Flurry Heart’s Problem

by Badguy400

Epilogue: A Disastrous End

While Tirek and Chrysalis are busy trying to pry the bathroom door open; King Sombra and Flurry Heart are currently watching in horror as the entire bathroom is currently being filled with gross; yet clear water that’s flowing from within the porcelain throne, and out into the bathroom and onto the bathroom floor… . Both are really hoping that they’ll be able to get out of this predicament soon… . Or at the very least have their ends be at least one of the less painful ones… . Either way… ; they’re not having a good day… .

Meanwhile; the Cake Twins are currently playing with some plushies in their play area, and discussing a few things involving the ex villains… , and probably the Royal infant too… .

“So…” said Pumpkin Cake. “What do you think of the Royal toddler… ?” Her brother then shrugs, and then says; “eh… ; she’s not my type… . You… ?” Pumpkin Cake giggled, then said; “I was asking if you liked having her as a friend… . Not as a girlfriend dummy… .”

Poundcake took a little offense to this, and stated; “hey… ? I’m not a dummy… ; okay?” His sister just shrugs, and then nonchalantly says; “uh huh. Sure you aren’t… .” Scoffing; Poundcake then said; “whatever…” and pouted. He then continued by saying; “but in all seriousness; she’s kinda nice… for a princess and all… .” His sister then looked slightly shocked, looks at him with one eyebrow raised, and asked; “you’d think that the pwincesses awe mean… ?” Realizing what he said; Poundcake made a no way gesture with his hooves, and then says; “not what I meant… ! I meant that she’s very nice, and friendly… . Also not to mention very sweet too… . And as for the other princesses… ; they’ve seemed too busy to ever show any emotions… . Well… aside towards each other… ; you know… ?”

Pumpkin Cake then sighs, and then says; “maybe… . But I’m still telling Cadence on you that you’ve said all that… .” This made her brother get worried, and begged; “please don’t tell them… . I really don’t want mom and dad to be mad at me… .” Pumpkin Cake then nodded, and said; “it’s fine bwother… . I was kidding… .” After that; Pumpkin Cake hugged her brother, and patted his back.

After a few minutes; Pumpkin Cake released her brother, paused because she just realized something, and then asked her brother; “say… . When do you think our parents will get back home… ? They’ve been gone for like hours… ; don’t you think… ?”

Poundcake then began scratching under his chin, and then says; “now that you’ve mentioned it… ; the ex villains didn’t necessarily say when they’ll be back… . You don’t think they did anything to them… ; have you… ?”

To answer Poundcake’s question; Chrysalis stopped by; holding a crowbar in one of her rotted fore hooves; (or something like that); looks at the Twins, and then answered; “they’ll be back in about a week. Vacation… .” After that; she went back up the stairs to help pry the bathroom door open. Nodding to themselves; both of the Twins nodded to each other, and then said in unison; “ooohhhh… . That makes sense.”

While Sombra and Flurry Heart are beginning to hold their breaths because the water has begun to completely fill up the entire bathroom; Tirek and Chrysalis are using the crowbar to pry the door open, but to no effect. The reason why that happened is because there’s no gap to the bathroom door; hence why it filled up entirely with water… .

Having about just enough of the wasted time of opening this door with conventional means; Tirek pushed Chrysalis away from the door, and made up a magical orb to eventually blast at the door when it finishes charging up.

Seeing this; Chrysalis shouts; “what are you doing?!” before placing both of her fore hooves at each side of her head while in shock.

Once the orb was fully charged; he blasted a hole in the door, and stepped back.

The water then began to be sucked out of the door by the newly formed hole on the door; causing Sombra and Flurry Heart to be sucked out of the bathroom as well, and be saved.

After Tirek finished with fixing the plumbing, Sombra and Flurry Heart with taking separate baths or showers to clean themselves up; (because of being covered/submerged in Oval Office water for quite some time), and with Queen Chrysalis cleaning up the entire place/drying everything; (plus fixing whatever was broken); all of the ex villains; (and Flurry Heart); piled up against each other in exhaustion, and then Queen Chrysalis began to say; “well… ; we’re screwed… .” and then slumps down to the floor.

Seeing the humor in all this; Sombra chuckles, and pointed out; “that may be… . But hey; it could be worse right?”

Seeming a bit confused; Queen Chrysalis began to ask; “what could be worse than that?”

Sombra replied with; “we might’ve been forced to pay for the water bill while they’re gone… .”

Now seeing the humor in all that; Queen Chrysalis laughed, and then says; “I guess you’re right… “ and began laughing some more.

After all that was said and done; Sombra began to ask; “you guys wanna have some dinner?”

All nodded, but Flurry Heart then asked; “c-can I go potty first… ? I wanna make sure… .”

Sombra chuckles, and then says; “hehehe… I guess so… . But then again… ; I’m also not so sure that Tirek did a good job of fixing the pipes.”

Tirek grumbles, and then says; “hahaha… very funny.” Both Sombra and Flurry Heart laughed, and then Sombra began to carry Flurry Heart upstairs to the bathroom so she could use the bathroom for just in case… .

Meanwhile; Chrysalis began to ask; “so what’s for dinner… ?” Realizing what he forgot; Tirek facepalmed himself with an audible smack, and then says; “I knew I forgot something… ;” before heading out the door to go run to the nearest grocery store to get some food to prepare dinner with.

And unfortunately right after that; King Sombra leaned out from the now fixed bathroom door, and then says; “Um… you guys… ? I think we’re out of toilet paper… .”

Queen Chrysalis then face hoofed herself, and then grumbled; “here we go again… ;” before getting up to get some more toilet paper for the two knuckleheads… .

The end.