//------------------------------// // Chapter 2: Setting Stages // Story: Impureblood // by BioQuillFiction //------------------------------// It was a short while before Twilight had awoken. The princess, Prince and mother to Blueblood's son, Blue Spice, were all gathered in the throne room. Guards were noticeably absent as Twilight felt the event sensitive. She cast several spells but Blueblood knew the truth when Blue Spice was shown. He was his son. "I… can't believe you actually have a son…" Twilight stated. Blueblood stared at his son, and his mother, the mare he dreamed of for so long...decided to keep Blue Spice. “I...I...don’t know what to say…” Blueblood said, honestly speechless at seeing everything in front of him, real as himself and not some saddened drunken haze. "Heh, well it was a shock at first but I did look for you for a while. Father… 'helped' in his own way but I was looking in all the wrong places. I was looking for a Canterlot Bum… not a prince down on his luck and hygiene…" Saffron admitted with a blush. "So how did you find him?" Twilight asked. "A month ago a Customer was reading from a magazine in the restaurant. It talked about your Noble Aid program helping to properly employ nobles who lived off old crown inherited funds and allowances. When she Got to what Blueblood quoted… it wasn't hard to put two and two together…" “That’s...fair.” Blueblood nodded. “It was...a difficult time to say the least…” "So, the question now Saffron is how do you want to proceed now that you've told Blueblood about Blue Spice?" The mare in question looked up at the little foal still mostly in her mane atop her head. "I just… was hoping that he'd be the colt's father. I grew up without a mother… and I don't want Spice to go through those emotions and pains." Twilight nodded. "I can respect that, really. But unfortunately, with Blueblood being a Noble, and a Prince at that, while his title is just that, there are certain laws that are still in effect regarding his nobility… and your… lack thereof…"  “And nobody cares about those laws, cause I have to take care of my son.” Blueblood stated simply, ready and willing to ignore whatever was in his way to take care of his son and be with the mare he longed for. "Not those laws Blueblood… the, uh…" Twilight stopped, clapping her hooves nervously. "Laws regarding your… birthrights…" The prince raised a brow. “And...do you mean that Blue Spice being… a prince?” She shook her head. "No, you. Um… you see… oh how do I explain this… uh… wait right here." Twilight said, vanishing in a flash of purple magic. "... Should… we be worried or…?" Saffron asked. “Um…” Blueblood started. “I...don’t know…” "... So, you have been doing well since that night…" “Well…” Blueblood started. “I wanted to do well, so I can find you.” He said honestly. “And...be happy after so long…” "Heh… any, um… mares, since then?" “Nope.” He shook his head. “I only wanted you...many other mares didn’t make me feel...as whole as I am with you here.” "Hmm… I did date once, but… he was… a tad possessive. So I ended it and when he argued my father blew Dragon's Breath Chili Powder in his eyes." “That’s one breakup.” Blueblood said, wincing in sympathy as Dragon’s Breath Chili Powder was really spicy, and to have it in his eyes? Ouch. "So… remember anything about that night?" “I demonstrated my skills at taste testing.” Blueblood said honestly. "So, none of the… fun stuff?" She asked with a chuckle. "Guess I lucked out. It came back after my hangover cleared up." “I wish I could remember...all I remember was your scent and the feeling’s of wonder...lost in the cold as I wasn’t with you when I woke up.” "Right. I remember. You walked out with a huge goofy grin on your muzzle then, poof, your horn lit up and you were gone. Didn't know you could teleport. Though I imagine drunk teleportation isn't exactly safe?" “Drunk teleportation is not safe...nor is using magic while drunk.” Blueblood said sheepishly. “But my...only friend of mine made sure I was brought home safely after that.” "Well that's good." Saffron nodded. A flash of lavender and Twilight was back, with a familiar face. Celestia had not aged a day. Her mane was wrapped in a bun, glasses rested upon her nose and she now sported a pearl necklace and earrings over her old regalia. "Where is the foal!" She asked, filled with joy and excitement. Blue Spice popped out of his mother's mane and was rapidly taken in Celestia's magic aura, the older Alicorns cooing and fawning over the foal.  "Huh…" Saffron said, processing both a Mother's worry, some pride that former Princess Celestia was fawning over her foal, and confusion. “Auntie Celestia...really wanted me to have kids.” Blueblood said sheepishly. “So...hello Auntie, how are you doing?” No reply. "I think she'll be like this for a while…" Twilight said. "I brought up the, um… issue but once Celestia heard you had a foal, she zoned out for a while and Luna was trying to slap her out of it." "Don't you mean snap her out of it?" Saffron asked. "Nope…" Twilight stated. “When Auntie gets into one of her...moods, it would take a lot to get her out of it...blunt force trauma is one of them...but sadly Luna didn’t hit hard enough.” Blueblood sighed out. "I'd rather not hurt my former mentor… Raven! Code nine!" Twilight called out. Soon said mare/assistant walked into the room, carrying what appeared to be a baseball bat covered in various runes and enchantments. She got next to Celestia, giving three practice swings before slamming it against Celestia's temple. The solar Alicorns hit the floor and slid for several feet.  Twilight readily caught Blue Spice when Celestia's magic faded and gave her back to the slack jawed mother Saffron. "Will that be all your highness?" Raven asked.  "Standby please." Twilight said. "... Is this… normal?" Saffron asked. "Eh, once every few months. Celestia has always been such a mother hen." Twilight said. "My own mother had to pry me from her hooves when I was little a few times and while she fought Celestia dad fought off the guards trying to arrest her for fighting the princess." “I remember that day, it was hilarious.” Blueblood chuckled. "I see…" Saffron said. "Ugh… ouch. Did I get hit with the Sense Maker again?" Celestia groaned, looking up as she rubbed her head and seeing Raven still hold the named, enchanted bat in her magic. "Oh… I damn the day Luna invented that accursed sporting equipment…" She groaned as she shook her head. "Now then… about… right…" Celestia sighed, taking off her glasses and placing them down. "Blueblood, as you know, you are a Prince in title alone… In Equestria…" “And so far, that title means...not much.” Blueblood stated, not wanting to say inappropriate words in front of his son. “So is this truly a problem? Besides the fact I’ve been looking for Saffron for...way too long, and not even knowing she had my child?” "And… in Equestria, that would be fine… but your Prince title carries weight… outside Equestria…" “Oh for the love of…” Blueblood groaned. “How...bad is it going to get?” "That depends… have you heard of the Sheepland Isles?" “Um...kind of?” Blueblood said carefully. “Mind giving me a refresher? It’s...been a while.” "As you know, Equestria was founded by the three tribes long ago when they were united, however this was long before Luna and I ever became rulers. Back then despite sharing a kingdom, many built their own Kingdoms and Nobility. The most noteworthy being the Sheepland Isles. They were built right under three overlapping ley lines, giving them and the land near unlimited magical potential. The soil was rich in fertility and natural minerals. It was a Utopia… until… Luna.and I came to power." Celestia sighed. "How come?" Saffron asked. "When we rose to power, we began merging all the different kingdoms into one, but the Sheepland Isles refused. They preferred their rulers, who's bloodlines traced back to The Platinum royal family. They kept their own corner of Equestria and renamed their territory the Sheepland Isles. For years relations were tense. They saw Luna and I as conquerors taking over the various kingdoms. Then, fifty years ago their newest King came to power. King Blueblood the second, your father." “Oh no…” Blueblood groaned. “Why did we have to talk about him?” He groaned, wanting to call him a ‘rotten bastard’ but his son was right next to him. "Calm yourself Blueblood. This is not the end of the story. Nore the ending you expect." Celestia sighed. "He was a kind, and fair ruler. But he saw the tension of his people. We met and talked many times during trade and immigration talks. Then, shortly after his wife became pregnant with you, he declared the Sheepland Isles would merge with the kingdom of Equestria. He saw the benefits it would bring both to the citizens of the isles and the boon of magical development and farming productions with Equestria's modern machines and magics. The isles became divided, and on the night you were born, civil war broke out." “Oh…” Blueblood trailed off, fearing the absolute worst at this point. "Within a year, your father and his loyalists we're losing the battle. He sent you and your mother to me, to keep safe. For five months you both were with me here in Canterlot… until we received word… your father was executed by the rebels." She sighed. "Your mother vowed vengeance. Despite your father's passing, from Canterlot with you in her arms she gave orders and commands that turned the tide of the war. The remaining rebels surrendered before Hearth's Warming that same year. The Sheepland Isles were made an official territory of Equestria, but to honor your father, was allowed to keep their monarchy as a ruling figure head under me for the area. Still, despite the defeat of the rebels, the Sheepland Isles are still crawling with spiteful, vengeful rebels. But, they needed a ruler… they needed their Queen." Blueblood was...honestly speechless about his history being told like this, never really knowing as, as far as he remembered, his father left him and his mother with Auntie Celestia, and then his Mother left him in a weird bout of rage and then...never came back. “What…” "She wanted to bring you, but with the rebels still running in the shadows within the isles. Growing up with a target on your back is no life for a foal. It broke her heart, but she left you here with me to keep you safe." "Wow…" Blueblood blinked. "Uh...and that means...my son and Saffron are in danger?" Blueblood asked carefully. "Well, yes and no. The rebels were discovered to be after you, back when you were younger. They were hoping to capture you to twist and manipulate you Into their pawn to reclaim the throne and return to their independent rule. That being said, they wouldn't harm Blue Spice if their goals haven't changed since then, but they have killed many to obtain their goals. Your father, many attempts on your mother since she returned… I wouldn't doubt they'd hurt Saffron." "But this still doesn't fully explain the issue about his nobility and us?" Saffron asked. "Because the Sheepland Isles have their own laws regarding the marriage between Nobility and such." Celestia explain. "They are older and rather outdated, but they still hold them in high regard." "But...it shouldn't be of concern, I've been in Equestria most of my life, shouldn't I be doing this with Equestrian laws, not the Sheepland laws?" Blueblood asked, thinking because of his nobility as an Equestrian Prince, it shouldn't affect anything with his apparent home country. "And were you any other Noble, that would be true… but because you are a noble born with not just rights to another nations crown, but the sole heir, and with the unique situation within the isles, it falls within the laws of the Cross Kingdom Nobility accord's. Basically it states that a Noble with rights to a kingdom's crown is to be held up to their nations laws regardless if they reside outside the kingdom or were born outside of it. So long as they carry that blood within them and therefore the rights to royalty, they are to be held to their homelands law by their resident kingdom. And in the Sheepland Isles, should a Prince or Princess sire a foal outside even the lesser of nobility be them resident it foregn, the prince or princess in question will be married off to a mare of the rulers choosing and the mother of the foal in question is to either be… compensated, or made a mistress in the coming marriage…" "Wait what?" Saffron asked. "Basically you either take a hefty sum of money for giving up Blue Spice, or you agree to enter a form of… herd marriage. You two wouldn't officially be husband and wife, at least not in the Isles but you can be here in Equestria." Twilight simplified. "Oh…" Blueblood started. "Well...better start getting the wedding planned." "Wait, hold it!" Saffron called out. Once the room was on her she sighed. "All these rules and foreign policies and kingdom stuff aside… I just came here to tell Blueblood he has a foal, and I want him in his life if he is willing. And, well, to see if we would work well together. If marriage comes of it then, well, I'll happily take it, but not so rushed…" "Hmm… I can keep this under wraps but if somehow this news reaches the Sheepland Isles, well, there's not much I can do there." Twilight said. "Legally the Queen, Blueblood's mother would have to… come and take him and the foal back. Saffron too is she agrees to the herd option." “This got way too complicated way too fast…” Blueblood sighed out. “I...just wanted to be with the mare I’ve been searching for and our son…” "And we will give it to you for as long as we can." Celestia informed. "I still have some pull with the media, Luna has her dream walking and still ever sneaky and loyal Theastrials, and Twilight as the ruling Princess can keep us all informed of events and news within the isles." Twilight nodded. "It's true. I can ask the representative there to keep an ear out for unusual rumors." Twilight nodded. "We can give you two time to hopefully sort out everything and get to know one another better. “Thank you.” Blueblood nodded. “It...means so much to know we have...time to do this all right.” “Renovated?” Hopper asked as he walked with Blueblood down Restaurant row. “The whole time you’ve been unable to find the place is because they renovated that alley and turned it into  basically a large food court with Saffron’s and several other restaurants in it?” It was rather absurd, but the truth stood before them. The new and fairly popular ‘Restaurant Row Din In And Dash’ was a three story multi restaurant building where many of the popular places on the street could have a smaller side location that served their food to a large influx of potential customers. And Saffron’s old building and restaurant were the base as they walked inside, looked to the back and spotted the entrance to her business. It was slightly modified, lacking the steps but was more or less just the old entrance with the new massive building built in front of it. No wonder he never found that alleyway, it didn’t exist anymore. "Still can't believe it was right in front of me this entire time…" Blueblood sighed out. "I should have noticed this place sooner…" “To be fair, you were looking for an old alleyway with a restaurant at the end, not a modern mega food court building.” Hopper stated. “Yeah…” The white coated stallion nodded. “Which seems weirder considering this much of a renovation would have been in the newspaper…” “It probably was, but given you had that Program stuff going on at the time, you probably missed it.” The Thestrial shrugged as the two entered. Blueblood looked around, seeing the Tasty Treat fairly packed and smelled quite lovely. “There you are.” Saffron said, quickly walking over to the two. “Take a seat, I’ll be with you shortly.” She said, heading off to another table. “Hmm. Hard working, used a line common in her line of work to tell you to wait, milf, hot. She’s out of your league.” Hopper said. “Oh shut it Hopper.” Blueblood rolls his eyes. “She’s the mare of my dreams, and I’ll be damned if anything gets in the way of the two of us being happy together with our son as a happy family.” The two quickly took their seats at an empty table. While Hopper browsed the Menu, Blueblood continued to watch as Saffron worked. It was several minutes before she finally made her way to the table with the two and sat down herself. “Sorry for the wait, the work never rests so neither can I.” She sighed. “So, my shift ends in another hour, and after that it will take me ten or so minutes to prepare for our date. You two can feel free to order but I warn you know, Father knows you are here and while I managed to keep him from poisoning you, he instead plans on overcharging you instead.” “And I have enough money to not really care.” Blueblood shrugged, one of the good things about the new ways of Nobility was that he did get back his nobility allowance, and while it wasn’t as large as it was under Celestia’s it was still big enough that he could live comfortably and not work. “But good to know, still can’t wait to have some of this places' great cooking again.” “Heh, good. I think I know just what to bring you.” Saffron said. She rushed to the kitchen and after a short while came back with two plates of a familiar smell Blueblood nearly forgot. The Curry dish from three years ago. “And it’s fresh too, not leftover.” She chuckled as she placed the plates before the two and got back to work. “Huh. I’ll be damned, she does seem to be interested in you.” Hopper said, taking a bite of the food before him. “Wow. Never tasted anything like this before.” “And I haven’t tried this hot and ready, only had it as a leftover.” Blueblood said as he took a bite from his first dish ‘made’ here, and loving every bit of it. The hour passed and soon Saffron came back. “Well, shall we go?” She asked, dressed in her usual attire and carrying Blue Spice on her back. “Yes we shall.” Blueblood said happily. “Today is going to be amazing.”