Heart of the Force: Gambit of Darkness

by fluttershyfan17

Chapter 6: Assassination

Nyroc walked through the dark caverns beneath the mountains, his dark cloak billowing around him as he sped through at a quick pace. His own hoofsteps echoed around him, adding to the symphony of noises as he recited passages in his head from ages past. Time flowed differently from his perspective, as one part of his head was always in the past, looking into the writings of the Zeffo and Sith acolytes, with the other in the present.

It was in this moment where he entered the room where Grievous spent his time where his mind switched to the current task.

“Your lungs have failed you,” the Sith observed, as Grievous held a pony’s skull in his claw, studying it. “But the new body I built will preserve your remaining organs, as the spinal cord, eyes, and brain will remain intact through electronic circuitry combined with your biological structures.”

“Only because your spells failed!” Grievous said, shattering the skull with a single motion.

“My spells were never meant to be eternal, but to keep you alive long enough for your body to adapt,” Nyroc countered calmly. “To grow. But that has always been your purpose. To be more machine than man.”

“You know nothing of the burden of conquest,” the warlord countered back. “My training by Count Dooku was only part of it. The Huk War showed me the depths man would go to conquer and rule. The sacrifices I made for my people, to become the ultimate warrior. The weight of a burden understood by no one.”

Nyroc walked to the other side of the room before moving back. “Your past defines you, even as you move forward. The blood of Sifo-Dyas still remains in your but that does not grant you the ability to wield the Force. Even if the last remaining biological systems were to wither and die, you would rather transfer your memory to another body than to let the great warrior fade into memory.”

“The Izvoshra would not let their ruler fade into memory easily,” Grievous rumbled. “And neither shall I. My philosophy of war is to trap my enemies in a Labyrinth of Evil. Let them wander, lost and in despair, as I torture them from the shadows. And I will slice them down as they beg for mercy, and make their loved ones suffer as I once did for Kummar.”

“Your technique fared well in the slaughter against Equestrian’s allies,” Nyroc praised. “But it is time for the next phase of my plan. Find the one who dreams in darkness and corrupt his trace of light. This will take timing and precision, as our window is limited. Those who protect him think they are safe. Let them continue. But when the time is right, we show them no mercy.”

Kaleb and Flash moved silently in the Everfree Forest, as they kept a close eye on the direction they were heading. The Jedi had his hand down towards the ground, with a commlink attached to his belt currently on an open channel. The guard had daggers hidden beneath a cloak of blue, ready to draw at a moment’s notice. The tension between the two was marked by concentration rather than dispute.

Kaleb stopped, making a fist to signal Flash. “This is the spot. According to Fluttershy’s calculations, the animals observed this area to be suspicious to activity during the night. Judging from their observations, we’re looking at about a five-hundred-meter radius going west from here.”

Flash nodded, taking a sip from a flask. “Wherever their base of operations is, the changelings would have it hidden. Did you speak to Thorax last night?”

The resistance leader insisted to Celestia he had no knowledge about Chrysalis’s infiltration of the Royal Guard and promised furiously to help her in any way he could. “He said it’s likely to be underground, and to look for giant rocks that are used to cover the entrance.”

“Well, that’s helpful,” Flash remarked with slight annoyance. “I guess we’ll have to check every rock in this forest, and if that doesn’t work, we’ll sacrifice ourselves to the hydra in exchange for answers.”

Kaleb shuddered, as the creature which lurked in the waters near the bridge creeped him out immensely. “Look, from what he was telling me, it’s a pretty large rock so it should be easy to spot. Let’s move.”

Moving from that spot, his brown cloak billowed as he and Flash moved westward. A lot had happened with the Equestrian Guard investigation, with a joint raid of their headquarters scheduled for tonight. The past week had been nothing but dead ends for Kaleb and his friends, who had still been determining how changelings were able to hide undetected within the Everfree Forest. This time, they had been able to use eyewitness accounts from the animals to locate a radius of their location, plus intelligence from Thorax.

“Have you spoken to Sweetie Belle yet?” Flash asked as the two moved at a moderate pace.

“Not yet,” Kaleb answered. “There are more complicated circumstances than I thought. I’m giving her space until I know more. Rarity has me on thin ice for not making that promise, even though she understands why I had to decline.”

Flash acnkowleged this with a sympathetic nod. “It’s not an easy choice to make. Do you think they would go after her?”

“In all my dealings as a Jedi, I have always kept Sweetie Belle out of the spotlight,” Kaleb said. “She was there to learn, and I tried to keep her out of danger. This was the one time my plan failed, and there will be a price to pay.”

“I had an old commander who would say danger is learning, as if forces you to keep on your hooves,” Flash said. “He wasn’t wrong, but I think even he would question these circumstances.”

“If and when I do tell, I’m going to be honest about the stakes,” Kaleb said. “During the war, I knew it was dangerous but not the specifics due to secrecy. Master Johanna wanted to tell me, but she was bound to the upper Council. This is why I want distance before figuring out the truth. She deserves a full explanation…”

The two stopped as they gazed on a giant boulder about three meters high in the middle of a clearing. Flash lowered his hood. “Well, that’s ironic.”

Kaleb took out the commlink, activating the location beacon. “Twilight, we found it. Teleport to my precise location about five meters north of where I’m standing.”

A loud bang ruptured behind them as Twilight, Fluttershy, and Applejack teleported right behind them. Flash jumped, taking out his dagger and nearly hurling it at Twilight as Kaleb stopped his hoof just in time.

He muttered an apology to Twilight, who just waved it off. “Kaleb, are you sure this is the place?”

“Unless we know of any more unusually large boulders in this area, I think this is probably the one,” the Jedi replied. “If we get close enough, you can undo the counter spell hiding the entrance.”

“We can’t just walk right up to it,” Flash remarked, his Royal Guard training kicking in as he scanned the ground. “Is there a Force power for telling whether this ground is booby-trapped to oblivion?”

Kaleb simply picked up a rock, looking at the ground and the boulder before throwing it as hard as he could. The rock flew in the air, skimming the ground as it hit the boulder. He held up a hand and indicated for them to get down. A few seconds later, loud bangs popped around the area of the stone, going for about two minutes before finally settling down.

“Was that really necessary?” Flash asked in a tone that was half-annoyed, half-amused.

“It’s a sacred Jedi art,” Kaleb said. “Saved me a few times on Kessel.”

The group moved forward, walking across the clearing up to the boulder. Twilight recited a complex counter spell which undid the wards keeping the entrance hidden. At that precise moment, a doorway emerged, opening to reveal a cavern right into the ground.

“I can fly down and float you along with me,” Twilight said, casting a ball of light and throwing it through the doorway. “I’m guessing about a twenty-five-foot drop.”

Kaleb could just as easily jump down there himself, but knew it was the riskier option. “Thank you. Proceed as planned.”

Twilight jumped, flying in before casting a spell on the group to drag them down. Kaleb grabbed Fluttershy and Flash for support, and the three of them plunged into the semi-darkness. It was a quick but steady descent, and they all hit the ground gently, with Kaleb extending his hand out just as Twilight turned on the lights.

The hideout was simple, built into the natural flow of the cave. A singular table stood in the center, with a large map of Equestria on it. To the side, various boxes of tools and weapons lined the walls along with sleeping quarters on the other side of the cave. Flash went over to look at the map. “All of these marked places are the bases where we found infiltrations. More importantly, they must have had some communication with these other bases.”

Twilight looked at the map, as she had various documents in her grasp. “Not necessarily. They had knowledge of where they bases were but knew little of what was going on.”

As Flash and the princess discussed the possibility, Kaleb and Fluttershy examined the weapons. Various blasters of various sizes stood, along with vibroblades and whips were contained in the boxes. Fluttershy looked with hesitance. “I never realized how focused your galaxy was on weaponry and war.”

“When you are dealing with sinister characters, it helps to have a blaster,” Kaleb acknowledged. He held up a particular model, examining it in the light. “Many of these are from the Clone Wars, this one in particular wielded by a battle droid. Some of these are up to fifty years old. There’s no way these weapons were built by magic but are the real thing.”

“How is that even possible?” Fluttershy asked. “I thought the portal which brought your ship here was an accidental spell.”

“It was, but that doesn’t change the fact about these weapons.” Kaleb answered. “All I know is somehow, used weapons from my galaxy ended up in the hands of criminal organizations. Which means there’s something else at play here…”

“Kaleb, I need you here!” Twilight called, and the two of them headed over to the table. “We just found documents linking the changeling cell to the Sandstorm Riders. It’s written in some kind of code; I can’t decipher it.”

The Jedi looked at the letters. “Let me find the meaning from within.” He took two minutes to look it over, using the Force Echo to see each symbol written in his head. Once the code was cracked, he gazed at his friends. “This gives a clear hierarchy the changelings were following. It was the Sandstorm Riders, but they were being framed. It says here members of their own organization turned on them to serve a greater purpose.”

“That’s been happening all across every criminal organization across the continent,” Flash gasped. “I don’t understand, the Royal Guard was sure the Sandstorm Riders were responsible.”

“Mountain’s Fury were taking orders from who they thought were the Sandstorm Riders but were mistaken. This must have happened while the betrayal within the organization was happening,” Kaleb thought aloud.

“Then who were they taking orders from?” Twilight said with anxiety.

Kaleb looked at the final letter and took a few moments to gaze at the symbosl on the page. “Alpine mentioned a rising criminal organization known by the names Crimson Dawn and the Shadow Collective, both referred to in this document. The second is familiar to me, as there was a criminal alliance in my galaxy which went by that name.”

Fluttershy interjected. “Twilight, those weapons are at least fifty years old by Kaleb’s calculations. They’re not replicas made here, but battle worn.”

Twilight looked to Flash and Fluttershy with uncertainty, then to Kaleb. “Please tell me this isn’t true.”

“I wish I could, but I would be lying to myself,” the Jedi said, rubbing his temple in confusion. “We don’t know yet if the Iron Hoof is being framed, so that possibility isn’t out the window. As for the weapons, I have no idea how they got here, but we must accept this as fact.”

Flash sighed, setting down his staff. “If we look at every piece of information we have within Royal Guard intelligence, it’s turned out to be false regarding this case. Or we’re being misled. At this point, I’m questioning everything being thrown my way.”

Fluttershy sensed the unease. “What’s bothering you?”

“I think our enemy isn’t just from outside, but within,” Flash explained. “Someone is a spy, a turncoat giving levels of false intelligence to us while conspiring with the enemy.”

Twilight jumped on this fast. “Given how strict Equestria’s security has been, how would that happen? And why wouldn’t they have been caught?”

He looked to the side before answering her question, thinking. “Because they know the system inside and out, every rule and loophole. On top of that, they would need to have contacts outside of Equestria into the other countries. Given how strict both Equestrian Guard and Royal Guard protocols are, it’s damn near impossible. Multiple levels of verification, strong security spells, and more would eliminate it on the spot. That’s why I wouldn’t dare consider it up until this point.”

Kaleb nodded. “It’s understandable, on top of being keen observation. But you have no idea of a suspect?”

Flash shook his head. “Not at this time. It would involve more resources, and we don’t have definitive proof at this time.”

“I’m going to teleport all of us out of here if it’s alright with everyone.” When Twilight heard no objections, she cast a spell and they disappeared before reappearing in the woods near Kaleb’s training grounds. “I wanted to make sure we got out okay, even with the detection wards placed around the perimeter of the Ponyville area.”

“For now, I believe that concludes our side of the investigation,” Kaleb announced. “We tracked down the hideout and got valuable intelligence. Princess Celestia has said she will contact us when the Equestrian Guard raids the main headquarters of the Iron Hoof.”

Twilight nodded. “Thank you for lending your assistance. Do we have any idea when the raids will be taking place?”

“Three day's time,” Flash confirmed. “They’re going to strike late at night in the dark. It’s going to be probably around midnight our time when it happens.”

“Even with the days growing shorter, it’s good practice to wait until it’s absolutely certain,” the Jedi murmured. “But still, it’s a while to wait…”

“Look, we’ve all been on edge for the past week,” Flash began, thinking to remember something. “And it’s Royal Guard practice that you need to be both observant and relaxed in order to think clearly. All of us need to destress.”

Twilight turned to Fluttershy and Kaleb. “Kaleb, didn’t you want to throw a surprise party for Fluttershy to celebrate the animal sanctuary?”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened, gazing up at her love. “Wait, you planned a party? That’s so sweet.”

“Well, there goes the surprise, but yeah,” he acknowledged. “I suppose we could have that party while we wait for Celestia’s call.”

“I would enjoy that,” Fluttershy chimed in. “We can get all dressed up, and I can prepare my speech telling you all my plans.”

“I’ll arrange all of the details, so you two don’t have to worry about a thing,” Twilight said. “It’s going to be a night to remember.”

The Cutie Mark Crusader treehouse stood no matter the season as a place for the group to gather. Even as the winds buffeted the treehouse tonight, the lantern lights remained on as Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Spike played cards as the darkness of night fell.

“Draw,” Sweetie Belle announced as she picked up a card. “Stay.” Dang it, I was this close to getting twenty-one.

Scootaloo clapped her hooves. “Alright, that’s everyone. Show your cards.”

Everyone did at the same time. Sweetie Belle and Spike both looked at each other, noticing they were tied at twenty. The dragon looked at her with a curious expression. “We tied. For once, I’m actually surprised.”

“Yeah, it’s a coincidence really.” It had been a rough week for Sweetie Belle. One minute, she was walking on air with going to the dance with Spike, the next terrified of recent events and having bristling anger for her master. She had never been through so many emotions in a short time span, and it was exhausting. After what Spike told me at the dance, I have to be there for him. He seems fine, but is now really the best time to bring up romance? Sweet Celestia, why does this have to be so complicated?

Her thoughts were broken as Apple Bloom announced her victory. “And that’s blackjack. Thank you everyone and have a great night. Now pay up.”

The group chuckled as Sweetie Belle shook her mane, noticing how crushed fall leaves must have gotten in. “Unfortunately, I spent it all on coffee. Thanks for helping to organize this get-together…or whatever we’re calling it.”

“Sweetie Marie Belle, now hold on,” Spike interjected, the invoking of her middle name causing mild amusement in her head. “This whole operation was your idea. You sent all of us a letter suggesting we sneak out in the middle of the night, in defiance of our siblings and hold a party.”

“Damn, I didn’t know you broke your own rules. Mad respect,” Scootaloo threw in.

Sweetie Belle shook off the embarrassment in her voice. “Well, I just thought after the week we’ve all had, we could use this. First the changelings, and now the attacks. I think I need to rely on my friends now more than ever for multiple reasons.”

“We all read the story in the newspaper,” Scootaloo said. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Miss Cheerilee ever avoid current events that fast. They don’t want us to talk about it, we’re just expected to figure it out on our own.”

“I don’t blame her, though,” Apple Bloom responded. “An attack on that scale hasn’t been seen in so long, she’s probably figuring out how to even approach it.”

Spike noticed Sweetie Belle had been zoning out of the conversation, looking out at the window. She was clearly uncomfortable with this conversation, and he interjected. “Hey, let’s not talk about this now. We’re trying to get away from it for a reason. Actually, could you two mind getting some snacks from the barn? Maybe some apples, caramel popcorn if there’s any left from the festival?”

“Yeah, sure. We’ll be back in a few.” Apple Bloom let out that answer before taking a flashlight, her hoof making sure her jacket was zipped. Scootaloo followed her out of the treehouse, closing the door behind them.

After they had gone down the walkway, Spike turned to Sweetie Belle. “There’s something on your mind, I can sense it. What’s up?”

“Sorry, I was just thinking about my parents,” Sweetie Belle sighed. “And my annoyance at them. Do you know how hard it is just to get their approval? Rarity gets on my nerves sometimes, but she’s been nothing but welcoming to who I am. If I here one more word about being brainwashed by the Jedi, I swear…it’s just complicated. And Kaleb forbidding me from even trying to help just feels demeaning.”

Spike nodded. “It’s like no matter how hard you try, you can’t help anyone. I wish I could help you with your family, but I don’t know how given my own past.”

“Honestly, you just being you helps,” She responded warmly. “Being that smart, funny, and kind-hearted friend. Not to mention adorably scruffy-looking with the scales…” Her eyes went wide, realizing what she said. Shoot, go back, go back, go back…

Spike just laughed, rustling her mane. “Who’s scruffy-lookin’? Honestly, I don’t mind the compliments, they’re helping take my mind off of these past few days as well.”

“How are you holding up?” Sweetie Belle asked, steering away that embarrassing observation.

“It’s been weird,” Spike acknowledged. “I wasn’t feeling well that morning, so I heard about it from Twilight later in the day. Hearing about the Dragon Lands was devastating. It’s bad enough hearing about dragon massacres from back in the day, but to see this now makes my blood boil. I just want to track down whoever did this and make sure they don’t see sunlight again.”

“Revenge isn’t the answer,” Sweetie Belle said with slight alarm. She had known Spike had been angry, but could feel his emotions pounding, with a spark of red in his eyes she hadn’t seen before. “Trust me, it’s not worth it.”

Just as quickly as the red emerged, it vanished, with Spike seeming to go back to normal. “I’m sorry…I don’t know what came over me. I hate that part of myself which wants to see the world burn. I’ve been exchanging letters with Ember, but it’s awkward at times given our history."

She remembered the two dated for a few months before a mutual breakup. “Yeah, that’s rough. Just know you can always count on your friends to be here. You can always count on me, Spike.”

“I just need you to remember the same,” Spike said in kind. “Remember last summer when we went to Manehattan? That was a great trip.”

“Well, except for the traffic,” she grumbled. “The LaQuestria train station was horrible, nobody can navigate that place. Why do ponies get to the city through there in the first place?”

“Given it’s one of the most crowded cities next to Las Pegasus I’m not surprised,” Spike replied with surprise. “I didn’t know you had such strong feelings about train stations.”

“Well, you’d be surprised,” Sweetie Belle defended. “What was your point?”

“I honestly remember when we saw a show, and you looked so happy and excited. You were literally dragging us into the theater.”

She remembered, her eyes relaxing. “That show went on to win several awards. I was thrilled all of us were there together.”

“Exactly,” Spike said, bringing it back to his point. “Whatever happens, I need you to know that we should face this future together. We’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Nothing is going to tear us apart.”

At that exact moment, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo returned, with cider and snacks. “We brought a bit of everything. It’s too bad we couldn’t bring back the special cider.”

“That’s fermented cider we work hard to make!” Apple Bloom argued. “And expensive. I’m not risking it, and it’s not even going to taste good at this state.”

“Sounds like someone has had some secret drinking experiences,” Spike joked, which earned him a pillow to the face. “Ouch. I deserved that.”

“You did, you goofball,” Sweetie Belle said, grabbing the popcorn. “What do you guys want to do now?”

“We could play another game,” Scootaloo suggested, with a wicked smile going to her face. “How about Truth or…”

“No, absolutely not,” Apple Bloom shut down. “Not in this treehouse and too predictable of a game.”

“How about a ghost story?” Sweetie Belle suggested. “Scariest story gets the zap apple jam.”

“Sounds good to me,” Scootaloo agreed, with Apple Bloom nodding in approval. “Whose first?”

“I’ll go,” Spike volunteered, as all three of the ponies looked up at him with anticipation. “It’s an old tale from the Dragon Lands.”

He took a long sigh before starting. “During the Dragon Wars between Saddle Arabia and the Dragon Lands, there was a battle known as The Fallen Embers. Considered to be the fiercest conflict of the war, it was said that ash fell from the sky, with the rain evaporating from the heat in the air. Our heat our dragon fire is our attack and defense. The battle was a stalemate, a siege lasting for over five days. But late into the battle Saddle Arabian spellcasters turned our own fire against us, with a spell turning the magical properties engrained in our fire to target dragons. They suffocated us with our own fire, scorching and killing many in the process.”

The ponies listened with horror, with Apple Bloom holding a hoof to her mouth. “What happened to those who survived?”

“Very few got away, and their magic was so badly damaged they could never breathe fire again,” Spike answered gravely. “The fields are considered cursed to this day, with few dragons daring to fly there. Some say you can still hear the screams of dragons dying with your own ears and smell the smoke of the fire...”

Spike trailed off as a dark presence tugged at his mind. Warily, he glanced out of the corner of his eye towards the window. Outside, there stood the shadow, gazing up at him from the ground. The dragon’s limbs acted without thought, as he jumped out of the treehouse, using his wings to glide him close to the ground as he gave chase to the shadow. Half-flying, half galloping through the undergrowth of the Apple Family farm, he locked onto the smell of the shadow, knowing that it wouldn’t escape. I got you…you won’t hurt them this time.

After minutes of running, he noticed the scent trail coming to an end right at a cliff face near a lake. He stopped just before the edge, his eyes turning red as he yelled with the ferocity of red fire. “WHAT ARE YOU!”

The air was still for a moment, before Spike felt another presence in his mind. This one was different, a smooth presence which hid its vibe like a tiger burrowing into the night. Your shadow is not to be trifled with, as it taunts you. Consider yourself lucky you haven’t been killed.

Spike jumped away from the edge of the cliff, surprised. “Who was that? Where are you?”

The voice answered in his head. I know many things about you, Spike of Equestria. And I know the power which has haunted you for years, the feelings of anger, madness, and rage which make the blood boil. There is much you have to learn, but as I watch you, remember and fear the shadow. Embrace the darkness within you.

The voice disappeared, and Spike’s eyes went back to normal. He looked around, and saw his friends running towards her, with Scootaloo grabbing Spike by the arms. “Whoa, are you alright? What happened back there?”

He pushed her back, and the trio took the message to back away. After coughing for a few seconds, he looked at them. “Sorry about that, that must have been my dragon senses kicking in. It’s based on instinct, and the thoughts of that story must have been a lightning rod.”

“I’m just glad you’re okay,” Sweetie Belle added. “We were really worried about you.”

“I’m fine, really,” Spike replied, brushing off their concerns despite his confusion with the other voice. “Let’s head back to the treehouse.”

The group set off for the treehouse, which was about a ten minute walk from the cliff. As the group walked, Sweetie Belle felt something through the Force. “Guys, we need to get back to Apple Bloom’s house.”

“Isn’t this whole point that we’re supposed to be sneaking out?” Scootaloo asked, with Apple Bloom and Spike looking at her, stopping in their tracks.

She shook her head and felt the sense of danger get stronger. “Something’s wrong, I can’t sense Rarity or Kaleb…”

Kaleb sat in Twilight’s kitchen, reading a recipe book by lanternlight as he adjusted his suit. It was the same one he wore to the Grand Galloping Gala, except with a regular tie this time around. After getting here a few hours earlier, he had patrolled the halls, making sure everything was secure leading up to the party and Celestia’s call. It was all he could do, along with a few meditations to keep himself calm.

The small velvet box containing the engagement ring was clasped in his hands, as he gazed into it. It was pure gold for the ring and chain, which is placed around the wearer’s neck. Turquoise the same color as Fluttershy’s eyes was embedded into the band, with accents of silver and rose gold surrounding the diamond.

Keeping this with him over the past few days helped him immensely, grounding him to reality during the day. It represented a promise he made in his mind to her, one of a peaceful and happy life for the two of them. Still, uncertainty and fear plagued his dreams, and cast doubt.

I don’t know if I can propose at a time like this, when these dreams rule my mind. But this ring reminds me how much I care for her, and no matter where I am, she’s always with me. Plus, it’s probably better to keep it with me instead of risking her finding it.

He heard a noise, and quickly put the ring away, only to find Rainbow Dash and Applejack entering the kitchen. “There you are, we’ve been looking all over for you.”

“Twilight kicked me out while she was preparing the room,” he explained quickly, putting the box away before they could take a peek. “I was just doing dishes a few minutes ago.”

“Fluttershy’s here,” Applejack said. “We still have to hang the decorations; do you mind keeping her occupied for a few minutes?”

“Not at all,” Kaleb said, using the Force to move some clean dishes into the overhead cabinets. “Tell her I’m in here.”

The two exited the room, and Kaleb tried to clear his head by getting the rest of the dishes by hand. Waiting for information is never easy. I remember waiting in my cabin on the Republic ships for hours at a time. Hopefully, it won’t take long to get updates on the raid.

The door opened, and Fluttershy entered the room. She wore a simple dress of dark blue, which shimmered in the lights of the kitchen. Her mane had been done just for tonight, with the pink strands being curled, with a broach featuring a songbird on her head. She chuckled as she saw his jaw drop slightly. “Why, hello there handsome.”

Quickly closing his mouth, Kaleb rustled his hair to hide the embarrassment. “You look amazing. The curls are a nice touch.”

“Thanks, they do add a lot,” Fluttershy replied, with her giving him a sultry look. “I wanted to surprise you. I know how much you enjoy the tiger’s perspective. Wild and untamed.”

“Save the flirting until I get these dishes put away.” Both of them laughed at the exchange before she helped him get the last of the dishes in the sink. “But seriously, it’s a great look.”

She nodded. “How long do you have to wait for Celestia’s intelligence update?”

“It won’t be for another half hour at least,” Kaleb answered. “These kinds of operations take time, and I need to stay awake, no matter what happens.” He felt himself closing his eyes before jerking his head to keep them open.

“You’ve been doing that the past few days," Fluttershy observed with concern. “Are you okay?”

“I’ve just had trouble sleeping the past few days.” For Kaleb, that was only part of the truth, as the nightmares which plagued his mind kept him awake. Ones where everything ended in bloodshed and couldn’t give Fluttershy the peaceful life she deserved. “These disturbing dreams keep coming back, where darkness disrupts peace. And no matter how the two of us live our lives, it always ends badly.”

Fluttershy wrapped her wings around him. “Nothing is ever going to stop me from loving you, you hear me? Nothing. And I will fight for that dream as long as I’m alive, breathing and standing by your side.”

She took his hand and led him to the party where their friends were waiting. “Come on, they’re waiting for us.”

He took a few deep breaths, and nodded, smiling for the first time that evening. They entered the large dance hall to be greeted by cheers from their friends. Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Starlight all wore their best attire, cheering as Fluttershy gasped with delight.

“It’s about time you two got here,” Starlight said, already slightly intoxicated from the glass of wine in her hoof. “I’m starving.”

“My apologies, I didn’t mean to hold everything up,” Kaleb said hastily as Pinkie Pie waved it away. “But enough of my Jedi excuses, let’s eat!”

The group began to start with the meal Twilight had been keeping warm with magic, as even the late hour could not stop their appetite. It was a good meal, with Rainbow Dash demonstrating her latest Wonderbolt move, with the wind from her wings buffeting the table.

Kaleb got up, realizing the wind had spilled wine over his suit jacket. Forgiving Rainbow Dash after many apologies, he addressed the group. “If you would excuse me, I need to run to the restroom.” Moving from the table, he went out of the room and down the long hallway to the nearest restroom.

The water only got the stain out slightly, as he closed the door and looked into the mirror. Karrabast, I need the sleep. But we should all sleep soundly knowing what’s happening with the other investigation. The Jedi splashed it on his face, trying to keep awake, as he muttered with curiosity. “They should have called by now…”

Just as he was about to leave, the holoprojector went off, as he quickly activated it in the palm of his hand. A small image of Dr. Bluejay emerged, coming in clear through the channel. “Kaleb, do you read me?”

“I can hear you loud and clear,” Kaleb said. “Apologies about the appearance. We’re celebrating Fluttershy getting the animal sanctuary approved.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Dr. Bluejay replied. “We should be getting results in the next minute. Princess Luna insisted we waited until we had official confirmation before contacting you.”

“Is she with you? I thought Celestia or her would be with you in Canterlot?” Kaleb asked

“They’re at the Crystal Empire, and I’m located at the Royal Guard watchtower,” he explained. “There’s better communication here opposed to Canterlot since it’s farther out…

He got interrupted as a scroll appeared suddenly near him, bearing the official seal of the Equestrian Guard. Grabbing it and opening it, silence filled the background noise as he read it. Shock appeared on his face. “Oh…sweet Celestia.”

“What’s going on?” Kaleb said, as he could tell the look in Dr. Bluejay’s eyes was of fear. “What happened, keep me informed.”

The pegasus looked at Kaleb through the holoprojector. “The raid went through, but we’re too late. The entire leadership of the Iron Hoof is dead, along with every member in the main hideout. They need to get out before it’s too late…”

Just as the Jedi was clinging onto every word, the signal cut out, completely dead as loud static noise shot out of the holoprojector. Kaleb moved out of the bathroom, into the hallway as he tried to reestablish the connection. But it was too late, as the stream was cutting in and out of focus. The signal didn’t just go out. Our communications are being jammed!

Just as quickly as the minute of static took place, the static stopped and was replaced with clear communication. The visual came back, this time featuring a logo he couldn’t recognize, and a deep male voice shot through. “Good evening, mind if I drop in?”

Kaleb used the Force to allow the unit to float as shock was replaced with reality. Whoever this is, they’re not friendly. “To whom am I speaking?”

“I don’t believe we’re well acquainted, but it does not matter if we are,” the voice said. “Rather, I would rather let actions speak louder than words.”

Whenever the enemy presents itself, there’s room for opportunity. One slip-up can ruin the slightest strategy, but I have to be careful. “I am speaking to the one responsible for the assassinations across this continent, am I correct? Or perhaps the other attacks on my friends and their allies?”

“All done in the name spoken in fear. The one which everyone will soon know,” The voice replied with venom. “It’s a pity Equestria has fallen this far, to be so ruled by hypocrisy and corruption, not being afraid to do what is necessary to survive.”

“Who speaks for Crimson Dawn?” Kaleb pressed, keeping his voice as neutral as possible. “And why that name?”

The voice began its monoluge in a calm manner. “Someone who has been faced death and isolation and found a new purpose in life. I am the voice of the prophets who will free this world from tyranny. Every step meticulously planned, all in the name of a new order. You and I are the same.”

He spat in disgust. “We are nothing alike! Don’t you dare compare myself to you.”

“Who am I to judge the great Kaleb Taymar, Jedi Knight?” The voice sneered. “We were both cast aside by those who we entrusted, and found new life, new purpose. But I’m not a hypocrite to the philosophy I serve. Or when the Republic fell, when the children in the Temple were slayed on Coruscant, begging for mercy as blasters and blades cut through their bodies, did they even consider the consequences of their actions?”

Chills of shock, fear, and uneasiness shook through the Jedi, as he calmed himself. “I see you’ve been talking to Chrysalis.”

“The changelings are strong,” The voice acknowledged. “Her tactics are impressive, but not what I’m after.”

“They weren’t enough to stop the bearers of the Element of Harmony,” Kaleb said. “If you seek power, then you’ve come to the wrong place. Murder of the innocents will not give you the strength to wield but will stab you in the back before you even comprehend the actions taken.”

The voice rejected his warning. “Every planet, every system from the Core Worlds to the Outer Rim knew what would happen. But the Jedi refused to accept the inevitable. The Nihal should have finished you off, instead of letting you bring war into the galaxy. I know your philosophy, just as I follow mine. We’re two sides of the blade, accept I will do what needs to be done in the name of peace and control.”

“You know nothing about what the Jedi brought. Don’t you dare bring the past into this.” Kaleb said, anger entering into his voice. “Who are you, and what are you after?”

“I am a prophet who will bring this world into darkness, and smite down Equestria in vengeance,” The voice answered. “I will unleash hell upon them, perhaps letting them beg for mercy before slaughtering the innocents. To follow the will of Kujet, and bring his will to this place.”

“You won’t get away with this,” Kaleb said forcefully. “I will bring you to justice before you make your next move.”

“I’m afraid that is already in motion. It is my intent to finish what was started and eliminate the Jedi. Or perhaps you should watch your friends die first.”

The transmission ended as loud static rang through the hall, only adding to the loud sound of rain.

Kaleb sensed it the moment he dropped the holoprojector. The fever, the rage of vengeance as white-hot as his own, and a sense of cruelty filled his senses. He sprinted down the hall, his footsteps echoing as shadows bounced around. His mind occupied with one thing: get to the banquet hall before it did.

Using the Force to get the doors open, he ran into the hall as his friends looked at him. He put a hand to the ground, closing his eyes before looking up at his friends. The expressions in their eyes ranged from curiosity, slowly to the anxiety and fear reflecting in his own. He could tell as they began to look around, and Twilight realized with horror that every spell she had placed on Ponyville and the castle had been broken.

The last thing Kaleb saw was the horror in Fluttershy’s eyes as he yelled. “EVERYONE, GET DOWN! NOW!”

There are many definitions of darkness, which stem from the perception children receive from their parents. Taught no matter how scary and unknown the dark was, it could always be broken by light. A candle, a lantern, or the creatures which provide bioluminescence. But every belief the group had with the darkness was broken in less than a second.

True darkness which couldn’t be penetrated by light, which froze them in their tracks and blinded all five senses. Even with going unconscious, there was still a voice in one’s mind which knew they would wake up. That voice was silent, choked by the hold of the one who held it. It constricted their senses and made the air unbreathable, suckling the life out of all the oxygen in the room. This wasn’t darkness. This was death’s grasp.

Kaleb felt the darkness holding on, and dived deeper into his mind and body than he ever had. Reaching out to the Force, going deeper and deeper into his conscious until the grasp he had on the meditation was farther than any Jedi dared to go. The method was last-resort, going between the living and cosmic Force where the dead dwell. Only Master Yoda had gone this deep in the history of the Jedi Order, and it nearly killed him. Yet Kaleb knew it was the only way to free him and save their lives.

In his head, he saw the faces of ghosts from long past, and he knew he had reached the center. Allowing the Force to take over his body, he sensed a large, imposing figure jumping down from the ceiling, about to go in for the kill. His lightsaber ignited and he used the Force to fight back, pushing the figure away from his friends and chasing it as it led him into the castle.

It was unlike any chase he had gone on, as the Force was in control of his body and moved with instinct. The assassin weaved it’s way through the castle, climbing the walls and ceiling with the agility no pony could keep up with. It was only through the Force that Kaleb chased it, trying to get a read on it.

He knew there was only a limited amount of time he would be able to keep this up before the darkness would take hold of his body once again. A meditation this deep would kill him anyway, so he knew he would rather go out after eliminating the target rather than die of this darkness. For a moment, he lost track of the figure, not being able to sense it in the upper hallways of the castle.

That was when it struck. It clawed against him, going for the ribs with the strength of a manticore and throwing him against the wall. Kaleb howled with pain as the meditation was broken and darkness took hold of him once again. A few of those ribs were broken, and he was frozen with the feeling of fractures.

A metallic claw took hold of his neck and lifted him up, and the darkness let up for only a few moments. As his windpipe was crushed, he saw yellow eyes with red veins in them, filled with nothing but hatred as he felt scalding hot heat radiating from something near his chest. Then, it all vanished as the figure bashed his head against the wall, knocking Kaleb out as unconsciousness took hold.

The next thing he saw was a bright light as he came out of unconsciousness, his sight still hazy from the trauma to his head. However, he could tell that Princess Celestia was running towards him as the hallway came into view.

“KALEB!” She yelled, getting down and quickly casting spells to find his injuries. “STAY WITH ME, STAY WITH ME. KEEP YOUR EYES FOCUSED ON ME, ALRIGHT. EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE OKAY.”

She summoned medical supplies as she realized the extent of his injuries. Using a spell to numb his body, she operated with precision as she repaired the windpipe by performing an emergency tracheostomy before casting her spell, repairing it just as quickly.

Kaleb gasped for air, breathing heavily he lay with his head still against the wall, as she continued to use magic to stop the bleeding on his head. “What the hell happened? My friends…no they can’t be…”

“They are safe and alive,” Celestia explained. “Twilight put alarm defense charms on the Castle so we would be alerted the moment they were broken. Whatever spell was used to subdue everyone, you managed to break through it.”

The Jedi tried to get up, but Dr. Bluejay arrived to push him down. “Easy, let me get a look at you.” He shined a light into Kaleb’s eyes, observing their movements. “You’re lucky that concussion isn’t worse. The impact from the looks of the wall would have killed you if it was any further.”

“I used the Force to try and soften the blow,” Kaleb said. “Am I okay to get up now? Or is that going to make it worse?”

“Your protection was good enough for this only to be counted as a mild case,” the Doctor said. “However, that means different things for everyone else.” Celestia cast a quick spell, writing down the enchantment on a scroll and handing it to the doctor.

“I’ll be supporting you with a spell in case you fall,” Princess Celestia said, helping him up with the spell. Kaleb wobbled a bit on his feet, as she and Dr. Bluejay grabbed him, and they slowly began to walk. “What happened? It was chaos after we lost contact with you.”

“I shouted to everyone to get down, and the whole place was cast in complete darkness,” Kaleb described. “It was sensory deprivation which froze the victim in place and suffocated them in the process. The only reason I was able to get out was due to an advanced form of meditation, and I went after the assassin. It was fast. Strong enough to subdue me in two blows.”

“Did you get a good look at it?” Celestia pressed.

“All I saw were yellow eyes brimming with hatred,” Kaleb tried to remember, but his head began to throb as he grunted in pain.

“Easy,” Dr. Bluejay said steadily as he brought Kaleb through the portal into the first floor. They entered through the doors to find the Mane Six and Starlight surrounded by Shining Armor and the Royal Guard huddled around them. Their eyes reflected trauma and loss, with even Pinkie Pie sobbing quietly in the corner.

Flash came over, handing Kaleb his staff to lean on, speaking quietly. “Now we know why there were no witnesses.”

Shining Armor came over to Celestia. “We have Royal Guard all over this castle and every corner in Ponyville. Nobody is dying tonight.”

“Thank you,” Celestia replied, her voice still shaking. “Luna is out both in her physical form and her astral projection combing the skies to find the responsible parties.”

Kaleb looked out at Fluttershy and saw a blank expression in her face, and eyes of no emotion. That scared him more than any assassin, and he appealed to Celestia. “We need to get everyone out of here and back to their own homes under protection now. They will try again, and this castle is a target.”

She looked surprised at the intensity in his voice. “Is splitting up the best option? There has to be a safer route…”

“I don’t know,” he admitted, noticing a ringing in his ears. “But more importantly, we need to make sure their families aren’t being targeted. Each home is a safehouse, and if we time it right, we can make sure nobody else in Ponyville knows what happened tonight. Tomorrow is a different story, but just for this night, make it feel familiar.”

Celestia nodded, understanding what he was trying to say. She signaled for everyone to be quiet and spoke to the group. “My job is to protect everyone in Equestria, including my student and her friends. Tonight, I failed. We underestimated what we were dealing with, and by doing so, put all of you in harm’s way. I am so sorry, and I will make sure all of you are safe and protected so you can go back to your homes and be with your loved ones. Tonight, the Royal Guard, Luna, and I will guard Ponyville and make sure peace is maintained. And be assured in the coming days, we’re staying right here.”

Shining Armor took over. “We’re going to stagger your departures and teleport you back to your homes. Two guards will be with you and will patrol and protect your home. I am asking all of you to please stay inside for the next forty-eight hours as each of your homes is being designated as a Royal Guard safehouse with rigorious protective spells applied to each.”

As the unicorn began designating who was going first, Kaleb took out his lightsaber and looked at Celestia. “I’m going with you tonight to find whoever did this and end them.”

“Absolutely not,” Celestia ordered, noting just how shaken Kaleb was as she addressed him in a firm manner. “You are one of the targets, and on top of that you’re still injured.” Adding in a quieter tone, she put a wing on his shoulder. “You’re not well, and neither is Fluttershy. Just this once, let us protect you.”

Kaleb sighed and nodded with defeat. “Before Fluttershy and I go back, I need to talk to you and Luna. It’s urgent.”

“Understood.” Celestia moved back to talk to one of the guards about arragements for the castle.

Fluttershy moved over to him as she had been trying to console Pinkie and had a lost appearance. “I can’t process this, not here.”

“We’re going to be back at the cottage soon, safe with Angel and every songbird,” Kaleb comforted. “My lightsaber is yours, its blade protecting you and everyone you hold dear.”

The two just sat together on the couch while the rest of their friends were assigned guards and teleported back to their homes. Applejack was first, with Shining Armor reporting back that Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Spike were with the Apple family. Just relieved they were safe, Rarity, Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash agreed not to ground them. Not after tonight.

Pinkie Pie was next, with Fluttershy trying to console her as she waved a sad goodbye and left. Rainbow Dash was slightly defiant at the guards protecting her, and Rarity was just relieved to get home to Opal. Twilight hugged Flash as he was going to organize the patrols around the Apple family farm and went into the other hallway to greet Spike.

This left Kaleb, Fluttershy, and Celestia in the banquet hall, with Luna joining them with a flash. She immediately went over to Fluttershy, hugging her hard and promising she would watch over her dreams. After making sure Fluttershy was comfortable on the couch, she moved back over to Celestia and Kaleb. “Tell me everything you can recall about what spell was used.”

Kaleb described the spell in detail, shivering at the sensory deprivation and suffocation still in his head. “If it hadn’t been for that spell, I may have had a chance. But whoever attack me was strong and could sense my every move. If it wasn’t for that spell being lifted, it would have snapped my neck.”

“Whatever magic was used, it was strong. And so was the spellcaster,” Celestia replied. “Strong enough to break those spells, and to leave undetected. What doesn’t make sense is how is it possible for a spell to have such capability, when in my years I have never this used…”

“That’s because the nature of the enchantment was never designed for that…” Luna had been quiet up to this point, listening to Kaleb intently while she looked around the room. Slowly, throughout the entire conversation she had been keeping something to herself, trying to find anything that would deny this possibility.

“Sister, what do you mean?” Celestia asked. “Who designed this spell?”

She let out a long sigh and looked at both of them. There was a harshness in her eyes, but one of tragedy. “The magic that was used here tonight is almost identical to my magic. This enchantment, however, was the work of Nightmare Moon. It was designed for intimidation and torture, never to kill anyone.”

Celestia’s gaze softened. “This isn’t your fault…”

“Tia, don’t. Not tonight,” Luna interrupted swiftly, turning to Kaleb. “My magic as you know is incredibly difficult to wield to the point of death. However, it is not impossible for a highly skilled magician to crack the code. It’s a closely guarded secret, to the point where I split up my library to different locations across Equestria after Tirek invaded. I will look into whether these locations were breached.”

That spell is going to kill again if we’re not careful, Kaleb thought before asking a question. “In theory, can the magic be reverse engineered into the form of a protection ward? This way, if this enchantment is attempted again, it will be blocked.”

Luna thought for a moment. “Yes, in theory that works. Practically, it’s complicated depending on how complex the enchantment. There is enough magical energy in this room for me to get a sample of the spell and reverse it using my own enchantments. It will need to be imbued within an object one can wear due to the amount of power within.”

Celestia gave her sister a supportive glance. “This is a small step, but if we can ensure the safety of those we protect, then it’s worth it.”

Kaleb thought about what happened before the enchantment took effect, and ruminated on those words. There are certain things only Jedi must know, but I’ll reveal as much as I can. “Before the spell took effect, the signal connecting my holoprojector to Canterlot was jammed, and hijacked by the one responsible for the assassinations. He spoke to me directly.”

Celestia and Luna both looked at him with alarm, with Luna taking the first response. “Did you get any information on who this suspect might be?”

“What he wants is not power, but revenge. And it appears he will do anything to get it, including massacring innocents,” Kaleb relayed with as calm a tone as he could muster. “Crimson Dawn is the name of the group responsible. He believes he is a prophet for names unfamiliar to me.”

“What prophet believes murdering innocent citizens will bring peace?” Luna muttered to herself in shock.

“There’s something else bothering you,” Celestia pushed. “Something you’re not telling us.”

Kaleb sighed, figuring out how much he was going to say and how. “The fact that the communications were jammed is near impossible, as I programmed the security measures myself. This could not have been done remotely, as there are specific measures with those kinds of signals which would not allow wireless hijacking. The only way it could have been intercepted was if someone tampered with the console in Canterlot.”

Luna and Celestia both looked at each other, exchanging a glance before Luna responded to his query. “We will look into this, and whoever dared played a role will be brought to justice.”

“Start with talking to Flash, he might be onto something,” the Jedi replied. Just as he was about to talk more, pain radiated from his ribs and head. Fluttershy had gotten up and kept a wing on his back to steady him.

“How badly is he injured?” Fluttershy asked Celestia.

“The ribs will heal in a few days, but I’m most worried about the concussion,” Dr. Bluejay answered, walking over from talking to Twilight in the other room. “Keep an eye on him for the next 24 hours. From the enchantment Princess Celestia cast, we have determined this is a Grade Two concussion based on the symptoms and head trauma. I can prescribe potions that will help with the pain, but you won’t be going anywhere for at least a week or more. I’ll check in on you tomorrow.”

Kaleb nodded with gratitude. “Thank you. I’m in your debt, and I will always take the sacrifice for Equestria.”

“And we are always grateful,” Luna said. She took out a potion, handing it to Fluttershy. “This will help you two sleep, and it should not interfere with any treatment Dr. Bluejay prescribes for Kaleb.”

Celestia cast a wordless spell, creating a portal which led straight into the cottage’s living room. She placed a small stone with a metallic button in Kaleb’s hands. “The guards are outside, and the enchantments are in place. One press, and they will be by your side.”

Fluttershy thanked the group, and walked with Kaleb through the portal, which closed with a quiet thump. The two looked at each other, seeing the trauma and bravery in each other’s eyes. “I couldn’t protect you…”

She started sobbing the moment Kaleb wrapped his arms around her, and the two went downstairs to rest in uncertain dreams.