Celestia's Pokémon Journey

by Norwegian boy

Welcome to Sinnoh

It was your typical normal day in Sandgem town in the Sinnoh region, the people who was living there was busy with their day life and the Pokémon living there was playing in the sun. Driving alone the road was a taxi and inside the car sat a woman with a colorful hair, the taxi stop right in front of professor Rowan lab, the woman paid the drive and then she step out of the car. She was wearing a pair of purple pats, a white shite with a yellow jacket. The woman had a backpack with her which she placed on her back.

“So, this is professor Rowan lab.” She paid the taxi drive, she then walk to the gate and open it. “I thought that someone would meet me here, they should know I’m coming,” She said to herself as she walk up the house.

Once at the door she knock on it, she didn’t have to wait long before someone open the door. It was a man with blue hair, and he was wearing a lab coat. “Yes, can I help you?” He sounded confuse.

“My name is Celestia Sun and I’m her to see Rowan, he’s expecting me.” Celestia asked the man.

The blue hair man was still confused. “Professor Rowan isn’t here at the moment, my name is Yuzo and I’m one of his assistant. Did you say that the professor is expecting you?” Celestia nodded her head. “He hasn’t mention that to me.” Said Yuzo while scratching his head.

Celestia let out a tiering sighed. “Look, I have been one a boat for over twenty four hours and two hour with taxi because no one meet me at the harbor, can I please come inn?”

Then it dawn on Yuzo. “Your that Celestia, the one professor Birch mention, right?” Celestia nodded her head, again. Then Yuzo bowed. “I’m so sorry, professor Rowan mention that you would come today and one of us were supposed to meet you at the docks, but we got caught up in work, I’m truly sorry.” He was about to go down on his knees.

Celestia couldn’t be mad at him, she has been caught up in her own work several times and it ruined her friends with her sister, she was lucky that Luna forgave her, and they are now sisters again.

“It’s okay, I have buried myself work to so I know how it is. Is possible I can wait for professor Rowan inside?”

Yuzo stood up. “Of course, right this way.” He step aside so Celestia could walk inn.

The first thing Celestia saw was a lot of machines, it was like Birch lab. “Professor Rowan has a lot of machines around.” She saw another woman sitting by a computer.

“That’s because we study Pokémon evolution in this lab.” Said Yuzo as he walk up beside her.

Pokémon evolution, Celestia has seen three of her sister Pokémon evolve and she still don’t understand how. She saw a Shelgon evolve and grow into a dragon, Salamence which was twice as large as Shelgon. She might not understand it but she thinks it pretty cool, which she would never say out loud. Celestia then saw three Pokémon siting on table, one was red chimp, the second one was a blue penguin and the last one was standing on four leg, was green and had a leaf on its head.

“Are those…?” Celestia asked Yuzo as she pointed at the three Pokémon.

“if you mean three started Pokémon that trainers can chose from in Sinnoh? Then yes.” Yuzo said with a smile.

Celestia just wanted to go and hug all three of them, they were just so cute. Now she wanted to know when Rowan arrived so she could choose one.

Celestia needed something ells to think about. “When will professor Rowan be back?” She asked Yuzo.

“I’m already here.” Said a new voice that scared Celestia and Yuzo.

Celestia turned around and standing behind her was an elderly man with grey beard, he was wearing a brown jacket. “Professor Rowan?”

The man nodded. “Yes, that’s me and I’m guessing your Celestia?”

Celestia gave him a nod. “That’s right,” She held out a hand. “it’s nice to meet you.”

He happily shook her hand. “Yes, I heard from professor Birch that you want to travel Sinnoh and challenge the league. Is that right?”

“Yes, after watching my sister battling in Hoenn I decided to try it myself.”

Rowan smiled when he heard that. “That’s good to hear, everyone should try to be a trainer regardless of age. Now, it’s time for you to choose your started Pokémon.” He then walk to the table where the three Pokémon was, Celestia followed him. “Here are the three Pokémon trainers can pick from they start their journey. First of we have Chimchar, then Piplup and Turtwig.” Rowan told Celestia while showing them off.

All three of them presented themselves to Celestia when Rowan said their names, Chimchar started to jump up in the air, Piplup just puffed out its chest and Turtwig just gave her a smile. Celestia had a hard time to pick one, they were all so cute and charming.

Then she got an idea. “Professor, is possible I can you the Pokédex to help me chose one, I’m having a hard time do it myself.”

Rowan nodded. “Of course. Yuzo, why don’t you go and find Celesta’s Pokédex.”

“Right away.” Yuzo walk over to a desk and open a draw, he then took out a red device which Celestia knew was the Pokédex. Yuzo then handed it to Celestia. “Here you go, all you have to is to point it at the Pokémon and the information will appeared.”

Celestia took the dex and then she pointed at Chimchar first.

Chimchar the chimp Pokémon. It agilely scales cliffs to live atop mountains. Its fire is put out when it sleeps.

Celestia was just amazed by it, a so small decided could contain so much information and it talk. She then pointed at the next one.

Piplup the penguin Pokémon. Because it is very proud, it hates accepting food from people. Its thick down guards it from cold.

And then the last one.

Turtwig the tiny leaf Pokémon. Made from soil, the shell on its back hardens when it drinks water. It lives along lakes.

They all sounded like a good choice for Celestia but she could only pick one which she thought suck, she had made up her mind. “For my first Pokémon I’m going with Chimchar.” That made the chimp Pokémon to jump up and down with joy, it look like Piplup had been slap in the face and Turtwig, it look like he didn’t care at all, he just want back to his food.

The Rowan spoke. “Excellence choice.” He then gave Celestia a red and white ball. “This is Chimchar’s Pokéball,” Celestia took it. “why don’t you try and return Chimchar back to its Pokéball.”

Celestia pointed the ball at Chimchar. “Alright, return.” Then a red beam shot out of the ball and hit Chimchar, then he disappeared into the ball. Celestia was just marveled by the whole thing, she wanted to know how it all works but something told her that she would not understand anything.

Then Rowan handed her five more Pokéball’s. “These are your Pokéball’s which you can catch more Pokémon with.” Celestia took them all and placed them in her pocket for now. “If you run out you have to buy more of them.”

Celestia nodded in understanding, she was just glad she got some money from professor Birch for her journey. “I don’t mean to cut this meeting short but I really want to get this journey on the way before it’s gets dark.”

“I understand, a trainer is always on the go.” Then the phone rang. “Who could that be?” He asked as the female assistant got up to answer it.

After some talking. “Celestia, it’s for you.” That surprised her, who could call her?

It all dawn on Celestia as she walk over to the phone, there was only one person/pony who could call her. She saw it on the screen, it was Luna. Celestia took the phone and gave her sister a smile. “Hello Luna, what can I do for you?” She asked her little sister.

“Oh nothing, I just wonder if you have started your journey yet.” Said the younger ruler.

“As a matter of fact, I have just received my beginner Pokémon.” Celestia then took out Chimchar’s Pokéball to let him out, the chimp Pokémon came out and Celestia lift him up so she could show him to Luna. “Chimchar, say hello to my little sister Luna. Luna, this is Chimchar.”

“Chim chim.” Said Chimchar while waving his arms.

“That’s just adorable.” Luna then took out her Pokédex, she hope she could read the data. “Let’s see here… you got to be kidding me.”

Celestia and Chimchar was just confused. “Is something wrong Luna?” She asked her sister.

“Yes, there is.” Luna then took out a Pokéball, she then let out a Pokémon, she then disappeared for a moment and she was holding a Pokémon that look like yellow fox. “Your Chimchar is a fire type, my Fennekin is a fire type, we can’t both choose a fire type.” She said with some frustration.

Celestia was confused, again. Then she took out her own dex and pointed at Fennekin in hope she could see the data, it work.

Fennekin the fox Pokémon. Eating a twig fills it with energy, and its roomy ears give vent to air hotter than 390 degrees Fahrenheit.

Celestia could see that Fennekin was a fire type and she didn’t understand why Luna was upset. “So, you expect me to choose a grass type so you would have the advance in a battle, correct?”

Luna nodded. “Yes.”

Celestia just gave her sister a deadpan look. “I’m going to hang up now and why don’t you call me back when you have grown up.” Before Luna could say anything she hang up. “Sometimes I wonder if she is my sister or not.” She then saw that Chimchar had a worried look on him. “Don’t worry Chimchar, tomorrow my sister is back to normal, I hope.”

“Is everything okay?” Asked Rowan as he approached Celestia.

“Yes, it’s just Luna being Luna, nothing to worried about.” Celestia said with a smile.

Rowan crossed his arms. “If you say so.”

Celestia then step away from the phone and then called back Chimchar back to his ball. “Now, if you will excuse me, I’m going to being my journey.”

Rowan nodded. “Good, the first gym is in Oreburgh city and on the way you have to travel through Jubilife city, it will take you a few days to get there so I suggest you try and catch some Pokémon on the way.” He told Celestia.

“I will and thanks professor.” She held out a hand and Rowan gladly shook it. “It was a pleasure meting you.”

Rowan smiled. “The pleasure is all mine.” With that, Celestia headed for the door.

Once Celestia was outside the lab, she took one last look at it before she headed for Jubilife city and little did she know her Pokémon journey had just started.