The Librarians and The Summoned Cat

by Dragon Shimmer

A problem, big one.

After a while of visiting, the doctor says that Twilight can go home now. All of them are so happy and head to Ponyville to celebrate. Spike feels so embarrassing when he is finally participating in the final round. Twilight is still jealous about this.

The party is over and all of the ponies are going to their home. The librarians visit the creature group to see the progress. When they just get there, the group is building the stretch as the Abyssian is sitting there and watching the blueprint. Breaker is thinking about the average house for many creatures. When she sees the librarians, she waves her paw to ask them to come here.

"Hey, there," Breaker looks at them, "You come here to visit us."

"Yeah," Spike nods, "I want to see your house complete." then he looks at the house, "I got to say that is the big house, where did you get those woods," Breaker points at the nearby tree as the purple dragon gulps, make the Abyssian giggles, "Don't worry, we have put fire around the building to not be visited by the timberwolves."

"I see..." Twilight points at the blueprint, "Can I see your building,"

"Sure," Breaker gives the purple unicorn the blueprint, "You can see it and make a comment. I won't mind."

Twilight and Sunset are looking at the blueprint and see that they are building a big house. Sunset sighs and asks, "This house will take very long to complete, you all sure you will do it,"

"We sure," A voice comes from behind as the librarians turn around and see Bull is carrying many planks of wood, "We all know that the building so we have prepared many tents." The minotaur points at the campfire where the female griffin is cooking the meal, "You can join the meal if you want. We have many foods around there."

"No, thank you," denies Spike, " We will have dinner in our library."

"Sure," Breaker turns to the orange dragon, "Can I have your signature? I want something to decorate our house."

"Sunset sighs, "Sure," The Abyssian glees and gives Sunset the paper. Sunset signs the paper and gives it to Breaker, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. See you again," Then the librarians leave the building to take a rest, "We will visit you later."

Breaker waves her paw to say goodbye as she grins. She turns to the group, "We got her signature."

"Then what are you going to do?" asks Feather, "Use it to create our guild."

"Yes," Breaker looks back, "No one fits the guild master like that orange dragon."

"But.. she doesn't seem to know how to do the business." retorts Bull, "And manage the guild."

"That's why I will make her a guild master." Breaker grins, "With this signature. You will see what I will do with this." Bull and Feather look at each other and just shake their heads. They are back to work and leave the Abyssian to do what she wants.

The librarians open the door and sit on the sofa. Sunset and Spike check Twilight to see if something bad happens. Twilight just says that she is fine. The dragon duo nod and go back to their work but a knock interrupts them. Spike opens the door and sees Fluttershy is standing in front of the door. Spike invites her inside as the yellow pegasus to go inside. The pegasus takes a seat that is far from the orange dragon.

Twilight looks at Fluttershy's face as she is quite scared. Sunset nods and Twilight asks her, "What's wrong, Fluttershy? Do you have any problems?

Fluttershy shudders, "I feel that somepony is watching me. I don't know but that scares me a lot."

Spike puts the tea down and asks, "So... why do you say that? Is someone you see?"

"Last night, I saw a gray stallion and a griffin standing in front of my house all day," reminds Fluttershy, "Then I saw a lot of tools like rope and net next to them. When I asked them, they said that they come here to catch fish."

Twilight smiles and pats her back, "Maybe you worry too much, they are just catching the fish."

"But Twilight..." Fluttershy presses herself more, "This is Ponyville and there is no water zone that is large enough to catch fish."

Sunset shakes her head, "Maybe the fish is you, Fluttershy," Fluttershy and others grasp as Sunset just gives them a smirk, "Is that obvious? Net and rope are really used for fishing but there is no fishing zone here so..." The orange dragon looks at the yellow pegasus as Fluttershy is shaking in fear, "You ok?"

"No..." Fluttershy shakes her head, "I don't know what I can do if they here to foalnap me." Noleg jumps on Fluttershy's head and 'meows'. Fluttershy takes the blue cat, "You want to protect me."

"Meow meow (Yes. I can't stand it if someone is dangerous.)

"But you are so... small," Flutter looks at the blue cat as Noleg takes out his sword, "Oh, but you..." Noleg raises his paw to stop her talking as Sunset giggles. Sunset nods and Fluttershy must take the cat to her house. Noleg feels so excited as he lies on the yellow pegasus's back.

Sunset shakes her head as the purple duo is still worried about Noleg. Sunset just says, "Oh well, he can handle it." Then the orange dragon just comes upstairs to study magic while the purple duo can just read the book.

Fluttershy comes back to her cottage with a blue cat on her back. When she gets home, she goes upstairs to sleep. Noleg just sits on the nearby table and waits for the kidnapper, but he is feeling so sleepy so he decides to set a trap to wake him up.

After two hours, two shadows are standing in front of the cottage. They look at each other and nod. The earth pony is lockpicking while the pegasus is looking outside to be aware of someone coming here. When the earth pony successfully opens the door, he gives a sign for the pegasus. The pegasus nods and takes out the net and the rope.

"You know what to do," The earth pony takes the net, "Our ponies will foalnap other Element of Harmony."

"You don't need to repeat that," The pegasus takes the rope, "We will do it quiet and clean."

When the two ponies are opening the door, a soap is dropped into the earth pony's head. The pegasus throws out the soap as they walk inside. Suddenly, the light is on, making the two ponies surprised. Looking around, they only see a blue cat standing on the table. The two ponies sigh in relief and they make their way to go upstairs but the blue cat stops them. The pegasus takes out the fish but Noleg simply slaps it away, then he kicks the two ponies from there. The two ponies fall on the ground.

"You little welp. You will pay for that," The earth pony stands up and tries to punch Noleg but he simply blocks with his shield. The pegasus tries to support him but the blue cat dashes behind the pegasus with a sword. After a while, the pegasus gets a lot of wounds like the sword slash, which makes the earth pony terries. "What... what are you?'' The blue cat's sword is covered in the ice as he steps closer to the terrified earth pony. The earth pony is trying to open the door but no use. Noleg gives him a smirk as he charges at the earth pony.

Coral Blade is patrolling around the town with Swift Blue as he drags the captain to go with him, which makes the earth pony feel uncomfortable. The two decide to sit on the nearby bench as they watch the sky.

"Oh Celestia," Coral is drinking the soda, "Why am I not feeling so good tonight?"

"Because you have to patrol with me," answers Swift Blue as Coral Blade glares at him, "What? You always find a way to skip work."

"That does not make a bad captain, Swift Blue," Coral coughs, "I just let all of you protect yourself."

"By throwing our soldiers I guess," Swift gives her a smirk, "I am one of your victims you know." Coral just drinks some soda as Swift Blue just leans against the bench more. Suddenly, he sees two shadows are standing in front of the library, Swift Blue is going to stop them but Coral puts the halberd in front of the pegasus to stop him. Swift Blue glares at her, "Why did you stop me? If that is the bad pony, we will be able to stop them."

Coral retorts, "And if that is the library, I am feeling like, 'poor the criminal, they will get something hurt,' because of the dragon." Swift Blue facehoof as Coral smirks, "You should trust those librarians, they are tougher than they look. Anyway..." Coral stands up, '' announces to others immediately, we have to come to others Element. I guess that they are aiming for those ponies."

Swift Blue nods, "Yes, madam," And he flies away to announce every guard.

Coral looks at the pegasus and smiles, "Lucky that Flora is patrolling with me too. I bet that she heard it."

The two griffins come out from the Sweet Apple Acres with the big bag as they head to the Everfree forest to make sure that no one sees it. When they are walking, they feel someone is following them. The ponies look back and see no one, so they decide to ignore. After walking for a while, they sit on the campfire and wait for others.

Waiting for 30 minutes, the griffins see the caribous as they are carrying another bag. One of the griffins stands up and asks, "What's taken you so long?"

The caribou points at the guard, "I don't know why the guards are so many. Anyway, you got one?"

"Yes," The griffin opens the bag and it has Applejack inside. The orange pony is sleeping deep and doesn't know what is happening. "I got one of them."

"Me too," the Caribou opens the bag and has Rarity inside there, "We got too. But where is the others?"

"I don't know," The griffin sits down and opens the canned food, "Oh, we can wait."

The caribous nod and they join the griffins to the camp. When they are enjoying their victory, a shuriken is flying toward them and cutting the canned food into half., making the caribou surprised. All of them stand up and prepare to fight. One of the griffins yells, "Show yourself." Landing in front of the group, a ninja is standing before them as the group is confused. The griffin asks the ninja, "What do you want?"

The ninja points at the bag, "I want those mares," The group looks at each other and laughs out loud. The ninja grins, "Oh so you don't want to hoof over those mares. Fine," The ninja crosses her front hooves and a smoke comes out from her spot. The group coughs and the smoke fades. When they look back, many ninjas are standing around them as the kidnapper gulps, "Well if you don't cooperate, I have no choice but to arrest you to the guards." Then they rush to the group.

Breaker is stretching her body as she can't sleep due to the working. When she sees Coral is on the way, she feels weird as the Abyssian tries to wake others, "Hey, we have something to watch."

"What," Feather yawns and rubs her eyes," I don't want to hear something ridiculous from you."

"Silly," Breaker waves the paws, "The guards are running to the library and I hope they have trouble with that dragon,"

Feather huffs as she follows Breaker to watch something happen in the library while the Abyssian is so excited to see what happens to the library.