//------------------------------// // Shadow With A Doubt // Story: A New Era // by Bluecatcinema //------------------------------// It was past noon in Canterlot. As usual, the market district was packed, ponies making their way to and from the multiple stores. Some were locals, others were just visiting Equestria's capital to pick up something special. Two such visitors were moving through the crowd, carrying full bags of local delicacies. They were Tempest Shadow and Grubber. "Hurry up, Grubber." Tempest urged, her saddlebags filled almost to the brim, as her diminutive companion started to fall behind. "We don't have all day." "Can I help it if my legs are so much shorter than yours?" Grubber groaned, carrying two full bags as he waddled along. "Besides, these bags are heavy." He took a furtive glance at a box of apple turnovers in one bag. "But I think I know a way I could make 'em lighter..." "Don't even think about it." Tempest said firmly, not even needing to look to know what her companion had in mind. "Spoilsport." Grubber pouted. "We're almost done, anyway." Tempest pointed out. "Just one more little errand to run, and then we can catch the airship home, and get back with plenty of time for dinner." "Remind me why we had to come all the way out here for this stuff?" Grubber asked. "Not that I'm complaining about gettin' some good snacks, but couldn't we get most of this back home?" "We could." Tempest admitted. "But I just felt like getting some special treats for us to enjoy for a while. You know, break up the monotony a little." "And what's wrong with a little monotony?" Grubber asked. "A nice routine is good for ya. Time was, all I wanted to do with my life was just eat and sleep, sleep and eat, and eat and sleep-" "I get it." Tempest sighed. "Maybe that kind of thing works for you, but some of us want a little more out of life. Hence the local treats." "Like I said, I'm not complaining about the treats." Grubber reminded her. "I say the more, the merrier." "Big surprise." Tempest smirked. "Just try not to complain about the extra weight too much..." "No promises." Grubber retorted, smirking. As they continued walking through the streets, Tempest noted that she was getting a few looks from passing ponies. Not so long ago, those looks would have been looks of fear. But today, most of those looks were of admiration, based on the well-known fact that Tempest had been on the front lines during the big counterattack on Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow. After the shameful actions she had engaged in the first time she set hoof in Canterlot, Tempest couldn't help but feel somewhat gratified over this. It was hard enough for her to forgive herself for her past misdeeds, so she had feared that the citizens of Equestria would never be able to do so. 'It's good to be wrong, sometimes...' She smiled to herself. After picking up the final treat of the day (some special Canterlot muffins), Tempest and Grubber began their trek to the airport, so they could finally return home. "Finally, time to head home." Grubber smiled. "First thing I'm gonna do is put up my paws and take a nap." "Not before you help me put all this stuff away, you won't." Tempest countered. "Okay, second thing I'm gonna do is put up my paws and take a nap." Grubber pouted. "But that's as low as I'll go!" "You drive a hard bargain, Grubber." Tempest rolled her eyes. Not looking where she was going, Tempest suddenly collided with another pony, the impact knocking some of her items out of one of her saddlebags. "Sorry!" She cringed, scrambling to gather up her purchases. "My fault!" "That's quite okay- Tempest!" A familiar voice answered. Tempest looked up from her efforts, and saw Twilight standing before her, Spike and a group of Royal Guards standing near her. "It's so good to see you!" Twilight smiled. "It's good to see you too, Princess." Tempest smiled. "What am I, invisible?" Grubber pouted. "We wish." Spike joked. "Ha, ha." Grubber sneered. Noticing something, he scrutinized Spike more closely. "Huh, you look different. Did ya get yer scales polished, or something?" "Not exactly." Spike flapped his wings for emphasis. "Figure it out yet?" "Eh, it'll come to me." Grubber shrugged obliviously. "Hope I'm not interrupting any important royal business." Tempest declared. "Not really." Twilight shrugged. "We're just getting back from attending the annual Canterlot flower pageant. I had a lot of flowers to sniff today..." "And you needed your Guards for that?" Grubber noted. "I needed to have a 'royal procession' with me." Twilight sighed. "Part of the protocol for attending events." "Looks like being the boss has its downsides." Tempest noted. "It can." Twilight admitted. "But the upsides far outweigh them. It's my job to guide the ponies of Equestria to a better tomorrow and don't let it be said that I don't take the responsibility seriously." "Speaking of things not being serious... I attended your coronation." Tempest declared. "That was... Quite a show." "Don't I know it." Twilight chuckled, looking back with amusement on the disastrous ceremony. "Was Grubber there too?" "Nah, I hung back." Grubber admitted. "Somecreature had to watch over the homestead." "That's the same excuse he used to opt out of joining the big battle against those three troublemakers." Tempest told Twilight smugly. "Do I look like I'd be any good in a fight?" Grubber defended his decision by indicating his short, pudgy body. "We all got our strengths. And it ain't my fault fightin' isn't one of 'em." "No, your strengths revolve around food." Tempest noted. "Cooking and eating. One more than the other..." "Everycreature's a comedian today..." Grubber pouted. "It's been fun catching up, but I'm sure we've kept you long enough." Tempest sighed. "Don't be silly." Twilight smiled. "I've got a little room in my schedule. And there's always time to catch up with an old friend." "Your highness, are you certain?" One of the Guards asked. "The mayor of Baltimare will be arriving within the hour-" "Which means we have at least half an hour to spare." Twilight pointed out. "I know a nice outdoor café nearby where we can talk." She returned her focus to Tempest. "That is, if you have the time?" "For an old friend? Always." Tempest smiled. "It it means gettin' to sit down a little sooner, count me in." Grubber grinned. Shortly after, Twilight, Tempest, Grubber and Spike were sat around a table at the aforementioned café. Tempest's saddlebags and Grubber's bags were secreted under the table. The Guards stood nearby, having insisted on escorting Twilight (to her chagrin). "So, anything new with you guys?" Spike asked. "Nah, just the same old, same old." Grubber answered. "Things have been nice and quiet lately. Haven't they, Tempest?" "Yeah." Tempest shrugged. "Nothing exciting happen?" Twilight offered. "About the only exciting thing we've done lately is droppin' by here to pick up some out-of-the-ordinary food." Grubber pointed out. "Hmm." Tempest said unenthusiastically. "Don't we just live a life of amazement and wonder?" "Uhh... Not really?" Grubber said awkwardly, unnerved by his companion's sarcasm. "Exactly." Tempest said flatly. "Tempest, is there something wrong?" Twilight asked. "You seem a little... Off today." "It's nothing." Tempest shook her head. "Besides, you're the Princess of Equestria. You've got bigger problems to deal with than one pony's minor concerns." "Not right now, I don't." Twilight smiled. "Go ahead. I'm all ears." "Me too." Spike added. "And me." Grubber chipped in. "Well, if you insist." Tempest took a breath. "Lately, I've been feeling like I'm stuck in a rut. Like a cart stuck in mud, I'm just spinning my wheels." "What do you mean?" Twilight frowned. "Don't get wrong, I'm glad to be back in Equestria." Tempest clarified. "I'm glad to have reconnected with my friends and family. To have been accepted. It's just... I spent so much time outside of Equestria, living every day as a struggle to survive. And the less said about my work under the Storm King, the better." She scowled bitterly. "After everything I've been through, I feel like I have no idea how to live a normal life." "How come this is the first I'm hearin' of this?" Grubber asked indignantly. "Because I know how much you like living the quiet life." Tempest replied apologetically. "I didn't want to bother you." "Well, I'm bothered now." Grubber pouted. "We're roomies, remember? We shouldn't have secrets from each other." "I know." Tempest sighed. "But I've barely been able to admit these feelings to myself." "Well, you're admitting to them now." Twilight smiled. "That's good." "Sorry, Grubber." Tempest sighed. "I should have told you about these feelings first." "Technically, you did." Spike pointed out. "You just told all of us at the same time." "Ya got a point there, scaly." Grubber acknowledged. "And since you've started, ya may as well keep goin'." He told Tempest. "He's right, Tempest." Twilight nodded. "It'll feel much better for you to get to get this all out in the open." "Okay." Tempest complied. "I can handle the day-to-day stuff no problem, but without kind of challenge, or break in the norm, it all seemed so... Unfulfilling." "I see." Twilight mused. "Go on..." "When I took part in taking on those villains, I felt more alive than I have in a long time." Tempest continued. "I felt... Like it was what I was meant to be doing, you know? Not just the fighting, but fighting for a reason, fighting for a cause, making a difference." "Fighting for the right reasons is something a pony can be proud of." Twilight nodded. "I spent so many years fighting." Tempest sighed. "Not always for the right cause, though... But the point is that I've felt like a warrior for so long. And a life without action just doesn't seem like the life for me." "I see." Twilight mused. "I'm not exactly the warrior type by nature. I've always preferred to talk a problem out rather than just blast it with friendship lasers. But I do know how exciting it can be to fight for the cause. And so do my friends. Rainbow Dash especially." She smiled at the thought of one of her closest friends. "You're a mare of action, just like her. And there's no shame in that. You just need to find a way to satisfy that need for action on a regular basis. Rainbow statisfied hers by joining the Wonderbolts. Maybe you can find your own outlet for action." "Maybe I can..." Tempest mused, mulling the idea over. "How 'bout ya get into extreme sports?" Grubber offered. "Or become one of those wilderness survivalists?" Spike suggested. "Possibly..." Tempest nodded. "Help!" A voice suddenly called out, breaking Tempest out of her train of thought. "Thieves!" All eyes turned in the direction of a nearby jewellery store, The Golden Bridle. A trio of Unicorns in masks and dark-colored outfits charged out of the door. The leader carried a bag full of stolen jewels in a magical aura. A middle-aged mare stuck her head out of the door. "They stole my jewels!" She yelled. "Finally, some action." Grubber grinned. "Right, Tempest?" "Not quite what I had in mind..." Tempest admitted. "Hold it right there!" One of Twilight's guards declared, as they rushed forward as a unit to apprehend the criminals. "Catch us if ya can, bucketheads!"The lead thief taunted. All three thieves lit up their horns. Their combined lights created a blinding flash that filled the entire area. "Ahh!" One of the guards yelped, unable to shield his eyes in time. Most of the onlookers were also caught off guard by the sudden flash. But Tempest, her reaction time heightened by years of surviving on her own, was able to cover her eyes in time. When the light faded, the thieves had seemingly vanished. "Where did they go?" Spike asked through narrowed eyes. "Don't ask me." Grubber rubbed his own eyes. "All I can see is spots!" "They're getting away!" Twilight yelled. "We're sorry, Princess." One of the guards apologized. "It all happened so fast..." Tempest caught some movement out of the corner of her eye. Turning, she saw one of the thieves clambering across a nearby roof, a length of rope connected to the drainpipe by a grappling hook nearby. "There!" She leapt out of her chair and raced off in the same direction. "Tempest, what are you-?" Twilight asked, also affected by the bright light. "I got this!" Tempest answered, climbing up the rope with lightning speed. Once she reached the rooftop, she glanced around, and saw the thieves racing across the roofs of Canterlot. "You're not getting away that easily..." She muttered to herself. The vigilante Unicorn gave chase, nimbly leaping and flipping across the rooftops. A few streets away, the three thieves leapt down off a balcony, landing in front of an alleyway. "Nice work, gang." The lead thief grinned. "I told you all those lessons in parkour and base-jumping would pay off." "Says you." The shortest thief wheezed. "I feel like I'm gonna pass out here..." "Quit whinin'." The tallest thief scoffed. "A little roof-running' easier than dealing with the Royal Guard any day." "Exactly." The lead thief agreed. "Now, let's get back to the hideout and count our haul." As the thieves attempted to continue their escape down the alleyway, a bolt of magic lightning struck the ground just ahead of the lead thief. "What the-?!" The thief yelped. "Going somewhere?" Tempest leapt down from a nearby balcony, her horn crackling with energy. "I'm not exactly a native here, but I'm pretty sure you have to pay for that stuff before you leave the store with it." She said sardonically. "Probably just a misunderstanding. So why don't you just go back and return them, and we can all get on with our lives." The thieves shared incredulous looks. "We could do that." The lead thief admitted. "Or we could do this!" The thieves started firing beams of magic from their horns. Tempest sidestepped one beam, flipped over another, and used the alley wall to spring board over a third. "What the-?" The tall thief gaped. "How did she-?" The short thief spluttered. "Keep firing!" The lead thief urged. The trio released another barrage of magic blast. But Tempest flipped, slid and dodged them all. With one last leap, she landed in front of the thieves, and fired a blast of magic from her horn straight upwards. The act was not just one of intimidation, but also meant to be a beacon, signalling to Twilight and her Guard their location. The thieves took a step back, unnerved by Tempest's prowess and display of power. Meanwhile, Twilight and the others were trying to find out where Tempest had gone. "Any sign of her?" Twilight asked. "None at all, your highness." A guard answered. "I didn't think a pony without wings could move so fast." Another guard declared. "She could've gone anywhere." Spike shrugged. Their attention was grabbed by the bolt of magical energy blasting upwards into the sky. "This is just a bunch, but I think she might be over there." Grubber pointed. "Let's get moving!" Twilight urged, leading the charge in the direction of the bolt. Back in the alley, Tempest stood before the thieves, projecting an air of intimidation. "L-look, there's no need for this to get ugly." The lead thief trembled. "We got plenty of loot to spare. We give you some, and you just let us go on our way. Everypony wins, right?" "Nice try." Tempest released another jolt of magic, this one hitting just a little close to the lead thief's hooves. "You don't get to weasel your way out of this. The only place you're going is prison." "No way am I going to jail!" The tallest thief growled, the need to protect their take outweighing his common sense. "There's three of us, and one of you. So get out of our way, before you get hurt!" "I thought I already made my stance quite clear." Tempest said, undaunted by the threat. "This is not a negotiation." "Oh, that's it..." The tallest thief lunged at her. Tempest moved like lightning, grabbing the thief's swinging hoof and twisting it backwards. "AHH!" The thief yelped. "Let him go!" The shortest thief moved to aid his comrade. Without even looking at the newcomer, Tempest released her foe's hoof, and swept the other three, throwing him straight upwards. In the split second the tall thief was in the air, she lashed out with a kick, sending him flying straight into the short thief. A second later, and the two collapsed in a painfully crumpled heap before their terrified leader. "Anypony else?" Tempest grinned as she straightened up. "I-I-I..." The lead thief stuttered, before dropping the bag of loot and raising his hooves in surrender. "Good call." Tempest nodded. At that point, the guards (joined by Grubber, Twilight and Spike) finally caught up. "They're all yours." Tempest told the guards. Without the thieves' trick slowing them down, the Guards moved quickly, restraining and cuffing the criminal trio. "Thank you for the assistance, miss." One of the Guards said curtly. "'Assistance'?" Grubber scoffed. "She did all the work for ya!" "Easy, Grubber." Tempest rolled her eyes. "It's not a contest." "Tempest, that was incredible!" Twilight smiled. "We caught the final act just now." Spike nodded. "Nice moves." "I was just doing what I could with I learned over the years." Tempest said humbly. "Just felt nice to make a difference again.." The guards split up; most of them led the thieves away, while two others took on the task of returning what the thieves had stolen. "Well, this was a fun little diversion." Tempest smiled. "No kiddin'." Grubber nodded. "Wait, what happened to our bags?" "Right here." Twilight teleported the bags in front of them. "Thanks, Twilight." Tempest smiled. "After the service you provided, it's the least I can do." Twilight smiled. "Well, I think I've really kept you long enough now." Tempest declared. "We really should be headed for home" "Hold on, I just had a thought." Twilight announced. "I think I know a way for you to satisfy your need for action, and make a difference again. Make a difference for a lot more ponies. If you're interested in hearing it?" Tempest glanced at Grubber, who smiled and nodded. She then glanced back at Twilight. "I'm listening." Tempest smiled. Twilight had quite an offer for Tempest. But what that offer was is a subject for another time...