Flurry Heart is Hilarious

by Badguy400

Epilogue: A Welcoming Outcome

Bulk Biceps is currently looking at his prankster… ; Baby Flurry Heart. Now; usually Bulk wouldn’t get so angry like this; especially when he got pranked… . But it seems that whatever Flurry Heart has done to him had really stirred up something fierce from within… . And it seemed like that he was just about to lose his cool as well… ; especially in front of a little infant.

“So… ; Bulk. Hehe… . H-how’re you doing… ?” Twilight said nervously.

Bulk snorts in anger, and then says in a raised voice; almost yelling; “your niece had broken my cart by taking all of the nuts and bolts from them, and then proceeded to toss them all into the river!”

Twilight made a noise as if to signify her worry, and nervousness… ; when suddenly she stopped, looked at Bulk Biceps with slight concern, and then asks; “wait… . How did you know that Flurry Heart was my niece? I never told anyone this… .” With that; Bulk Biceps threw a newspaper on the ground with the headline that read: “Princess of Friendship’s Niece; A Prankster?” After that, Twilight replied; “oooohhhh… . That makes sense… .”

Bulk eventually calms down, and then asks; “look; can you please get me some more supplies to fix my nut cart? I really gotta get back to making more bits; you know… ?”

Twilight sighs, and then says; “I suppose so… .” She then turns to her niece, and then says in a slight bitter and sour tone; “cmon Flurry; you’re helping me out since you started this mess. Got it?!” Flurry Heart then whimpered while nodding her head in reply, and then began to fly beside her aunt so she could follow her.

Seeing the baby princess all sad and depressed; Bulk Biceps then sighs loudly, and says; “you know what… ? I think the little tike here has had enough for one day… ; don’t you think?”

Twilight turned to look at him, and then asks; “you serious… ? I mean; my niece did after all break one of your things… ; right?!”

Bulk nodded sheepishly, and says; “yeah… ? But look at her… . Don’t you feel sorry for her?”

Twilight turned to look at her niece; whom apparently has tears flowing down her cheeks, and then says; “nope. Not really… .”

Because of that; Flurry Heart then began crying loudly, and then babbles; “I a bad. Waaaaaaaaa!”

Twilight then eventually felt sorry for her niece, and then says; “okay okay; I forgive you… . Now will you please stop crying… ?”

Flurry Heart sniffled in response, and then responds with a slight whimper and with tears running down her cheeks while saying; “uh huh…” and starts wiping them away.

Twilight takes a deep breath to calm herself down, and then says; “look; how about we head back to the castle and have some ice cream; okay?”

Flurry Heart nodded and sniffled; “owkay… .”

Twilight then starts holding her niece close to her, and then says; “sorry if Flurry Heart pranked you like that… ; I really am… .”

Bulk chuckles a little, and then says; “eh… . No problem… . That cart was getting too old anyways… . I think it’s about time I get a new replacement one; you know… ?”

Twilight blinks, and then says; “I think so…” before walking away… .

But; before Twilight could leave; Bulk ran up to her, and asks; “say uh… ? Is it okay if I have some too? I could use a break… .”

Twilight looked up at Bulk, and then asks; “are you sure… ?”

Bulk then nodded, and then says; “why not… ? And besides; I’m sure that the little prankster wouldn’t mind; right?” Flurry Heart nodded a little, and then hid her face within Twilight’s chest. To which point; Bulk replies; “on second thought; how about I treat y’all to some donuts… . What do ya say?”

Twilight thought for a bit, and then nodded. “Sure! I don’t see why not?”

Bulk then said; “great! Let’s go!”

And with that; the group made it to the castle first to get the parents, and then began to make the trip to Donut Joe’s donut shop.

The end.