Flurry Heart’s Problem

by Badguy400

Chapter Three: A not so Good Situation

King Sombra and Flurry Heart are currently in the bathroom of the Cake Twins’ home. The reason is that Flurry Heart feels like going potty, and that King Sombra had a mission… ; to help out Flurry Heart with getting to the bathroom on time so she wouldn’t have anymore accidents.

Usually Flurry Heart didn’t have that much accidents before… . But ever since the incident with the bandits… ; it unfortunately made her have accidents more and more… ; basically almost to the point where Flurry Heart is getting really close to becoming diaper dependent again… . But luckily for her; she now has a good friend to help her out with the problem… ; albeit to his discomfort and disgust… .

And luckily for King Sombra; Flurry Heart actually wanted to be potty trained, and or have the number of accidents that she’ll have lessen; instead of the exact opposite like any other child would have when having this type of situation before them… .

So; with Flurry Heart currently using the bathroom; King Sombra is looking away from her for privacy reasons. And as for Flurry Heart; she’s happily humming a tune, and doing her business. What song is Flurry Heart humming is unknown… . But what is known however is that Flurry Heart made it to the bathroom on time thanks to King Sombra. And that King Sombra is proud of Flurry Heart for making it to the bathroom on time… ; with his help of course.

After a few minutes; Flurry Heart sighs in relief, giggles, and then says while feeling happy for herself; “hehe… I did it!”

Sombra chuckles, and then asks; “can I turn around now… ?”

Flurry Heart then laughs, and then raises her forehooves while saying; “you can help me out now… .”

With that; Sombra turns around, picks up Flurry Heart, noticed that she actually did make it on time, and then looks at her proudly and says; “wow… good job there kid. Way to go!”

Flurry Heart giggles again, and then says; “thank you…” before giving King Sombra a hug.

Chuckling to himself; King Sombra then said; “hey now… . At least wait until you wash your hooves to hug me… ; okay… ? That’s gross.”

Flurry Heart shook her head, and then said with a giggle; “nuh uh… . This is… .” And then she blew a raspberry with her tongue.

Getting the hint; King Sombra laughs, and then says; “I guess letting one rip is gross… hehe… . But then again; so is not washing your hooves before hugging someone; you know?”

Blushing; Flurry Heart looked down and said; “hehe… sorry.”

Sombra pats her back with a smile, and says; “it’s okay. Now; let’s get you cleaned up… .”

And with that; King Sombra flushed the John for Flurry Heart, and helped her up at the sink so she could wash her hooves.

Unfortunately; right as Flurry Heart was about to finish washing her hooves; both her and Sombra heard a groan, and then saw splashing water from within the porcelain throne… . Knowing what that meant; both looked to each other, and then back again at the now overflowing Oval Office with a worried look before saying; “uh oh…” in unison… .

Sighing out of boredom; Chrysalis was resting her head against one of her hooves, and then says; “I’m bored… . When are the parents gonna get back… ? I wanna go home… .”

Sighing also; this time out of annoyance due to Chrysalis sulking over her boredom; Tirek replied; “how should I know… ? You know I never keep track of this stuff… ? And where’s Cozy Glow… ?”

Chrysalis then replied; “she had a headache and is lying down in one of the Cake Twins’ beds in the meantime… . And don’t worry; the Twins said that she could.”

Tirek shrugs, and then says; “works for me…” but then starts to ask; “say… . What’s taking those two so long… ? They should’ve been done already by now… .”

Confused; Chrysalis asked; “who… ? Who do you mean?”

Tirek sighed, and then replied; “Sombra and Flurry Heart… . They usually don’t stay in there together for that long whenever Flurry Heart has to go… ; you know… ?”

Chrysalis then says; “ooohhhh…” and nodded her head. And then she began to shrug, and say; “eh… beats me… . Maybe Flurry had to take a dump this time… ?”

Snickering because of that fact; Tirek then joked; “sure hope the little princess doesn’t bust the throne; if you catch my drift.” He then started to laugh.

Chrysalis snickers too because of the humor, and then says; “maybe that’s the case… . But then again; it’s been like almost five or ten minutes already… . Flurry Heart couldn’t have gone for that long… ; could she… ?”

Tirek shrugs again, and then says; “who knows… ? Maybe she’s growing up… .”

Suddenly; both hear a pounding at the door, and then heard the doorknob being shaken… .

Somehow surprisingly knowing as to what’s happening; Queen Chrysalis then blurted out; “or maybe that the lock to the door is jammed, and that they can’t get out of there while the outhouse inside the bathroom is clogged and having its waters rising up… .” Stunned after that outburst, Chrysalis then questioned; “how in the world did I know that… ?”

Tirek then replied; “I don’t know… , but we gotta help them out… .”

Chrysalis then nodded; “agreed,” and then ran with Tirek to try to free the two from their gross predicament.

King Sombra and Flurry Heart are holding onto each other while the bathroom is now beginning to fill with the water arising from the porcelain throne… . Least they don’t have to worry about anything else since the water from within is clean… . But regardless; they also don’t wanna have their lives end just yet due to a silly predicament… .

So with that; Flurry Heart turned to Sombra and said; “I’ll never forget you friend…” and starts to hug him tightly as she’s bracing herself for the inevitable… .

And as for King Sombra… ; he just chuckled to himself, and said; “huh… . Never thought I’d go out like this… . Especially with my ex archenemy too… . Hehe… .” Flurry Heart chuckles a bit, and then went back to hugging him.

Sombra then turned to Flurry Heart, wraps a shadow arm around her, and then says; “yeah… . It was fun while it lasted… . Right… ?”

Flurry Heart smiled, and then said; “yeah… ; it was fun… ; friend… .” Sombra smiled back, and hugged her… ; to which Flurry Heart hugged him also in return… .

Both Flurry Heart and King Sombra then looked onward towards the flowing water approaching them… and then Sombra said; “well… ; see you on the other side kid… .” Flurry Heart then said; “yeah… ; see ya later friend… .” Afterwards; both braced for the inevitable end to their lives… .