13 Flies

by sunshim_13

The Remains of 2020 Breakdown (Next Chapter)

April 12th

It’s been almost a month since Rainbow Dash and I had been at CHS in person. All of the school boards for elementary to high school announced we’re doing all of our classes online, though they still have to work on organizing grades and assignments. It was a casual Saturday morning and despite that fact that COVID-19 and hit there were only some selected states on lockdown while some others were still completely open for some other reason. Of course we were allowed to put to get some groceries or other resources we need but we had to be home by 8:00 pm, after that we’re not allowed to go out until the next morning.

Meanwhile me and Rainbow Dash were still sleeping in bed in my room... correction our room since Rainbow agreed to stay with me during this pandemic. Since then we never got tired of each other’s company, we still watch some movies or TV series all the time and we just play video games most of the time. At times when we want to eat we would usually fetch something from the fridge or get snacks from cabinet since we have plenty of food in there but we do get takeout on occasional times.

It was about 9:30 in the morning and I was already downstairs in the living room watching Hulu on my TV, which is the second TV I have in this house. Rainbow Dash would soon come down the stairs to see where I was at and then she sees me in the living room.

“Morning sleepy head,” I jokingly say as Rainbow moves some of her hair out of the way of her face.

“Morning babe,” Rainbow Dash says as she sits down on the sofa with me.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with your hair down often,” I pointed out that her hair was completely down instead of her usual signature ponytail.

“Doesn’t matter to me, you still think I’m sexy either way,” Dash says seductively as she teases me by sitting down on my lap and she wiggles her rump a bit.

“You just love teasing me do you?” I ask as she gave me a seductive grin.

“I’m your girlfriend it’s basically my job to tease you from time to time,” she says as she presses her lips on mine. We made out for about a good solid minute before we broke the kiss, a string of saliva connecting our lips.

“Who knew you had such a great tongue,” I say as Rainbow Dash licks her lips seductively then she giggles a bit

“Not great, awesome,” she says as she gives me another quick peck on the lips. “So what do you wanna today?”

“Well we could go run a couple errands,” I said.

“Mind if I tag along?” she asked.

“Of course you can... although you don’t like it...”

“... I know have to bring a face mask,” Rainbow Dash then chuckled.

“Ok, we should get ready, you can take your shower first if you want”.

“Thanks babe,” she kisses me on the cheek and then head upstairs.

35 Minutes Later

Rainbow Dash and I were all dressed up for the day and we walked out of the house as I close the door behind us. We head to my Lexus and both of us got in the car in the front seats. Once we put on the seatbelts I put my keys in the ignition and started up my car and then I started to roll out of the driveway. As I drive I would look around the neighborhood a bit mostly using my peripheral vision. For a pandemic on the loose it actually seems calm around these parts of the neighborhood. Anyways, Rainbow and I were going out to run some errands and then head straight back home after we’re done. It should take about an hour or two so it won’t take that long the whole time we’re out.

“Honestly it doesn’t seem to be that bad for a pandemic... well at least whenever there isn’t any riots or anything,” I said.

“True that,” she agreed. “Maybe somebody could pin that on a pandemic stereotype video.”

“Dude Perfect you mean?” I asked as I chuckled a bit.

“Yeah,” we both laughed cause of the thought of those stereotype videos by Dude Perfect on YouTube.

“So where are we going first,” Rainbow Dash asks as I just exit out of the neighborhood.

“Well I do have a package for one of my cousins,” I explained when I pointed to the back seat that has a package with the address and everything.

“Is he the one that lives in Florida?”

“Yep,” I answered as I put on a little smile since she was right on that guess. “It’s my cousin Cinnamon.”

“I remember how we used to hang out with him when we would visit,” Rainbow Dash recalled.

“Heh yeah, remember how we get burgers in a restaurant or something and there were onions in his burger?”

“Oh my freaking god he absolutely hated those onions and he kept trying to take them out before he even eats,” Rainbow laughed after remembering that one moment.

“I swear that was gonna drive him to the point of insanity,” I joked.

“Dude the look on his face when he saw them onions,” RD just laughed until tears of joy came through. We just shared our laughs until it started to die down and then the level of laughter just lowered completely to the point where it’s only chuckles and giggles.

“Those were some great times we had together,” I said as Rainbow Dash puts her hand on my lap.

“I have you to thank for babe,” she says as she grins.

Soon after a while I would roll up to the post office in a parking lot. As soon as I parked the car I shut off and took my keys out of the ignition