//------------------------------// // 3-The Origin // Story: Lost Colour // by Star Crest //------------------------------// White Coat sat in captivity. The magic proof walls and bars prevented any kind of escape, and she spent all of her ten-thousand years doing one thing, thinking. Thinking of how she got here, how she was the ruler of Equestria, how Colour became lost, and how she could possibly escape, and help her little sister with the rebellion, as she had helped her with the moon so many years ago. The moon... she had almost forgotten what it looked like, she remembered her sibling once more, and how she herself had banished her, how she... tears poured down her face, it hurt, it hurt to remember the moon, her sister, or anything from her time. Her real name was forgotten, she could remember the events before this ever so clearly, the day they lost colour. Princess Celestia battled with her lifetime rival, Discord, "You won't get away with this," she shouted angrily at the draconequus, who laughed in return, "Oh my dear Princess, I believe I already have," he turned and raised his arms, "Your world is mine! everything you hold dear will belong to me for centuries, millenia, even!" The alicorn growled, and her horn started to glow a powerful white, with a heat like the sun itself, and a rainbow of colours appeared from it, the full power of the Elements of Harmony was unleashed upon him, and he panicked as the rainbow light enveloped him, turning him to stone on the spot, his body froze with a mouth open, and his arms outward, as if it could at least slow the process. Celestia exhaled, and turned around, Several buildings floated upside-down, and the dirt roads were made of a slippery blue material which ponies were constantly slipping on, bumping into one another, and trying to find balance, Order must be restored before I can get some rest, I will st- her thought were interrupted by a loud explosion, a large line of orange, tendrils projecting from it in a thousand places, passed quickly overhead, and the brilliance of the sky turned a dull grey, as did the ground, and the buildings. Cracking was heard, and she turned around to see the statue crumbling, and Discord emerged, showing shades of grey, rather than the normal mismatched-ness of the spirit. The Princess stood in shock, "but wh- how can it be?" she said with fear in her voice, not only has Discord returned, not a day after his defeat, but colour seemed to have disappeared entirely, "Hm.. well that seemed rather," Discord said confused, then he noticed the alicorn staring at him, "well, what are you gawking at?" he pointed, and then noticed his normal orange paw is now grey, as with the princess' mane, and the rest of the world! "Well, this was rather unexpected, no matter though, what does matter is, I'm back!" he laughed and then snapped his fingers, and glowing, magic proof chains appeared around the princess, he flew over to her, picked her up and carried her to Canterlot, her mouth still gaping, and her eyes unblinking. She had broken out of her chains a long time ago, and overheard about the rebellion that her sister had started to regain colour, to bring back the names, and the Cutie Marks, and the Equestria as they knew and loved it, if only she could be out there, if only she could help. A strange smell entered the room, the smell of.. of magic, a smell she has not felt in a long time. But this wasn't magic.. no, not anymore.. this was... _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Gilda walked down the halls of Canterlot casually. She had no idea how colour disappeared, she just knew that this is what she wanted, she liked being in charge, it felt good. She walked up to the throne, where King Discord, Queen Chrysalis, and their daughter, Princess Screw Eye stood. She and Screw Eye never really got along, they just acted like they did in front of the true rulers of Equestria, so she wouldn't get locked up with the faulty one, White Coat. She had earned quite a high status among them, captain of the army, which really made no difference, as Changelings would obey the orders from a rabbit, if it could ever even happen. she reached the throne and lowered her front body and extended her wings in a bow, she hated bowing. "Ah, Captain," said Discord, leaning in to make sure he could hear what news the captain had brought, "anything new from the griffons?" Gilda stood from the demeaning bow and nodded, "they'll help," "Yes! Excellent, with griffons running through Equestria, our power is assured," Discord's cheering was stopped by Gilda raising her claw, who got a scowl, "oh, I'd teach you manners, but whats the point with griffons anyway?" "The griffons will help so long as you return what they own to normal," her voice raised without her realizing it, "you've made it impossible to do our daily routine, with the buildings inside out, and the roads made of ice, its hard to tell if its even daily, with sun and moon raising falling and random times, some of us don't even know the term 'day' anymore," Discord was fuming through the ears, "you dare to question MY rule? Go tell you little griffons that they will join us, or nothing will change, and nothing will ever be normal again, do you understand me?" Gilda gulped before nodding, "yes, my liege," she turned around and flew off, her every will struggling to show it had not affected her, she didn't care, and that she was stronger than that. it had been a long time since she had cried, and that sure wasn't going to change now.