Flurry Heart’s Problem

by Badguy400

Chapter Two: Day of Training

Morning has arrived in Ponyville, and yet not everyone is awake… .

Tirek is asleep on top of his crossed arms; (like a student would be when falling asleep in class); at the kitchen counter… ; (because he wanted to get something to eat late at night, but unfortunately was too tired to stay awake to do so).

Queen Chrysalis is asleep in Pinkie Pie’s room. Reason being is that there were no guest rooms at all for anyone to use. So Pinkie Pie has allowed her to use it for now while she and her friends go out for a vacation.

And as for King Sombra; he actually fell asleep with Flurry Heart on one of the Cake Twin’s beds. He did wake up eventually and tried to leave the room so that the Twins can have their beds back. But Pumpkin Cake said that it was alright, and that she can just share the other bed with her brother; (to his slight discomfort and annoyance).

And as for Cozy Glow; she was sharing the bed with Queen Chrysalis.

Well technically Queen Chrysalis at first didn’t want to share the bed with Cozy Glow because she was slightly annoyed with her. Reason why is fairly unknown.

However; due to Cozy Glow’s constant complaining and whining; Queen Chrysalis had no choice, but to share the bed with her… ; (as to get Cozy Glow to quit crying, or whining). So with that; Cozy and Chrysalis shared a bed together, and then fell asleep. They’re still asleep too; as is everyone else.

King Sombra woke up with a slight yawn and a stretch. Seeing that everyone else was asleep; he attempted to leave the room quietly, and to go downstairs to make himself some breakfast to eat.

However; before he could; Flurry Heart woke up slightly, and whined a little while reaching for him. Sighing; knowing that Flurry Heart wouldn’t want him to leave her just yet; King Sombra chuckled to himself slightly while shaking his head, and then went back to bed with Flurry Heart so she could feel comfortable again and calm down; (as of course; she’s still technically a toddler; at best. Well; that and Flurry Heart doesn’t want her best friend to wake up and leave her just yet).

The Cake Twins woke up too, but saw that the sun was just barely risen over the morning sky from their window near their bed… .

Knowing that it was a little too early to wake up, they both sighed, said; “five more minutes”; in unison towards each other, and then went back to bed.

After a few more hours of finishing up their slumber; everyone woke up at the same time, and then went to do separate things in order to wake themselves up in the morning.

Tirek was still asleep on the counter; when suddenly he was smacked awake by Chrysalis gently at the back of his head, and then Chrysalis starts to say; “rise up little centaur; time for the sun to shine!” Tirek; rubbing the back of his head and grumbling to himself; sighs a little loudly, and then mumbles to himself; “I ain’t little you know… ?” Chrysalis just smirked, and then went back to cooking some eggs from the kitchen.

Cozy Glow came downstairs, and starts to fall asleep right up against Tirek. Sighing to himself; he took Cozy Glow with him, and starts to bring her to the kitchen so he can wake her up somehow without causing much of a fuss for her.

The Cake Twins were in their bathroom brushing their teeth and manes, and then after some determined looks and counting; they raced each other downstairs to go see who can reach their play area first to play on… .

And as for Sombra and Flurry Heart; Sombra was too busy with changing Flurry Heart again… ; as she unfortunately had an accident again right after she woke up. Well technically not as she woke up though… . They both just assumed that she had an accident when she was asleep. So after a quick diaper change; Flurry Heart then starts holding onto King Sombra and starts nuzzling him; knowing that she’s gonna have her accident problem fixed in no time!

King Sombra meanwhile… ; he was chuckling to himself, and petting Flurry Heart’s back… ; because of the fact at how silly and excited she’s acting because of how he’s gonna make her accident problem go away… . So with that; he tickled her belly; causing her to giggle and flail her hooves, and then starts carrying her downstairs to meet up with the others… . But only for a while because they both had to get their stuff from downstairs to go to the bathroom upstairs so they could brush their teeth and ready themselves for the day… . And also to check and see if Flurry Heart could go so she wouldn’t have an accident again… .

After getting themselves ready for the day, and trying to get Flurry Heart to go but to no avail… ; they then went back to the Cake Twin’s room to tidy up after themselves; (since after all they did use one of their beds to sleep on), and then went downstairs together to go get some breakfast to eat.

Chomping away at his breakfast; (which consisted of a bowl of oats cereal and milk); Tirek cleared his throat, and then says; “so… . Did she have an accident again? Or did she actually not have one… ?” Feeling ashamed of herself; Flurry Heart sighed loudly, and nodded yes as a response. Tirek then replied back; “oh… . Sorry about that… .”

Sombra chuckles, and then says; “ah no worries… . Besides; she’s been feeling happy lately because I’m gonna help her out with her problem today!”

Tirek stopped eating again for a bit, and then says; “wait… you serious?” Flurry Heart nodded again, and then giggled.

Chuckling again; Sombra says; “yeah… hehe… . I’m gonna help her out today so that way she won’t have another accident.”

Confused; Tirek scratches the top of his head, and then began to ask; “how’re you gonna do that… ?”

Flurry Heart giggles again, and then says; “he’s gonna help me get to the potty on time… !”

Laughing this time; Sombra says; “pretty much… . And it’s also so that way she’ll have accidents less and less. Right kid… ?” Flurry Heart nodded, and then got out of her seat to hug King Sombra again… ; to which point; he returned it.

Dawwing at the sight; yet also wanting them to pay attention too; Queen Chrysalis cleared her throat, and then places their breakfast plates right in front of them. “Alright now… . Eat up!”

Hearing this; Flurry Heart and King Sombra ended their hugs with a few quick pats on the back, and then turned to look at their breakfast plates before them, and then began eating.

As for the Cake Twins; they were too busy with playtime, but eventually joined the group to eat their breakfast after five minutes have passed.

Hours have passed, and it seemed that nothing interesting has happened… . Well… aside from the Twin’s daily bickering and fights.

Flurry Heart and King Sombra were just basically eating their frustrations out with some ice cream at this point because they tried to calm down the Twins, and got yelled at because of it. Also not to mention that they both have grown tired of the Twin’s bickering towards each other ever since they’ve first met them… , and are really wondering as to whether they will still be like this with each other when they’re grown ups too… . But like always; the Twins hugged and made up. Both King Sombra and Flurry Heart sighed while shaking their heads together because of how absurd the Twins are bonding with each other after their fights each time they’ve had one. How did Flurry and Sombra both know that the Twins get into fights like this daily is through information before the Cake Parents left. That’s all.

After a few minutes; King Sombra and Flurry Heart were just about to put their empty dishes away; when suddenly Flurry Heart felt something, and stopped in her tracks.

Stopping too; Sombra turned to look at Flurry Heart, and then asked; “you okay?” Flurry Heart nodded and chuckles slightly before setting her dirty dishes down on the ground, and covering her diaper.

Thinking that Flurry Heart had an accident; Sombra sighed disappointingly, and then says; “really Flurry… ? I thought we were working on this… ?”

Flurry Heart chuckles again, and then says; “we are… . But you might wanna hurry before my accident becomes official… .”

Now realizing the problem; King Sombra grabbed Flurry Heart’s empty dishes from the ground, stacked it against his, places them in the sink, and then picks up Flurry Heart. “Ready?” Sombra starts to ask. Flurry Heart nodded and then gave Sombra a hug. “Awww…” he said with a smile.

Flurry Heart giggles, and then says; “let’s go… hehe. I don’t wanna have another accident; hehe.”

Sombra chuckles, and then says; “alright kid; let’s go.” But before he left; he stopped and then asked; “wait; are you sure that you have to go?” Flurry Heart nodded and started laughing. Sombra laughs too, and then says; “okay then; let’s go!” With that; Sombra got into a running type of position, and then started sprinting to the bathroom while carrying Flurry Heart so she could make it to the bathroom on time… . And so that way he could help her with anything else afterwards; (like washing her hooves for example).

Meanwhile; the Cake Twins are walking to the villains, and then began to ask in unison; “can we have some ice cream too?”

Growling in slight annoyance; Chrysalis sighs, and then says; “okay. But if word of this gets out; you two are done for; got it?!” Both of the Twins nodded, and then went to the kitchen to await for their frozen treat. Turning to Tirek; Chrysalis began to sigh, and then say; “lets just hope that those two upstairs are doing better than us; you know… ?”

Oh how Chrysalis could’ve chosen her words more carefully… .