Flurry Heart’s Troublesome Situation

by Badguy400

The Mystery (Prologue)

“Shining?” Cadence called out to her husband while she’s in the Crystal castle hallways. “Can you come over here for a second?”

Shining Armor then came over to where Cadence is at, and then starts to ask; “what’s the matter?” before starting to look a bit worried as he doesn’t know what’s troubling his wife.

Cadence then points to what appears to be a broken vase on the floor by a petistool, and then asks; “do you know anything about this?”

Shining Armor’s eyes grew wide, returns to normal, and then says; nope; sorry honey… . I don’t have a clue… .”

Cadence sighs in defeat, and then she begins to say; “well if you don’t know anything about this, then who does... ?”

Something tells the Royal family that it is indeed one of them… but it’s not actually the couple… . Who broke the vase?… . You’ll probably have to figure it out as the story progresses… .