//------------------------------// // And It Will // Story: The Show Must Go On // by n3k1dsk1llz //------------------------------// Trixie was nervous. She felt like a little filly waiting in the principal’s office. It didn’t make any sense. Why did she have this dread? She had already asked Starlight out earlier in the week. And she had said yes. To a date. There wasn’t any sort of confusion about the intent. Trixie had made her intentions very clear. And Starlight had stated that she had been waiting for Trixie to ask. Though that did seem a bit off. Wasn’t Starlight the one that always reached out for the thing that she wanted? Maybe Starlight had just been unsure about Trixie’s feelings. That must have been it. But maybe- Trixie’s train of thought was broken by a gorgeous lilac pony approaching her. It wasn’t like there was anything different about Starlight this afternoon. In fact, she looked EXACTLY how she looked every day. But seeing her caused Trixie’s mind to freeze. Her heart to stop. Her hooves to tingle. “Hey, Trixie, you ready to have some fun?” “You bet. But don’t think I’m going to go easy on you just because you’re my date tonight.” “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Starlight nudged Trixie as she walked by her and into the bowling alley. Trixie had thought the idea of a little competition would ease the tension a little. It seemed to be working. She was ready to get in there and see who came out on top. And no, the double entendre of this statement did not escape Trixie’s mind. Once the two ponies got to their lane, all gloves were off. They had agreed to not using magic and went all out. They laughed at each other. Cheered when the other missed. Wouldn’t stop gloating when they pulled ahead of the other. And all in all, had an amazing time. Trixie was a little upset that she didn’t win, but when she really thought about the score (10 to 7), they were both equally terrible. Neither of them could stop laughing as they left the bowling alley. “‘The Grrreat and Powerful Trrrrixie will make her comeback with a Grreat and Powerful STRRRRRIKE!’” Starlight was nearly wheezing from her laughter, “ha ha and then aha ha ha, you threw it straight into the gutter HAHAHA!” “Ha ha. But even though I lost, at least I got more than one pin on a couple frames. How is it even possible to only get one pin on every single frame. I swear, for a while, I thought you were just toying with me,” Trixie started snickering, “But you really are that terrible.” She exploded into some more laughter and leaned over into Starlight to keep herself from falling over. “Hey! my consistency won me the game, didn’t it?” “Haha, yeah. It did.” The laughter was beginning to calm, and Trixie stayed leaning on Starlight a bit longer than was needed. Her scent was quite relaxing. “Hey, wanna get a milkshake?” Trixie looked up. They had made their way to Sugar Cube corner. The stars twinkling behind it’s dessert aesthetic gave it an other worldly feel for some reason. Or perhaps it was simply because Trixie was having such a wonderful time. Something she wasn’t entirely used to yet. “Sure. I’d love to.” They walked into Sugarcube Corner and ordered their milkshake. Trixie found a table while Starlight waited for the order. It wasn’t very busy, so Starlight was soon heading over to sit with Trixie. She slid into the booth next to Trixie and set the milkshake between them.Trixie was a bit surprised that she hadn’t sat across from her, but she didn’t mind being this close. Starlight’s warmth and scent were intoxicating. “Are you going to share this milkshake with me, or are you just gonna nap on my shoulder?” Trixie’s eyes popped open. She hadn’t even realized was leaning on Starlight again. “Oh. Heh.” She sat up straight as she felt the heat rushing up her neck. Starlight leaned over and kissed Trixie’s cheek. “You’re fine, Trixie. I…actually like you being that close.” Trixie’s ears were burning. She smiled her biggest smile and snuggled her head back onto Starlight’s shoulder. Starlight similarly rested her head on top of Trixie’s. “You know, Trixie. You were my first real friend. Sure Twilight had helped me see what I had done wrong and accepted me as one of her friends, but it was you that I bonded the most deeply with. You got me, from the very beginning. I would be lying if I said I had always wanted THIS, but I’m so glad you asked me out tonight.” Trixie nuzzled a little more into Starlight’s neck. “Me too. I mean, you’re my BEST friend. and now you’re my marefriend, too.” Starlight chuckled, “Marefriend, huh?” Trixie’s eyes shot open. She jerked her head up. “Um…I mean….” Starlight put a hoof to Trixie’s lips. “I would love to be your marefriend.” Trixie pushed Starlight’s hoof out of the way and kissed her. She felt Starlight’s hoof on her cheek as the kiss was returned. They broke it off as they heard hoofsteps approaching. “Sorry girls, time for me to close up shop.” Mrs. Cake’s voice carried just a hint of mirth. They smiled and nodded. As they got out of the booth, Mrs. Caked asked if they wanted a to-go cup. They both looked at their shake and realized they hadn’t touched it at all. It had nearly melted all the way. Starlight caught the first drip as it started to fall. She then picked up the rest of the shake. “Well, at least we kept the table clean. What do you think, Trixie? You want to take this with us?” Starlight waved it around slightly as she put the drop back in the cup. “Sure. I think it would be nice to walk around with a drink.” She drew up a little closer to Starlight, “That is, if we WANT to keep walking.” “I guess that’s a yes.” She handed to cup to Mrs. Cake. “Thank you.” Mrs. Cake met them at the door with their cup. “Don’t stay out too late you two.” “Haha, No promises, Mrs. Cake.” Starlight’s words drew a chuckle out of Mrs. Cake. “Okay, dears. Stay safe.” With a final wave, Trixie and Starlight left Sugarcube Corner and continued down the street. They walked by the dark houses. They walked by the empty street stalls. It was that time where even ponies having parties were shutting down and going to bed. “It feels like we’re the only two ponies in the world.” Starlight sounded like she was talking to herself. “Well, if we were, I guess I’d have to put my show on just for you.” “Why don’t you?” Trixie stopped and turned to Starlight. She turned herself to face Trixie directly. She sat down and began to coyly sip from the shake. Trixie’s mind froze for just a moment before her inner show pony came bursting forth. “Hello hello. Welcome, all, to The Great and Powerful Trixie’s Impromptu Street Magic Extravaganza.” They had made it to the town courtyard, so they weren’t next to anypony’s house, but Trixie still felt the need to keep her voice at barely above her speaking voice. Starlight Glimmer’s applause spurred the show pony forward. She reached into her cape and found…a small piece of rope. It would do. “Now watch in amazement as I, Trrrixie, turn this dull, limp rope into a beautiful flower for the lady.” Thankfully, Trixie had just enough liquid starch in her hat to make the trick work. With many a whirl and twirl, She coated the rope and used all the knot tricks in the book to create a small daisy. With one final poof, she dried the starch and handed the flower off to Starlight. As Starlight took the flower, Trixie did a mini flourish of fireworks. “Ta-Da!” Starlight began clapping and semi-quietly cheering. Trixie took her bow. This was probably the most fulfilling show she had ever done. As she rose from her bow, Starlight was there to give her a peck on the lips. Trixie smiled. A big, stupid smile that she had no control over. “So, that’s the show you’d do for me?” Trixie couldn’t stop smiling, “Yep. You better believe I’ve got tricks up my sleeves.” Starlight gave her another kiss. “Let’s go. I’m sure if we’re quiet, we can get to my room in the castle without Twilight hearing us.” “Your room in the castle?” “Yep. Wouldn’t that be better than your wagon to, ahem, continue things?” Trixie’s mind landed on what Starlight was saying. “Oh! Oh yes. That would be much better.” “Then let’s get going.” Starlight led the way and they were soon at the doors to the castle. Silently they crept in and shut the door. Starlight even went as far as casting a stealth spell to muffle their hoofsteps. And when they got to her room she quickly shut the door and locked it. Trixie started to giggle, “That was more exciting than it should’ve been.” “It’s about to get more exciting if you join me.” Trixie looked up and saw Starlight in her bed. She hadn’t been expecting the night to end like this, but she really didn’t mind. With another little giggle, she jumped up and joined her marefriend. ___________________________________________ Twilight Sparkle had stayed up fairly late studying some of Sunset Shimmer’s friendship lessons and cross referencing them with her own. She had some interesting insights. On her way to bed, she could hear that Starlight was still awake, so she figured she’d share what she found out. She was about to knock when she heard a grunt. Ready to burst through and see what was wrong, Twilight gripped the whole door in her magic. Then she heard the moan. And…other noises. Twilight turned beet red. She let go of the door and continued on her way to her own room. “I might need a cold shower.”