Doctor Who and the Voice of the Shadow

by spartiecat

Chapter 3

“Was that box your ship?” Twilight asked The Doctor.

“Oh my yes.” The Doctor said with pride in his voice. He made no secret that he loved the TARDIS, despite
the fact he was not totally sure how to make it go where he wanted to every time. He wasn’t concerned that he couldn’t control it terribly well. The Doctor always explored wherever landed, confident that it would land him somewhere he was needed… or at least a place he would find interesting.

“It takes me all over through space and time. Other planets, eras, and what have you," he made a rolling gesture with his hand. Twilight‘s eyes were aglow listening to The Doctor as he told her of adventures on other worlds, and of enemies such as The Daleks and The Cybermen. She had never met someone other than Princess Celestia who was as well versed in the ways of the universe. Although he dressed like a cosmic hobo, he certainly knew his stuff.

“Wow! I’ve never been to other planets before!“ She was dazzled by The Doctor and tales of his ship travelling to places never dreamed of by ponykind. “I went back in time once,” she said with a giggle, “but that didn’t turn out as well as I’d hoped."

“Aye, that’s the way time travel usually turns out” said Jamie with a smirk, and the whole group burst into laughter.

“It must get quite cramped in that box with all three of you” asked Twilight.

“Oh no,” The Doctor exclaimed, shaking his head. “the TARDIS is bigger on the inside. It’s actually quite comfortable."

Twilight looked puzzled. “Tardis?”

Zoe said “It stands for Time and Relative Dimensions in Space. It’s the name of The Doctor’s ship."

“So where are you from then?” asked Twilight.

“Well, I’m from all over the place, really” said The Doctor as rubbed his hands together. “I suppose I‘m a wanderer, it‘s been so long. My two companions however, are from Earth."

Twilight wondered if the name ‘Earth’ was a coincidence, or if they had come from a different reality entirely.

As The Doctor and Twilight continued talking, Spike eyed Zoe and Jamie carefully. “If they’re from the same place, then why are they dressed so different?” he asked, scratching his chin.

“Well my boy," said The Doctor “they’re from two different time periods." The Doctor reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a flute-like instrument. He pointed at Jamie with it. “Jamie comes from a time about 300 years in Zoe‘s past.”

“So that’s why both of them have dresses?” asked Spike in a half-mocking tone. “In Equestria, guys don’t wear dresses.”

“This nay be a dress” Jamie said brusquely. “This be ma’kilt! Th‘ tartan o’ the Clan McCrimmon!” The Doctor knew he had to interrupt. If Jamie got sidetracked with talking about Scotland, they would be on the subject for quite a while.

“And what of this place, Twilight Sparkle? Where are we?” he gestured all around with the instrument, before setting back into his jacket. “Well that is Ponyville” Twilight said, nodding at the village directly ahead. “And the Kingdom is called Equestria. That is Canterlot over there. It’s my home town.” She gazed at a castle, jutting out of a mountain in the distance. Twilight tossed her hair back and shot The Doctor a proud look. “And I’m here as Princess Celestia’s top student."

The Doctor clapped his hands together “Oh, that’s splendid! Always an asset to meet a person…." He stopped himself and considered his companion’s equine nature. “well… I suppose you’d be a pony of learning."

Jamie leaned in “and do all ye beasties talk as well?”

“What?” asked Twilight. She acted taken aback, as she was not sure if she should be offended by the remark.

Zoe helped out “What he means is, do all the animals talk like you and Spike?”

“Not all of them. There are some that do, and some that don’t. I never really thought about it." Twilight made a mental note to research this further when she got back to the library.

After a short walk, the group stopped in front of a tall white building with a purple roof. It looked like a large wedding cake, but with windows, and ribbons as decoration. Twilight said “this is Rarity’s place.” as she walked up to the front door.

She knocked on the door. “Rarity! Sorry we’re late!” she called out, but there was no response. “Maybe she’s out?” asked Spike with a shrug as he hopped off of Twilight’s back. “No, she was expecting us. She’s probably in the back somewhere. Rarity gets this way when she‘s in her ‘creative process’."

Spike grabbed the handle and opened the front door. The Doctor, Zoe, and Jamie followed Spike and Twilight into the boutique. Unfurled reams of fabric lay everywhere. Gemstones, thread spools, and yarn balls littered the floor.

“Oh my!” exclaimed Zoe. She quietly wondered to herself if there had been a struggle. Twilight was taken aback as well. She knew Rarity to be such a tidy pony when expecting company, but wondered if her creative flair had gotten the better of her.

The Doctor watched the room carefully. He did not want to jump to conclusions, or cause unnecessary alarm - but he felt a powerful, oppressive psychic energy.

Jamie was lost in his own thoughts with the idea of talking ponies, and wondered if this really was a better life than continuing to fight the English in 1745.

“Just a second” Twilight said, carefully stepping around the fabric and headed toward the back room.
“Rarity” she called out. “I’m here!” as she walked into the back room and out of sight of the other four.

Twilight’s terrified scream brought the whole group running to her aid. Her eyes were wide with fear as she breathed heavily. She trembled as she backed away, bumping into Jamie in the doorway as the group ran to her assistance.

“Oh my giddy aunt!” exclaimed The Doctor as he stepped into the room.

Sweetie Belle sat in front of them. She was motionless, near the dresser. She had a vacant stare on her face, and her mouth hanging open. A small streak of drool was on the side of her face. The filly sat motionless, facing the cowering Twilight Sparkle.

“Sweetie Belle? Can you hear me?” Twilight called from the doorway, still leaning against Jamie. Her voice was a trembling mix of panic and apprehension. The Doctor began to approach the small white unicorn.

“Don’t touch her!” Twilight shouted in alarm. “She might be hurt!” She flailed forward, but her hind legs refused to budge. She landed hard on the floor. Tears were starting to well in her eyes as she looked at the young pony’s dead stare.

Spike ran to Twilight. “W-what happened to her?” he asked in a choked, wavering voice. The Doctor stepped carefully toward the pony, and looked carefully at her eyes. He squinted and crinkled his nose as he crouched lower, and approached.

“Thankfully, she’s not dead” he said in a low but calm voice. He stood upright and started to fiddle in his coat pockets. Spike’s whole body trembled in fear, as he pointed at shaking claw at Sweetie Belle. “Why is she like … THAT?”

The Doctor pulled out a small flashlight from his pocket and shined it in the filly’s vacant, unflinching eyes. “I can’t say for sure. But it seems something has affected her mind." His eyes narrowed as he looked deeper into Sweetie Belle‘s eyes. “No, it‘s more than that. Not just affected. Something has taken her mind completely!” He stood up abruptly at the realization.

Twilight’s mind was racing. She tried to think what could have possibly done this to Sweetie Belle, and she wondered if there was a spell to bring revive her from her catatonic state.

Zoe looked at the filly, and then The Doctor. “But why take the mind of such a young girl?” Her voice had a forced impartiality to it, as she was trying to hide her own fear by thinking as rationally and calmly as possible.

The Doctor looked down thoughtfully as he put the flashlight back in his pocket. “Lots of reasons, I suppose." He adjusted his coat as he turned to Zoe. “Whatever did this could need the mind, it could need the body. So whatever did this may be back." He paused, trying to remember if he had seen this before. “Although," said The Doctor, his eyebrows perked up, “she could have just been an innocent bystander.”

It suddenly struck Twilight that they had not seen Rarity yet. She jumped to her feet at the thought that her friend could be in a similar state or worse danger. She knocked Spike down in the process. Her eyes were wild with panic, her teeth clenched, and cheeks stained with tears.

“Rarity! What happened to Rarity? I have to go get help!," she ran for the door. Jamie stepped aside as she dashed past. Twilight stopped suddenly and turned to her apprentice. “Spike, you stay here with Sweetie Belle. We’ll go get the others. Doctor, you and your friends come with me." With that, Twilight ran as fast as she could out of the boutique, with The Doctor, Zoe, and Jamie running close behind.

Spike gulped hard and clutched his tail as he cautiously approached Sweetie Belle. He called after the group, who had already rushed out of the building and were on their way into town. “Wait! Twilight!” the dragon yelled. “What if it comes back and I need help?” Twilight, The Doctor, and his companions were all gone. He clutched his tail harder, and took a deep breath. “It’s going to be okay” he said softly.

Hearing himself say it, the words shattered whatever confidence he may have had that they were true. He gently stroked her mane as tears started to trickle down his face.