//------------------------------// // Magical Crystals // Story: G5 Movie Redux (rewrite part 2) // by Norwegian boy //------------------------------// While Sunny, Izzy and Streak was taken to the dungeon, the rank of sheriff had gone to Sprout’s head, literally. He was in the sheriff office replacing his Hitch’s face with is his own on the calendar. Then his mother entered and she had to closed the doors thanks to the crowed of ponies outside. “Mom?” He could see that his mother was worried. “My, oh, my. Aren’t you the handsome sheriff! Look at you.” She told her soon as she started to walk towards the desk he was sitting behind. Sprout like the praise from his mother. “Yes. Yes, I am, mommy.” “Well, this is it. It is your time to shine, dear. Everypony wants to hear from you.” “They do?” Said Sprot with some confusion. “Of course. You are in charge now. It’s your destiny.” Phyllis whispered in her son ear. Sprot’s eyes light up when he heard that, he got up and walk to the door and open it with a hoof. “Citizens!” He then got the double door slammed right in his face. “Ow!” The pony wonder what just happened. He then open the door more carefully. “It is I, Sheriff Sprout.” “Sheriff? Where’s Hitch.” Asked a male pony. “We need a real sheriff.” Said a mare. Then more ponies started to speak. “Tell us what’s going on! -Hitch would know what to do.” Phyllis saw that he son was having some trouble so she decided to help. Then Sprout mother step out. “Come on, now, everypony. Let’s listen to what our new sheriff has to say.” She told the crowd, she then nudge her son. “That’s you, sugar cube.” She told her son. The crowed counited to talk. “Oh, yeah, it’s me. Ok, folks, calm down. There’s no need to be scared.” He told the crowd. “We’re scared and we want to be prepared.” Said the first stallion that talk before. “The unicorns are coming! The unicorns are coming” Said a stallion that was wearing binoculars that could look up in the sky as he walk by, hen then crashed into something. Then the crowd start to ask question to many for Sprout to handle, then one question caught his attention, what if the unicorn came back? “Actually, what if you’re all right? The unicorn could come back. They could even bring the pegasis. We are all in danger!” That got the crowd to gasp. “Now is not the time to be complacent. We should do something.” He told the crowed as he started to sing. Sunny on the other hoof was staring out of the window to the dungeon they were placed in. “Something is not right. We haven’t seen a single pony flying, expect the royal family. Izzy? Streak? Are you two listing?” She asked the two unicorns. Izzy was in a massage chair and she had some cucumber on her eyes. “This isn’t dungeony at all.” “It’s the nicest dungeon I have been in.” Said Streak who was sitting on the couch and reading a magazine. “And the part where they can't fly is because they can't and when it come to the royal family, it’s probably smoke and mirror.” “You have been a dungeon before?” Sunny asked the male unicorn. “A few times” He answered without looking up from the magazine. “What are you reading?” Izzy asked him. “I’m taking a quiz to see which princess I am, and I’m a Zephyrina Storm. Wow, that a mouthful.” Then a new voice spoke up, it was the pony they meet on the cliff. “Hey. I’m sorry you three got thrown in here, but I have to talk to you.” “Princess?” Said Sunny as she walk up the bars. Izzy got up from the chair.” Your majesticness. Y-your graceful highness.” Streak didn’t move at all. “Zipp. Just call me Zipp.” She told them. Then Streak spoke. “That’s better than Zephyrina.” He told Zipp. Zipp look at the stallion with a little confusion. “Just who are you?” “He’s helping us.” Sunny told Zipp, Streak just snorted. “I’m Sunny by the way and this is my friend.” “Izzy Moonbow.” “And what about him?” She asked while looking at Streak, who just sat on the couch. “His name is Streak.” Sunny told her. Zipp nodded. “Okay. Anyway, I really need to ask you something important. About magic.” She whispered that last part which made Streak placed the magazine on the table, he then got up and walk over to the girls. “That’s why we’re here. Maybe you can tell us how yours works?” Sunny asked Zipp. “Izzy has no idea how the unicorns lost theirs. So we thought maybe…” Zipp interrupted her. “Whoa, whoa, wait. Lost theirs? As in no magic?” Zipp then look at Streak. “What about you? Can you use magic?” “Nope.” I look like Zipp was thinking. “Well, that changes things. Listen, I might have some information that could help, but first, you need to tell me about this.” She then showed them Sunny’s book. “My journal! Thank you, Zipp.” She said while Zipp handed her the book. “I never thought I’d see it again.” “Yeah, I can be pretty sneaky when I want to be.” Streak could hear that she was pretty proud right now. Izzy was impressed. “Nice! I’m only medium sneaky.” “So where did that come from?” Zipp asked Sunny. “it was my father’s, why?” “That’s star…” Then all off sudden they heard music from those small devices that Streak had no idea what was, then two pegasus guards rolled out the red carpet so the other princess could walk off. What a showoff Streak thought when he saw her. “Zipp, what are you doing here? Mom said to stay away.” Said the princess. “Right. Then why are you here?” Zipp asked with a smug look on her face. The princess took out that small device. “For the content.” She then took a picture? Izzy posted for the picture with Sunny while Streak was just annoyed, he didn’t like this new pony. “Princess? Why isn’t anypony flying?” That made the new princess to gasp, she then made a fake laughter. “Everypony knows that only royals can fly, of course.” Streak wanted to test that. “Then prove it.” All eyes were on him now. “Fly right her and now, prove that only royals can fly.” The princess knows as Pipp became very nervous right now. “I don’t feel like it right now.” Streak didn’t buy the lie. “That means you can’t.” “Just who are you?” She asked Streak. “I’m just a grumpy old pony.” He answered her with a bored look on his face. Pipp just gave him a confusing look. “Anyway. I know that’s not fair but that’s just the way it is. If there was some way we could teach the citizens to fly you know we would in a wing beat.” She told them while jumping around. “Right, Zipp?” “Yeah. In a wing beat.” Streak just wanted to throw up. “Give me a break.” He said while rolling his eyes. Then the princess started to vibrate. “Oh, dress rehearsals. Gotta go. And so should you.” She told Zipp, she then tried her voice and walk off while singing. “That pony is a terrible liar.” Streak mumble to himself. When she was gone, Zipp look at the others. “I have to show you something.” She then open the cell door. “And Streak, I think this belongs to you.” She handed him a bag. “My potions.” He took of the ball from his horn and took the bag. “I swear, if that pegasus have done something to them.” He could look at them later, he placed the bag on his back. Then Zipp left. “You three coming or what?” Streak didn’t hesitated at all, he followed Zipp and so did Izzy and Sunny. Izzy then took of her tennis ball and placed it with some fruits that was on the table, Streal just threw away his. While the three ponies were following Zipp, a pony named Hitch had managed to climb the cliff that leads to Zephyr Heights, he managed to scar away two bunny that was eating. Hitch then collapse on the ground and the two bunny’s came back and they started to cuddle him which Hitch thought was very annoying. Then Hitch noticed something on the ground. “Litter.” He got up. “I mean, a clue.” He walk over to the littler. He then saw a hair on a stick, which was Izzy’s. “Hmm. Unicorn hair.” He then found a feather on the ground, he then picked it up and tasted it. “Pegasi.” He then tossed the feather and walk in the direction he thought they went, many bunny’s followed him. He then placed his ears on the ground. “The tracks gone cold.” He got up. “Sunny, Sunny, Sunny, Sunny. You think you’ve escaped? Well, think again. I will not eat, I will not sleep… Well, maybe a quick nap and a snack if I can’t find you in the next few hours. But after that, nothing will stop me!” Then the bunny’s that had followed him started to clap, they like what he just said. Hitch like the attention. “Oh, thank you. Thank you. No, no. You’re too kind. Also…” One of the bunny’s didn’t stop so another one had to hush him. “I’ll follow you wherever you go. Whether harshest deserts, the coldest tundra’s, no trail too dangerous, no clue too small.” Then the bunny’s notice a billboard with the three ponies, one of them was Sunny, Hitch didn’t not notice them. “The past matters not! It’s justice…” He then got annoyed of them clapping with their ears. “Oh, what? What?” Then they pointed at billboard with their ears and Hitch finally notice them. “Gotcha!” He then notice Streak. “Wait, there’s another unicorn? Where did he come from?” He asked with frustration. While Hitch was tracing Sunny and the other, Zipp had lead her and the other two to a part of Zephyr Heights Zip knew off. She open a hatch and jump down to a lift. “Watch your step.” Sunny and Izzy managed to jump down with ease, Streak on the other hoof landed on his butt. “I’m getting to old for this crap.” He said while rubbing his butt. “Just how old are?” Izzy asked him. “Old enough.” He answered her. Zipp then pushed down a handle and the lift started to go down, as they went down they saw what look like ruins. “Where are we?” Sunny asked as the lift reached the bottom. Zipp then jump out of the life. “It’s amazing, right?” The other followed her. “I’m pretty sure it was some sort of station for when earth ponies and unicorns used to visit Zephyr Heights. It’s like everypony just forgot.” Streak wasn’t listing to her, he had no idea that this placed existed, he was in the future. Sunny walk over to a sign that had a picture of her home. “This is proof. All ponykinds did used to be friends! My dad was right.” Then Streak saw that Zipp was looking at a poster and he recognized right it away. “The Wonderbolts.” He whispered. “Must be really weird, being the only pegasi that can fly.” Zipp let out a sad sighed and before she could say anything. “That’s because she can’t.” Everypony look at Streak, Zipp was surprised. “How did you know?” Zipp asked Streak. “It’s simple logic, the magic is gone which means unicorns can’t use magic and pegasi can’t fly, I’m guessing that you use wires to fly and light to cover it up.” Zipp mouth fell to the floor, she never thought that anyone could figure it out that easy. “Yyyeah, his right, we have been faking it. But I’m so tired of living that ridiculous lie. That’s why I come down here to get away from all of that, and well, to do this.” Zipp then ran and jump on a leaver which trigger a giant fan, she then spread her wings and thanks to the wind, she flew up in the air. She then took a loop, she then closed her eyes and she could fell the wind, she look so happy. “Her sparkle is so bright right now!” Said Izzy. Streak had no idea what Izzy was talking about but he knew one thing and that’s Zipp really wanted to fly, he could see it on her face. Izzy then decided to land. “But that’s not why I brought you down here.” She said as they all walk over to a stained glass. “This is what I wanted to show you.” She then pointed at it and Streak almost got a heart attack when he saw which cutie mark was on top, it was Twilight Sparkle’s, was it her fault that magic was gone? Sunny was just amazed but it. “Oh, my stars.” She then look at her journal and it was the same star as Twilight’s. “This was made a long, long time ago, when we still had magic.” Streak had so many questions, just how far into the future did he travel? He know that an alicorn can live for a long time so what the hell happened to Twilight Sparkle and the magic? What the hell happened? “it’s beautiful.” Said Izzy. Then Sunny decided to have a closer look at the glass and she notice something, a crystal above a peagsus. “What is that?” She asked Izzy. “That’s the pegasus crystal. It’s part of my mom’s crown.” Izzy told her. Sunny then walk over to another side of the glass and saw a unicorn. “Hmm. Where is the unicorn crystal?” She then look around and then saw something on the floor, she walk over there and removed a curtain revealing a picture of a crystal, which had to be the unicorn crystal. She then moved it to the pegasus crystal, they fit. “Look.” They all gather around it. “They fit?” Asked Izzy. “These two crystals belongs together. United.” Sunny told them. “So, what are you saying?” Izzy asked Sunny. “Maybe you lost your magic because the crystals were separated.” Sunny told them. “So, if we put them back together…” Streak stop listening to them, just two crystal? It was too easy, if crystals was the source to the magic in Equestria then where is the earth pony crystal? If unicorns and pegasis had a crystal then why didn’t the earth pony have one? It didn’t make sense at all. Then somepony waved a hoof in front of him. “Streak?” It was Sunny. “Are you okay? You kind of spaced out. Streak shook his head. “I’m okay, I was just thinking.” He turned to face the other. “So, what were you three talking about?” He asked the three mares. “We are going to swap the pegasus crystal with a fake on under my sister Pipp performs tonight at the castle.” Streak gave them a skeptical look. “I’m sorry, were going to steal your mothers crown and replace it with a fake on?” The all nodded. “Why not just go to your mother and explain to her why we need the crystal?” That was a good question he asked Zipp. “My mother never takes the crown off and I doubt she will believe us.” Streak hate to admit it but Zipp was right, the way her mother reacted when they were brought to her, she would probably not give them the crown. Streak then rubbed his head. “And who is going to make the fake one?” He kind of knew the answer to his question. Izzy then raised a hoof. “That would be me and I’m going to do it with a box of macaroni, a tube of clue, 14 gooey bunnies, three jellybeans and lots of glitter.” Streak had no idea why but he’s eye started to twitch. “Stealing a crown from a queen? Oh well, not the craziest thing I have done. Right,” He then walk towards the lift. “let’s do this.”