//------------------------------// // Chapter Two: The not so fun Gaming Experience // Story: Sunset had a Break // by Badguy400 //------------------------------// Sunset Shimmer had just gotten past the more easier levels; when suddenly, she just arrived at the more harder levels… . How did she know… ? Simple. “Oh no…” Sunset said as she’s now in a virtual dungeon filled with swarms of enemies. Fluttershy puts a hand on Sunset’s shoulder with a determined look, and then says; “you got this dude…” but then giggled as to what in the world she just said. Sunset chuckles also, and then says; “alright…” while looking back at the tv with a determined look. “Let’s do this!” Just then; Sunset got past the first wave of enemies with no problem. She struggled at the second wave, but eventually got past that as well. However; when she reached the third wave… . She lost. “What… ?” Sunset Shimmer said in sheer shock and disbelief. “I… . I lost?” Fluttershy whimpers and hides her face with her arms; afraid that Sunset’s definitely gonna get into a rage now… . Sunset growls with her vein throbbing in her forehead… but instead takes a deep breath to calm herself down instantly, and then uncovers Fluttershy from being hidden. Sunset then says; “look; how about we take a break, okay? Does that sound good?” Unsure of whether she’s actually calm, but also wanting to have Sunset cool off; Fluttershy meagerly nodded her head, and then gets up to walk with Sunset upstairs.