Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot

by Equimorto


"Why does a pony choose to defend others? Why does one do anything, really?" Paper looked somewhere forward, upwards, and slightly to the side. Shining guessed it was the corner where the wall and ceiling met that he was staring at, but he couldn't be sure. Much like he wasn't sure it had been a good idea to have the stallion out for a drink.
Then again, he didn't exactly have a way to get rid of him. And he couldn't have guessed he'd turn out like that after just half a beer. "Because they feel like it?" he tried, hoping that if he kept him talking he'd spare him from downing the remaining half of his drink.
"Exactly!" Much to Shining's worry, Paper chugged the rest of his beer in a single go. "Such fascinating things, sapient creatures. And all because they can question their own actions. Would you not agree?"
Shining had to admit though, while the guard certainly felt like the typical case of a pony getting far too prone to rambling when inebriated, there was something there in what he said. Scattered in its presentation and confused in its execution, but he wasn't spouting nonsense. "I would," he said, and he wasn't lying. Cadence was definitely the one more inclined to debate philosophy and such matters, but she'd rubbed off on him in some part over time.
Paper smiled, far too widely to look normal. Then he sighed. "Forgive me if I get my kicks so, I'm sure I put a great deal of undeserved worry on you. Know that I strive only to ensure no harm comes to your family." He looked past the counter, wobbling back and forth. "We should take a walk," he said. "It would be nice, I'm sure." He was up before Shining could reply, out of the bar before Shining could realise it.
And the unicorn found himself forced to pay, then rushing after him.