//------------------------------// // The Final Wreckoning Pt.1 // Story: Flurry Heart’s Troublesome Situation // by Badguy400 //------------------------------// Flurry Heart is feeling excited… . Excited that she gets to help her parents fight off a yeti. And also that her parents actually believed in her story about a yeti breaking the vase… ; despite the fact that there are no yetis anywhere inside the castle… . Meanwhile; Shining Armor and Cadence are currently coming up with a plan to set their daughter straight… . Which of course means scaring the diaper off of her with a yeti costume… ; (not literally of course… . But scaring her quite enough to set their daughter straight is in fact a possibility). And so with their plan in development; they’ve headed out to gather up their supplies for the plan that’s about to be enacted… . While Flurry Heart in the meantime is currently in her room as Cadence has ordered her to… . Mainly because her parents don’t want her to get hurt. And also that Flurry Heart knows better than to not go against her mom’s orders… . Last time she did that; she was eventually swarmed by so many spiders that are in the castle; (non venomous of course); when she and her family have began to know of an infestation in their castle… . And that her mom specifically told her not to leave her bedroom for whatever reason until her mom says that it’s okay to do so. How’d the spiders even manage to get into the castle in the first place is a bit of a mystery… . Regardless; Flurry Heart knew better than that now… . And has decided to stay in her room for the time being. So with that; she’s spending some time in her room with her plushies while her parents are busy with preparations… . Few hours have passed, and it seemed that Flurry Heart’s parents haven’t told her that it’s okay for her to come out of her room. But… . Just as she was right about to unfortunately attempt to break her mom’s rule of staying in her room by trying to open the door… ; Cadence suddenly said that it’s okay for her to come out of her room now… and that they were ready to fight the yeti. Flurry Heart then got excited, got out some cute little fake weapons, wore a cute little fake gladiators outfit; (for fillies); from her toy chest, and then slowly opened her bedroom door as she then began to get a little cautious… ; practically unaware as to where the yeti is; (despite there not being one anywhere in the castle, and that also she’s only pretending to be cautious to really sell the lie). However; what Flurry Heart doesn’t know is that her parents are up to something… . And that basically they’ve had something planned for her for when she arrives… . As for the parents meanwhile; they were hoping… ; hoping that this plan of theirs wouldn’t either backfire, and make their daughter incredibly scared, or scarred for life… . Or even make her want to lie even more due to her parent’s own lies… . Mainly because Flurry Heart is still basically at the age where she’s young, and impressionable… . And also that they were hoping as well that there will be no other consequences whatsoever if they were to actually go through with their plan, and have it in motion… . So… ; after some talking through with the plan; the Royal Couple got ready for their plan to go in motion. And Flurry Heart got ready to “fight” a yeti in the castle with her parents. After the family had regrouped at one of the castle’s hallways; they all separated to find the yeti… ; all the while while Flurry Heart’s parents are getting ready to scare her when she arrives at their side of the hallway. Little do any of them know that something else is with them… . And they’ll just about find out what it is soon enough… .