//------------------------------// // Epilogue: Awesome As We Want To Be // Story: A Dashed Shade Of Red Part 3: The Storm’s Snare // by TheSuperTransformerFan //------------------------------// Outside of the base on a park bench, Devon was sitting, and thinking about all that happened that day, and all that led up to that moment. Zoey and Nate being a couple, the Storm King’s alter ego revealed, Twilight being possessed, Cosmos coming, the Hyperfreeze arrow, and the Split Emitters. But all in all, they successfully saved the Morph-X from the Storm King’s clutches! He felt like he could relax a little bit after all that. Rainbow Dash flew over to him, and sat right by him. Devon smiled at her. “Never thought I’d see you here.” He said happily. The Wonderbolt just giggled. “Trust me.” She explained. “I thought it’d be great to just chillax after a whole day of fighting robotrons and defending the Morph-X! I know! I’m glad me and my friends were able to help! It’s not like we need a fanfare to show for it!” “I wish everyone had your attitude around here, Rainbow Dash.” Devon said, as he looked, and pointed at two people on a bike. Rainbow took a good look at who was on said bike, and groaned in a good way. “Hoo boy.” She said, a little surprised, upon seeing Ben and Betty on an X-Bike, showing off their skills to them. “Hi, guys!” The twins said to the speedy heroes. “We just thought we’d show our X-Bike contraption to Rainbow for the first time!” Betty said, as she and her brother nodded. “So...we had converted our tandem into...” she hit a button on the bike, as the Morph-X flowed through to the Center of it, as it split apart. “Ta Da! X-Unicycles!” She announced. They were now unicycle-like machines, as they were pedalling around the area in front of the them. Just then, Ben got nervous on his unicycle. “Uh-oh!” He said in realization. “Betty! I just remembered...we don’t know how to ride these things!” “Oh no!” Betty said in shock too, as her unicycle started to speed up in one direction, as did Ben’s and they both went fast until they crashed into a few garbage cans. “Ooh!” Rainbow groaned, as Devon cringed upon seeing their blunder, which was not on-screen for all of you to enjoy. “Uh, Betty? You and Ben might want to practice on those a bit more!” She called out to the twins. “We’re okay!” Betty said, as she and her brother gave them thumbs up. Dash just smiled, as she turned back to her pal. “You might be a hoofful sometimes, but what not to love a loyal sidekick like you?” Devon asked, as Dash blushed. “It’s hard not to have someone as courageous as you!” Dash smiled, as tears welled up in her eyes. “Wow. That was pretty...sappy.” She said, wiping her tears. “But, that’s okay since we saved your dad, and all.” “And, we saved Twilight as well.” Devon added. “Don't forget that.” Dash’s eyes widened as she smiled, and realized they did save her as well. “Yeah! We did do that too!” She said, happy. “This wasn’t the first time we’ve had victories like this.” “Oh, no?” Her friend asked, curiously. Dash nodded. “Sometimes, I have a few moral victories in which I learned a lesson while, succeeding.” She told her friend. “And, there’s been a while.” Devon chuckled. “Well, this hasn't exactly been the day any of us were expecting, but it was pretty great all the same.” He said, smiling. “And it's good to know I can always fall back on a career as a spa pony if the Wonderbolts don't work out.” Rainbow said, jokingly. “What?” Devon was confused at this comment. “Nothing!” She tried to cover it up. “Just forget I ever said that!” “I wouldn't go that far.” Devon said, as he and Dash shared a laugh together. “But, all in all, you are the best sidekick a red ranger has ever had!” He patted her on the back. “Devon, I’m the only good sidekick the red ranger has ever had.” She pointed out. “Except for Cruise, that is!” “But, who knows?” Devon asked her. “Maybe, there’ll be someone just like you!” “I wouldn't go that far just yet!” Rainbow said, as she gave her friend a playful punch. “But... but seriously.” She then heard a noice, and turned to see Starlight and Spike filling up the last page of her and Devon’s memories up. Spike gave her the thumbs up, which made Rainbow sigh in relief. “Whew!” “What’s going on, Rainbow?” Devon asked, to which he then saw the memory scrapbook, and smiled. “You’re right! Phew!” He sighed with his pal in relief as well. They both sighed in relief, as they leaned their backs against the park bench. “Awwwww!!” They sighed, as they dipped their heads back, and looked at the sky. “Awwwwwww!!!” They were chillaxing, as a way to celebrate their latest victory. It was sunny out, the birds were chirping, and they could feel the cool breeze running through their hair or manes. They felt like life couldn’t get any better than this! What could spoil this one moment of dazing up into the breeze, and thinking about nothing? They sat there for a few moments, until Devon got back up, and had an idea. “Say, Dash...” he nudged his friend awake, getting her attention, as she woke up as well. “You wanna go to the arcade with me?” “Do I ever!” Rainbow said, as she stretched her wings. “Let’s go!” And with that, she and Devon took off for the arcade to spend a good afternoon of playing video games, and kicking their butts at it. Starlight and Spike both watched their friends leave, and smiled as they slipped in the last memory of the speedy heroes for the scrapbook. Their section of the book was all filled up. Now, they had to get some memories of Ravi and Applejack. But, they would save that for a later time, when they were ready to run into them. It was a perfect way to wrap up the day!