//------------------------------// // Tragedy Strikes(Part 1) // Story: Winter & Dagi // by Sparkling blaze //------------------------------// Adagio's POV I'm just getting back from seeing Rebecca. I'm glad to see how much better she's doing. There was awhile I didn't know what to do or if I'd make it through this but things are finally getting better. My thought is immediately stopped as I enter my house,Tifany was fainted in the ground bleeding all over,Snow had blood all over her and was holding her,and she kept repeating while crying: "I'm sorry big sis,I'm sorry." I couldn't react,I couldn't breakdown,I just ran close to Tifany and started checking her,she had stopped breathing,and her pulse was really weak. "Snow,what happened?"I asked her. "I didn't mean to." She told me. "I know you didn't. What happened?" "I wanted to play the same game her and Becca played with me. But she didn't want to." "You know how dangerous that can be right?" I asked her. "Yeah but I thought the two of us would be ok. So I stabbed her. She got really mad after that. She tried to stab me but I was to fast. After that she dropped her knife and told me she didn't want to play. But after that if felt like I couldn't control my body and I kept stabbing her. Mom we have to help her. I don't want her to die." I with one arm took out my phone to call the ambulance,and with the other held Snow,who was completely breaking down. I called the ambulance then turned to Snow: "Listen to me,I think besides what you already have you might have what your sisters have too,I'm gonna take you to see your aunt Sunset after we get your sister checked."Now I knew what was gonna happen to Tifany,but I had to lie."Don't worry about Tify,she'll be ok,alright." "Really?" She asked not believing me. "Yeah, you know how strong your sister is." "She said the same thing about dad." I don't know what to say. I need to be strong but it's so hard. But next thing I know the ambulance is there. We can all tell she's passed being helped but they do everything they can and they take her. Now I have to go to the hospital so they can tell me my daughter is dead. I take a look at Snow,she's still breaking down,she knew the same as I did,even if she didn't meant to,she had killed her sister. I didn't even want to think in Rebecca's reaction when we told her then. "C'mon Snow,let's go see your sister."I told her. She nodded and made her way to the car. We soon arrived at the hospital. Neither one of us wanted to go in but we knew we had to. Sunset met us as we walked in. I can tell she had been crying but was trying to get it together. "Aunt Sunny, how's Tifany? She's ok right?" Snow asked her desperate to know. "Snow, she's...I.. maybe we should go someplace more private." Sunset told her. "Why can't we just go see her?" Snow asked. Then she seemed to realize what it meant. Snow ran off calling for Tifany. Both me and Sunset took off after her,but Snow had somehow already managed to find her sister. When Snow saw her sister,she simply froze,she mouthed something I didn't understand,fell to the ground and started breaking down like I never seen her break down. "I'm sorry!I'm sorry!"She kept repeating. I then realized I was crying too,but I couldn't I had to be strong,I went up to Snow and helped her up. "Mom I didn't mean for this to happen! I was just...we we were." She kept breaking down. "I know you didn't." I tell her trying to hold back my own tears. "She could have stopped me. I know she's stronger than me. Why didn't she?" "She didn't want to hurt you. And she knew she'd have to to stop you." I sighed then turned to Sunset,who was trying to hold the tears herself: "Can you check Snow and take her home?Afterwards meet me at the mental hospital we're gonna tell Rebecca what happened."