//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: Nothing but a Hound Dog // Story: Child of Silver // by WilliamShakeshoof //------------------------------// Some months later She had to get away from them, find some way of making a loud enough noise to scare them off, but that was going to be difficult, especially at full gallop through the Everfree forest. She had not expected the monsters to appear so soon. They had been running from them ever since. Up in the sky, the silver moon hung, with Luna's silhouette. She said a quick prayer for her and the baby's safety. A howl pierced the silence. The timberwolf leapt, and she screamed. Within moments Silver arrows streaked through the air, instantly killing the immense wolf that had been feasting on a mare. It was too late. The mare was dead. Luna trotted over to the carcass of the timberwolf and shock ran through her. It was Samantha! The former hunter that she had given her foal to. Where was he? she worried. She frantically looked around around her. Not daring to picture the colt's fate. A cry broke forth from under Samantha's body. "Thank you Faust," Luna silently prayed. Her son was alive. She tenderly rolled Samantha's body around, exposing the body of a crying foal. "It's okay, your mother's here now." Luna said gently into the foal's ear. She expertly debarked the wolf, "One of Lycaon's" Artemis cursed. Using the fur coat she wrapped her foal inside. "Momma?" It asked, Luna read his mind. He stopped crying. "There, There. It will all be okay now." Luna thought to his mind. He was still so young. The foal hadn't even been weaned yet. The scene evaporated into silver as Luna transported herself back to her Tent. Luna's Tent Orion was sleeping in her hooves. Warmed by both the timberwolf's fur and the campfire Luna sat next to, inside her tent. She gently rocked him back and forth, filling his dreams with calming dreams of nature. It was rudely interrupted by her lieutenant Twilight, outside the tent. "Princess Luna!" she said loudly. Luna looked to Orion, luckily he was still asleep. "What is it Twilight?" she said softly, skillfully hiding Orion's presence. "A colt has stumbled into the campsite. We've knocked him unconscious. What do you want to do with him?" Luna began to worry for the safety of her foal and former lover, the reborn Pip, Orion. If her hunters had found out, what would they think of her? Luna thought about her situation. To even her huntress's eyes the moment was too small for them to notice, but by then she had made her decision. As the goddess lay her foal to sleep in a comfortable bed, his body began to fill with fur, merging with the timberwolf coat he was wrapped in. His ears and face began to lengthen. He slowly became a timberwolf puppy. Luna couldn't help but think that he was cute. She turned and resolutely strolled out of her tent to deal with the colt intruder. Maybe this time I'll go lenient and give him Sipriote's* punishment, she thought Unfortunately, there was no such luck, and one more jackalope was added to the world. Year's Later Orion understood why he had to take the shape of a hunting hound. It was easier now that the other Huntresses knew. No colts allowed. Animals welcome. He happily chased down the snow white rabbit and brought it back to Stormcloud. "Good Orion," She said cheerfully scratching behind his ear. "Orion!" his mom called, and he walked inside the tent, transforming back into a colt. His mother always looked just about the same age; she was the immortal princess Luna, goddess of the moon, that as understandable. He sat down next to the small campfire. "Orion. You're old enough, and so I want you to go to camp Half-hoof." The words almost made him sick. He would be away from the Hunters, away from his mom, away from his Luna. "But mom..." he whined. "I know it might be hard. But you'll make plenty of friends. You need to have the opportunity to live a normal foalhood. You can't stay a timberwolf forever." Luna caught him off guard and put in him a headlock, giving his mane a nuggie. "Even though you do make a cute one." "Mom, you're embarrassing." "No I'm not." she said firmly. "We have to leave tonight, the moon should pass over the camp sometime around midnight." His mom carried him to her chariot as a timberwolf and once they were away from camp, he turned back into a colt. "I'm gonna miss you," he said, as the chariot descended onto the snow just outside of camp. "Don't worry, I'll be close-by." He looked up at the sky until his mother's chariot was out of sight, drowned out by the light of the moon. Orion had never been this alone during the night. Never. Quickly he trotted up the hill, and headed toward camp.