//------------------------------// // Chapter One: A Baby with an Accident // Story: Flurry Heart’s Problem // by Badguy400 //------------------------------// Flurry Heart is now currently crying because she just had an accident. King Sombra is trying to calm her down, but to no avail since Flurry Heart’s too focused on what she’s done. And as for the others… ; they’re busy with looking up Flurry Heart’s babysitting list; deciding on how to handle Flurry Heart once she’s had an accident. (Basically as stated before; Flurry Heart is in fact four years old… . However though… ; she’s still prone to having accidents, and the like. Hence why she’s still in diapers. Anyways; back to the story… ). “Cmon now bub; you’re fine… . Relax… .” Sombra said; trying to reassure his pal Flurry Heart that everything was gonna be okay. However; Flurry Heart doesn’t think that because she’s too busy feeling embarrassed about what she had done, and began crying even more… . Rubbing her temples; Cozy Glow said; “Ugh… . Can’t we just get her back home or something… ? Maybe she’s homesick.” Picking up Flurry Heart and holding her close to him; King Sombra cleared his throat, and then said; “well… not really to be honest… .” Sombra then pets Flurry Heart’s back, and then continues by saying; “she’s crying because she just had an accident… that’s all.” Flurry Heart then hitted Sombra on his chest; which didn’t hurt. Cozy Glow nodded, and then said; “oooohhhhh… . Hmm… . But still though… ; can’t you at least do something to make her feel better?” Sombra sighs in slight annoyance, and then says; “you don’t think I’m trying here? I mean… ; what else do you think I was doing… ?” Flurry Heart stopped crying for a bit in order to climb up to Sombra’s chest, and starts to hug him while also covering her face due to embarrassment… . With that; Sombra sighs again; this time as a means to calm himself down, and then says; “how about I go get Flurry Heart changed, and put her to sleep; okay? In the meantime; you guys and gals can keep the Cake Twins company. What do you say… ?” Cozy Glow blinked, and then says; “you serious… ? I mean… ; why would you ever want us to do that… ?” To which point; Pumpkin Cake arrived with a plushie on one of her hooves, starts whining, and then says; “because we’re bored… that’s why… .” Tirek sighs slightly in annoyance too, and then says; “seriously kid? I mean… ; aren’t you and your brother like; too old to be whining like this… ?” After he said that; Poundcake started to whine out from afar; “hey… ?” Sombra sighs in annoyance again, and then says; “just keep them company and entertained while I go calm down Flurry Heart; okay… ?” Sombra chuckles a bit, and then says; “I mean after all… ; they aren’t babies anymore, but they still are little kids regardless; right… ?” Realizing that he had a point; Tirek sighs in defeat, and then says; “grrrrr fine… . Well at least I got nothing else to do with y’all; am I right?” Flurry Heart then tried to hit Tirek, but failed. And then calmed herself down once more… . To that end; Sombra then says; “exactly… . Now if y’all will excuse me…” he says as he’s readjusting Flurry Heart so she wouldn’t fall off him while he’s carrying her. “I’m gonna go calm down the little princess. Bye for now… .” After that; he turns, and starts heading up the stairs towards the Cake Twins’ room to calm down Flurry Heart; or possibly put her down for a nap so that way she can calm down for a bit after Sombra changes her. Meanwhile; the ex-villains are thinking as to what they should do… ; when suddenly both of the Twins came to them while whining, and then says in unison with each other; “we’re hungry… .” Chrysalis sighs, and then says; “cmon now kids… ; let’s get y’all something to eat; okay?” The Twins nodded, and raised their hooves. Chrysalis chuckles a little, and then says; “hehe… . Silly little babies; (despite them not being babies anymore).” She then proceeds to pick both of them up with her magic; places both of them on her back, and walks with them to the kitchen so she could whip up something for both of them to eat. In the Cake Twins room; King Sombra has just finished changing and calming down Flurry Heart… and is just about to leave the room so she could nap… . However; before he left the room; Flurry Heart woke up a little bit, and then starts to ask; “s-s-sombra… ? A-a-am I weird… ?” Sombra pauses, turns, and then says; “uh, no… . Why would you think that… ?” Flurry Heart sighs in defeat, and then says; “never mind…” before covering herself up with the bedcovers. Sombra sighs, and then goes to sit down next to Flurry Heart before saying; “I don’t think you’re weird… and neither does anyone else… . Okay… ?” Flurry Heart got up a little, and then says; “maybe… . But other ponies kept staring at me for when I’m out in public… .” Sombra chuckles a little, and then says; “yeah… ? So what? You’re still not potty trained… ; right… ?” Flurry Heart blushed, and then starts saying; “well… . I am… . But… .” She then blushes harder before continuing; “but… ; I can’t control myself… .” Knowing what’s being said; Sombra then says; “oooohhhhh.” and then places his shadow arm around Flurry Heart before saying; “well… . So what if you’re prone to having accidents in your diapers… ? It’s not that weird; is it… ?” Flurry Heart nodded, and then says; “well… ; maybe it is… .” Sombra chuckles again, and then says; “no it’s not… . I promise… .” Not getting the hint; Flurry Heart then turned to ask; “oh yeah… ? How so… ?” Sombra then says; “well… ; you’re potty trained; right?” Flurry Heart nodded, then said; “yeah… ?” Sombra nodded too, patted her back, and then says; “right! So; since you’re potty trained, but are still prone to having accidents… ; do you think maybe we can fix that?” Flurry Heart; getting a little excited as to having her problem fixed; gasped, and then asks; “you really mean that?” Sombra laughs this time, and then says; “well hey; you’re potty trained right? So let’s help you stay that way; okay… ? But we have to wait till tomorrow… ; is that alright?” Flurry Heart nodded excitedly; knowing that her accidents will go away for good, and then proceeded to hug Sombra tightly, nuzzling him, and then chanting; “thank you thank you thank you!” while getting a little more tighter with her hug. Sombra laughs again; not phased at all with the tight hugging, and then says; “no problem kid. It’s the least I can do.” However; before Flurry Heart could release Sombra from her hug; they both heard something, and then looked down as to where the noise was coming from. Blushing; knowing that she just had another accident in her diaper; Flurry Heart looked up at Sombra, and then says; “oops…” before blushing really hard. Sombra chuckles, and then says; “we’ll work on it…” and then hugs Flurry Heart. Flurry Heart hugs Sombra in return; (this time a little more gentler), and then starts to nuzzle him again… ; knowing that tomorrow is gonna be a big day for her, and that her friend is gonna help her out with her problem. She can’t wait… !