Love Is A Funny Thing

by Silver Hoof

Scootaloo's Secret

School had just let out at Ponyville High, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were trotting down the path to their old clubhouse. It was Senior Year, and they all varied in age, Scootaloo being the oldest at eighteen, and Apple Bloom being the youngest at seventeen. They were talking about how school had gone that day. "Can you guys believe Diamond Tiara today?" Sweetie Belle said exasperatedly. "I mean, we have our cutie marks now, Scootaloo can even fly! And yet, she still finds a way to make fun of us!" She looked at her cutie mark, a lone, one-eighth note surrounded by a glowing purple aura.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked at their cutie marks as well, the former's mark being a hammer and a pick-ax crossed in the shape of an 'X', on top of two grinding gears. Sometimes, the gears actually appeared to be moving, but that couldn't possibly be the case. The latter's cutie mark was a pair of katanas forming a 'V' shape. A twin-streak of blue flames ran across the swords. Her mark represented her talent as a stunts artist, as well as her ability to wield any weapon like a pro. The blue flame represented her love for speed.

"Diamond Tiara is such a bitch!" Apple Bloom said venomously.

"Hey!" Scootaloo snapped. "Don't you call her that!" Her friends stopped mid-stride, and stared at her as if she had just suggested that they all jump in front of a moving train.

"You hate Diamond Tiara just as much as we do, if not more, so why can't Apple Bloom call her a bitch?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I... I just don't like that word, that's all." Scootaloo chuckled nervously.

"Whut is the matter with ya?" Apple Bloom demanded. "Ah hear ya use that word all the time, an' now y'all 're tellin' us that we can't use it ta describe our arch-enemy?"

"Oh my, look at the time!" Scootaloo said, lifting her foreleg and pretending to look at an invisible watch. "Rainbow Dash asked me to meet her at the Cloudsdale Shooting Range after school, and I am terribly late! I gotta go!" She flew off, not even bothering to see if they believed her or not. She didn't really care either way.

"Sheesh!" Sweetie Belle said. "Ever since Rainbow Dash decided to adopt Scootaloo, she has been spending less and less time with us! It pisses me off!" Apple Bloom placed a hoof on her friend's back.

"Ya can't really blame 'er, Sweetie Belle. This is a big thing fer her. She finally has whut she has always wanted. She has a mother."


Scootaloo pulled out the note that had fallen out of her locker at school this morning. She read the note out loud. "Meet me behind the school at four oh-clock. I can't wait." Her pulse raced and her heart soared. The note had been left unsigned, but there was no need for a signature. Scootaloo knew that mare's mouthwriting anywhere. Scootaloo was gaining speed, and the high school came into view on the horizon, red bricks filling her vision. When she was just a few feet from the building, she saw the pony that she had come to meet. The pink mare lifted her head as Scootaloo landed.

"Hey Scoots." She said.

"Hey Diamond Tiara." Scootaloo smiled and put a hoof to Diamond's face. And then, they kissed.


"This clubhouse holds a lot of memories." Apple Bloom said with tears in her eyes.

"Hey." Sweetie Belle said. "We are still the Cutie Mark Crusaders. We don't have to stop making memories." Apple Bloom sniffed.

"Don' ya think we should drop that name. Ah mean, we have our cutie marks now, so isn't the name 'Cutie Mark Crusaders' obsolete?"

"Of course not! Scootaloo would say that the name 'Cutie Mark Crusaders' is a legacy that we need to keep alive. And personally, I would agree. We may not be crusading for our cutie marks, but now we can crusade with our cutie marks!"

"Ah get whut yer sayin'." Apple Bloom said, smiling a little bit.

"And besides, we have to pass this name on to our children."

"Yeah!" Apple Bloom said enthusiastically. "Wait... when would we be having children?"

Sweetie Belle chuckled. "Not for a long time. But we will have some eventually." Apple Bloom nodded.

"The Cutie Mark Crusaders Legacy will live on!" They said, high-hoofing each other. Then they fell to the floor, laughing.


Scootaloo lay propped up aginst the back of the school building with Diamond Tiara's head on her chest. The pink mare nuzzled Scootaloo lovingly and said, "Could we please tell them now?" Scootaloo sighed in defeat.

"Fine." She said. "Tomorrow, we can tell them. We can tell the whole world for all I care. As long as it makes you happy." Diamond looked up at Scootaloo.

"Did we really...?" She blushed. Scootaloo chuckled before responding.

"Yeah." She whispered. "And it was amazing." She smiled down at her marefriend. For a few seconds, they just lay there in blissful silence, but then Scootaloo said, "Was there actually a time when we hated each other?" Diamond Tiara giggled.

"I can vaguely remember a time around fourth or fifth grade when we were always fighting, but it is only a wisp of a memory." She whispered. "But now, I can't imagine a life without you. I love you Scootaloo." Scootaloo gasped. Diamond had never said that before.

Then, she smiled slowly and said, "I love you too, Diamond Tiara." They went back into the blissful silence and listened to each other's slow, steady breathing. Then, Diamond Tiara started making circular motions on Scootaloo's chest with her hoof.

She looked up at her and whispered, "My turn?" Scootaloo gave her a sly smile.

She propped her up against the building and said, "Damn right."


Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were doing some renovations on the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse when Rainbow Dash whizzed by overhead. "Hey Rainbow Dash!" Apple Bloom called out. The cyan mare skidded to a halt and flew back to the clubhouse.

"Yeah? What's up? Do you girls want an autograph or something?" She grinned hopefully.

"Well, that's not what this is about..." Rainbow Dash stuck out her bottom lip in a pout. "But Ah don' see why not." Rainbow quickly whipped out a feather and two pictures of herself.

She wrote her name on both pictures while Sweetie Belle asked, "So, Rainbow Dash... Where's Scootaloo? I thought you two were going to be at the shooting range up in Cloudsdale."

She handed the two of them their signed pictures and said, "I didn't know that Cloudsdale had a shooting range... I'll have to check that out. As for your question, I don't have a clue where Scootaloo is. I haven't seen her since I flew her to school this morning."

"But she said that she was with ya." Apple Bloom said.

Rainbow Dash sighed. "Well, Scootaloo isn't exactly the Element of Honesty, now, is she?" And with that, Rainbow Dash flew off.

Sweetie Belle looked at Apple Bloom. "Why would Scootaloo lie to us?" She asked.

"Ah don' know. " Apple Bloom said, shaking her head. "Ah just don' know."


Diamond Tiara stared down at her marefriend, Scootaloo. She had fallen asleep just moments ago. Diamond smiled and brushed a bit of Scootaloo's mane off of her face. When the orange pegasus stirred, she giggled. Scoots opened her eyes slowly and yawned. "Did I fall asleep?" She asked. Diamond Tiara nodded. Scootaloo shifted to where they were looking into each other's eyes. "Why didn't you wake me?" She whispered.

Diamond giggled. "You're so beautiful when you sleep. And you looked so peaceful."

Scootaloo snickered. "Yeah. Like you're gonna get me to believe that I look beautiful."

"But you-" Scootaloo stuck her hoof over Diamond's mouth.

"Look, the best I could ever hope to be is attractive, and even that is stretching it a bit. I've never really been much to look at." She said it, not as though she were degrading herself, but as if it were just a fact that she had come to accept. Diamond wasn't sure, but she thought that was worse.

"It doesn't matter what anypony else thinks." Diamond Tiara whispered. "You're beautiful to me." She saw Scootaloo bite her lip and try to hold back tears. It didn't work.

"Nopony has ever said that to me before." Scootaloo cried, rivulets of tears streaming down her face. She held on to Diamond tighter than she had when they... The thoughts of what had occurred only moments ago cheered Scootaloo up slightly. She still held tightly to her marefriend, but she dried her tears and smiled slightly. "Thank you, Diamond Tiara."

Diamond smiled and scratched Scoots behind her ear, making her writhe in agonizing joy. "No problem." She said. "Wanna go another round?"

"Oh, hell yeah!" Scootaloo cried, trying not to collapse from the sensation behind her ear.