Renaming Starlight's Village

by Brass Polish

23. The Fault In The Fault

Spring had finally arrived in Starlight’s Village. Big Macintosh and Sugar Belle were ready to go out planting new apple trees. It was nearly time to begin construction on a new cottage, which would serve as the headquarters of the Village’s Weather Team. On the morning the project was to start, the recently relocated Cutie Mark Grid had summoned Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. They’d been looking forward to having their first mission since the Grid had been moved to the middle of the Village. They’d spent a lot of their time since it was moved fantasizing about an Equestrian citizen with a cutie mark conundrum being lead to the little town by his/her own cutie mark, and arriving to find that same mark navigating the Maze, to meet the three Cutie Mark Crusaders, and being able to start their journey to rediscovery almost immediately.


Soon after the Crusaders took up position alongside the Grid facing the entrance to the Village, it became apparent that this fantasy was exactly that.
“Wrong way, fillies,” came B Line’s voice from behind them. “Your visitor’s coming from the mountains.”
The Crusaders turned and saw two silhouettes in the sky. One was tiny; the cutie mark. The other was large; the client. For a moment, it looked to them like it was a pegasus. But as a long thin tail and a beak came into focus, and the Crusaders’ excitement shot up.
“It’s Gabby!” exclaimed Apple Bloom.
No sooner had she spoken when she was tackle-hugged by Griffonstone’s representative of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.
“You called me! You’re Reverse Cutie Mark Map called me!” she squealed.
Sweetie Belle beamed. “My Grid called someone who’s not a pony!”
Then they realised that in their excitement, they hadn’t seen what the floating cutie mark looked like. The four Crusaders zoomed around the large stone to look at the Grid. They were expecting to see the cutie mark the CMCs had designed for Gabby. It wasn’t there. It was blurry, and there was a distinctive gap in the middle; it looked like whatever it was, it consisted of two objects.
“Huh. That doesn’t look like my cutie mark,” said Gabby. “That’s a purple sun.”
Sweetie Belle hastily told Gabby about Evensong.
That’s supposed to be your cutie mark,” she said, pointing to the blur. “It hasn’t formed yet.”


Gabby was wearing her mailbag. She looked at the large button that was pinned to it; it depicted the red, white, and purple shield with the star and the trophy on it that was bestowed upon her by the Crusaders a few years ago.
“But this is my cutie mark,” she insisted. “You three designed it for me. And you’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders. This Grid thing’s made a mistake.”
“Or maybe we got it wrong,” admitted Scootaloo with a bowed head.
“Oh. Well if at first you don’t succeed,” smiled Gabby. “But seriously, how can this not be my cutie mark? I’ve been feeling great ever since you gave it to me. I felt so much better about myself whenever I offered help to any griffon in need. I used to think there was something wrong with me. You three showed me there wasn’t. This can’t not be my cutie mark. Hey, what’s going on over there?”
She saw there was a great deal of activity on the other side of the Grid.
“We’re building a cottage,” said B Rainy.
“Ooh! How can I help?” asked Gabby eagerly.


Before the Crusaders could blink, their Griffonstone representative had grabbed a hardhat and was looking over a blueprint with B Rainy and Updraft.
“She’s trying to prove the Grid wrong, isn’t she?” groaned Apple Bloom, marveling at the speed with which Gabby jumped into the construction project.
“Well, she could be right. Maybe we weren’t all that far off,” said Scootaloo. “I mean look at her. She’s already got cement in her down and she’s got a huge smile on her face.”
Sweetie Belle looked at the dark blue blur criss-crossing the Maze, trying to imagine what the object might be. Or objects; she remembered that Oop’s cutie mark was two separate objects as well.
“But what are they?” she wondered aloud.


Well into the afternoon, it was clear to the Crusaders that Gabby was in the Weather Team Base project for the duration. She’d gotten friendly with Updraft and B Line, who were happy to teach her how to do things like dig foundations and take measurements.
“Let’s just leave her to it,” said Sweetie Belle. “If the mission isn’t done by the time the cottage is, we’ll get more involved.”
Apple Bloom and Scootaloo agreed, and the three of them watched the construction from their Clubhouse.
“You know, Griffonstone doesn’t have a weather team either,” said Scootaloo. “Maybe Gabby will learn enough about Updraft’s and B Line’s job to…”
She trailed off, remembering that Updraft and B Line were rather new to weather control themselves. Her friends still thought the idea had merit, but a quick look at the blurry shape chasing the purple sun didn’t give them any clues as to what sort of weather cutie mark Gabby might be destined for.


The three Crusaders did have a role in the project to build the Village’s Weather Base. They were to help with catering. They ventured to the Cafe. There was a tray table laden with food and drink prepared by Sugar Belle. Big Mac was there too, slumped over several buckets of seeds.
“What happened, Big Mac?!” exclaimed Apple Bloom.
“Well Apple Bloom, it seems we’ve got more seeds from the Vampire Fruit Bat Zone than we can plant in our orchard.”
“No, I mean to your forelegs,” said Apple Bloom curtly, indicating the large bruises Big Mac was sporting. “Did you trip over a root or something?”
“Eeeeyup. But it doesn’t hurt,” insisted Big Mac.


But Big Mac didn’t feel that way the next morning. He woke up with quite intense pain in his forelegs.
“I’ve heard about injuries not hurting at the time, but feeling a lot worse in the morning,” said Sugar Belle. “You should take it easy today, Big Mac. I’ll--”
“I’ll do your chores for you!” piped up Gabby, who was having breakfast with the Crusaders in the Cafe.
The Crusaders wanted to object; they intended to start a conversation with Gabby about why her supposed cutie mark might have been causing her difficulties in Griffonstone. But Gabby was clearly bursting to pitch in, so they said nothing as Big Mac and Sugar Belle gave her instructions and a map of the Orchard. Within a minute, Gabby was off to plant hundreds of apple seeds.


Periodic checks on Gabby told the Crusaders that she was doing just fine. She didn’t even need a spade to dig small holes to plant the seeds in; her talons were just the right tool for the job. At the end of the day, Big Mac and Sugar Belle thanked her for her help. There was no change in her or the blur in the Reverse Cutie Map. And the next morning, Big Mac felt much better and quite fit to do the chores himself.
“Alright, Gabby,” said Sweetie Belle. “It’s time we talked about your cutie mark difficulties.”
Gabby gave an agreeable nod, and sat at the Cafe table with the Crusaders. They were pleased that she didn’t seem to be looking for an excuse to keep herself busy. But unluckily, an excuse presented itself.
“What’s keeping you, Sweetie?” asked Lightning Dust, zipping into the Cafe.
She saw Gabby sitting with the Crusaders.
“Oh, I didn’t know you had a mission,” she said.
“Is it Sunday already?” asked Sweetie Belle. “I didn’t realise.”


“What’s on Sunday?” asked Apple Bloom.
“Didn’t you know? I take Lightning’s place in Day Star’s and Sereta’s cottage on Sunday,” said Sweetie, “so Lightning can go fly around the mountains and get some exercise.”
Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had been completely unaware of this.
“That sounds cool!” squeaked Gabby. “Can I join you?”
“Sure,” said Lightning Dust.
And off went Gabby again, much to the annoyance of the Crusaders.


“You can help me make cloud sculptures,” said Lightning Dust as she and Gabby flew towards the Mountains.
“Cloud sculptures?” asked Gabby.
“Yeah, I like to use them as practise, in case I ever have to tackle a foe,” explained Lightning. “But sometimes making a decent sculpture takes up too much of my energy. Especially around here. So I can’t always give them a decent beating. I’m too worn out to charge.”
“Hey, look!” Gabby pointed to a snowy slope. “Someone’s already made some cloud sculptures.”
“Those are snowmares,” said Lightning Dust. “I think Double Diamond left some behind last time he was up here. I guess we can smash these.”
“Won’t Double Diamond be upset?” asked Gabby.
“Nah,” said Lightning dismissively.


For about half an hour, Lightning Dust and Gabby flew down the slope charging at the snowmares. Lightning Dust was pretty good at it, while Gabby had never done it before; some she hit, some he grazed, some she missed. One, she hit, but it didn’t break apart, and she ended up impaling it and stopping dead in its middle. But as she struggled to get unstuck, Lightning Dust could see that she was thoroughly enjoying herself. She flew behind Gabby, took aim, and charged. She gave the stuck griffon a good bump and dislodged her from the hole in the snowmare. She flew through the hole herself, leaving the snowmare still standing.
“I kinda like these,” said Lightning as she and Gabby took to the air. “Wanna help me make more?”
“Sure, but can we still make cloud sculptures?” asked Gabby. “That sounds like fun too.”
Lightning agreed. So they trudged back up the slope, stopping every few dozen yards or so to build a snowmare each. And once they were at the top, off the flew. Gabby managed to demolish more of them this time. And when she saw the one with the hole in the middle, she aimed for its head. She hit it and managed to knock the whole thing down.


After a rest, Lightning Dust took Gabby into the air and demonstrated how to make a cloud sculpture. Gabby copied her as best she could.
“Well, you’re a lot better at this than I am,” admitted Lightning. “I almost don’t want to smash that.”
“Go on,” encouraged Gabby, flying several meters away from her sculpture. “Smash it!”
So Lightning Dust did so. One by one, each of Gabby’s masterpieces were pulverised by the Wonderbolt Academy flunky.
“Do you want a go now?” asked Lightning after about two hours.
She made a cloud sculpture; it wasn’t nearly as artistic as Gabby’s had been. Gabby was keen to try tackling it, but she was running low on energy. She backed up, took aim, and charged. The sculpture broke apart, but it stopped Gabby dead and she had to beat her wings hard to stop herself from falling. She sat on a mountain ledge to get her breath back. After a while, Lightning Dust called to her. She looked up to see Lightning had made another sculpture.
“Better get it, Gabby!” she called. “It’s gonna attack your city!”
Gabby stood up and launched herself off the ledge. She hit the sculpture with such force, the cloud matter dispersed like flies.


As the Sun was setting, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo went to visit Sweetie Belle at Day Star’s and Serata’s house. She’d been patrolling the rooms all day, and was quite tired out.
“Lightning Dust definitely needs a break from this,” she said.
“Sure, but did she have to take Gabby with her,” groaned Apple Bloom.
“They’re not back yet?” asked Sweetie Belle.
“I’ll go check on them,” said Scootaloo.
But as she left the cottage and flew towards the Mountains, she saw the returning figures of Gabby and Lightning Dust silhouetted in the evening sky.
“Exercise achieved,” grinned Lightning Dust as she passed Scootaloo.
Gabby said nothing. She collapsed, dead tired, on the roof of the CMC Clubhouse.


In the morning, Gabby woke up on the rooftop to see Scootaloo hovering nearby.
“Gabby, it’s time to talk about any problems you might be having that are keeping you from your potential,” Scootaloo said firmly.
Gabby had no objections. She joined Scootaloo as she flew into the Clubhouse. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were there.
“I already told you,” Gabby said. “I’m not having any problems in Griffonstone. Although… Griffonstone itself is kinda having problems.”
“What with?” asked Apple Bloom.
Gabby sighed. “Gilda’s having trouble with the mission Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie gave her.”
“Still?!” exclaimed Scootaloo.
“Still,” nodded Gabby. “She has made progress since that day. And I’ve been pitching in all the time. But things are sluggish. For one thing, we don’t have access to fresh fruit or vegetables. Nobirdy’s offered to plant any seeds. And like I was telling Updraft and B Line when I first got here, no one in Griffonstone has manufactured the weather since King Guto’s reign. So the weather’s been doing a number on a lot of the town’s buildings. Most of them are really dilapidated.


In the Crusaders’ minds, the jigsaw was starting to fall into place.
“What were you doing at the time you were called to this Village?” asked Apple Bloom.
“I was fetching some fresh water. There’s no well in town. And I was carrying so many buckets, Gilda didn’t recognise me when she saw me flying into town,” Gabby explained. “She thought I might be some kind of invading creature looking to take advantage of Griffonstone’s lackluster community spirit. Luckily, she realised what I was before she could attack me. And at that moment, I realised that if Griffonstone was invaded, we’d all be pretty vulnerable. But I forgot all about that when I got a funny feeling and turned to see something dark and blurry leading me away from home.”
“So…” said Apple Bloom, “now that you’ve gotten some experience with building construction, planting seeds, and target practise…?”
She never finished the question. Her cutie mark went off, as did those of Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.


Squeeing with excitement, Gabby dashed out of the Clubhouse. The Crusaders followed. They went down to the ground and looked at the Cutie Mark Grid. Gone was the dark blue blur. In its place was two objects. One was a shield, the other was a shovel.
“I knew it!” exclaimed Gabby with gusto. “I knew you weren’t wrong! There is a shield in my cutie mark!”
The Crusaders all looked at Gabby. There was no cutie mark there. But this did nothing to dampen Gabby’s happiness.
“Thanks to you,” she beamed, “I can use my new skills to really make some inroads. I can help Gilda rebuild Griffonstone’s community spirit by tackling the city’s biggest problems. I can repair buildings, I can dig wells, I can plant fruit and veggies, I can get a start on regulating weather, and I can train to fight off invaders. And I can show other griffons how to do all those things.”


Gabby shot off to ask Big Mac if she could have all the leftover apple seeds he didn’t have room for in the Orchard.
“Thanks, Cutie Mark Crusaders!” she called as she soared away with as many buckets of seeds as she could carry.
“Did we even do anything?” asked Scootaloo as they watched Gabby leave.
“Maybe we didn’t have to,” said Apple Bloom. “Maybe all Gabby needed was a change.”
“Yeah. Maybe sometimes all it takes is a change of venue to gain a new perspective on your goals and abilities,” agreed Sweetie Belle. “It worked for us, didn’t it?”