//------------------------------// // The Mysterious Smasher // Story: Flurry Heart’s Troublesome Situation // by Badguy400 //------------------------------// Flurry Heart’s parents are shocked… . So shocked that it caused them to literally be frozen in place as they saw what lies before them… . There; lying before them; was the broken remains of a vase all over the floor. Not to mention that it looked like an expensive vase too to even think about replacing it… . Meanwhile; Flurry Heart was just munching away at hooffuls of her Whammy cereal; contemplating as to whether to tell them the truth and try to act all innocent and cute as can be… . Or the exact opposite where she makes up a story, and completely lies her way through it all… . Flurry Heart knew that choosing neither option would get her into trouble… but she also doesn’t want her parents to be stuck like this for all eternity… . Gulping the cereal down that she had a mouthful of; Flurry Heart finally came to the decision that she was gonna regret making in the long run; took a few deep breaths to calm herself down so she wouldn’t cry; (as she’s still a toddler after all who’s done something that she wasn’t supposed to do, and is now doing something even worse that a toddler could do in order to fix it), and slammed her closed cereal box to make a loud noise to shake them out of their trance. Shaking out of their trance; both parents looked down at the floor confused; trying to think as to how this vase got broken in the first place… . Flurry Heart then got their attention by babbling something incoherent loudly, and then starts to act like a monster; almost as if she’s saying that a creature from the frozen north has broken into the castle and done it. Not believing her lie; yet also curious as to how far their daughter will take it; the parents pretended to believe in her little story, and played along with it. Seeing that her parents believed in her story; Flurry Heart hugged them both tightly, and then starts to look determined; almost as if she’s willing to help her parents find the yeti, and capture them. Chuckling to themselves; both patted their daughter’s head, and then Cadence began to say; “now you just sit tight in your room while we clean up, okay? In the meantime; you can get ready to help find the yeti, alright? We’ll let you know when we’re ready too. Is that good?” Flurry Heart nodded, then saluted before flying fast towards her room; giggling as to how fast her parents have believed her little lie. She’s really hoping that she could keep this up… ; otherwise she’s in trouble. Meanwhile; the parents laughed a little, and then Shining Armor said; “oh wow; am I gonna feel bad for this… .” Cadence chuckled a little again, and then said; “yeah… me too… . But hey; Flurry Heart seems happy; so why not right… ?” Looking a little unsure while cleaning up the mess; Shining Armor then rubs the back of his head with the one hoof that isn’t holding the dustpan, and then says; “I don’t know… . You sure that this is okay… ?” Cadence scoffs reassuringly, (or however it’s pronounced), and then says; “relax honey; it’ll all be fine.” She then went to help her husband throw away the shards of the vase in a trashcan, and then finishes by saying; “besides… what’s the worst that can happen… ?” while looking a little nervous with a nervous smile. Something tells the both of them that they, and Flurry Heart; are going to learn a very valuable lesson after all of this is said and done… .