//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Long ago, in the broken remains of Equestria // by thegenieworld //------------------------------// Long ago, in the magical land of Equestria, there was peace and harmony. A wonderful land filled with a kind and loving population. This land was ruled by the young Princess Twilight Sparkle, a fairly new princess, and her council. The council was also called the Guardians of Harmony. They had together saved Equestria from countless threats and dangers, making them fit to serve it together after the previous rulers retired. They had made Equestria the perfect home. Then, there was the Nightmare. A creature so vicious and dangerous, it had taken out one of Equestria’s two rulers and greatly hurt the other for 1000 years. And now, it is back. No ponies or creatures were safe, as the Nightmare had raised an army of its dark magic. Creatures of shadows, almost unable to fight off without magic, and even with it, harming them is almost impossible. Equestria fell into despair. Princess Twilight Sparkle and her council started dividing the land into three. One of these three, was the Friendship region. Ponies within this region traveled to the Castle of Friendship in Ponyville where they would be protected by the previous rulers of Equestria, as well as the most trusted assistant of the princess herself. The second region was the Crystal region. Ponies within this region traveled to the castle in the Crystal Empire, where they were protected by the princess who rules it, as well as her family and her royal magician. The third region was the Royal region. Ponies in this region traveled to Canterlot, the only city in Equestria that was fully protected. Canterlot was protected by Princess Twilight Sparkle and her council, as well as a powerful draconequus. Once the land was split and ponies were evacuated, the princesses used their powers to create powerful protections around the castles, and in Canterlot’s case, the whole city. That is how the ponies have survived. Every day troops are sent into battle, fighting so they might one day get one step closer to freedom. Every day they come back, sometimes hurt, sometimes less than when they left. Young ponies are raised to be future soldiers or to contribute in some way to the war. We’re only alive because of that. We’re only alive because of the safe spaces in the castles, because of the princesses and the council. We’re alive, but our hope is dying. There’s so little left. No one knows what to do anymore because one wrong step, and we might all die. One wrong move, and Equestria will be lost forever.