//------------------------------// // Confrontation // Story: The Alien Warriors: Battle for Equestria // by Texas Style Brony //------------------------------// "Why??! WHY DID THEY DO THIS?!?!" Lyra wailed loudly as she cried into Smith's chest. After asking the other's about McLaughn's whereabouts, they reluctantly walked her over to the hastily dug grave. It was mainly a pile of dirt, rocks and branches marked by a cross made of sticks. One of her favorite companions was now dead, a victim of a war that she was unaware of. She hugged Smith tightly as even the usually more resilient human was now shedding tears of grief. "I'm so sorry Lyra. We didn't tell you about this because this situation was just too dangerous to have you involved in.." Ramirez piped up. He then felt a tug on his pant leg. The small filly, who was napping before, was roused awake by the loud sounds of mourning coming from Lyra. "Mister, who's that?" she sheepishly inquired. Lyra stopped bawling for a second and turned to see the filly. "Blue Bell, this is Lyra. She's one of our friends from Ponyville. Lyra this is Blue Bell. She was the sole survivor of the bad human's raid on the nearby village." Ramirez introduced the two ponies. "Hi Blue Bell... I'm so sorry to hear about what happened to your family..." Lyra consoled Blue Bell. "Thank you. I'm sorry about your friend. He died when some of those other humans were trying to hurt me." Lyra gasped. Not only did these new humans kill Corey, but they also threatened this little filly?? What possessed these creatures to carry out such barbaric acts against ponies and each other?! "Lyra, I'm sorry to dampen the mood, but you still haven't told us what you're doing here?" Summers asked her. "Well Andrew, this thing happened in Ponyville where I-" her sentence was cut off by the sound of a collapsing tree somewhere nearby. Everyone jumped in shock at the sudden crack. The boys immediately raised their weapons toward the direction of the sound. "That did not sound small. Smith, on me. You two, guard the ponies." Ramirez ordered. "No. I'm coming with you." Lyra piped up, much to everyone's surprise. "Lyra, no. It's way to dangerous." "Please!!! I don't want to not be there if one of you falls again!!" Lyra begged. "We already lost a whole village of ponies today. We don't want you to be hurt either!" Ramirez and Smith tried to leave, only to feel magic tug on their collars. "DANIEL, PLEASE!!!" "NO!! STOP HER!!" Parker immediately picked her up and grasped on her horn, cutting off her magic capability. She tried to shimmy out of his grip, but it was useless. "We're so sorry Lyra.." Parker said as he and Summers walked her and Blue Bell back to their camp. After creeping slowly through the brush, Ramirez and Smith found the very thing they were afraid to find: a humvee and two agents. The two agents had accidentally driven the massive vehicle into a small tree, and were using a jack to desperately lift it off of the stump which immobilized it. "Come on!!! We gotta keep moving!!" one of the agents demanded as he stood over the other who worked the jack. "I'm trying!!! Where are we even going anyway?" the other barked back. Ramirez was in no mood to wait and see what they were up to. He immediately walked out of the brush with his gun aimed at the standing agent while Smith followed him aiming at the one working the jack. "STAY RIGHT THERE!!!" The agents jumped in shock. The standing agent immediately reached for the rear door, only for Ramirez to shoot at the glass, frightening him and sending him landing on his back. "DON'T YOU DARE MOVE!!" Smith ordered the one with the jack. Both agents now had their hands on their heads. Suddenly, the agents started to glow gold, and they were lifted in the air struggling and screaming before they were thrown to the ground. They both then got up to run, but were pulled back screaming to the Rangers by the same golden aura. Smith turned around and saw a very angry Lyra using her magic to control them. Ramirez saw likewise. "LYRA! What are you doing?!" Smith asked. "SAVING YOU!" Lyra used her magic to hold the agents in place when Summers and Parker came back and grabbed her, forcing her to release them. "STOP!! PLEASE!!! WE'RE NOT WITH THE GOVERNMENT ANYMORE!!!" One of the agents begged. "Y-yeah!! Commander Finn is insane!!" the other added. "What are you talking about?" Ramirez interrogated them. One of the agents piped up. "We're trying to get away from that nut-job and his mob of psychos..."