The Bonds of Love and Fire

by Whooves235

Chapter 6: Something More

Spitfire's House

The next day the sun was just beginning to peek through the curtains. As Orion was suddenly woken up by the sounds of the doorbell ringing downstairs. He got out of bed and quickly rushed to get dressed as he hurried down the stairs he saw the front door open and Soarin walk in.

"Oh, Morning Soarin!" Orion said cheerfully "You here for Spitfire?"

"Yea decided to pop by early just to beat the air traffic" Soarin said, "I hope you don't mind"

"Not at all" Orion said, smiling brightly "Spitfires in the kitchen eating some food I think, I heard something in there while I came down."

"Alright then" Soarin said, "I'll go say hi" He walked over to the kitchen door and pushed it open. As he walked inside he saw Spitfire sitting at the table finishing up some cereal, "Morning Captain" he said .

"Oh hay Soarin" she replied cheerfully, "Is it 10am already?" She asked, looking to the clock.

"It is" Soarin said, "I decided to pop by early just to beat the air traffic." He said with a smile.

"Oh yea, that's probably a good idea" Spitfire replied, putting her bowl in the sink and grabbing her jacket off of the counter. "Alright Orion, I'll be back later today" She said as she walked out the door. "

Oh, I'll see you then" He said, smiling as he gave her a quick wave goodbye. Watching as the two of them left, Orion sighed. He had to get ready for work himself, and knowing Rust Rider and the others, they probably have gotten themselves into trouble again. The stallion walked to his room as he grabbed his gear, shoved them in his work bag, and made his way to the train station so he could get to Canterlot.

Wonderbolt HQ

As Spitfire and Soarin arrived at the base, they could see most of the other Bolts were headed to the locker rooms to get ready for practice. Practice today was set to start at 1:30 pm, within and would be consisting of routines for their next show, which was going to be in Vancouver. Everypony had already opened their assigned lockers to gather their shower items. The orange fiery maned captain could clearly hear the tired groans of the others.

Spitfire herself turned from her opened locker, and smiled adorably at the others. "I can literally hear their tired groans. I can comprehend why I had to make you all come early today". She turned away from looking at the others. Focused on grabbing her shower essentials: two yellow towels, one favorite scented shampoo and conditioner.

Spit closed her locker and began to gather her things. After she was done, she began her path to the mares’ washroom. “Hey Spit, I was wondering if we can talk before we head into the showers?” Spitfire heard, turning around to face Rainbow, who was standing near the shower entrance.

“Sure, what is it?”

“So...I know this sounds cheesy, buuuut have you ever been with somepony before? Did you ever do anything special for them?” Dash asked.

Spitfire raised a brow at this "Did Soarin put you up to this? or was it Surprise?"

Rainbow waved her hoofs around in defense "Hay hay, it's not a set up trust me" She said "You see its me and Applejacks one year anniversary, and I wanna do something special for her. But I don't have any ideas. I was wondering if you had any?"

Spitfire turned her face away, huffing softly with a slight blush. “ I don't really have that mutch advice Rainbow, I've always kept my sexual orientation and dating life a secret, you know how the media can get" She said "But...if you must know...before I became a Bolt. I’d been with a few colts and mares before….but it’s a long story, and you all know how the last coltfriend was.”

"Right...well do you have any advice?" Rainbow asked, tilting her head slightly.

" what you feel is right Dash. There's no need to force anything" Spitfire said "If you and this mare have been together and going steady for a while, then do what you think would make her happy."

"Alright...thanks Spit."

"Anytime Crash, now go wash up. We have a lot of work today"

"Yes Ma'am!"

Everypony would eventually arrive to the runway after they've showered and eaten. Most of the bolts chatting about various things. Mainly the breakfast they just had.

"Who made the menu today?" Soarin asked Thunderlane.

"I think it was Wave, Soar. She asked the mess hall staff to prepare something special today before he showered".

"'That's what took Wave so long? No wonder he was the last one out of the shower." The pale blue stallion thought to himself.

As everypony was lined up in their rows, Yellowjacket would approach with his two other bodyguards. He was wearing his occasional navy blue uniform with four stars and achieved badges. "I'm pretty sure all of you know why you're here at this point...however I first have some news" He said, grabbing some papers as he stood in front of them all. "Your next show is going to be hosted at one of the stadiums in Vancouver. It was very challenging to book due to there being so many other applicants. Further details will be provided eventually" He said, Everypony looking to Yellowjacket as he continued to read out his notes.

"Do we have any ideas on how long it's going to be until the Vancouver show?" Surprise would speak up.

"At the moment, the estimated show time is two weeks from now, however that is expected to possibly change depending on the weather." Yellowjacket said. Spitfire, who was standing next to Yellowjacket sighed softly, she knew today was when the time trial reports would be read aloud. To say she was nervous was an understatement. However she tried to remain optimistic.

"Now then, as you are all aware, I made you all take some time trials to assess if you have been keeping up with your training, as well as seeing if you're still good enough to fly with the bolts. I am happy to report that everypony here passed" He said, Everypony else smiled, while Dash mouthed an 'aw yeah!' "However...just because you all passed doesn't mean you get off that easy. With the Vancouver show coming, Id like each of you to take some time to practice some new move sets. I want to see some new things out there so we can bring in more money. If I don't, then there will be layoffs."

Spitfire would step up slightly "I will make sure to get the bolts prepared sir."

"Good, I expect no less Captain" He said as he put the papers down "You're all dismissed" He spoke as he turned around, his two bodyguards following him. Most of the ponies letting out annoyed sighs as they took in the news.

"Great, now we have more things to worry about!" Rainbow spoke "Doesn't that guy have any kind of respect for us?! We have been training our flanks off and we don't even get a break for the holidays!"

"Look guy's I've tried to reason with him, but Yellowjacket's quite set on us using the time to train rather than be on holiday, he's allowed us to have Hearthswarming but that's all." Spitfire said "We shouldn't push our luck."

"Yellowjacket pushes his own luck!" Surprise spoke up "At this point he might as well fire one of us!"

"That won't happen" Spitfire said firmly "As long as I'm your captain, none of you will be fired."

Soarin would walk up next to Spitfire and sigh "Spit, we are just getting tired of him. We all know he's not fit to lead us."

"Even so, he is our commanding officer. We have to listen to him, regardless if we don't like him or not." Spitfire said, huffing frustratingly.

"Spit you said it yourself, we need to stand up to him" Soarin said "Don't we have anything to use on him? anything?"

"Look...I'm working on it..." Spitfire said "I'll do what I can for you guys, I just need time" She said "I'll be in my office if you need anything..." The mare sighed, walking off to go to her office.

"Has anyone noticed that Cap has been acting weird lately?” Wave Chill whispered.

Surprise looked at Wave with skepticism, one brow raised slightly. “She's just under a lot of stress Wave, I'm sure she's alright.”

Soarin meanwhile was staring into space as he thought a bit about the situation. Not even listening to their conversation. His teammates paused their chat briefly and looked at the pale blue stallion, chuckling. Their chuckling snapped Soar out of his thoughts.

“What’s so funny guys?” Soar asked questioning them.

“You were staring into space, idiot”, Thunderlane said to him, as he stuck his tongue out slightly.

“First of all, I’m not an idiot. Only my brother gets to call me that Thunderlane.” Soarin taunted. Thunderlane rolled her eyes at him, while Wave mouthed a ‘thanks bro’.

"So then...what do we do about Yellowjacket?" Rainbow asked.

"We do what Spitfire said, we have faith in her and we trust she has our best interests." Soarin said. The stallion looked to the group "She hasn't failed us yet, so we need to be there for let's get to training alright?"

"Yes Sir" The group replied as they went to go train, Soarin looking behind him to the building where Spitfire's office was. Wondering if things really were going to be ok.

Canterlot Castle

Despite his best efforts to exercise discipline and assert dominance, all efforts at not letting out a yawn utterly failed as Orion slowly trudged his way around the palace hallways, his hooves clopping against the white tiles of the floor with each slow step taken as he tried to maintain both his balance and his vertical status. He'd already lost the early morning battle against yawning, but he was not about to let something as inconsequential as sleep get a win against him as well.

Sleep had not come for him when he'd needed it to last night despite passing out on the couch with Spitfire and Soarin. But that was neither an excuse to get out of working today, Nopony at the palace, especially not the Royal Guard, were ever guaranteed a restful -or even a full- night's sleep between their respective shifts. He'd known that simple fact from the moment he'd signed up, and hadn't been deterred by it. He also knew he could run on less than optimum amounts of sleep, just as he had done numerous times before since the start of his Academy days. Orion would quietly make his way into the office, he was greeted by a few familiar faces. They were a mixture of guards from the previous night’s watch as well as a new batch to begin the day’s shift, similar to his own.

“Morning, Orion” Rust greeted.

“Morning,” Orion replied with a yawn, “Please tell me somepony put a fresh pot of coffee on.”

“Right over here,” another guard directed Orion toward them, “want cream or sugar?”

Orion scoffed as he trotted over toward them, “Come on, you know how I take my coffee each morning, Ranks.”

“Got it, bitter it is,” He commented, smiling softly as he looked to him.

As Orion began to pour himself a cup, Rust Rider called over to him, “Hey Orion, you’re gonna want to read up on last night’s incident report.” Rust said.

The guard took a sip of his coffee, “Alright, alright, I’m on my way.” Coffee in hoof, Orion trotted over to his fellow guard at his desk.

“Here you are,” they said holding up a few pieces of parchment that were stapled together.

“Thanks, Rust” Orion said as he took the report in his hooves. He sat down with both the parchment and coffee and began to read through the report.



Late last night, a report came in that there was a break-in at a local building where some of the nobles frequently like to hang out in. A quick sweep of the area showed that nothing was stolen, however much of the nobles refused to speak to the guard, claiming it wasn't any of our business. Further information is to be requested so a proper investigation into the incident can be done.

Orion finished reading the report and looked over to Rust who had finished gathering her items to go to his station, “Looks like we have some work ahead of us.”

“Same old, same old,” Rust said as he stood up. “Good luck today, you're going to need it”

Orion waved a hoof at the stallion as he looked back to the report, tapping a hoof to his chin. This was the building that Orion had gone to and talked with the nobles about Yellowjacket only a couple days ago, this couldn't be a coincidence. The stallion sat up and walked over to the guard's files as he looked through them.

"Why would somepony break into a nobles club and not steal anything..." Orion mumbled, as he shifted through the papers.

"What ya looking at Ori?" Ranks asked, the stallion walking over to him.

"Just this incident report. Something doesn't quite add up..." He said "I'm trying to see if there are any similar cases."

"Well if yer looking for any kind of help I'm willing ta offer my hoof!" The large earth pony asked, smiling.

"Thanks Ranks, but unless you know anything about secret deals or meetings or anything going on like that then I doubt you can help.

"Hm....well I don't know much regarding those things, but I hear that some of the Canterlot New's reporters have been going around lately looking for things to report on. Mabey they might have something?"

Orion thought for a moment, he then recalled the conversation he had with Blueblood and Fancy Pants. They had told him Yellowjacket used a large sum of money to purchase journalist companies, news outlets, as well as reporters. Perhaps he could get some info about that, as well as the break-in. "Actually that's a great idea, thanks Ranks!" He said, standing up and grabbing his sword "If anypony asks for me, I'll be at the Canterlot Time's Building" Orion said, as he quickly made his way out of the palace into the city.

Wonderbolt HQ

Spitfire let out a sigh, one hoof holding her pen while the other continuously tapped upon the surface of the nearby end table. The mare kept her gaze on the time, her heart rate quickening for brief moments whenever the digits changed. Another minute gone, she was running out of ideas. She knew that the bolts were in dire need of a break, but with Yellowjacket breathing down their necks she had no chance to let them rest. Just thinking about it brought out a groan from Spitfire, as she slumped in her chair. The door to her office soon opened and Soarin entered the room.

"Uh oh...I know that look" Soarin said, closing the door behind him.

"Can it Clipper...I'm not in the mood" She said, huffing softly.

"You know as well as I do moping over this isn't going to fix anything" Soarin said "What we need to do is work together on this."

"How exactly are we going to do that? We have done everything we can" Spitfire said "I've run out of ideas on how to counter Yellowjacket's ridiculous requests and tests."

"Alright...then why don't we try a different approach?" Soarin said.

"What do you mean?" She asked, perking her head up slightly.

"Remember in the academy when we use to sneak off and go to downtown Cloudsdale to go hang out?" Soarin said "Well...what if we did something similar? What if we held a bit of a party? The holidays are around the corner, and the bolts could use something to destress. So what if we held a holiday party or something at the base?"

"You know we can't do that without getting permission from Yellowjacket" Spitfire said.

"Who says he has to know?" He said "We can choose a date when he will be extra busy, and plan it then. That way he won't show up and muck anything up!" He said, smiling to himself.

"That's...not a bad idea...and it would get everypony in good spirits before the Vancouver show" She said, smiling "This could work!"

"Hell yea it will!" Soarin said.

"Alright so...what do we need to do then?" Spitfire asked.

"Well...we first need to know when Yellowjacket will be one of us will have to make an appointment to see him in Canterlot...we can say its business revolving around the Vancouver Show...we make conversation, and we try to get some info out of him on day's he is unavailable"

"Alright good thinking. I can make an appointment with him" Spitfire said "And while I do that, you and Thunderlane can get to work on planning the actual party...I think Thunderlane knows that pink earth pony from Ponyville that Crash knows. So you, him, and her can work on that"

"Got it Cap" Soarin said, saluting to her playfully, as he left the room Spitfire smiled softly, feeling much better about everything now that she had a good idea and plan in her mind. Now all she needed to do was pull it off.

Spitfire's House: 2 Hours Later

Spitfire’s wings ached as they pumped up and down. Each flap was a labor after the day of training she just endured. The wind fought her a bit as she banked to the left to correct her course. Her cloud home was just in view as she put on a burst of speed to close the distance and nearly crashed into the front of the house as her wings gave out. She had to claw her way up to the porch and lay across it panting.

Rummaging can be heard from in the house as Orion opened the door. His eyes look down at the sweaty worn-out mare then let out a sigh. “ Rough day?” He asked, smirking as he helps her to her hooves and leaders her into the house.

"You… You could say that yeah.” Once in the living room Spitfire flopped herself onto the couch. She could feel her aches slowly start to fade from her mind as her eyes started to droop closed before her laying was interrupted by the stallion joining on the couch next to her.

“Well if it's any consultation I had a long day too. I was basically running back and forth around Canterlot" Orion said "But it was worth it in the end, because I got some good info."

"Info on what?" Spitfire asked, opening one of her eyes.

"Info on Yellowjacket" Orion said, smerking.

Spitfire jumped up slightly as she looked at Orion "You got info on him?" she asked.

"Well, I was going to tell you yesterday, but I got distracted with Soarin hanging out." Orion said as he pulled out a some papers. "A couple days ago I learned from the nobles that Yellowjacket had recently used a large sum of money to purchase journalist companies, news outlets, as well as reporters." He said "While doing some research on another investigation today, I went to the Canterlot Times and found out from some of the workers there, that Yellowjacket comes once every month to talk to the supervisor, then he leaves with some papers."

"What would Yellowjacket be doing with the Canterlot Times?" Spitfire asked.

"I'm not too sure, but all I do know is that whatever he is doing, he is trying to keep it a secret."

"Well...that's...a lot to take in" Spitfire said "And here I thought I was being delusional."

"Nope, he's up to something, and I'm going to try and find out what." Orion said firmly "Besides...your not delusional...your just the biggest and loudest idiot on base” He said, smirking.

“That's not entirely inaccurate.” She blew a raspberry at the stallion. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the comfortable couch. Spitfire was just about asleep until she felt somepony tug at her flight suit. Sleepily she muttered “Take me to dinner first at least.” She said, which caused Orion to blush softly, as he huffed softly “You stink. Your suit stinks. If you sleep in your suit you’ll be a mess and stink up the house go take a shower at least before you get back to passing out.”

"Yea yea, I'll go Dad" She said, chuckling softly.

“Hey, want something to drink later?” Orion poked his head over the couch.

“Naw I’m just gonna konk out for the night and let my body rest.” She said "I have a lot of planning to do, so I need all the rest I can get"

"Oh really? What's up?" Orion asked.

"Soarin and Me are going to plan a Wonderbolt Holiday Party at the base, but it's going to take a lot of work," She said

"A Holiday Party? Sounds fun" He said.

Spitfire would stop for a moment, blushing ever so slightly " you... maybe wanna come?" She asked.

Orion paused as he looked to Spitfire "You the party right?" He asked.

"Yes to the Party Orion..." She said in a dull tone, rolling her eyes. "I figured you'd wanna come. Could be a lot of fun."

"Uhh...sure I don't see why not" He said, smiling as he turned around "Oh and don't use up all the shampoo, I still need some.

"You got it!" She said.

"Oh uh...and Spit?" Orion asked, turning back around to the mare.


"Thanks again for letting me crash here, it means a lot. Really.” He said smiling softly at the mare.

“Anytime so don't worry about it. Anything for an old friend even if said friend is a pain in the flank like you.” Spitfire chuckled as she walked to the bathroom. Thinking about everything, there was clearly a lot to get done, but if she could pull this off, she felt everything could finally get back to a sense of normal...however she couldn't help but feel there was something more over the horizon for her.