//------------------------------// // For the Sake of Syrus // Story: Duel Monsters Are Magic GX // by snivygamer97 //------------------------------// Fluttershy and Jaden were thinking heavily about challenging Zane Truesdale to a duel. After all, Syrus’s confidence and dueling abilities seemed to be damaged due to his belief that he wasn’t ready to use his Power Bond card. Perhaps if they defeated this Zane, even if he was the best duelist at Duel Academy, Syrus could feel better and actually learn what he needs to learn to become a better duelist. It was with that mindset that the duo went to the card shop to write up forms to officially challenge Zane to a duel. “So, Fluttershy, how do you think Zane’s name is spelled?” Jaden asked curiously. At this, Fluttershy fell comically. “I think it’s spelled Z-a-n-e, Jaden,” Fluttershy answered. “Got it! Man, challenging this Zane guy could have been easier. I tried going to the Obelisk Blue dorm, but the students there kicked me out and forced me away from there. Said I wasn’t worthy to face off against Zane. I’ll show them. We’ll be able to beat this Zane guy easily and hopefully fix Syrus’s problems as well,” Jaden said. “Right!” Fluttershy nodded with confidence.  As the two continued to fill out their forms, Dr. Crowler entered the card shop only for his attention to shift towards the duo. “My, my, my. This is a curious duo. What brings you two to the Card Shop today?” Crowler asked, in a faux kind manner. “We’re here to fill out some duel forms to challenge someone to a duel, Dr. Crowler,” Fluttershy explained. “Curious. So, who are you two going to face off against?” Crowler asked as he looked at the forms and saw, to his surprise, Zane’s name on the forms. “Wait. You two can’t seriously be considering facing off against the Kaiser himself, are you?” “Yes we are! You see, we figure that if we challenge him to a duel, we can find out what is going on between Syrus and Zane and why Syrus has confidence problems,” Jaden explained. “And hopefully help prepare Syrus for the tag duel that he and Jaden will have in a few days,” Fluttershy added on. “Well, sorry to say, but Zane will not be wasting his time facing off against amateurs like the two of you. So, I’ll be taking these forms and perhaps you can face off against opponents more suited for your skill levels. Good day!” Crowler said, hiding his smile as he believed that Jaden would not be able to face off against Zane anymore. “Now what? We’ve both tried to contact Zane, but we’ve been refused duels with this guy by the other students and even by Dr. Crowler. At this rate, Syrus will never be feeling better,” Flutterhsy said with disappointment and sadness. “Aw, come on Fluttershy! We can still find a way to face off against this Zane guy. But for now, why don’t we return to Syrus and try to talk to him a bit more,” Jaden suggested. “Right!” Fluttershy agreed, trying to be confident. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syrus was hiding under his covers dejected. While part of it had to do with his recent loss to Jaden, it mostly had to do with what his brother had to say several years ago. “You aren’t worthy to use that card yet. Until you really have what it takes to be called a duelist, I declare that card off-limits.” Syrus tried to cover his ears in vain, hoping it would stop him from remembering what Zane had said. “Even if you had Special Summoned Steam Gyroid, not only would its attack have missed, but the risk associated with Power Bond means you would have taken damage equal to its original attack points. You would have lost.”  “Aw, man. I don’t know a thing about duel monsters. I’m gonna let Jaden down,” Syrus miserably wailed to himself. Suddenly, Syrus imagined a scenario where he and Jaden were tag dueling against two unknown opponents. They had only 1200 Life Points remaining while their opponents still had all of theirs. After bashing Syrus’s move, their imagined opponent played a spell card to take control of his Patroid and attacked Jaden directly, costing them the duel. As Jaden cried out in defeat to Syrus, he wanted to know why his friend cost them the duel. Before he could respond, one of his imagined opponents answered, “I’ll tell you why. It’s because he doesn’t belong here.” The opponent who said this was revealed to be Zane, who simply laughed wickedly at his younger brother. Syrus finally left his fantasy and returned to the real world, not that this boosted his morale in any way at all. “Man, I’m toast.” All of a sudden, Syrus heard a knock on the door. Reluctantly, Syrus called out glumly, “Who is it?” “It’s me, Syrus. And a friend who plans to help you out,” Rainbow Dash replied as she opened the door to show that she and Alexis were there. “Really, you guys? Y-You can help me? Please tell me you’ve found a way to get me out of Jaden’s duel,” Syrus pleaded hopefully. “I’m sorry, but no. Unless you leave campus, you can’t really hope to change that you will be a part of the upcoming tag duel,” Alexis apologized.  “Oh,” Syrus glumly looked down sadly. “Hey, don’t worry! Fluttershy and Jaden plan to shut down your jerk of a big brother! Just give them the chance to duel and maybe you’ll feel better. You may be able to duel more efficiently and you’ll both stay in this school for sure!” Rainbow Dash reassured. “I don’t think it will be easy, Rainbow. Zane is on an entirely different level when it comes to dueling. I know him and he is far from a pushover,” Alexis corrected.  “Right. So, what are you guys doing here? You know, aside from crushing my hopes and telling me that my big brother will lose to Zane,” Syrus wondered. “Actually, Syrus, we plan on increasing your confidence by having you duel against me,” Alexis revealed. “Rainbow thought that if you could beat a duelist like me you could realize that you may stand a chance of winning the tag duel after all, provided you form a strategy with Jaden.” “R-Really? You did? Thanks Rainbow Dash and Alexis! I won’t let you down! I’ll find a way to beat you Alexis, so don’t think you’ll get an easy win!” Syrus challenged. “Wow, he looks so happy. See? Having him duel you was a good idea,” Rainbow Dash said. “Maybe, but he still needs to win, and I’m not going to go easy on him. He needs to earn this win to truly become more confident,” Alexis reminded. “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s get dueling! I’ll go first! I summon to the field Submarineroid to the field in Defense mode (1800 Defense)! Next, I’ll place one card facedown and end my turn,” Syrus played. “Well then, it’s my turn then. I draw! I now summon my Cyber Batter to the field in attack mode (1600 Attack/1200 Defense/Warrior/Level 4/Earth Attribute/ A blue woman wearing a black and white striped outfit and holding a baseball bat)! Now, when this monster is summoned, she can cut her attack points in half for the rest of this turn (800 Attack).” “Really? You think that will be a good idea, Alexis? After all, my monster will then have way more defense points than your Batter,” Syrus was confused by the move. “Um, Syrus? You do realize that she may have an effect that may benefit her, right?” Rainbow Dash nervously tried to remind Syrus. “Rainbow Dash is right, Syrus. You see, by doing this, Cyber Batter can now attack your Life Points directly and when she attacks, you can’t activate any spells or traps,” Alexis revealed. “W-What?! But that means…,” Syrus was horrified to see how Alexis had outsmarted him. “Go Cyber Batter! Attack! (Syrus- 3200 LP) Next, Cyber Batter’s other ability activates. Since she dealt you damage, she can destroy one of your spell or trap cards! Go! Triple Strikeout!” Syrus’s facedown, which was revealed to be Magic Cylinder, was destroyed.  “Aw man! My trap card! How did you know to destroy it?” Syrus was getting more stressed. “Syrus, when someone plays a card facedown that often means they have a plan to counter a move of the opponent. While it was a good idea to have a facedown ready in case I played a card to counter Submarineroid, you also failed to recognize that you could potentially still be in trouble and that any counter could be stopped,” Alexis kindly explained. “How am I gonna win this duel if I only make mistakes?!” Syrus worriedly wept. “Hey, the duel is only getting started, Syrus. Why don’t you try and find a counterattack next turn? I’ll end my turn here as Cyber Batter’s attack returns to normal,” Alexis suggested as she set a card (Doble Passe). “Right! I can do this! I draw! I summon to the field Steamroid (1800 Attack)! Next up, I’ll play my spell card Mystical Space Typhoon! With it, I can destroy your facedown card and keep you from stopping my upcoming attacks!” Syrus played as a whirlwind destroyed Alexis’s set card. “Clever move, Syrus. With Doble Passe, I could have potentially stopped your attack on my monster and deal you a lot of damage to boot. With it gone, I can’t force a direct attack. Try thinking like this more often, and you’ll be getting better in no time!” Alexis complimented. “Listen to Alexis, Syrus! You’ll be improving in no time if you take these lessons to heart!” Rainbow Dash agreed. “Thanks you guys! Now I can turn things around in my favor! I play the spell card Double Summon! With it, I can perform another normal summon this turn! I summon out to my field Drillroid (1600 Attack)! I’ll also switch Submarineroid to attack mode. (800 Attack) Now, Steamroid, attack and wipe out Alexis’s Cyber Batter! When Steamroid attacks a monster, he gains 500 Attack for that battle! Now, go and destroy that batter! (Alexis-3300 LP) Next, I’ll have both of my remaining monsters attack you directly! (Alexis- 900 LP) I activate my Subermarineroid’s ability to switch it to Defense Mode! And with that, I end my turn,” Syrus played as he grew to have a giant grin on his face. “Can you believe it, Rainbow Dash?! I’m about to beat Alexis in a duel!” “Yeah! Great job, buddy! You’re doing awesome! But don’t get too overconfident yet! You still have some duel left to go!” Rainbow Dash reminded Syrus. “Rainbow Dash is right, Syrus. This duel isn’t over yet. It’s my turn! I draw! I summon to the field Cyber Pitcher. (1300 Attack/1700 Defense/Level 4/Earth/Warrior/ A baseball player with a black and white baseball uniform and green skin) When Cyber Pitcher is summoned, we are both allowed to draw one card from our decks,” Alexis began her turn. “I play the spell card Monster Reborn in order to bring back my Cyber Batter (1600 Attack)! Then, I play the spell card Polymerization! This allows me to fuse my two sporty girls together in order to create a monster to rust up your machines! I Fusion Summon Cyber Baseball Player! (2600 Attack/2200 Defense/Level 8/Earth/ Warrior/ A massive baseball player with a checkered black and white uniform and helmet).” “No way! That looks like one awesome monster!” Rainbow said in awe. “I now activate my Cyber Baseball Player’s special ability! By sending a card from my hand to the graveyard I can attack you directly with Cyber Baseball Player in exchange for no other monsters being allowed to attack this turn. Now attack Syrus directly with Blazing Pitch! (Syrus- 600 LP) I place one card facedown and end my turn.” “Oh no! My Life Points are getting close to zero! How am I supposed to win this duel now if I can’t find a way to defeat that monster?!” Syrus was getting worried again. “Don’t give up yet, Syrus! You can still pull out a win if you just believe in yourself and your deck!” Rainbow Dash tried to cheer on her friend. “Y-You’re right! I can do this! Here goes! I draw!” Syrus drew only to realize that the card he drew was Power Bond. “Not again! Zane said that I can’t use this card yet! But how else can I pull out a win without this card? I-I” Syrus thought as he noticed the remaining two cards in his hand; Polymerization and De-Fusion. Syrus then got an idea. “I play the spell card Polymerization! With it, I can fuse all three of my Vehicroids together in order to form the all-powerful Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill (3000 Attack)! Now, I’ll have my massive drill attack and wipe out Cyber Baseball Player!” “Hold on, Syrus!” Rainbow Dash yelled out in concern. “Sorry to do this, Syrus. I play my trap card Cyber Angel Booster Panel! By discarding a Cyber Lady or Cyber Angel monster from my hand to the graveyard, I can now increase the attack of my Cyber Baseball Player by the attack of the discarded monster! I discard Etoile Cyber in order to increase my Baseball Player’s power by 1200! (3800 Attack)” At this, Cyber Baseball Player grew in size as Jumbo Drill broke apart when it drilled into Alexis’s monster, lowering Syrus’s Life Points to zero. “I-I lost. Even after getting so close, I lost!” Syrus said as he collapsed on all fours and fought to not cry. “Hey, don’t beat yourself up too hard, Syrus. You still became very close to winning. Why don’t I pick up your cards and we can see if you could have formed another move,” Rainbow Dash said as she grabbed Syrus’s remaining card from his hand only to see it was Power Bond. “Wait! You could have won if you played this card instead of Polymerization!” “I know! But my brother said-,” Syrus said only to be interrupted by Rainbow Dash. “Don’t listen to your brother! Listen to me! You need to not let what your brother says get to you! You can be a fantastic duelist if you stop listening to your fears and listen to your heart!” Rainbow Dash yelled. “B-but…,” Syrus stuttered. “You know, Rainbow Dash has a point. You could have won this duel if you played Power Bond. You just need to think about your moves more clearly and believe in yourself and you can be a great duelist,” Alexis consoled. Syrus was about to reject their advice, as well intentioned as it was, seeing as how he doubted he could improve. However, Syrus then got an idea. “You know what guys? You do make a good argument,” Syrus said as the two girls smiled. “If I leave campus then Jaden will get someone else as a partner and I won’t weigh him down in the tag duel. Goodbye!” At this, Syrus ran off to find a way off the island, much to the two’s shared concern. “Wait! Syrus!” Alexis called out as she and Rainbow Dash ran to follow only to see that he was already gone.  “Aw man! I need to be fast one time and Syrus already has run off!” Rainbow Dash yelled. “I shouldn’t have had him duel you Alexis. I’m sorry for causing things to get this far.” “It’s okay, Rainbow Dash. What matters right now is that we find Syrus before he gives up on being a duelist,” Alexis consoled. “What’s this about Syrus giving up on being a duelist?” Jaden asked as he and Fluttershy arrived on the scene. “Where is Syrus? We wanted to talk to him and get him to not give up on the tag duel,” Fluttershy explained. “Yeah! We tried everything to find this Zane and challenge him but between Crowler and the Obelisk Blue students we were unable to find a chance to challenge him,” Jaden huffed. “You do know you could have asked me, right? I happen to be good friends with Zane,” Alexis revealed. “Really? Maybe we can challenge Zane after all, Jaden. Just as soon as we find Syrus,” Fluttershy said. “Well, we better be quick. Syrus is planning to leave Duel Academy! If we don’t hurry, that is,” Rainbow Dash revealed to her other two friends, much to their horror. “Then we need to find him right now!” Jaden cried out. “The only problem is we don’t know where to find him,” Rainbow Dash said. All of a sudden, Winged Kuriboh and Kuriboh appeared in front of Jaden and Rainbow and tried to point to a path that went to the beach. “Wait, pal. You’re saying you may know where Syrus went?” Jaden asked as Winged Kuriboh and Kuriboh nodded. “Well then what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” Rainbow yelled as the two followed the duel spirits, much to Alexis’s confusion. “Um, what is up with them?” Alexis asked, confused as to who they were talking to. “Oh, according to Rainbow Dash, both Jaden and Rainbow can see Duel Monsters spirits. Anyways, let’s get going!” Fluttershy called for Alexis to follow only to see her run towards the lighthouse instead. “Hey, Alexis, where are you going?” “I need to talk with someone first!” Alexis yelled out as she ran off. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zane was standing by the lighthouse at sunset, waiting for Alexis to arrive. As expected, she arrived at the lighthouse looking tired. Before she could speak, Zane asked, “Any luck yet?”  Alexis sadly shook her head. “I keep looking for some sign or clue but all I’ve found so far is nothing. It’s like my brother doesn’t even exist anymore.” “Don’t worry. You’re sure to find him soon,” Zane comforted. “Also, speaking of brothers, I saw yours the other day. He lost a practice duel with Jaden Yuki. Your name came up and not in a good way,” Alexis added on. “So, the big, bad, brother. So what? Does Jaden want to scold me?” Zane snarked. “Actually, I think he wants to duel you, and Fluttershy too. In fact, that’s why I’m here. You see-,” Alexis responded only to be interrupted by yelling. “Syrus! There you are!” Jaden yelled as he noticed his pal trying to tie many logs together. “Go away, Jaden! You don’t understand! I need to leave! If I don’t, then we’ll both lose the tag duel for sure! This way, at least, you have a chance at winning when you get assigned someone else!” Syrus countered. “So that’s it? You’re just going to give up and not even try?” Fluttershy questioned boldly. “I have tried! And failed! It’s best I stop trying to fool myself into thinking I belong here!” Syrus yelled back. “You do belong here, buddy! You may not see it now, but if you stop focusing only on yourself you can see that you can be a great duelist! You can make a difference!” Rainbow Dash yelled. “Besides, I doubt that those knots would hold very well.” “But-,” Syrus was conflicted. “They’ll assign you a new tag partner and you’ll have a much better chance at winning the tag duel,” Syrus reasoned. “Hey, don’t say that. That’s your brother talking!” Jaden bit back. “Yeah. He just can’t see how great you truly can be,” Fluttershy comforted. “You guys just listen to me! I’m a lost cause!” Syrus wailed. “He is right, you know,” Zane said to the group, him and Alexis having arrived at the spot where they were. “So, that’s Zane,” Jaden was in awe upon seeing Zane, the school’s best duelist. “So, I take it that you’re going to leave Duel Academy then?” Zane asked. “Y-yes,” Syrus responded. “Well, it’s about time,” Zane coldly said. Syrus went back to trying to tie the logs into a raft as he cried, which angered Jaden, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash. “You’re his big brother! How can you say that to him?!” Fluttershy cried out. “Yeah! What makes you think you can treat Syrus with such cruelty?!” Rainbow Dash bit back, not being able to stand bullies. “Because I know him,” Zane answered simply. “Yeah, well you think you know it all, but guess what? You’re wrong! In fact, I challenge you to a duel to prove it!” Jaden challenged the older student. “Yeah, me too! That will show you to be nicer to your brother!” Fluttershy agreed. “Dueling a Slifer and another opponent all at once? Sure. I can always use the extra experience,” Zane agreed to the duel. “Well, get your game on!” Jaden said. “Jaden, Fluttershy, don’t! He’s good!” Syrus tried to warn his friends. “I’m sure he is, but I’m still going to duel!” Jaden cried out. “Yeah! Maybe we can find out what happened at the same time!” Fluttershy agreed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the sun went down, the two groups got together by the lighthouse for their duel. “So, Zane, how do you want to do this?” Jaden asked. “How about this? You two both get 4000 Life Points each while I get 8000. You both go before me and neither of you can attack on the first turn. Got that?” Zane suggested. “Sounds good to me! Get your game on!” Jaden agreed. “Same here! I’ll go first! I play the spell card Double Summon in order to Normal summon twice this turn! I summon to my field Dark Resonator (1300 Attack)! Then I summon Sunlight Unicorn (1800 Attack)! Now I’ll tune my Dark Resonator with my Sunlight Unicorn in order to Synchro Summon Ancient Fairy Dragon in Defense mode (3000 Defense)!” Fluttershy cried out. “Wow! Fluttershy summoned her ace monster on the first turn! Zane better look out, because he is gonna be in trouble!” Rainbow Dash cheered. “I wouldn’t overestimate your friends here, Rainbow. They may be good, but against Zane-...,” Alexis warned. “They are gonna be in trouble,” Syrus finished. “I place one card facedown and end my turn,” Fluttershy ended her turn. “It’s my move then! I play the spell card Polymerization! I’ll fuse Elemental HEROes Avian and Burstinatrix together in order to create Elemental HERO Flame Wingman (2100 Attack)! I’ll then throw down a facedown and call it a turn,” Jaden played. “Very well, now it’s my turn now! I draw! I special summon Cyber Dragon from my hand (2100 Attack)!” Zane summoned. “Whoa! How were you able to summon such a powerful monster on your first turn, and without even Normal Summoning?” Jaden was in awe, as Fluttershy looked nervous but did her best to hide it. “I can summon him because it is my first turn. You see, I can special summon him from my hand if my opponent’s control a monster and I don’t. Now I’ll Normal Summon Cyber Dragon Drei in Attack Mode (1800 Attack)! With his effect, he gets to be treated as a Cyber Dragon and, when Normal Summoned, he can make all monsters named Cyber Dragon Level 5!” Zane continued. “I don’t follow what this guy is planning. Do you, Fluttershy?” Jaden asked. “He plans on Xyz Summoning, guys!” Syrus revealed. “Now, I Overlay my two Cyber Dragons in order to Xyz Summon Cyber Dragon Nova (2100 Attack)! Next, I play the spell card Cyber Twin Burst! With it, a Cyber Dragon monster I control can attack twice this turn! Then, I play the spell card Mystical Space Typhoon! With it, I’ll destroy Jaden’s face down card!” Zane played as Jaden’s card (Draining Shield)  was blown away by a whirlwind. “Uh oh. This doesn’t look good,” Jaden said. Noticing that Fluttershy hasn’t said much, he turned towards her and realized that she was looking scared. “Uh, are you okay Fluttershy?” “I-I’m fine. It’s just that I’m scared of dragons,” Fluttershy answered nervously. “Well, don’t worry about it! We can still work together and pull off a win!” Jaden reassured, to which Fluttershy smiled. “Thank you, Jaden,” Fluttershy thanked the teen. “Well, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, I think that we should continue. Cyber Dragon Nova, attack Fluttershy’s Ancient Fairy Dragon!” Zane attacked. “But why do that? Cyber Dragon Nova has fewer Attack Points!” Alexis was confused. “Maybe now, but soon-,” Syrus muttered. “I play my Cyber Dragon Nova’s ability! By discarding a Cyber Dragon from my hand or field, I can raise my dragon’s power by 2100 for the rest of this turn. Now, destroy her dragon now! Then take out Jaden’s Flame Wingman with Evolution Burst (Jaden- 1900 LP)! I end my turn with a facedown.” Zane ended his turn, with Nova’s power going back down. “Well, I must say, Zane, that you certainly are much better than your reputation says you are. I mean, Xyz Summoning, nearly clearing both of our fields. You’re amazing!” Jaden complimented. “Thank you, Jaden. Now, let’s see if you and your friend can make the cut as well. Make your moves,” Zane said with a smile, which confused Syrus. “I play my spell card Monster Reborn! With it, I can bring back out my Ancient Fairy Dragon (2100 Attack)! Next, I play my facedown Inverse Universe! With this trap, I can swap the power of all monsters on the field with their Defense points (Ancient Fairy Dragon-3000 Attack)(Cyber Dragon Nova-1600 Attack)!” Fluttershy turned the tables. “All right! Fluttershy just swapped their monsters’ power! Maybe they can stand a  chance after all!” Rainbow Dash cheered. “Next, I summon Regulus to the field in Attack Mode(1700 Attack)! Now, Ancient Fairy Dragon, attack Cyber Dragon Nova! (Zane-6600 LP) Next, I’ll have Regulus attack you directly! (Zane-4900 LP) And with that, I end my turn. Jaden, it’s your turn,” Fluttershy played. “It’s my turn! I play the spell Pot of Greed! With it, I can draw two cards! I’ll now summon to the field Elemental HERO Bubbleman(800 Attack). Check this out! Since I only have Bubbleman out on my field, I’m allowed to draw two cards. Next up, I play the spell card Monster Reborn in order to bring back my Elemental HERO Flame Wingman (2100 Attack)! Then, I play the spell card Polymerization in order to fuse the Bubbleman and Clayman in my hand in order to Fusion Summon Elemental HERO Mudballman (1900 Attack)!” Jaden played. “Incredible! Jaden and Fluttershy are winning against Zane!” Alexis was amazed. “I know! Looks like this Zane guy isn’t that tough after all!” Rainbow Dash boasted. “I won’t count Zane out just yet,” Syrus muttered. “Now I play the spell card Graceful Charity in order to draw three cards and discard two! Finally, I play the spell card O-Oversoul! With it, I can bring back out one of the monsters I discarded! Come on out Elemental HERO Sparkman (1600 Attack)! Now, I’ll attack! I’ll attack you directly with Flame Wingman and Mudballman! (Zane-900 LP)”  Zane did not react at all to the damage he just took. “Seriously? You’re not even going to flinch? Very well then, I’ll wrap this duel up with Elemental HERO Sparkman!” Jaden attacked as smoke surrounded the field. “All right! They won!” Rainbow Dash cheered. “I can’t believe that we managed to pull out a win!” Fluttershy said ecstatically.  At this moment, The smoke cleared and Zane looked unconcerned as his Life Points were at 100. “Wait, hold on! How did you survive my attack like that?” Jaden demanded. “It’s simple. I played my facedown card Shrink. With it, I halved the attack of your Sparkman before I took the damage,” Zane explained. “Wow! This duel is exciting me more and more every turn!” Jaden yelled out joyfully. “I know, right? I’m enjoying this duel very much!” Fluttershy agreed. “I do have a question for you, though, Zane. Why are you so down on your brother and why tell him to not use Power Bond?” “Technically, that’s two questions. But since you asked, many years ago, Syrus was dueling a bully of his and acted in a very rude and jerkish way towards him before he was going to use Power Bond. Worse still, he wasn’t focusing on the duel like he should as he would have lost due to the set card Spellbinding Circle. To be blunt, I’ve felt that Syrus needs to learn the mark of a true Duelist or else he can never be able to stand among other duelists properly,” Zane explained. “So, that’s why you’ve acted this way,” Jaden said. “Don’t you think you’re acting harsh, though? If you don’t help him become better and learn what he needs to learn, he’ll never become a better duelist. This isn’t me speaking as Syrus’s friend. This is me speaking as an older sibling myself. My younger brother has become a slacker that relies on others too much and refuses to do anything for himself. I don’t want to see Syrus go down that path because you chose to abandon him,” Fluttershy said almost pleadingly. “Looks like Syrus has good friends, and I’ll agree with what you’ve said earlier that this duel has been enjoyable. You both understand the makings of a true duelist. You remember to focus on respecting your opponents and thinking about more than just yourself,” Zane said with a smile as he drew his card. “Thinking about more than just yourself and respecting your opponent? Of course! That’s what Zane has been wanting me to learn all this time. I haven’t been doing the best job at treating my opponents or their cards with the right respect or focus. With this, I can definitely become a true duelist just like Zane and Jaden!” Syrus thought as he felt happier. “I play the spell card Pot of Greed! With it, I can draw two cards. Next, I’ll play the spell Cybernetic Fusion Support! By paying half my Life Points, (Zane-50 LP) I can use my graveyard, field, or hand for a Fusion Summon! I’ll now use Power Bond in order to fuse my three Cyber Dragons together in order to Fusion Summon Cyber End Dragon (4000 Attack=>8000 Attack)! “Eep! That doesn’t look good!” Fluttershy said scared. “Also, keep in mind that my monster’s attack points have doubled due to Power Bond. In addition, Cyber End Dragon can inflict piercing damage when attacking a defense position monster,” Zane explained, much to Fluttershy’s growing dread as Jaden was left undeterred. “Well, no matter what, Cyber End Dragon can only attack once, meaning that at least one of them will win thanks to Power Bond’s negative effect,” Rainbow Dash tried to comfort her worried friend. “That’s right. Power Bond will inflict damage at the end of Zane’s turn and his Life Points will go to zero,” Alexis said in realization. “Yeah, but that won’t matter if you play it right and focus on your opponent’s moves, and I’d say he has. Especially because of…” “I play the spell card Cyber Twin Burst from my graveyard! By banishing it, I can allow my Cyber End Dragon to attack twice this turn! Now, use Super Strident Blaze to end this duel!” Zane’s dragon destroyed Ancient Fairy Dragon and Flame Wingman, reducing both their points down to zero.  “He...lost,” Alexis was in shock at Jaden losing the duel. “Jaden! Fluttershy! I’m sorry!” Syrus called out to the two. “That was a great duel, Zane,” Jaden thanked the Obelisk Blue. “Even though I lost, I think I’ve still learned quite a bit. I’m not entirely sure about how you treat Syrus, but I can still admit you are a great duelist,” Fluttershy also thanked. Alexis moved to follow Zane. As they were leaving, she asked him, “So, what do you think?” “I think that Syrus chose some good friends,” Zane answered with a smile. “I’m sorry we couldn’t win Syrus,” Fluttershy immediately apologized to Syrus. “You know what, it’s fine. Thanks to this duel, I learned to play Power Bond, not just use it and to remember to respect my opponents as well,” Syrus was left feeling better than he had for some time. “So, what do you say that we edit your deck in order to play that Power Bond of yours?” Jaden offered. “Yeah, now that you know how to play it. Who knows? Maybe someday you can beat Zane?” Rainbow Dash added on.