//------------------------------// // Prolouge: Sunset's Thoughts // Story: Our Inner Demon // by BlueDiamond //------------------------------// A young woman of 16 walked down the hallways of Canterlot High School. She had pretty aquamarine eyes, red and gold hair that fell down her shoulders like rubies, and glowing amber skin. She brought with her an aura of kindness and ambition. And her name was Sunset Shimmer. She was on her way to her class, humming to herself. She couldn't wait to see her friends again. She never had any before the Fall Formal. The Fall Formal... A bubbling pit of shame and humiliation grew in her stomach as she remembered that terrible day, almost 2 years ago. Yet, she somehow was grateful that it happened. Something truly horrible happened, other than the fact that she turned into a literal demon and tried to make a zombie army. But it opened her eyes to the pain she had caused. She never wanted to hurt anybody other then Princess Celestia, but only because she thought Sunset was not worthy of being a princess. She never wanted to blackmail, she just wanted to stay on top. But she didnt know how to do that except for one way. Being a truly terrible person. However, she had changed, and was the happiest girl in- Bam! She bumped right into- "Sunset?" Sunset looked up, and gaped. She had somehow bumped right into Principal Celestia, the human conterpart of Princess Celestia! "Oh, I'm so sorry! I really wasn't looking where i was going-" "It's alright Sunset. I'll just take my books and go." "I'll help!" Soon, all of Principal Celestia's books were back in her arms. "Thank you for your help, Sunset." She smiled a warm, gracious smile at her student, who was reminded how similar Principal Celesta was to Princess Celestia. "You're welcome, Princes-Principal Celestia.." The principal looked at her student, who's cheeks had become as red as her flaming hair. "Did you just call me a.. Princess?" "Um.. sorry? I guess I'll see you later, Principal Celestia!" "Sunset, wait-" But It was too late; Sunset ran down the hall, flushed with embarrasment. The Principal wondered why she had called her a princess, she wasn't one, unless.. I'm a Princess in her world? She knew how Sunset was from another world, a world with magic, ponies and conterparts of everyone here, including herself. She never asked about the magical pony conterpart of her and Luna, but now... Forget it, Cellie . Maybe ask her a different time.. Shaking her head, She went to the office to put away the heavy books in her arms. Sunset ran down to her class, with 15 minutes to spare. She sat down and fiddled with her fingers as the rest of the students came in slowly and thinking of what she just said. I cannot believe myself. Hopefully Principal Celestia forgets about it and carries on with her life. She thought of her friends, hopefully waiting at lunch for her. She loved her friends, it was the only time that she had felt happy in, like, years.... She took out her books and her pencils with some other stuff, and flipped through the pages, happily thinking about her friends and hoping that, she, Sunset Shimmer, former unicorn of Canterlot, Equestria, proves to everyone that she has truly changed for the better, and is not the blackmailing, liar and fake model student of the past.