//------------------------------// // Your ideal villain // Story: The Lord of Chaos // by Guillermo //------------------------------// "Why can't I go?!" Celestia yelled at her older brother, who was focused on their dinner and barely gave her a glance. "You're not ready," he commented simply. "You're not ready, you're not ready ..." said the 15-year-old white alicorn, in a mocking tone. "I'm starting to hate that fucking phrase. I just want to get out of this stupid forest and see more ponies other than Cake or Luna!" "Celestia!" I said with a frown. "Don't talk like that, I know you're furious, but that's no reason to get angry like that. I know you are ready to go out, but it is the ponies who are not ready, they have been living together in harmony for three years and there are still tensions. Imagine if they saw an alicorn." "And is that enough excuse to keep us both locked up?" She said, looking at me with narrowed eyes. "Don't mess with me, I'm very calm" Luna said, it could be seen that she was quite uncomfortable with the situation that was developing in front of her. "I can't even go out into the fucking forest unsupervised in case a stupid pony sees me!" "Celestia ... don't speak in that tone" I said, in a tone that they both recognized, it was the one I used when my patience was exhausted, but this time, it did not seem to have an effect on the young teenager. "You are nobody to tell me how to speak! YOU ARE NOT MY MOTHER!" As soon as those words were out of her mouth, I was frozen in place, saying nothing, just watching the young mare. I tried to say something, whatever, but ... those words were enough to shut me up. Discord looked up from her at last, watching me worriedly, Luna dropped her fork and looked at me with great concern before looking at her sister with her eyes with some anger. Celestia seemed to hold her posture for a few moments, glaring at me, but when she calmed down, guilt crept onto her face. "Cake, I ..." I do not let her finish, as I got up and went to the door of the dining room, heading to my room. Before leaving, I managed to hear Discord speaking sternly. "You'll be happy, right?" I walked quickly through the halls of the castle, stopping a few times to try to wipe my tears away. Once I got to my room, I slammed it shut and leaned against the door, staring at my room, the tears coming back out. 'You are not my mother', it repeated over and over in my head. Why did it bother me so much? She was right, it wasn't her mother, that was Selena, I was just her babysitter and cook, I shouldn't feel hurt, and still, I felt like my heart had been mercilessly crushed. With a sigh, I approached the bed, no longer bothering to wipe the tears that were freely falling from my face. I took from the bedside table a portrait made by Discord of Luna, Celestia and myself, made two years ago, as a birthday present, and that I had placed next to the framed poem of my first love, and they were the possessions most valuable he had. I couldn't help but smile when I saw the smiling face of Celestia in the photo, hugging me tightly. I lay down on the bed, looking at the painting, and there I stayed, even after dark, without taking my eyes off the image. At one point, somepony opened the door, and as I turned around, I saw Celestia peeking out, glaring at me. "Hello, Celestia" I said with a small smile and trying to wipe my tears, I didn't want her to see me like that, but she did, and I could see her making a face of regret. "I'm sorry I didn't go to see you hide the sun." "It doesn't matter" she said as she approached, guilt emanating from her voice. Celestia placed a hoof on my bed, and when I didn't say anything, she ended up going upstairs. She snuggled up next to me, just like we did when she was younger, and I look at the portrait of her next to me. "I'm sorry" she said after a while. "You do not need to apologize, I know you were angry, and also" I was silent for a moment before sighing, defeated "we both know that you are right, I am not your mother. That's Selena." "I know," Celestia said with a frown. "But she only comes once a year, you, on the other hoof, are always there. You were there for all my birthdays, my cutieversaries, you taught me to bake cupcakes, to enjoy a good tea ... I don't care if Selena is my mother, you are too" next to those words, she caressed my cheek with her own in an act of affection, to which I could only respond by doing the same. "I hope that's not a challenge to the gods" I said with a small laugh, still in tears. "Don't worry" Celestia answered with a small laugh "my other mother is very understanding, besides, both I and Luna speak very well of you" that only made me roll my eyes with amusement. "I'm afraid of what you have told her." "Good things!" A voice yelled from the door, and looking at myrrh in that direction, I saw that Luna was the one responsible, who apparently she had been waiting there. She ran to lie on the other side of the bed and snuggle next to me, also with a big smile. "We only said good things about you, Mom Cake!" My only reaction to hearing that nickname was to cry as I wrapped the two of them in a loving embrace, which neither of the three wanted to undo. However, a mischievous smile crossed my face. "Likewise, you know you're punished for swearing, right?" I commented looking at Celestia, who moaned in protest, but she quickly put all complaints behind and snuggled closer to me. I imitated her, hugging them both tightly, and soon, we surrendered to sleep, all together and embracing. If I had known what was coming, I would have spent many more nights like this. I walked at a leisurely pace to the room where, if he didn't have to teach his sisters astronomy, Discord would watch the ponies, the same place where the Windigos were created. I had no pending tasks, for at that hour, Celestia would be exploring the forest with a herd of timberwolves, who would make sure that no pony approached her and that she did not approach the ponies, Luna reading in the great library and the lord of chaos next to his cauldron. It had been a week since the incident with the white alicorn, and his brother seemed concerned, at least for the times I had seen him observe the ponies, and from what he had told me, he was trying to determine if it was safe to bring them out or not. As I entered, I saw him staring into the blue waters of the cauldron, with no visible expression on his face. "Is something wrong, sir?" "I went to visit my brother, Crono" he said frankly, leaving me paralyzed, Crono, the god of time? "And ... Did something happen?c "I wanted to see what the future would be if I left things as they are and let the girls show themselves to the ponies. Normally I don't, it is against chaos to know in advance what will happen, but I am worried, Cake." "Don't tell me, things aren't going well" I said with a grimace as I approached me and sat next to him. "No, it won't go well at all. The ponies will be separated again, they will enter a new war, and I doubt that anyone will come out alive. And Celestia and Luna? Haunted for being different. I don't know what to do, Cake" he said with a sigh. "Hmm ..." I said looking thoughtfully at the waters, until an idea flowed to my mind. "Well, you can always make Celestia and Luna save them from something." "What?" He said as he watched me, to which I shrugged. "Look, the first unicorn king was not chosen by a bloodline or by popular election, a commander was chosen who organized protection against a gryphon army. And the first Pegasus emperor was Kratos, who successfully commanded a small group of soldiers and defeated a dragon. Great leaders are often chosen after proving their worth." "Prove their worth ..." Discord said thoughtfully, before smiling. "That's it! I need the girls to save them from some crazy villain." With a snap of his fingers, I found myself tucked into the seats of a stage, with the lord of chaos on it, dressed in a suit and on some kind of stage. "Welcome to ... YOUR IDEAL VILLAIN! The first contestant is ...! Drum roll please ..." A series of those instruments began to play from who knows where, and after a few seconds, the curtain opened and a blue goat with two large horns appeared. "Grogar, father of the monsters! What do you think, Cake? Intimidating, the perfect threat to the girls and ... he would kill them without blinking ... Definitely not" a trapdoor opened over the illusion of the villain, who looked down and began to scream as he fell, before the curtains. "Okay, the first one was a failure ... But here comes the ideal, I present to you ...!" The curtains opened and showed a blood-red dragon, large horns and black thorns, with a small house next to him, to give an idea of ​​its real scale. "The Dragon Lord! Strong, giant ... and he would eat the ponies and kill them both" the dragon fell, following his predecessor, and the curtains closed again. "I have it! Lord Tirek!" a centaur appeared in the middle of the stage, specifically, the one that attacked Equestria a year after its founding and was defeated by Star Swirl and the centaur's brother, Scorpan. Discord seemed happy for his decision, but a great doubt appeared on his face. "But ... he can absorb the magic from they and leave them defenseless, they don't have the power to block that spell. No, definitely not." "Discord, you'll have to decide on one sooner or later." "They could all kill them!" He said, looking at me before continuing with his walk. "Obviously, no self-respecting villain would be willing to let themselves be won, everyone will want to kill them. As long as it's not you, you're going to be left without anypony" I said that jokingly, ready to leave, at least until Discord grabbed me and squeezed me into a hug. "You are a genious! What would I do without you?” The Chaos Lord released me and headed for the cauldron, thinking over her plan meticulously, leaving me confused. " And what have I done?" " Can't you see it? I will be that villain willing to let himself be won. But it has to look real, so ... something must stop me ... and the best is harmony ..." "May it be known that he is planning, sir?" "You'll see, dear Cake, you'll see." Deciding that it was best not to question him, I went to my room, trying to figure out what the hell he was thinking. And the answer came three weeks later, in the middle of the night, and after being torn from my bed and taken to the room where the cauldron was. "It better be important, sir" I said sleepily, before feeling all my sleep being ripped from its roots. Turning around, I saw Discord smiling, holding a fishing pole and the word "dream" on the hook. Throwing my precious dream over there, he led me to the cauldron. "Don't worry, it is, watch" he said as he pointed to the waters in the cauldron. With a small growl, I watched, just to see six ponies advancing through a forest, the only one I recognized immediately was Star Swirl the bearded, the rest just sounded familiar to me, but I didn't know what, exactly. As I could see, it was daytime, which did not surprise me, since the cauldron could show any present or past event. "And these are...?" "The so-called Pillars of Equestria, their protectors and those that perfectly represent each and every one of the aspects of harmony, magic, loyalty, honesty, laughter, generosity and kindness." CWait, these are the Pillars? Those who faced those sirens?" I said in amazement, now remembering why they sounded to me. "The same ones ... A pity that poor Stygian is left behind ... I hope those ponies realize what they are doing to him in time." I raised a curious eyebrow before focusing on the ponies, watching them arrive in an area familiar to me. "And what the hell are they doing in our castle?" I said worried about Celestia and Luna. "Don't worry, they can't see it, besides, they don't go to our house" and he was right, because the six of them went down to the bottom of the ravine heading to a place that I knew well, the grave of Harmony and her husband, so I looked expectant to Discord, who only watched the events that were happening with a guilty little smile. "I need to create something that can stop me, and harmony is the only thing that could. And right now, there is no place that is as harmonious as her grave." Still with doubts, I observed how the Pillars entered the cave, now empty of the offerings that we left for the fallen goddess. Star Swirl seemed to plant something on the ground, backing away a bit. The Pillars remained around the planting, and concentrating, a bluish light came out of each one of them towards the center. "What are they doing?" I asked doubtfully. "I induced them to go here through dreams and I taught Star Swirl to create a seed capable of storing their essence through his dreams" Discord said without taking his gaze off the cauldron. "They believe they are following the will of my parents to create something that protects ponies from darkness." I nodded as I continued to watch. After a while, the Pillars finished, and after talking a bit about what happened, they were marked. Just as the cauldron began to burn out, Discord snapped his fingers and we appeared in the cavern, now dark, lit only by the seed that had been bathed in the essence of the Pillars of Equestria. "Why are we here?" I asked doubtfully. "There is still something missing ... And I want you to be here, you are already my confidant." Discord raised his eagle paw and snapped his fingers, creating a shock wave that swept through the entire forest, almost knocking me to the ground. For a few minutes, nothing happened, until six orbs entered the cave, each one transformed into a different alicorn, and I knew who they were. One with red fur and dressed in battle armor, Athena, goddess of loyalty, another with blue fur and an eternal smile, Amet, goddess of laughter, a third with purple fur, Share, goddess of generosity, the fourth was orange fur, Hestia, goddess of honesty, the fifth pink fur, Persephone, goddess of kindness, and lastly, a lavender fur, Hecate, goddess of magic, all of these, except for Athena, in robes, and they all had a mane with the scent of the rainbow. The oldest of the six, Hecate, approached her uncle with a smile, clasping her lion's paw with her hoof. "Nice to see you, uncle." "Same here, dear niece." "Who is she?! A new friend ?!" The call Amet shouted as she approached me, very much, but even if I had wanted to be uncomfortable, it was impossible, since in her presence there was only room for joy. "This is Cake" Discord said amused, pushing his energetic niece away from I a bit. "She's the castle's nanny, housekeeper and official cook." "She shouldn't be here" Athena said, looking at me with such severity that she scared me. "Mortals shouldn't witness a meeting between the gods." "Please, Athena" Persephone commented, approaching me and radiating an aura of pure goodness that calmed my concerns. "If our uncle has brought her here, she is to be trusted." "And speaking of that" Hecate spoke, eager to calm the waters. "May I know why you have called us here?" "I need your help, dear nieces," Discord said floating above them and smiling at them. "I want to create a weapon capable of protecting ponies from any evil." "And how do you plan to create that?" Share said with a raised eyebrow. "Channeling the residual energy of your mother, a seed imbued with the essence of six ponies that represent every aspect of harmony and ... you." "What for, exactly?" Hestia said, scowling at Discord. "Dear niece, do not try to use your powers on me, not only is it useless, but I am telling you the truth. The ponies need something to protect them from great evils, they have already suffered the invasion of Tirek, who tells us that the next one will not be worse?" "That's what we are for" Hecate said. "To protect mortals and prevent ..." "Please" Discord said with an annoyed snort, "the last time you acted to protect a mortal was that gryphon who faced a dark demon, more than three thousand years ago." You did not act with Tirek, nor with the Kirin soul stealer, nor with the dark dragon ... All of those were defeated by mortals." "At least we didn't create beings that caused an eternal blizzard" Hestia commented reproachfully. "You know well that it was to prevent them from continuing down that path of hatred" Discord said in a dangerous way, it even scared me. "I am the Guardian of balance, and what I do is to maintain it so that Celestia and Luna can fulfill their destiny without putting theirself in danger." "And what is the new plan to fulfill that destiny, uncle?" Hecate said as she approached, stopping when she saw Discord rising threateningly. "All you need to know is that if I don't, the ponies could face extinction. If you don't trust me, ask Crono, he revealed it to me." For a while, Hecate kept her eyes on her uncle, before nodding, showing that she was willing to help him. The Lord of Chaos looked from him to the rest of his nieces, who looked at each other before agreeing to help him. Satisfied, Discord pointed out where they should each stand and asked them to pour their power into the seed planted by the Pillars. At first, nothing happened, but soon, the ground began to glow, and from each of the goddesses came a thread of energy according to their color and they connected in the same center, there where the seed, the matriarch of harmony and her husband was buried. The first thing that emerged was a kind of crystal flower that began to grow into a large tree, made entirely of crystal. In the tree trunk appeared a sun, a moon and a star, symbols of Solaris, Selena and magic respectively. At the same time, several branches emerged, in five of these five fruits appeared, although well, more than fruits they looked like jewels, and in the center, another jewel appeared, this one in the shape of a star. When finished, the glow disappeared, and I could feel a great calm and peace in the place, although the gods present did not seem to share it, even Amet seemed concerned. "Well" Hecate said, with a worried tone of voice. "We already help you, I hope you are happy." "Very much, dear niece. What you have done will ensure the happiness of the ponies." "At the expense of yours?" Amet said as she watched her uncle. "Be careful, uncle, because that path could harm your happiness." "Don't worry about me" Discord said with a big smile. "I'm Discord, god of chaos and the biggest partygoer of all" when he said it, a lot of confetti appeared in the cave, but nobody seemed to pay attention to them, so the draconequs made them disappear before speaking. "Give my regards to father and mother." "We will, uncle" Hecate said. One by one, the alicorns returned to being orbs and disappeared from there quickly, the goddess of magic being the last to leave. Following this, Discord stared at the newly created tree, turning his head as he felt me ​​approach. "Nothing will happen, right?" I said as I approached he, worried. "I mean, Celestia and Luna aren't really going to hurt you and ..." "That's the problem, Cake, they won't really want to attack me, and everyone will know it's fake" he said as he looked back at the tree. "And if they do, what will happen next? They will want me to introduce myself as their brother, and if the ponies discover that the one who ruled them and treated them like toys was the brother of their saviors, everything will be ruined." "What are you implying, sir?" I asked, fearful of what he was going to say. "You must forget me" said the lord of chaos, looking at the tree, and I dropped down, shocked. "I will make the Pillars find the castle, they will need someone other than you to protect them, and Star Swirl will be a great teacher." I silently stared at the tree, cursing myself for giving Discord that stupid idea. Now, because of me, he was planning to make his sisters forget him. A small part of what he said came to light, causing I to look at him doubtfully. "Me?c " Of course, Cake, you're like her second mother, I can't let them forget you. If you want, I'll make you forget me too, so you won't have to lie to them." I was silent, thinking about his offer. I imagine Discord going against everything he believed in, knowing that his sisters would forget him and, what is worse, they would start to hate him, in addition, the most likely thing is that the other gods would look at him with disappointment ... and all that he would have to bear it all alone. "No, I can't" I said, feeling a lump in my throat, the tears starting to come out due to the decision I was about to make. "If you do that, you will be completely alone." "I'll be fine by myself" he said with a shrug. "No, you won't" I said with conviction. "Very good" Discord said after being silent for a long time. "But are you sure you want them to forget you too?" You love them as if they were your daughters. "I ... yes ... You are my friend, Discord, and I'm sure that Celestia and Luna would also ask me to stay by your side." Discord sighed before smiling at me, leaning down beside me to hug me. I allowed myself to cry on his shoulder, knowing what awaited us both. The next day was undoubtedly the hardest of my life, and I suppose for Discord as well. We decided to spend it with the girls, all together, a picnic in the forest, sharing our last day with them, although they didn't even know it. But they suspected something, but not on the part of her brother, but on mine, because it cost me more than an hour without crying bitterly. When night came, I accompanied them to their respective rooms, but they stopped to look directly at me. "Is something wrong?" Celestia said, immensely concerned. "You've been weird all day." I opened my mouth to speak, but couldn't say anything, as much as I wanted to tell them the truth, but knew I couldn't. Discord had assured me that it was the best, he even offered to take me to Crono's house so that I could see for myself her future, but I refused, if I saw it, I would probably want to be part of that life, and it could ruin everything . Instead of speaking, I preferred to hug them both, catching them by surprise, and holding them against me. Knowing that I would not say anything that night, the fillies preferred to accompany me and sleep with me that night, for which I was very grateful. At midnight, as I watched the little girls sleep, I heard the door open, seeing the lord of chaos sneaking in. On his face, I could see a sad smile when I saw his sisters, talking to me without taking their eyes off them. "We must go, Star Swirl will arrive tomorrow morning, attracted by a dream" I nodded weakly, without getting up and still caressing the little fillies that I considered my daughters, to which Discord sighed. "You still have time to erase your memory too." "And who would enjoy your talks and jokes?" I said with a small smile. I kissed each of them on the forehead and got out of bed, nodding at Discord. He spread his eagle claw over his little sisters and snapped his fingers, causing the heads of the alicorns to produce a small glow. After this, he grabbed them with his magic and led them to their rooms, all with me behind. As he set them down on their beds, he kissed each of them on the cheek before deciding to leave the castle. At each step, all traces of chaos disappeared, windows and torches would straighten, doors would stop opening in random directions, those that led to nowhere disappeared, even the lobby dome was positioned as it should. We stepped out into the cold night air, and after one last look at what had been our home for so long, Discord snapped his fingers and we were gone. We reappeared in front of a small farmhouse, surrounded by the trees of the Everfree and with some timberwolves nearby, who approached as tame as ever. Discord motioned for I to enter the house and I did, finding a cozy living room, a kitchen off to one side, and a staircase that would lead to the bathroom and a bedroom. Apart from this, I could see Stol coming over to greet me, something that made me smile. It was incredible the affection that I could take to a living piece of furniture. "This will be your new home" Discord said as he watched me caress the small stool, "you will be protected at all times by a herd of timberwolves and the creatures of the forest will obey you." "Thank you sir" I said as he stood up, watching Stol walk away. "When will you start calling me Discord? You told me last night" he said with a smile. "Never, sir, besides, last night was a special occasion" I answered with my own, before disappearing little by little. "What will those elements do to you?" "They can't kill me, chaos is necessary for harmony too, so most likely it will be turned to stone or something." "And do you have something in mind to escape that?" I said with immense concern. "Of course" he answered smiling and showing me a black seed. "I may have erased their memory and I am not planning to return to their lives, but I will not leave them to their own devices." I nodded, wishing with all my soul that this plan would succeed.