//------------------------------// // Chapter One: Welcome to Ponyville! // Story: PONYMON: Equestrian Adventures // by InsanityBerry //------------------------------// Ash Ketchum, a young boy was wandering around his home town of Pallet Town, Kanto. He was bored, and he had nothing to do. His friend, a pok He wished he could speak to his friends, Brock, Dawn, May and Misty, but they lived far away. Suddenly, an odd, rainbow-coloured whirlpool opened up in the ground, with distorted images of strange coloured creatures that looked quite similar to Ponytas. "What is this thing?" Thought Ash, as he stared at the multicolour creatures, conversing, dancing and playing. Ash was curious to see what the odd thing was, so he ran to Proffessor Oak's lab. He explained that an odd, rainbowlike whirlpool opened up in the ground, and that he didn't know what it was. Ash showed the Professor the portal, hoping that he would have mn explaination to what it could be. The Professor didn't know what it was, either. Ash thought. threw a fairly big rock in the portal, and listened to see what would happen. Ash heard a high pitched girl’s voice cry out. “Ouch! Who threw that?” Ash felt bad for hitting a girl with a rock, so without thinking, he recklessly jumped into the rainbow whirlpool. The inside of the whirlpool was bright. Ash felt strange in his stomach, and his body started to warp, twist and change. He then felt a sensation of white hot agony, like he was cut several times and had salt rubbed in his wounds. His hands and feet turned to hooves. He fell and landed on all fours. A long, black tail grew from his flank, but his hair stayed the same. The whole experience was bewildering and painful. He got tangled up with his clothes. And on both sides of his flank, there was finally a tingly sensation, as he received his Pokéball cutie mark. He finally stopped feeling the pain of changing into a whole new shape. He breathed out, and looked around. He was no longer in Pallet Town. He was now in the Everfree Forest. He wandered away from the forest, tripping on his clothes several times. After passing a cottage made from a tree on the outskirts of the forest, Ash eventually found himself in a town, filled with odd multicolour “Hiya stranger! Welcome to Ponyville!” said a pink pony. Her mane was as pink as sweet strawberry ice-cream and her cutie mark was a bunch of balloons. “My name is Pinkie Pie. Who are you?” Pinkie Pie was prancing around and jumping. “Boy, you’re hyper. Hi, my name is Ash Ketchum.” “You’re an earth-pony too! And your cutie mark sure is strange, Ash Ketchum.” Squeaked Pinkie excitedly. She jumped up and down and giggled. “What’s a cutie mark? Is it the Pokéball on my butt? What does it do?” “Oh I can answer that question,” said a purple unicorn. “Cutie marks are obtained when ponies discover a unique characteristic that sets themselves apart from others.” “Gee, Twilight! I could have answered that. Here is a new pony, his name is Ash Ketchum! Ash Ketchum, meet Twilight Sparkle. Twilight, meet Ash Ketchum!” said Pinkie Pie joyfully. “Pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Ash Ketchum” smiled Twilight as she offered Ash her hoof. “The pleasure is all mine, Twilight.” Ash said, as he happily shook Twilight Sparkle’s hoof with his own. “Also, you both can call me Ash, if you want.” “Well that’s a relief!” giggled Pinkie Pie as she jumped up and down. “Ash Ketchum is quite a mouthful. So, Ash. Where do you come from?” “I come from the Kanto region,” responded Ash. “Where in Celestia is that place, Ash? I haven’t even read of a place called Kanto,” Mused Twilight curiously. “Honestly, I don’t know. I came here through a weird portal,” replied Ash, as he stared steadily at the ground. Then, Pinkie burst out saying, “Come on Ash! We should go and meet my other pals!” Ash, Pinkie and Twilight went off. Ash met a cool blue Pegasus who was extremely fast called Rainbow Dash. She turned out to be a tomboy, and she reminded Ash of his friend, Misty. He met a beautiful and fashionable unicorn named Rarity, who spoke with an English accent. He met an honest earth-pony called Applejack, who worked at a place called sweet apple acres, and then, Ash met the yellow Pegasus pony he accidentally hit with a rock. Fluttershy, who was said to be the kindest pony there was. She introduced herself. “uh…hi there. My name is Fluttershy…what’s yours?” “I’m Ash Ketchum. Hey Fluttershy, did a rock hit you by any chance?” “Yes, a rock flew out of a strange colourful whirlpool. In fact, it’s over there.” Fluttershy made a gesture towards a tree, and there, right at the root of the tree was the portal. Then, out of the blue, a pony flew out of the portal. Ash immediately recognised the pony as Gary Oak. “Gary? What the buck are you doing here?” “I don’t know! Why am I a pony?” he retorted. Suddenly, several Pokémon from Ash and Gary’s world rushed through the portal, and rushed through Ponyville, making other ponies trip and freak out. The Pokémon made a huge mess, eating food from picnics, biting anypony who tried to chase the Pokémon away. More and more Pokémon kept coming through the portal. And then, the Pokémon ran out of Ponyville. “Oh no!” Exclaimed Fluttershy worriedly. “Those creatures are going to destroy Equestria!” Gary laughed. “What’cha gonna do about it, losers?” “Well, I’m going to save this place! Everyone here is so nice, and it’s partly my fault!” shouted Ash with all his enthusiasm. “Me too!” said Fluttershy. “ I bet you’re going to need some help, Ash!” “You two losers can’t do it! I will do anything and everything to stop you!” yelled Gary, who sounded somewhat frustrated. Before Ash could reply, Fluttershy grabbed his hoof and called out. “Ash! Let’s go!” Ash and Fluttershy were gallopping after a renagade Rattata, chasing it through the many streets of ponyville. but no matter how fast Ash and Fluttershy ran, the Rattata was faster, and then the duo lost track of it. Ash was getting quite frustrated. "Hey Ash," said Fluttershy quietly. "How about i see where it went from the sky? it couldn't have gotten far." "Sounds like a good plan! I'll keep searching on the ground, 'kay!" replied Ash happily. He liked Fluttershy already, but he barely knew her. Soon, Ash was very lost. He decided to call out to Fluttershy. "Fluttershy! Where are you? I'm lost!" a few seconds later, the yellow pegasus returned with the Rattata following her loyally. "Princess Celestia said she had some things for us in my cottage! It's not too far away! let's go!" The trip to the cottage was like a blink of an eye. Her cottage was built into a large tree, and it seemed to be an animal sanctuary, yet all the animals seemed scared of the Rattata. Ash and Fluttershy went inside, and found a large backpack on Fluttershy's bed, filled with Pokéballs. Next to the bag was a letter, it read: " Dear Fluttershy I have noticed a vast outbreak of small animals, known in another universe as Pokémon. these balls i have given you are to hold the Pokémon you befriend. The balls shrink the pokémon you befriend so they have space, and the bag holds these pokeballs. If you run out, then send me a letter and i'll send you some more. I trust that you and Ash can catch them all, and i know you won't let me down! Love from, Princess Celestia. "Come on Ash! We have a job to do! Let's go!" Said Fluttershy with pride. And so Ash and Fluttershy started their great Equestrian adventure!