//------------------------------// // Head to Canterlot // Story: The Librarians and The Summoned Cat // by Dragon Shimmer //------------------------------// Twilight and Spike wake up as they stretch their body. When they look at Sunset, who is still sleeping with Noleg on her chest, they see a white dragon lying on their bed. Twilight and Spike sigh and wake her up. The white dragon opens her blue eye and stands up "Good morning," Sunset stretches her body, "I heard that tomorrow is Nightmare Night." "Yeah, I have prepared a costume for that day. Anyway," Spike points at the mirror, "You should look at yourself," Sunset walks to the mirror and sees herself, making her jump back. Twilight giggles, "Now you are a blue-eyed white dragon." "Not funny," Sunset glares at her, "Anyway, time for breakfast." The purple duo nods as Sunset takes Nolegs and walks to the main room. Sunset takes a book and pen, then she puts them to the table and starts writing. After 30 minutes, Spike calls for breakfast and the orange dragon walks to the kitchen to eat. "There you go," Twilight puts the dishes on the table, "Looks like you're back to normal." "Thanks," Sunset sits down, "Anyway, I'll go to the Canterlot for a month. I will leave you two to Noleg." "Why do you need to go there so long?" Spike tilts his head, "Is something happening to Celestia?" "No," Sunset shakes her head, "I come there to do some job." "I see," Twilight looks at the blue cat, "But we don't have a good ... you know... look to this cat."" "Don't worry," Sunset waves her claws, "I give him training to make sure that you are not... going to the hospital like the last time." Then she stands up, "See you soon," "Hey," Spike yells at her, making the orange dragon look back, "What about Nightmare NIght? Will you come back?" "I will," Sunset grins and flies away. Twilight and Spike look at Noleg as he is taking the notes and reading them. Twilight and Spike are reading the note to see what the orange dragon has written in there. Twilight read outloud, "First lesson is defense training. You have to dodge all of the projectives." "What kind of projective?" Spike asks and he receives a tomato in his face from Noleg, "That one is good. I think so. But I don't think we don't have enough tomatoes for the training." Noleg 'meows' and waves his paw to ask them to come with him. Twilight and Spike are looking at each other as they follow the blue cat. Noleg leads them to the basement and opens the training room. When the trio comes inside, Noleg jumps to one of the crystals and it forms a snowball. Twilight and Spike admire it as Twilight receives a snowball into her face. Spike laughs at that but he receives another one into his mouth, making him cough and spill out the snow. The crystal has formed a lot of snowballs and takes one of them, then he points at them. The purple duo knows this is a time to practice. Raven Inkwell is walking to Celestia's room with a long list. Being an assistant of Princess is so stressful for her, that makes Raven don't have any day to rest. When the white pony opens the door, she sees a blue fur princess on her bed. Raven shakes her to wake her up. "Wake up, Your Majesty." Raven starts shaking her, "It's time to work." The princess of the 'night' grunts and wakes up. She opens her eyes and sees Raven is looking at her, "Good morning, Raven." Then she stretches her body, "Let me prepare myself first." Raven bows and says, "Ponies are waiting for you, Princess Luna." Celestia is not sure what Raven is trying to say, but she is just going to the bathroom to prepare herself. When Celestia looks at herself, she grasps as she sees that her fur is changed into Luna's color, even her mane is dyed into Luna's color. Celestia looks at the roof and yells, "SUNSET" Celestia walks to the throne room to prepare the court today. When she walks across the maids and the guards, everypony thinks that is princess Luna. The door opens and Celestia sits on the throne. The guard announces to anypony, "Today's court is Princess Luna." Celestia facehoofs as she has to take this court as her sister. Sunset looks at Celestia through the scope and grins, then she takes it down. Now, the orange dragon is currently in the tower of Twilight's old house. She finds that no one use this building since Twilight and Spike left. Sunset sits down on the sofa and takes out the map of the Canterlot, then she draws a magic circle on it. "Very hard to draw all of the Canterlot." Sunset thinks as she walks around to investigate, "I hope there is something that I can paint, or else it will cost a lot of mana to draw this." The orange dragon decides to go to the basement of the building and sees many paint buckets in the basement. After two hours of calculating the buckets, Sunset knows this is not enough to a city like Canterlot, so she decides to use all of this to draw the circle. Sunset sits down and thinks about how to change herself without anyone knowing about her. Sunset decides to change herself into a white dragon and uses her spell to change her voice, then the dragon looks at her in the mirrors and smiles, "Perfect,". She walks upstairs and continues to study the magic until the night. Coral Blade goes to the library to ask someone to help her to build the house. When she just opens the door, she sees a snowpony and a snow dragon are walking out of the basement, making the captain jumps back and take her polearm. Noleg jumps on her head and cuddles at her. Coral looks up and takes the cat while the snow pony and dragon shake themself, revealing Twilight and Spike. They are now shaking like leaves due to the cold. Spike forms a fireball to warm up. Twilight feels the heat and melts into there, then she lies on Spike's back, "I can't believe that this training is too hard for us." Coral looks at them and comments, "You know that is too early for the Nightmare Night, right? It's tomorrow." "We are not practicing for tomorrow," Spike waves his claw to retorts, "That cat makes us become like we are in Winter Wrap Up. Ughh, I hate that cat." Noleg jumps down from Coral's head then jumps up to Spike's back. The dragon rolls his eyes and sighs. Twilight takes the cat then rubs at him, "Well, at least he is cute, right?" The blue cat 'meow's and lies on Twilight's chest. Coral walks into the library, "So, Sunset here? I need her help." "Sorry," Twilight shakes her head, "Sunset is currently in Canterlot from now." "Huh," Coral tilts her head, "Why did she want to go there?" "She didn't tell us." Spike answers, "Like a secret. She wants to do it alone." "I see," Coral nods and walks out of the library, "Sorry for disturbing you." Coral rubs her chin as she wonders what she is doing there. She goes to Brown Dirt's house to see the progress. When she gets there, the house is nearly complete. There are only some water pipes yet and some electricity to go. Brown Dirt and Leaf Cutter are doing the pipe to lead the water to their home. "Oh hello, lonely Captain." Brown Dirk smirks, "What are you doing here?" "Just visiting you," Coral walks into his house, "You don't mind if I check your house?" "No..." Brown Dirt rubs his head, "I guess." Coral smirks as she just comes inside his house. The house has a living room in her view with some sofa and couch. The mare comes inside, she sees stairs there. Going upstairs, three rooms are built inside it. Coral smiles and goes downstairs to drink the coffee. Brown Dirt and Leaf Cutter are going inside and see the captain like this, they only can sit with her. "What now?" Coral drinks the coffee, "The house is quite good, but I see three rooms upstairs. What for?" "For our future children," Brown Dirt hoover his hoof over his wife, "I am not like you, always be strong and now you are alone forever." Then he receives the cup of coffee into his head, makes him yell and runs into the bathroom. Coral huffs, "That attitude is never changing time by time. I don't know how you two go together." "Well," Leaf Cutter rubs her head and blushes, "Long story." "Then no need to tell," Coral stands up, "I am going to come to Flora's house. Good luck for you two," "Good luck for searching your love," Brown teases and a knife flies near his cheek, making him gulp. Coral opens the door and slams it. Coral goes to a house that seems old. Looking at the white house, there is a sliding wooden door with a brown wall. Coral sighs and opens the sliding door, then a ghost comes from the roof, makes Coral yelp and slap it away. "Ouch," The ghost rubs its head and reveals that it is Flora. Flora rubs her head, "Geez, you are really strong. Like usual," "And you stop doing that." Coral breathes heavily, "You scare me." "Oh come on," Flora stands up, "You are really scared of ghosts like you are still a filly." "Really?" Coral coughs, "Anyway, your dragon is going to Canterlot." "Wow, what a shock!" Flora just goes inside, "I guess I just lie down and sleep." "Really now?" Coral leans on the wall and folds her foreleg, "Much like a ninja for you." "Nah," Flora waves her front hoof, "Who said that a ninja has to serve someone? Besides no ninja in this world anymore. Since...." The white pony sighs, "I don't know." "No need to feel that, Flora," Coral pats her back, "just protect the Ponyville in shadow. I will get more free time." "I know you are trying to skip your work," Flora says sternly, making Coral want to walk out of the house, "You really a slacker. Are you even a captain of the guard?" Coral glares at the white pony and closes the door, making Flora giggle and go back to training. Since the orange dragon is going away, she has to protect Ponyville. Spike is lying on the floor during Twilight's craziness. She has become a crazy mare when she is afraid that Celestia will send her into the magic kindergarten and even create an ice bear, making everyone around panic. In the end, Spike manages to cool her down and destroy that ice bear. Now, he is too tired because of that bear as Noleg goes to comfort him. The door is opened and Twilight goes inside the bedroom. Twilight sighs, "Sorry for being worrying too much, Spike. I cause trouble with Ponyville," "That's ok," Spike looks at her, "I'm used to it. This is not the first time you get crazy. I remember that when you were still in the magic kindergarten. You are even crazier than this." That sentence makes Noleg laugh as Twilight blushes, "Come on, Spike. You don't have to remind me of that. Anyway... " Twilight whistles as an owl flying nears her. Spike looks at the owl while Twilight introduces, "This is Owlicious. He will help you at work." Then she looks at Spike, "I find that you work too much and hard to find the free time when you are my assistant. So this owl will help you a lot," "Great," Spike smiles, "More assistant. Honestly, I'm nearly getting knocked out a lot. Since Sunset is here, I get more free time to spend. Now, I got a cat and an owl to help me out." Twilight giggles, "I thought you would be jealous. You know, Dragon's Pride." "Sunset helps me to contain my pride back," Spike retorts, "Honestly, I wonder if all of the dragons are like her." "You know Sunset used to be a pony before, right?" Twilight lies on Spike's belly, "She is pony original, not dragon so her personality is not changed." "But the natural instinct is hard to contain, Twilight." Spike worries, "I am worried about if I can hurt you in the future." "I see." Twilight takes a book, "Well, let's get a rest together. We have a lot of work to do later." "I hate working," Spike whines as Twilight giggles. The purple duo lies together until the work comes.