//------------------------------// // Sleep // Story: Book 1 - The Behemoth came to Canterlot // by Equimorto //------------------------------// "It's taller than I thought it would be." Lyra didn't answer that, too busy looking out the window. But it was true for her as well. The Wall was more like a mountain than anything else in terms of scale, and it was no surprise that it had cut off infrastructure for as long as it had. "How long do you think it will take to get through?" she asked, turning her attention back down to earth and towards the tunnel they were heading towards. "A few minutes, according to what I've read," Bon Bon replied. She'd gotten off her seat to stand next to the window and get a better look at the Wall herself. It was a lot like a mountain, in many ways. In others it was more like a chain of them scaled down. In others still, nothing like either. It stretched on both sides far beyond what their eyes could see, and upwards it poked through the lowest clouds and past them. It wasn't a solid defined prism shape, but it was far more jagged in its angles than a regular mountain would have been. Most impressive and alien of all though was its surface. A clear crystal blue, gleaming in the sunlight. Smooth, polished, unscathed by rain or wind or any other natural phenomena. No trees grew on it, no rocks or dirt or anything to cover it, no snow on its peaks and no rivers running down its sides. No animals to be seen on it either. It was like someone had sculpted an impossibly big block of glass and then placed it there. Neither pony had ever seen something so big feel so artificial. In some ways, how it had suddenly sprouted from the ground according to reports being one of them, it was similar to Twilight's castle in Ponyville. But it felt a lot more sinister. A lot more wrong. Bon Bon swallowed. "Nervous?" Lyra asked, turning part of her attention that way. "A bit," Bon Bon admitted. "It should be safe though." "That doesn't make it not creepy," Lyra replied, once again focusing fully on the Wall. She silently watched it as the train kept moving along, until it became impossible to as they entered the gallery craved into it. Literally carved, as was their understanding and as the look of it appeared to confirm, but it was at least thankfully lit up with magic. Bon Bon went back to her seat, and soon Lyra pulled her head away from the window, and for a few minutes they just sat there waiting for the last portion of the trip to be over. Until the unicorn caught sight of something in the corner of her eye, outside her window. "Did you see something?" Bon Bon asked to Lyra, who'd suddenly decided to press her face against the glass and had been there for a few seconds. "I..." Lyra pulled back her face and sat down again. Then she noticed Bon Bon staring at her, still expecting an answer. "Oh. No. Nothing, just my imagination," she lied, convincingly enough for the other mare not to realise.