//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Caribouria // Story: Guardians of Harmony: Rise of the Knights // by Postwarmonkey50 //------------------------------// It had been five days since they left Canterlot and the Husband 6 along with Emily continued on their journey with Balin so that all of them would safely reach their destination in time. To pass the time, everyone tried to entertain themselves. Genus did some bird and animal watching, Silver began to try thinking of some new designs for the next fashion release, Frosty and Emily were chatting about their loved ones back home, with Emily saying that she felt embarrassed that Pecan Pie saw her naked, which caused Frosty to laugh about that. Bolt decided to be a lookout in order to make sure that they wouldn’t get ambushed or attacked, Bucky thought to make everyone a quick lunch while Beau looked at the horizon, wondering what’s ahead. ‘There’s no need to worry, laddie,’ said Balin as he joined Beau on deck. ‘We’ll be there by next sunrise.’ ‘I hope so,’ said Beau as he kept looking ahead. ‘But I can’t help but feel like we’re in way over our heads.’ ‘If the Friendship Map chose you humans to go there, then I’m sure that it had a good reason,’ said Balin. ‘You seem to know a lot about…’ said Beau before he was cut off. ‘The Friendship Map that was created around the time the Castle of Friendship came to be after your wife and her friends defeated Tirek and sent him back to Tartarus?’ Beau looked at him, shocked. ‘Let’s just say…our kingdom has kept track of Equestria and other kingdoms in case another ancient evil awakens.’ ‘Wait,’ said Beau as he realized that this was something that the government from his world would do. ‘You mean to tell me that you tracked us and took care of threats before Equestria did?’ ‘Indeed,’ said Balin while he and Beau looked at the horizon. ‘It was my people who convinced the griffon race to stand down by sending representatives. Same with the dragons. We didn’t bother with the yaks because they know well enough not to start a war unless they’re all provoked.’ ‘And the changelings?’ asked Beau. ‘Ah,’ said Balin as he had a look of regret. ‘That, I wished we could’ve done more.’ Beau was confused by this while he looked at Balin. ‘You see, the changelings weren't like the ones your wives had fought in the past,’ Balin explained. ‘In fact, what they look like now, they used to look like that back in the day before Equestria was formed.’ ‘Then…how…?’ said Beau as he was more and more surprised about this. ‘Grogar,’ said Balin. ‘Wait, Grogar?’ said Beau, remembering the history lesson he had learned from Twilight. ‘As in, the Godfather of all Monsters who was eventually defeated by Gusty the Great?’ ‘The very one,’ said Balin. ‘But…he also had a brother.’ Beau was greatly shocked by this. ‘How…?’ ‘Trust me,’ said Balin. ‘If there’s one thing my people are good at, it’s keeping secrets.’ He looked ahead and said, ‘Back then, the two of them had others who joined their ranks, known as the Council of Monsters. While Grogar would torment ponykind, Salazar and the others would continue to wreak havoc on the other races. Salazar personally turned the changeling race into an evil primordial muck because they stood against him, which Starswirl founded and did nothing to help them. To be fair we could’ve done the same thing, but we also had our own problems to deal with back at Caribouria.’ ‘So…how were they?’ asked Beau. ‘Don’t know,’ said Balin. ‘Everyone knows how Grogar was defeated, but as for Salazar and the rest, no one knows. They were also defeated, but Salazar wandered in places where no one would find him.’ Beau was surprised to hear this. This was something that he would share with Twilight. Knowing her, she would definitely geek out. Deciding to change the subject, Beau asked, ‘So what can you tell us about Caribouria?’ Balin couldn’t help but smile and said, ‘It would be something like one of your kingdoms during ancient times. What do you call it, New Zealand?’ That last part shocked Beau greatly, with Balin still having that grin on his face. ‘You know…?’ ‘About the humans? Indeed we do,’ said Balin. ‘Long ago in this world, before Equestria had formed, humans also lived here. Until after the Council of Monsters fell, there was a great tragedy. So the humans had no choice but to move to a new world. But they couldn’t be at any other place, so they chose to travel to one spot that no one would suspect.’ ‘Like what?’ asked Beau. ‘I believe you called them pilgrims, am I right?’ said Balin. Beau was left speechless. The humans that once lived in Equestria were among the first settlers that would one day build their future American nation. ‘Anyway, back on topic,’ said Balin after he got off track. ‘Our kingdom was beautiful beyond recognition. In fact, other creatures would come and settle on our kingdoms because of the beauty they wished to be a part of. Except for ponykind, you know how well that turned out.’ ‘Wait,’ said Beau when he remembered what he sensed from Balin earlier. ‘What do you mean by was?’ Balin looked down and said, ‘Ever since Lord Dainn took over, he threw away all advanced magic and burned all of our books containing them, so that we could be returned to the old ways. The barbaric ways.’ He looked at Beau and said, ‘Anyone who dared to challenge them were slaughtered and the magic that helped maintain the beauty of our home died out. As did half of nature.’ Beau was horrified to learn of what happened to their kingdom. ‘And you said the other remaining houses still stand?’ ‘Aye, five of them,’ said Balin. ‘They happen to be creatures from different races. Those who chose to remain while the rest traveled to their own respective kingdoms.’ ‘Any creatures we should know about?’ ‘There’s the triplet dragons known as Zane, Zander and Asher of the House of Dragon. Then there’s Borealis, the Griffon Lord of the House of Griffon. Then Hera, the Hippogriff Lady of the House of Hippogriff. Then there’s Wolfsbane from the House of Wolf. And finally, there’s Princess Cyprus of the House of Changeling.’ ‘Wait, what?!’ said Beau, worried that they might be the same changelings from a time before they got reformed. ‘And in case you’re wondering, they’re not what you think,’ Balin assured him. ‘You see, Chrysalis used to have twice as many changelings, but these ones were merely at least ten thousand over five hundred years ago. Our king cured them and restored them to their former glory. They were so grateful that they wished to settle on our lands so that they could repay their debt. After choosing a large plot of land, they settled and helped us out a lot. Their changeling magic is quite handy.’ ‘I can only imagine,’ said Beau, but then he thought from the inside of his mind. ‘Wait till Twilight hears about this.’ Beau then thought about something and looked at Balin. ‘But if Dainn’s as bad as you say he is, why hasn’t most of the population fought back?’ ‘Most of them are too scared to fight because they know what he’s capable of,’ said Balin. ‘There were plenty of Rebel Cells all over the place, but many of them from at least twenty towns and six cities have already been slain. They’re still out there, but we don’t know how long that’ll last.’ ‘I assume that counts as the same with the other houses?’ asked Beau. ‘I’m afraid so, lad,’ said Balin. Beau then looked down and said, ‘And you’re sure that there aren’t any living heirs?’ ‘The Royal Family had been killed when they were gathered at our capitol,’ said Balin. ‘We don’t know if anyone survived there.’ ‘We’ll have to start somewhere,’ said Beau. ‘And I know just the place,’ said Balin. ‘Now come, let us rest. We still have a long way to go.’ The caribou and human then turned around and made straight for their rooms while Balin’s crew continued to pilot their ship. ****************************************************************************************************************************************** The next morning, the skimmer had just crossed the border, while at the same time, Balin and the inhabitants had looked at the observation deck. ‘Lady and gentlemen, welcome to Caribouria,’ said Balin as he showed them the view. The ship continued with its present course, flying through Caribouria airspace. But as they had entered the territory, they were shocked to see the state of the country. For there were barely any grass left on their kingdoms, most of their forests were laid to ruin and many of the wild animals were dead. ‘Oh…It’s horrible,’ said Emily as she was shocked by what she saw while her brother comforted her. ‘Man, this is worse than we realized,’ said Bucky while he looked around. ‘Good thing Fluttershy’s not here to see this,’ said Genus with widened eyes. ‘Otherwise, she’d have a total meltdown.’ ‘Man, this Dainn dude really is evil,’ said Bolt as he looked at the devastation of the country. ‘Before we do anything, we’re gonna need more information,’ said Silver. Beau looked at Balin and asked, ‘Are there any Resistance Cells nearby that we could go to?’ ‘There is one,’ said Balin as he scratched the bottom of his chin. ‘Follow me.’ All of them followed him to his cabin. Once they got there, he showed them the map of Caribouria. ‘As you can see, there are at least a handful of cities, ones where the houses are in charge,’ said Balin as he pointed at the map. ‘Then there’s the larger towns and a lot of small villages that are in charge of fishing and skimmer travel. We’re heading there, the town of Carrabin.’ ‘But won’t we get caught there?’ asked Genus. ‘Not to worry,’ said Balin. ‘The skimmer I got is marked with the symbol of Dainn’s Elite Guard. No one would dare go near this ship. They would simply imply that Dainn’s personal agents are there for their personal inspection so we’ll be able to sneak past them undetected.’ ‘If we go in there, we’ll need some proper disguises,’ said Silver. Then suddenly, he had an idea and looked at Balin. ‘You wouldn’t happen to have any fabric around that would match their agent’s uniforms now, do you?’ Balin raised an eyebrow at the question, not knowing how to respond to that. ****************************************************************************************************************************************** Within a few hours, the skimmer slowly approached the large town of Carrabin. One of the crewmembers who were loyal to Balin came down to the cabin where the Husband 6 and Emily were trying out their outfits, courtesy of Silver. ‘Sir, we’re approaching Carrabin,’ said the Crewmember. ‘Very well,’ said Balin. ‘Tell the crew to be prepared just in case.’ ‘Yes, sir,’ the Crewmember saluted before he went back to tell the rest of the crew. As Balin went inside, he was surprised. The Husband 6 and Emily were wearing clothing that made them look like Dainn’s Elite Guard with their hoods covering their heads while wearing death masks on their faces as well as the armor and shoulder guards to hide their human features. To them, the outfits they’re wearing nearly reminds them of Assassin’s Creed III. ‘Wow, I’m impressed,’ said Balin as he nodded in approval. ‘You really look like Lord Dainn’s Elite Guard.’ ‘You sure we won’t stand out of the crowd?’ asked Bolt. ‘Yeah, we don’t know what we’re going to expect when we get there,’ said Genus. ‘Not to worry,’ said Balin. ‘Lord Dainn’s Elite Guard underwent certain mutations to alter their appearances, so all of you should be safe. However, they’re easily knowable with their aura, weapons and masks that disguise their eyes and voices.’ ‘I don’t suppose you have something in mind?’ asked Frosty. Balin smirked while rubbing his chin. ‘As a matter of fact, I do.’ Balin left to fetch something. And within five minutes, he brought back a cart full of weapons, masks and strange looking jewels. ‘These jewels will allow you to mask yourself within the crowd,’ said Balin. ‘They help generate the same aura as the Elite Guard while also allowing you to understand others in different languages in case they use a false pretext.’ They began to wear the jewels underneath the uniforms so that no one would notice. ‘The Elite Guard tends to wear weapons and armor to make them look terrifying.’ They began to place the armor on as well as their weapons to make sure that they would pass themselves as proper guards. ‘Wow, fancy,’ said Emily as she looked herself over. ‘I feel like one of those medieval black knights.’ ‘Now for the coup de grace,’ said Balin as he brought out the masks. ‘These masks will help you disguise your voice and will also give you the red eyes for effect so that no one would suspect a thing from you.’ Beau was the first one to accept the mask. He looked at it and saw that it had the look of a skull of the Caribou. He turned the mask around and slowly placed it against his face while covering his head with his hood. ‘Testing, testing, one, two, three,’ said Beau but with a demonic voice, which surprised the others, even himself. The first human nodded while approving of the mask. ‘Wow, impressive. This will definitely help.’ Bolt on the other hand, suddenly got excited while he held onto the mask and made him remember something that he watched since he was a little boy. ‘Hey guys, check this out,’ said Bolt as he placed it against his face. ‘Luke, I am your father.’ They all groaned at that, which confused Balin. ‘I assume he is acting like some sort of villain from a movie?’ asked Balin. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Bucky, rolling his eyes. ****************************************************************************************************************************************** Within ten minutes, the skimmer slowly docked at an empty spot. While at the same time, a handful of guards led by a captain approached the ship, which happened to be a handful of wargs. Werewolf-like creatures who happen to serve as the backbone of Lord Dainn’s military. The gallows plank began to ascend and was placed onto the edge of the ground with a Warg Captain standing close by. ‘All who enter the ship will be acquired to do an immediate…’ But the Warg Captain was cut off when his eyes widened in shock. Coming out of the skimmer was Balin in chains while accompanied by none other than Lord Dainn’s Elite Guard as they stepped down. Even the wargs behind the captain were suddenly afraid as they ascended. But what the wargs didn’t know was that Balin was pretending to be a prisoner while the humans took him into custody, wearing their disguises. They soon stood near the Warg Captain while he and the rest of the wargs were nervous. ‘Is there a problem?’ said Beau while pretending to be the leader of the Elite Guard. ‘Uh, no sir,’ said the Warg Captain nervously. ‘We didn’t know we would expect…’ ‘Expect the Elite Guard of Lord Dainn himself to come to this town?’ said Silver as he pointed at the ship. ‘Or did you not notice the ship we arrived in?’ ‘Well, I…’ said the Warg Captain nervously before he was cut off. ‘As for why we are here,’ said Bucky. ‘Lord Dainn has commanded that we come to inspect the situation here when he heard rumors of Rebels in this area.’ ‘I can assure you that I have the situation well under…’ Suddenly, Bolt grabbed him by the collar and said, ‘You dare challenge the command from our Lord?’ ‘Uh, no sir!’ said the Warg Captain frantically. ‘We meant no disrespect!’ ‘Be glad we’re in a good mood today, or we’ll feast on your very corpse after we fed you to the vilest of beasts!’ said Bolt while being in character. ‘Of course sir! Be our guest!’ said the Warg Captain. ‘We will be the judge of that,’ said Bolt as he tossed the Warg Captain away, making the captain collapse onto the ground. Sure enough, Balin and the humans left while the wargs quickly dispersed and let them pass. ‘By Lord Dainn’s wrath, they truly are terrifying,’ said one of the wargs, terrified. ****************************************************************************************************************************************** They continued down the streets until they were finally able to make their way to an abandoned alley. They quickly hid while removing Balin’s bonds. ‘I’m impressed,’ said Balin with a smirk while rubbing his wrists. ‘All of you truly make convincing villains.’ ‘Well it goes to show you how much we learned from watching them work,’ said Beau after they were able to remove their masks while making sure no one was watching. ‘Okay we’re in. So now what?’ asked Genus. ‘Now we find any Rebel Cells,’ said Balin. ‘If they were able to escape, we’ll be able to find them beneath all this mess.’ ‘How the heck are we going to find any Rebels here?’ asked Silver. ‘There’s so many of Lord Dainn’s forces in this town. For all we know, they might be dead or captured.’ ‘All the more reason for us to look around the town without us getting caught,’ said Balin. ‘We’ll have to split up from here. But whatever you do, don’t bring any unnecessary attention.’ ‘Right,’ said Beau. ‘We’ll just have to travel in teams of two.’ ‘Aye,’ said Balin. ‘Any suggestions?’ ‘Let’s see,’ said Beau as he thought about it, but made up his mind. ‘I’ll go with you, while Bucky will go with Bolt, Emily will go with Frosty and Genus will go with Silver.’ ‘That’ll work,’ said Genus. ‘Where will we meet?’ ‘We’ll meet at the town’s entrance,’ said Balin. ‘Once we find what we’re looking for, we’ll find some transport out of here.’ ‘Alright then,’ said Beau before he placed the mask back on so that they could continue with their disguises. ‘Let’s move out.’ They soon began to split up with their groups and began to split up in different directions. ****************************************************************************************************************************************** Silver and Genus walked down one part of the street, which happens to be the market district. But as they walked down the streets, many of the guards were antagonizing the smaller businesses. They saw the guards tossing out most of their businesses while tossing torches inside and burning them. There were even a clothing store or two that had their owners kicked out and were beaten up with batons while the wargs were busy tearing the clothing apart just for the fun of it, as well as laughing their butts off. But at the same time, there were many animals that were busy being sold as pets, but were reduced into snacks as the wargs broke their necks and ate them, much to Genus’ horror. ‘All those animals,’ said Genus under his breath as he looked down. ‘Fluttershy would definitely have a meltdown if she were here to see any of this.’ ‘I know,’ Silver whispered to him. ‘Now I’m glad they hadn’t come along with us. Who knows what would happen if they did?’ One of the wargs continued to walk until it bumped into Genus. The Warg wanted to growl, but then Genus did the unexpected. He performed ‘the Stare’ at the Warg but with the mask, it made his stare twice as menacing, causing the Warg to yelp in fear and run away. The other wargs noticed this and quickly backed away. ‘That was satisfying,’ said Genus as they continued to walk. ****************************************************************************************************************************************** From Emily and Frosty’s side, they began to walk through the poorer districts. They looked around and noticed how many of the citizens were on the streets, moaning in pain from their hunger and not having the strength to get up. Every bit of their happiness had been drained from them. Frosty shuddered at this. ‘They remind me of Pinkie Pie, but a lot worse.’ ‘I know what you mean,’ said Emily. ‘I can’t believe Dainn would do something like this to his own kingdom.’ ‘You heard what Balin said about him,’ said Frosty. ‘He’s a sexist and he doesn’t care about anyone else but himself. But one day, he’ll get his just deserts.’ ‘But first we have to figure out how we can help,’ said Emily. ‘We don’t exactly have the same power as Twilight and the others do.’ ‘Point taken,’ said Frosty. ****************************************************************************************************************************************** From Balin and Beau’s position, they were somewhere from the abandoned district where many homes have been vacant for who knows how long. But Beau simply followed Balin, figuring that he would know where to go if things got out of hand. ‘Holy…’ said Beau as he looked around. ‘When you talked about Dainn, I never figured it was this bad.’ ‘Believe me, lad,’ said Balin. ‘We have suffered much under his wrath. Myself and the others did what we could to form the Rebellion. The five houses lent whatever aid they could, especially the fallen houses. Half of them are currently in hiding while the other half were taken to prison camps in order to keep them from rising up against him.’ ‘You’re the founder?’ asked Beau. ‘One of them,’ said Balin as they continued down one part of the road. When all of a sudden, he stopped Beau, then looked at the entrance of the house. ‘We’re here.’ The human and caribou walked towards the nearest house, allowing Balin to look around then quickly opened the door with Beau following suit. At first, the house looked empty until Balin walked towards the center of the room, allowing him to find a perfectly camouflaged trap door. ‘This way,’ said Balin as he guided Beau down the stairs. As they walked down the stairs and made it to the bottom, a bunch of spears were aimed at Beau, making him raise his hands. The light was switched on, revealing a large platoon of creatures which are a combination of dragons, hippogriffs, changelings, griffons and wolves. ‘You brought an agent here?’ the wolf growled, clearly a lieutenant. ‘Easy Wolfang, he’s with me,’ said Balin. Beau ended up removing the mask and hood, revealing his face which shocked the creatures in the room. ‘A human?’ said one of the dragons. ‘How is that possible?’ said one of the hippogriffs. Beau cleared his throat and introduced himself. ‘My name is Thomas Rohan. But back in Equestria, they call me Beau.’ Some were surprised by this, with one of the wolves saying, ‘You came from Equestria?’ ‘I did,’ Beau confirmed. ‘Princess Twilight and her friends, though the Element Bearers, were forbidden to set foot on our kingdom because of the pact we made. But since he and his companions aren’t ponies and the Friendship Map was the one that summoned them, they were the logical choice,’ Balin explained. They were taken aback by this as they lowered their spears. ‘They were summoned by Princess Twilight’s map?’ the Wolf Rebel asked. ‘She did,’ Beau confirmed. ‘And how do you know the Princess?’ asked the Griffon Rebel in suspicion. ‘She’s my wife,’ said Beau, which surprised every creature in the room. ‘This definitely changes things,’ said the Changeling Rebel. The wolf known as Wolfang looked at Balin and asked, ‘Why are you here?’ ‘We need transportation to Moria,’ said Balin as he looked at them. ‘The rest of the leaders will need to see them.’ ‘It’s going to be difficult,’ said Wolfang. ‘With the wargs here, it’s only a matter of time before they find our base. We need to evacuate while we’re at it.’ ‘Will all of you be able to make it?’ asked Beau. ‘The way this town is, the innocents are already suffering out there.’ ‘We are aware of that,’ said Wolfang. ‘We already have a plan placed in motion, which will buy us time. We have a large enough coach for travel, but we’ll need to find a Grogu Beast.’ ‘A what?’ said Beau. ‘They’re basically like a large rhino, but those things are twice as strong and twice as fast. They’ll help us the moment we find one,’ said Balin. ‘There’s one at the edge of the town,’ said Wolfang. ‘My scouts will retrieve that and a coach for you.’ ‘Alright,’ said Beau. ‘We’ll meet at the town’s entrance.’ ‘Very well,’ said Wolfang. ‘We will meet you there.’ ****************************************************************************************************************************************** At the same time, Bolt and Bucky continued down the road to find out what they could. ‘Damn,’ said Bolt. ‘And I thought countries like Afghanistan and Iraq had it rough when the wars broke out back in our world. But this…this is just barbaric.’ ‘I agree,’ said Bucky. ‘This is truly horrible.’ They then saw a crowd was busy gathering, much to their confusion. ‘Whoa, what’s going on?’ asked Bolt. ‘Let’s go find out,’ said Bucky. They followed the crowd straight towards the center, wondering what was going on. But realizing they needed information, Bolt grabbed the closest citizen and pulled him close to his face. ‘You,’ said Bolt. ‘What is going on here?’ The citizen panicked and said, ‘There’s going to be a public execution, for the wargs have just captured the Commander of the Rebellion.’ Bolt released the citizen as he ran, with Bucky looking at him. ‘We’re undercover here, get over it.’ The two humans decided to continue to the center of town. They saw the crowd had gathered, with Bucky and Bolt wondering what it was about. One of the wargs spotted them and signaled them to come past the crowd. Using the opportunity, they walked towards the center until they approached what appeared to be a wooden stage, the type that people use to execute prisoners. One of the captains appeared, who appears to be a caribou, bearing Lord Dainn’s seal. ‘Citizens of Carrabin!’ shouted the Caribou Captain, allowing them to be silenced. ‘We gather here for the execution of one of the high ranking Commanders of the Rebellion! The ones who dare to defy our Lord and Master, Lord Dainn! The Rebellion has gone on long enough! And unless the Rebels reveal themselves, this one will be executed!’ The two caribou guards brought up the prisoner with a bag over their head. Bolt and Bucky noticed this. But they heard loud grunting and tried to free themselves from their captors. ‘Whoa. Whoever he is, he’s a feisty one,’ said Bolt. ‘Who do you think it is?’ asked Bucky. The caribou guards soon brought them up, with the Caribou Captain saying, ‘This prisoner will die! Let her be an example to those who would dare to defy Lord Dainn’s rule!’ The two caribou guards removed the bag, revealing the prisoner’s face to be a woman while she kept on grunting. Bucky, however, wondered why she looked familiar to him. That was until he saw the scar underneath her lips. He widened his eyes and quickly pulled out his locket and opened it, revealing the picture of his sister. He took a good look at it and saw the scar. Then he looked at her again. Within seconds, he was able to match the picture with the girl up there. Bucky widened his eyes in shock, realizing who this person was. ‘Daisy,’ muttered Bucky. They then soon brought the girl and placed her head on the table. One of the guards raised the axe in the air and shouted, ‘Let her die with her heresy!’ ‘HOLD!!!’ Everyone stopped, and the caribou guards looked until they saw Bucky who raised his hand. Bolt thought he was out of his mind, while Bucky walked towards the stage. ‘What is the meaning of this?!’ said the Caribou Captain. ‘Lord Dainn has sent orders!’ shouted Bucky through his disguise. ‘Any of the commanding officers of the Rebellion are to be taken into custody and be delivered to the Lord himself!’ ‘You have no authority here!’ shouted the Caribou Captain, not feeling intimidated by him. ‘You dare to challenge Lord Dainn’s orders?’ said Bucky while sounding serious. ‘She will be executed for her…!’ said the Caribou Captain before he was cut off. Within a split second, Bucky pulled out what appeared to be a mace. And with a large smash and cracking sound, everyone gasped at the actions of one of Lord Dainn’s agents. The Captain of the Caribou, instantly dropped onto the ground with widened eyes in shock while he slowly raised his hands over his head, revealing his broken antlers. ‘Oh my Gah!’ shouted one of the caribou citizens before passing out. The Caribou Captain looked up in shock, even the caribou guards were shocked by this. Bucky overheard one of them saying that by cutting off their antlers, the caribou was forever disgraced in front of his own peers and people. Bucky looked at the others sternly and asked in a threatening tone, ‘Anyone else?’ The caribou guards shook their heads for they did not wish to lose their horns either. Bucky then said, ‘That’s what I thought. Put a sleeping spell on her. We’ll decide what to do with her.’ One of the caribou guards complied and placed sleeping dust on the girl, causing her to pass out. Bucky approached Daisy as he slowly picked her up and placed her over his shoulder. As he turned around, he slowly looked at the caribou guards and said, ‘When Lord Dainn gives an order…you comply. Understood?’ They rapidly nodded, not wanting to mess with the Elite Guard. Bucky then stepped off the stage and made his way to Bolt. Everyone quickly cleared the way as they allowed them to pass, with them going straight for the gate. As they were out of sight, Bolt said, ‘You mind telling me what the hell was that about?’ ‘I’ll explain once we get outside,’ said Bucky. ****************************************************************************************************************************************** Within the next hour, everyone, except Bucky and Bolt, were all gathered at the town gates while waiting for their mode of transportation, including the beast that’ll pull them far away from the town. ‘Ugh!’ Emily groaned. ‘What is taking them so long?’ ‘Don’t worry, they’ll be here,’ said Genus. ‘We just need to be ready to move out.’ ‘Look, there they are,’ said Frosty as he pointed at them. They saw both Bolt and Bucky coming. However, they saw them carrying someone on one of their shoulders. ‘What the…’ said Beau as he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He walked towards them. ‘What the hell?!’ ‘That’s what I said,’ said Bolt as they came. ‘You’re not gonna believe this,’ said Bucky. He placed her gently on the ground, which shocked the rest of the humans, even Balin. ‘Another human?’ said Silver. ‘How’s that possible?’ ‘Wait,’ said Balin as he recognized her. ‘Commander Daisy?’ ‘Commander?’ said the humans around him. ‘She’s third in command of the Rebellion,’ said Balin. ‘Re…’ said Bucky. ‘No, that’s impossible. How did she…?’ ‘You’ll have to explain that to our leader,’ said Balin. ‘Because that’s where we’re going.’ Emily looked behind Balin and said, ‘Eyes up. Our ride’s here.’ They saw one of the Rebels coming with a Grogu Beast, towing their transportation. They then stood near the others, with the Dragon Rebel saying, ‘We successfully evacuated and brought the beast. The Grogu Beast is yours to use.’ ‘I’ll ride it,’ said Balin. ‘I’m the only one who knows how to ride them. Once all of you are out of town, head for headquarters. Let them know what happened.’ ‘Of course,’ said the Dragon Rebel as he took off to meet with the other rebels. Sure enough, the humans boarded at the back of their coach while Balin took the rider’s seat and took the reins to control the Grogu Beast. Emily chose to ride with Balin while Beau and the others remained with Daisy. Emily kept a close eye at the town walls. Once all of them had disappeared into the forest, Emily sat back and looked at Balin. ‘Alright,’ said Emily as she spoke to him. ‘I think we’re in the clear.’ ‘Then let’s go check up on the commander,’ said Balin once they stopped the carriage. They all stopped at a very secluded spot while they were able to let her rest on the ground as they watched her, but had to maintain their disguises to make sure no one would be suspicious. ‘How the heck did you know that she’s your sister?’ Bolt asked. ‘For one thing,’ said Bucky as he took out the locket and showed them her picture, ‘she looks exactly like this, but older.’ They looked at the picture, then to her. ‘Okay then, what else?’ Silver asked. ‘See the scar on her lower lip?’ said Bucky as he pointed it at her lower lip. ‘She got that when she played with a stapler and accidentally stapled her lip.’ ‘Ouch,’ said Bolt. ‘The only painful thing I ever did when I was five was placing my hand on a stove.’ ‘So you knew her?’ Balin asked. ‘I knew that she once too hailed from your world, but I never figured that she’d end up here.’ ‘It doesn’t seem possible,’ said Bucky. ‘She died of cancer when she was eight. How did she end up here? What happened to her after that?’ ‘Don’t know, maybe we can ask her once she wakes up,’ said Genus. ‘I got this,’ said Bolt as he suddenly had a glass of water in his hand and dumped it over her, instantly waking her up as she coughed and spat out the water. Bucky looked at him sternly. ‘What? It would take too long. Besides, we’re on a clock here.’ After much coughing, Daisy regained her vision but then she noticed what she thought was the enemy, causing her to stand in position. ‘Stay back!’ shouted Emily. ‘Easy,’ said Beau. ‘We’re friends.’ ‘You expect me to believe that, you scumbag?!’ shouted Daisy. ‘Look, just calm down and…’ said Bucky before he was cut off when Daisy grabbed him by the shirt collar while pulling out his knife. ‘I won’t surrender to the likes of Lord Dainn!’ shouted Daisy, until she punched Bucky in the face while tearing something off at the same time. ‘Commander, relax!’ shouted Balin. ‘They’re telling the truth!’ Daisy noticed Balin, then said, ‘Balin? What’s the meaning of…?’ However, she was suddenly cut off when she noticed something shiny in her hand. She looked at it and was surprised to see a locket. A locket that she hadn’t seen in years. She slowly opened it and to her shock, it was a picture of her when she was six. ‘No it…it can’t…’ said Daisy as she couldn’t believe it. Then she looked at the one she punched earlier. Bucky looked at Daisy slowly and took off his disguise, with Daisy’s eyes slowly widening. She dropped her weapon in shock as she couldn’t believe who she was seeing. ‘B…Buck?’ said Daisy in shock. ‘Daisy,’ said Bucky as he was just as shocked as she was. Bucky slowly stood up as the two kept staring at one another. Within mere moments, the two long lost siblings embraced one another in a tearful hug, for brother and sister have finally reunited. ‘I don’t believe it,’ said Daisy as she hugged her older brother through her whimpering tears. ‘You’re alive. You’re actually here.’ ‘I can’t believe it’s you,’ said Bucky through his tears. ‘You’re actually here. How is this possible?’ Bucky held onto her face as they continued to shed tears, with Daisy saying, ‘I somehow ended up in this world after I died. I don’t know how any of that’s possible. I thought I was the only human here.’ ‘Well, actually,’ said Bucky as he gestured to the rest. As she looked at them, Beau and the others slowly took off their disguises, and to her surprise, they were all humans. ‘That’s impossible,’ said Daisy. Then she looked at Bucky. ‘How?’ ‘We don’t know,’ said Bucky. ‘From what we uncovered is that those with good hearts somehow made their way to this world.’ ‘That’s what I heard too,’ said Daisy. One by one, the humans introduced themselves. ‘My name is Thomas Rohan, but everyone calls me Beau.’ ‘Mine’s Jim Silver, but everyone just refers to me as Silver.’ ‘I’m George Newton, but they call me Genus.’ ‘Mine’s Cole Bolton, but folks call me Bolt.’ ‘I’m Barry Frost, but folks call me Frosty. And this is Emily Frost, my sister.’ ‘Hi,’ said Emily as she waved. Daisy was taken by surprise by this. She then looked at Bucky and said, ‘How…where did all of you arrive?’ ‘How about we ask questions while we’re on the road?’ said Bucky. ‘Good idea,’ said Balin. ‘I’ll keep on driving. Emily, would you mind?’ ‘Not at all,’ said Emily as she put her disguise back on and accompanied Balin. ****************************************************************************************************************************************** Sure enough, all of them were back on the road, traveling straight to their headquarters with Bucky having a lot of catching up to do with his sister. ‘How long have you been in this world?’ asked Bucky. ‘Ten years,’ said Daisy. ‘I woke up on the outskirts of Moria. Balin and the others found me. Fearing what Dainn would do to me, they took me in. But I felt like I wanted to do more, so I chose to be part of the Rebellion. At first I acted as a scout, but I earned my place in leading the Rebellion against Lord Dainn.’ Bucky lowered his head as he was suddenly ashamed. ‘I should’ve known you’d be here. I could’ve helped.’ ‘You didn’t know,’ said Daisy as she smiled while placing her hand on top of her brother’s. ‘And if I’d known you’d end up in this world, I would’ve come to find you.’ She then sat back on her seat and asked, ‘So how did you end up in this world?’ ‘I, uh…’ said Bucky as he rubbed the back of his head. ‘Died after saving a kid from a speeding car.’ Daisy was taken aback by this and said, ‘Oh, I’m so sorry. Mom and Dad must’ve been devastated.’ ‘Tsk, yeah right,’ said Bucky in disgust, then rolled his eyes and looked away. ‘Devastated.’ Daisy was surprised by her brother’s behavior. ‘What’s wrong?’ she asked. Not wanting to hide this from her, he said, ‘Mom and Dad broke their promise.’ ‘What?’ said Daisy, clearly confused. Bucky looked at her. ‘They disowned me Daisy,’ he said, taking the little sister by shock. ‘They blamed me for what happened to you.’ ‘But…’ said Daisy, clearly shocked beyond words. ‘But that’s not true. You’re not the reason I had cancer.’ ‘No, but the medicine they bought you did,’ said Bucky. ‘Remember when you got sick that day when you were five?’ She nodded, with him saying, ‘They bought that medicine from a con man. And when you got cancer, the doctor asked how you got it. I showed it to him and he said the medicine they got you was what gave you cancer. And wouldn’t you know it, my parents blamed me for it. Even when I told them not to do it.’ Daisy was shocked as she covered her mouth. Bucky then looked down in sorrow. ‘After you died,’ he continued, ‘Mom and Dad stopped caring about me and blamed me for whatever problems they had. Dad became an abusive drunk and Mom divorced him and won custody over me, only to kick me out when I was eighteen. They didn’t even attend my graduation.’ He then looked up and said, ‘And for the past three years after my graduation, I tried to find work and a place to live. I had a job at a cinema, but I quit after my manager threw a hissy fit when I was taking a few extra minutes off from my lunch break. I was so fed up with his shit I shouted right in his face that I quit. Our folks offered that I would stay, but I knew they’d treat me differently. So I yelled at them and said that they broke their promise that we would love each other.’ He then looked at her and said, ‘Ever since then, I cut all ties with our parents and I never looked back. I died shortly after that.’ Daisy was horrified by what he went through, causing her to hug her big brother and said through her tears, ‘Oh Buck, I’m so sorry.’ He hugged her back, then after they broke it, she asked, ‘But where did you end up?’ ‘I ended up in Equestria,’ said Bucky. ‘Equestria?’ said Daisy. ‘Home of the ponies?’ ‘That’s the one.’ He then smiled, thinking about how he met Applejack. ‘After I died, I ended up in a place called Sweet Apple Acres. An apple farm, mind you, in a town called Ponyville. At first I was confused as hell when I couldn’t make heads or tails of where I was. But noticing from the apples I ended up on an apple farm.’ He then snickered and said, ‘And before I knew it, I ended up being ensnared with a lasso.’ ‘Lasso?’ said Daisy as she giggled a bit. ‘Yeah,’ said Bucky as he thought about it. ‘It turns out she was a part time owner of Sweet Apple Acres and thought I was an apple thief and was going to steal from her.’ He stared a bit upwards as he continued, ‘Not only that, her family’s well respected. Her family founded Ponyville and made the town what it is today when her grandmother was only a filly.’ ‘Really?’ said Daisy as she was now drawn into the story. ‘You see,’ said Bucky as he explained the Apple Family origins, ‘her family had travelled far and wide collecting seeds so that they could find a perfect place to start a farm. But when they reached Canterlot, their ruler Princess Celestia, saw how tired they were and that they needed a place to settle. So she chose a large plot of land for them to settle, right next to the Everfree Forest.’ ‘Wait, what?’ said Daisy, surprised. ‘Isn’t that forest dangerous?’ ‘Oh, it is,’ said Bucky as he thought about it. ‘But it was because of the forest, their town prospered.’ Confused by this, he continued the story, ‘Once they settled, they began to farm the land but unfortunately they were low on food. So Granny Smith, the grandmother, travelled into the Everfree Forest at night to find food so she ended up finding the Zap Apples.’ ‘Zap Apples?’ said Daisy. ‘Wow, those are pretty rare.’ ‘They are?’ ‘Yep,’ said Daisy. ‘Caribouria used to produce Zap Apples, but the trees died out a century ago. We don’t know why though. But please, continue.’ ‘Okay,’ said Bucky before he cleared his throat. ‘She began to pick a ton of them, but then the Timberwolves began to chase her out of the woods and she found a way to scare them. Then the next morning, they baked the Zap Apples in a big feast while they planted all of the seeds the next day. Within seconds, they grew into the apple trees they have now. But during that time over the years, she observed the Zap Apples, predicting the weather conditions, when the Timberwolves come and how the Zap Apples disappear if you don’t pick enough of them in time. And during her time making Zap Apple Jam, she found ways to improve it. She learned to be extra nice to the bees and in return they end up making the sweetest of honey. She gave a stern talking to the glass jars…’ Daisy cocked her eyebrow at that. ‘Don’t ask. If you think that’s weird, she painted the entire room with pink polka dots, saying that they like pink polka dots.’ Daisy nodded her head while smiling oddly. ‘Now I’ve heard everything.’ ‘It gets better,’ said Bucky. ‘After that, ponies began to come far and wide to buy their jam. And a pony named Stinking Rich bought a ton of their products. And with their permission, he sold them to some very high class customers. Pretty soon, they ended up getting a nice little town. Soon after that, Ponyville was founded.’ ‘Wow,’ said Daisy, amazed by the story. ‘So she did all of that when she was little? Talk about being brave.’ ‘You’re not wrong there.’ ‘But uh,’ said Daisy as she scratched the back of her head and wondered something. ‘Who was the one that tied you up in a lasso?’ ‘Her granddaughter, Applejack,’ said Bucky, who then ended up daydreaming about her. ‘Boy, was she something.’ She noticed the look, causing her to smirk. ‘Buck? Is there something I should know?’ Daisy asked playfully. Shaking his head back to reality, he continued, ‘At first she thought I was going to steal her apples when we first met. I begged and pleaded that I wasn’t the thief and I didn’t mean any harm.’ He then looked down and smiled gently. ‘But her little sister, Apple Bloom talked her down before things got too far.’ He then looked at his sister and said, ‘You would love her, Daisy. She reminded me so much of you, full of smiles and joy.’ Daisy couldn’t help but blush and smile at that. ‘They took me to Granny Smith,’ said Bucky as he continued, ‘as well as their older brother, Big McIntosh or we like to call him Big Mac for short. Trust me, they don’t call him that for nothing. They even offered me a job working there. Sure it was hard at first, but they made me feel right at home and I helped out in any way I could.’ He then looked down and said, ‘That was when their house was on fire.’ ‘On fire?!’ Daisy said, shocked. ‘What happened?’ ‘Granny Smith left her apron next to the stove while it was still on, causing it to catch fire.’ ‘Ugh!’ Daisy groaned. ‘Rule 101, never place your apron near the stove and make sure it’s turned off.’ He chuckled at that, but continued, ‘And Apple Bloom…she got trapped inside. I rushed in to save her, but we got trapped. I ended up bashing the window open and I let her use me to break her fall. But my lungs were filled with smoke, so they took me to the hospital. When I woke up, Applejack was there to thank me for helping Apple Bloom.’ He looked at Daisy and said, ‘I even told her about you. Trust me, she would love you to pieces too.’ Daisy smiled at that, with Bucky saying, ‘I told her I was thankful of her for taking me in. And before I knew it…she kissed me.’ Now Daisy’s smile widened at that as she leaned forward, with Bucky saying, ‘And during that time, I couldn’t ignore my feelings for her. I even asked her out. I was afraid her family wouldn’t approve, but they did. Applejack thought about it and she accepted. After a few months, she uh…got into heat.’ Daisy blushed at that. ‘Wait, heat? I would’ve thought they didn’t have that. You know, because they’re part human and all, hence anthropomorphic.’ ‘Apparently not,’ said Bucky. ‘And after our uh, passionate night, we even became lovers.’ He looked at Daisy again with a smile on his face as he said, ‘A few months later, we got married. And after that, she gave birth to our son, Apple Slice.’ ‘Whoa,’ said Daisy, amazed. ‘So not only are you married, but you’re also a dad?’ ‘Eeyup, pretty crazy right?’ said Bucky. ‘At first I thought my life wasn’t going anywhere. But that all changed ever since the day I met her.’ Daisy leaned forward and asked, ‘Do you happen to have a picture of them?’ He smiled as he took it out from his pocket and gave it to her in order for her to look at it. She saw the picture of him and the Apple Family, with Apple Slice in tow as he looked maybe five or six years old. ‘Wow,’ said Daisy when she saw the family. ‘I’m impressed. So who’s who?’ Bucky pointed at the picture as he said, ‘That there’s Granny Smith. She may be old, but don’t underestimate her. She did a lot of crazy things and she’s the bravest pony I’ve ever known. That there is the eldest, Big Mac. He used to talk a lot back in the day, but he decided to tone it down so that he could give others a chance to talk. That there’s my wife, Applejack, the most honest pony in Equestria.’ Daisy took a good look at Applejack, which made her smirk and nodded in approval. ‘Wow. I can see why you love her so much.’ ‘That I do,’ said Bucky as he continued. ‘The one with the pink bow is Apple Bloom, Applejack’s little sister and also a member of the CMC.’ ‘CMC?’ Daisy asked with a raised eyebrow. ‘Cutie Mark Crusaders,’ said Bucky as he chuckled. ‘You wouldn’t believe all the stuff she and her two friends had to do just to earn their Cutie Marks. They were nuts. But they eventually gained them. So they became dedicated to helping others to achieve their destinies. They’re awesome.’ He then pointed at his son. ‘That there is our son, Apple Slice.’ ‘Aw,’ said Daisy as she looked at her nephew. ‘He’s so adorable.’ ‘You think that’s adorable,’ said Bucky with a smirk as he pulled another picture out. ‘Take a good look at this. Had this taken on his first family reunion.’ Daisy took the picture and had a good look at it. She saw a baby colt, eating an apple dumpling while he had a pie on the side of his head. This made her laugh until she calmed down. ‘Oh my gosh, that is so adorable.’ ‘Yeah,’ said Bucky as he laughed a bit. ‘When we saw him under the table eating an apple dumpling, he also had a pie on the side of his face. His exact words were, ‘I’m a cute little apple dumpling with a pie in the face’.’ Daisy and Bucky laughed at that, with Bucky saying, ‘I even make him say that every time whenever he wants to come into the room when we wake up in the morning. But it wasn’t as cute as Applejack’s.’ ‘Really?’ said Daisy. ‘Yeah. On her first family reunion, one of her family members found her sitting underneath the table with empty plates and her words were ‘I’m Applejack! More apple Fwitter?’.’ ‘Aw,’ said Daisy as she thought it was adorable. ‘Yeah, Granny Smith said that it was also the exact day that they found out that she has an appetite of a full grown stallion. She’s sometimes embarrassed about it, but not as embarrassing as that time when she burped so loud she blew her big brother’s hair back.’ ‘Really?’ said a surprised Daisy. ‘Wow. That must be some burp.’ ‘You don’t have to tell me twice,’ said Bucky. She gave him the pictures back, while she kept her smile and said, ‘I’m really proud of you, Buck. You have gained a family since you got here.’ ‘I was actually the second human to come here,’ said Bucky. ‘Second?’ Emily wondered. ‘Then who came first?’ ‘That would be him,’ said Bucky as he pointed at Beau, who was looking out of one of the windows in order to watch his surroundings. ‘His name is Thomas Rohan, but now the ponies call him Beau,’ said Bucky as he explained. ‘He died when a whirlpool pulled him in and he ended up drowning. He somehow ended up in Equestria. He even fell in love with Princess Twilight overtime.’ ‘He married a princess?’ said Daisy. ‘Lucky.’ ‘Yeah. Her folks and especially her brother had a hard time accepting him,’ said Bucky. ‘But thankfully, they grew fond of him when they got a chance to know him. They soon had a daughter named Moonlight Sparkle.’ He then pointed at Silver. ‘That there is Jim Silver, but now he’s just Silver. He died in a plane crash back in his world. He’s the third human to be here.’ ‘Who did he marry?’ asked Daisy. ‘He got married to a unicorn named Rarity,’ said Bucky. ‘She happens to be a Fashionista, designing clothes and everything. She ended up offering him a job and it turned out, he’s really good at it. They soon got married and a while later, they even had a daughter named Crystal Gem. She looks like her mother, even has her personality when it comes to fashion.’ He then pointed at Genus as he said, ‘That there is George Newton. But folks call him Genus. He died of gas poisoning…’ ‘Gas poisoning?’ asked Daisy. ‘How the heck did that happen?’ ‘His puppy dog Trusty happened,’ said Bucky. ‘Apparently the dog accidentally turned it on while he was looking for a doggy treat. Both of them died of gas poisoning and somehow, both of them ended up in Equestria.’ ‘The dog too?’ said Daisy with a cocked eyebrow. ‘Wow. No one goes to the afterlife without man’s best friend.’ ‘Yeah, no kidding,’ said Bucky. ‘He became the fourth human to arrive here. He woke up in front of a Pegasus’s house where he met Fluttershy. She’s really kind and she helped him out when he needed it the most. She even helped him become a better caretaker of the animals. Soon enough, those two became a couple. They got married and have a kid, even though she’s very shy.’ ‘How shy are we talking?’ asked Daisy. ‘Someone with a slight sense of autism,’ said Bucky. ‘Oh, the poor girl,’ said Daisy. ‘And I guess she must’ve had a hard time interacting with others because of that.’ ‘You don’t know the half of it,’ said Bucky. ‘She’s always afraid and the way other ponies treat her, I don’t blame her for not wanting to live in Ponyville with the others. But uh…’ ‘What?’ said Daisy with a cocked eyebrow. ‘You do not want to see her angry or use the Stare.’ ‘The stare?’ ‘Let’s just say her staring power is so great,’ said Bucky. ‘She was able to stare down a wild Manticore and a dragon to calm them down or scold them for being mean.’ ‘Really?’ said Daisy, clearly impressed by Fluttershy’s own bravery. ‘Wow. Now I really want to meet her.’ She cleared her throat and said, ‘Who got here next?’ ‘The fifth human over there,’ said Bucky as he pointed at Bolt. ‘His name’s Cole Bolton, but others called him Bolt because he saved Rainbow Dash’s life.’ ‘Let me guess,’ said Daisy as she took a wild guess. ‘She happens to be a speedster of sorts?’ ‘She sure is,’ said Bucky. ‘But she can also be pretty arrogant, overconfident, judgmental, and don’t get me started on being a total Adonis.’ ‘Oh, one of those types,’ said Daisy as she rolled her eyes when he described her. ‘And let me guess, she’s also extremely competitive and also a showoff?’ ‘You have no idea,’ said Bucky. ‘But she’s not so bad once you get to know her.’ ‘And what happened to Bolt?’ ‘He fell off a ladder after he sneezed,’ said Bucky, leaving Daisy with a deadpan expression. ‘You’re joking, right?’ Daisy asked. ‘No joke, true story,’ said Bucky. ‘But anyway, after he arrived, Applejack and I found him unconscious with that nasty head wound. We took him in and the moment he woke up and saw Applejack, he ended up jumping out of the window.’ Daisy ended up laughing while she leaned backwards, which gained the others’ attention but chose to ignore her while she continued to talk to her brother. ‘Are you serious?!’ ‘No, true story,’ said Bucky as he chuckled a bit, but cleared his throat and continued, ‘But Rainbow Dash ended up tackling him over and calming him down. Sure enough, he settled in and worked at a temporary job at the farm. Then one day during a flight show…’ ‘Flight show?’ said Daisy. ‘Yeah, it turns out they have a Pegasus aerial team known as the Wonderbolts,’ said Bucky. ‘Rainbow dreamed of becoming one for years and she finally became one. But while she showed off, she ended up hurting her wing when it suddenly cramped. And before anyone could do anything, Bolt dashed towards the stage, passing everyone and security. He ended up cushioning her fall.’ ‘So he saved her life?’ said Daisy. ‘And she fell head over heels for him for saving her,’ said Bucky. ‘Ah, romance classic,’ said Daisy as she nodded with a smile. ‘But she’s a bit uncomfortable for being called cute,’ said Bucky. ‘Because it turns out, she has a bit of an insecurity side.’ ‘And she’s afraid of being judged by others?’ said Daisy. He nodded. ‘Bolt kept calling her cute and those two nearly broke up in a fight. Well, she did it first. Anyway, he apologized to her. She quickly accepted it and they ended up having a uh…passionate…’ ‘I know what they did,’ said Daisy as she raised her hand, much to Bucky’s surprise. ‘Buck, come on, I’m eighteen. I’m old enough to know this stuff.’ ‘Fair enough,’ said Bucky. ‘So who got here next?’ asked Daisy. ‘Those two,’ said Bucky as he pointed at both Frosty and Emily. ‘That there is Barry Frost, but folks call him Frosty. The sixth human to arrive and Emily being the first human female to arrive in Ponyville.’ ‘First female?’ ‘We didn’t know if there were others so we just took an educated guess,’ said Bucky. ‘Anyway, those two died in an earthquake while their building collapsed. They ended up arriving during Fluttershy and Genus’ wedding. We were a bit surprised at first, but we let it slide.’ He leaned over and said, ‘But he had a hard time smiling.’ ‘Why?’ said Daisy. ‘They lost their parents when he was a kid,’ said Bucky, much to Daisy’s shock. ‘He hasn’t been able to smile since. But one mare was able to.’ ‘Who?’ ‘Pinkie Pie,’ said Bucky. ‘The party planner of all of Equestria.’ He leaned close to her and said, ‘And also a fourth wall breaker.’ Daisy widened her eyes in shock and said, ‘Oh boy, like Deadpool?’ ‘Like Dead…’ said Bucky before he stopped himself. ‘Wait, how did you know about…?’ ‘They showed him on Ultimate Spider-Man,’ said Daisy. ‘Oh yeah, right,’ said Bucky, remembering that she watched that episode when she was seven. ‘Anyway, she tried everything to make him smile and in the end she did. And because of it, he and Pinkie grew closer. Soon enough they became a couple, got married and had twins named Pecan Pie and Lemon Pie.’ ‘Oh boy,’ said Daisy, fearing that the kids would be like her. ‘And what about Emily?’ ‘She ended up with a dragon named Spike.’ ‘A dragon?’ ‘Twilight’s number one assistant,’ said Bucky. ‘He even had a crush on Rarity, but he then fell into depression because he lost his chance to tell her. Emily ended up helping him out of his funk. And in the end, the two of them fell in love and became a couple too.’ ‘Aw, that’s so sweet,’ said Daisy. ‘So it’s just you guys?’ ‘Strangely no,’ said Bucky. ‘After Frosty and Emily, more humans arrived in Equestria.’ ‘Really?’ ‘Eeyup.’ ‘Like who?’ ‘Let me think,’ said Bucky. He told her of the next humans who arrived in Equestria. There was Platinum who later married the ruling monarch, Princess Celestia. Then there was Nebula who married Celestia’s sister, Luna. There were also rumors of another human, but they don’t know who. Then there was a human named Fortis who married a model named Fleur De Lis. Then there was a human named Blade who married a princess named Cadance, though Daisy was shocked to figure out that Cadance was already married to Shining Armor but had agreed to form a harem with one another. And a while later, another human named Ignis arrived and married Sunset Shimmer, the former baddie. Daisy was more and more surprised to hear this and to discover that there are more humans in Equestria. ‘This is incredible,’ said Daisy. ‘I’d never imagined that more humans would arrive in this world. Especially in Equestria of all places.’ ‘I know right? I was just as surprised when I heard more humans arrived here,’ said Bucky. ‘At least you landed in a peaceful country that didn’t have any problems,’ said Daisy, only for her brother to laugh at that, making her confused. ‘What?’ ‘Oh, they did have problems alright,’ said Bucky. ‘Like what?’ asked Daisy. He then told her of the many problems Equestria had in the past. First they had Grogar, the Godfather of all Monsters, but a pony named Gusty the Great defeated him by taking away his Bewitching Bell. Then there was a pony who could erase minds with the Memory Stone, but Clover the Clever put a stop to it by taking the stone away, which Sunset and her human friends had to destroy in the far future. Then there were the Windigos, wind spirits who turned the Three Pony Tribes’ homes into frozen wastelands, but were defeated when the subordinates wised up and united. There was Discord, who spread chaos all over the place until the two ruling sisters, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, defeated him by using the Elements of Harmony. Then there was Tirek the Centaur, but was defeated by the Princesses. Then came Sombra, the corrupted unicorn of the Crystal Empire, but was defeated by them but not before he made the Crystal Empire disappear. Then there were the sirens, who were banished to another realm by Starswirl the Bearded and the Pillars of Equestria. And then Princess Luna turned into Nightmare Moon because of her jealousy towards her sister and that ponies loved Celestia’s day instead of Luna’s night. Celestia had no choice but to banish her to the moon, causing their links to the Elements of Harmony to be severed. She even defeated Queen Chrysalis and her changeling race. A thousand years later, Twilight Sparkle came along with Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Rainbow Dash. When Nightmare Moon came back, they journeyed through the Everfree Forest to face her but along the way, they discovered that they represent the Elements of Harmony. Applejack represents Honesty because she never tells a lie. Fluttershy represents Kindness because she’s always nice to everyone around her. Pinkie Pie represents Laughter because she loves making others smile. Rarity represents Generosity because she’s always giving others what they need and expects nothing in return. Rainbow Dash represents Loyalty because she’s loyal to a fault. And finally, there’s Twilight Sparkle, who represents the Element of Magic because whenever her friends are with her, they help create the magic of friendship. But he also explained about their faults too. How Twilight always stressed out over the smallest details. Applejack once lied so much when she was little, she and her whole family ended up in the hospital and she can be too stubborn to ask others for help. Fluttershy’s always shy and afraid to face dangers yet when push comes to shove, she tends to go overboard with her anger. Pinkie Pie tends to overdo things and has a habit of forcing friendships onto others, for she tried to get a donkey named Cranky Doodle to be her friend and wouldn’t take no for an answer. She even tried to force her friends to get to know her sister Maud and become friends with her, but she had a bit of a monotone expression and doesn’t show it like her sister. Thus, they had a hard time trying to bond with her. Rarity has a habit of being a drama queen and was most times selfish when it comes to certain things. Even Rainbow Dash can be selfish, hotheaded, a dunderhead and never thinks of the consequences of her actions. She even has a hard time trusting folks around her despite giving them a chance to know them. Anyway, they defeated Nightmare Moon using the Elements of Harmony and freed Princess Luna from her own darkness. They defeated Discord when he tried to drive them apart. They, with the help of Twilight’s brother Shining Armor and his newlywed Alicorn bride Princess Cadance, blasted Chrysalis and her changelings away from Equestria. They, with Spike’s assistance, helped defeat Sombra when the Crystal Empire came back. After that, they had to stop a unicorn named Trixie when she got corrupted by an Alicorn Amulet because she was jealous of Twilight. Twilight, after she became a Princess, stopped Sunset Shimmer from ruining more lives from the human world then let her new friends help her on the path of redemption. They defeated Tirek after he escaped from Tartarus. Twilight helped Sunset defeat the banished sirens known as the Dazzlings before they could take over the world. They stopped a unicorn named Starlight Glimmer when she took over a village filled with ponies and manipulated them into giving up their Cutie Marks so they wouldn’t think they were special. Then Twilight had to talk some sense into Starlight before she could destroy the timeline. They had to help save the Crystal Empire when Flurry Heart, the first ever Alicorn born princess, accidentally destroyed the Crystal Heart that protected the kingdom from the Frozen North. And finally, Starlight, Trixie, Discord and a reformed changeling named Thorax had to launch a rescue mission when Twilight and her friends, Spike, Flurry Heart, Cadance, Shining Armor, Celestia, Luna, even the husbands and Emily were captured by Chrysalis. After the whole story, Daisy stared at him with her mouth agape. ‘Okay, I take it back,’ said Daisy. ‘They definitely have a lot of problems.’ ‘I know right?’ said Bucky while rolling his eyes. ‘And you’re saying that Princess Twilight and the others are the bearers of the Elements of Harmony?’ ‘That’s right,’ said Bucky. ‘And Chrysalis wanted you guys to implant your sperm into her so that she could birth your babies?’ said Daisy before shaking her head in disgust. ‘That is seriously messed up.’ ‘Yeah,’ said Bucky with a chuckle. ‘Bolt hadn’t gotten over it. Said that Chrysalis was this close into turning us into her personal harem of sex toys. Trust me, he’s been ranting about that for five years now.’ Daisy couldn’t help but laugh about it. Bucky then leaned forward and asked, ‘So how did you end up here?’ Daisy looked down, saddened, with Bucky realizing something. ‘Oh, I’m sorry,’ said Bucky. ‘I didn’t mean…’ ‘No, it’s okay,’ said Daisy. ‘We should talk anyway.’ Daisy took a deep breath and told him from the beginning. ‘After I died from cancer,’ said Daisy as she began, ‘I woke up in Caribouria. At first I thought I was in heaven, thinking that I was in paradise.’ She then looked down and said, ‘Until I was captured.’ Bucky was shocked to hear this, with Daisy continuing the story. ‘I was taken to one of their camps, where they would attempt to starve most of the prisoners. From what I overheard, they would starve you to death and would force you to join their forces. And once you join them, they will feed you. But I also heard that they take their women into the breeding camps to get raped so that they could breed their own warriors. I was scared out of my mind, thinking that I was going to die out there again.’ Bucky couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He gripped his hands in secret, for what they were about to do to his sister was unforgivable. Daisy was able to form a small smile and said, ‘But thankfully I was rescued.’ ‘Rescued?’ Bucky asked. ‘By whom?’ ‘The Rebellion,’ said Daisy. ‘Just as I was about halfway to their camps with ten other prison cages in tow, I was saved by what I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was saved by a human.’ ‘Another human?’ said Bucky. ‘In Caribouria?’ ‘Yep,’ said Daisy. ‘I was saved by a female human. From what I could tell, she was about eighteen years old. She and a caribou named Thorin Oakenshield saved me and many other prisoners. Many chose to fight for the Rebellion and I asked if I could be part of it. At first they said I was too young to be part of it, but the woman…’ Daisy couldn’t help but shed a small tear and said, ‘She took me in. Both she and Thorin raised me.’ She looked at Bucky and said, ‘By the time I turned ten, I asked one more time if I could join. They agreed, but first I was trained in their ways. Within two years, I flourished into a fighting machine. Then for the past five years I continued to fight for the Rebellion and was able to go to other towns and villages, convincing them to be part of the cause. At first it worked, but as the years continued to go by, many grew more and more afraid. Our numbers were dwindling, even with the resources we have.’ She looked at him and said, ‘I eventually became a commander, third in command of the Rebellion. But I never stopped thinking about you and the life I was forced to leave behind.’ She nearly whimpered, but kept her smile as she said, ‘But then here you are, sitting right in front of me. You have no idea…how happy I am…to see you again…’ The two of them ended up embracing one another once more, holding each other tighter, not wanting to let each other go, ever again. The others watched as the siblings reunite, even Frosty held his sister close, which she greatly appreciated. Daisy broke the hug and wiped her tears. She stood up and walked over to the front, then said, ‘Balin, how far are we to our base.’ ‘We’ll be there by dawn,’ said Balin. ‘Don’t worry Commander, I won’t let you down.’ She smiled and said, ‘I know you won’t.’ She soon sat down and said, ‘And maybe once we’re there, all of you could ask the leaders why you’re here in Caribouria.’ ‘Don’t worry,’ said Beau as he finally said something after the long trip. ‘Once we get there, we’ll talk to whomever is in charge, especially of why we’re here.’ Soon enough, they continued with their journey, hoping that they will make it safely to their destination.