Flurry Heart is Hilarious

by Badguy400

Chapter Four: The Joker’s End

Twilight and her friends are currently observing Flurry Heart… ; deciding on what to do if their plan were to go sideways, and or if Flurry Heart will have a bad reaction to their plan… .

Basically; their plan originally was to capture Flurry Heart in a trap that you would see in a cartoon, and then bring her back to the castle to punish her in a way that others would punish a misbehaving infant or toddler.

They’ve then decided to go with their other plan; to get Flurry Heart to stop pranking by talking to her… . They would’ve yelled at her instead, but didn’t wanna risk Flurry Heart crying, and blasting magic lasers all over the place. Not to mention that she’s still a baby after all… .

Lastly; they even thought about scaring her out of pranking… but decided against it since again; Flurry Heart might shoot magic lasers everywhere while crying… . Or she might just cry for a very long time without shooting lasers everywhere… .

So after some reasoning and thinking… ; they’ve decided to go with the former, and then waited for Flurry Heart to get close so that way they could capture her… .

Hours have passed; (despite it being only half an hour), and it seemed as if Flurry Heart was not gonna approach them for capture… .

However; just before they gave up; Flurry Heart starts flying to them while crying. Seeing this; they all got out of the bushes, disarmed their traps, and then Twilight embraced her niece while Flurry Heart had tears streaming down her cheeks… .

“What’s wrong?” Twilight Sparkle asked her niece. Flurry Heart then babbled something, and then starts crying again. Sighing; knowing as to what happened; Twilight then said; “well… . This is what happens when you prank the wrong pony… . Speaking of which; who did you prank… ?” Before her niece could answer her aunt’s question; a nut cart landed in front of them; shattering the entire cart.

Now realizing as to who Flurry Heart pranked; Twilight then started to shutter in slight nervousness, made a gulp noise while sweating from fear and nerves, and then says; “oh no… “ before Bulk Biceps’s screams can be heard… .