//------------------------------// // Chapter One: An interesting Joke; I Think // Story: Flurry Heart is Hilarious // by Badguy400 //------------------------------// Flurry Heart is fast asleep in her room; dreaming about what happened last time that made her laugh so hard. Thinking about what Pinkie Pie did; she’s thinking that maybe she too can make ponies laugh like when Pinkie Pie made her laugh. And so with that; her decision was made… . Shining Armor yawns as he approached the kitchen; went to the coffee machine; (or Equestria’s version of one), and then looked towards his wife and says; “good morning”; while waiting for his coffee to be made. Cadence; also looking like that she just woke up; smiles meekly at her husband, and then says; “good morning shiny”, and then yawns afterwards before taking a sip from her coffee. Flurry Heart then flew by them, and then started to hide for some reason… . Almost as if she’s thinking about pulling a prank on them… . Shining Armor and Cadence didn’t even notice; as they were too busy sipping from their coffee mugs, and trying their hardest to keep their eyes open. Feeling bad for them, yet also wanting to prank them so hard; Flurry Heart then began thinking as to how to solve both of her problems… . With a gasp, she had an idea. Not wasting anymore time; Flurry Heart flew away, and giggled at her plan. Cadence and Shining Armor are now sitting at the dining room table; currently opening their eyes quickly, and closing them slowly again… (almost like a cartoon character would in a show). “So… *yawns*, have you checked up on Flurry Heart yet?” Princess Cadence asked her husband. “Maybe…” Shining Armor began. “I haven’t seen her in her room… . Maybe she got out on her own.. ?” Cadence chuckled, but then says; “hmm… . You don’t think maybe Flurry Heart opened the door on her own again did she… ?” Realizing this; Shining Armor stood up, and says; “uh oh… . Uh… honey? I think maybe we should go…”. However; before they could get up to check on Flurry Heart; they were doused with a splash of cold water. Stunned; they looked up to see Flurry Heart with a bucket that was dripping with the cold water she poured over them. A little furious; Cadence shouted lightly; “Flurry Heart; you get down here this instant!” Still feeling like a little joker; Flurry Heart shouted back; “no!” and giggles while flying away from the scene of the crime. Still dripping with water; Cadence took a breather, and then says; “I think maybe we should have a talk with her about pranking… .” She then proceeded to get a dish towel to clean herself up a bit, and then says; “but first we might need to clean this up.” Shining Armor nodded, and got out a mop and bucket to clean up the water that was spilt. Flurry Heart meanwhile was just laughing really hard for a toddler. Almost as if she pulled the biggest prank ever! However; this little prank of hers was far from over… . And she had plenty more pranks where that came from… . And so without further ado; she got to planning.