choose a pony to stay with, and you seem like the kind of person, if you were a person that is, that I would love to hang out with." she said sheepishly. She was afraid Dash would refuse, and her nervousness had hit a peak right before Rainbow Dash started grinning. "If you think you can handle living with the most awesome mare in Equestria, then be my guest. Literally." She said with a small giggle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With that, Avril gathered the small amount of clothes she had. Rarity had suggested she stop by at Carousel Boutique sometime that week so Rarity could measure her and make her some more clothes. The only other outfit she had besides her gamer gear was a makeshift cobalt blue dress Luna had made for her as a joke. It was pretty, but not the kind of thing Avril wore without hurting whoever made it first. She frowned, once again thinking of Luna. How would she ever make it up to her. Oh well, at least she made some friends. Being locked away in the Canterlot castle doesn't do much for a girl's social life. The party wasn't quite over; there were still ponies there, but they were slowly leaving. "I need some music. Hey Pinkie, can I put some music on?" "Of COURSE! I bet you listen to some really really reaaally awesome music!" Pinkie said, excited. Avril walked up to the turntables.....Wait, were those there before? Oh well. Not surprisingly, they actually had a headphone jack hookup. I mean, they have computers, so why not headphones, right? Avril plugged in her phone and played Nine In The Afternoon by Panic! At The Disco. Everypony was dancing and having a good time, and so was Avril. She looked over at her new friends. Rainbow Dash motioned for Avril to dance with her. Avril had no idea how that would work, but whatever. She walked over to Dash and Pinkie, who then started to dance with her. It was a bit difficult, as the girls were a little bit smaller than Avril, but they had fun nonetheless. "You know Avril, I have a feeling we will get along great" Rainbow Dash said. "I think so too, Rainbow Dash" Avril replied. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Avril still missed Luna, but Dash assured her it wouldn't be long before it all blew over. Avril hoped she was right. At the same time, though, Dash was really fun to be around. Wait, where is my hairbrush "Dash, did you steal my hairbrush again?" Avril yelled from the bathroom "Nope" Rainbow Dash yelled back. "Dash, where did you hide it this time?" Avril yelled in mock anger. Rainbow then trotted in with a smirk on her face. "I didn't touch it" She said giggling. "Dash, I need my hairbrush. What did you do with it" Avril said "I already told you, I. Don't. Have. It" Dash said back "Don't make me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry" Avril said, attempting to stare Dash down. "Oh no! Avril's angry! What ever shall we do? Everypony, run!" Dash said, mocking Avril "I swear, Rainbow, you are such a wretch. Fine, I'll use yours" Avril said, smirking. "Oh no you don't!" Rainbow said, pushing Avril with her front hooves. "Then give me mine!" Avril said Rainbow regarded Avril's statement thoughtfully. "Fine, darn it all, here you go" Dash said, removing the black and purple hairbrush from her left wing. Avril then flipped Dash over and started to tickle her hooves. "NO NO NO NO! STOP IT! STOP IT! I CAN'T TAKE IT!" Rainbow yelled, giggling madly "Promise you won't hide my hairbrush anymore?" "YES! YES! I PROMISE! JUST STOP TICKLING ME!" Dash said, still giggling. Avril let her go. "I hate it when you do that!" Rainbow said, faking anger while getting back on her hooves. "That's why I do it" Avril said back, giggling.