//------------------------------// // Chapter 9: Orbit // Story: Child of Silver // by WilliamShakeshoof //------------------------------// "Hey Orion wake up!" He opened his eyes. It was already ten'o clock in the morning. "Why do I always feel so tired in the mornings?", he asked himself. "I guess being a son of the goddess of the moon doesn't help it." He opened the window. Outside was the city of Tallahorsee. Tess was holding a bag, allowing it to hang from her shoulder. It was her stuff for the trip. "Dammit, I forgot to pack" he thought, mentally kicked himself. "I'm up. Just let me get changed first." he said. "Okay." came Tess's reply. "Okay I'm ready to go...Woah." He said stepping out of the hotel into the sun. Tess set the chariot on the ground and pressed a tiny button. It soon grew to the size of a school bus. The sun was bright. It didn't help that the chariot was parked outside the cabin attached to four mechanical bronze horses that were reflecting it directly at him. Tess saw the look on his face and smiled. "I got those horses from my dad. I modified them a bit to run on Eponan fire. Did you know that they used Eponan Fire for their spacecraft?" Orion shook his head. The mechanical horses' hooves were made of actual fire. They glowed orange and slightly charred the grass beneath them. They were beautiful, and almost looked alive. Orion slowly got closer, wanting it stroke it. Suddenly, the one nearest him twitched its head and sneezed black smoke. Orion backed away instantly. "So what do we do now?" "You're so not a morning pony." Tess said. "Duh, we get in and launch." Inside the chariot was amazing. It looked even more comfortable than the hotel they stayed at. "Why didn't we just ride this thing down here?" "We only have enough fuel to get to the moon and back. No extra" "Oh" Orion and Tess were leaned back in some very comfortably made chairs. "You ready?" Orion nodded. "Lets go to the moon." he said excitedly Tess flipped the switch. "Ignition." she said. Outside the horses strained at their reins. Bluish-white fire surrounded their entire bodies. The whole chariot had now risen to a good twenty or twenty-five feet and drifted away from the parking lot. Wagon alarms sounded off. Tess switched the lever holding the horses in place. It was like being sparta-bucked in the chest. The two of them were firmly planted into their seats. Through a tiny window, they watched as the sky slowly changed from a blue to a violet and then finally to black. She dialed back the horses. Outside they went from a bluish white flame to a yellow, but the flames still covered their entire bodies. Their hooves floated loosely in the air. "Wow, this feels so weird." Orion said, unbuckling his seat harness. Unhindered he slowly drifted out of the seat. "I wonder if this is what pegasi feels like when they're flying?" Tess unbuckled her harness and floated next to him. Outside one of the windows they could see all of Equestria. Both of them just hung there, wordlessly, mystified by the beauty. They turned and looked at each other. If she had been the romantic kind of person Tess would've kissed Orion right then and there. However, she wasn't. "So now that we're in space. What you do want to do? It will probably be next morning before we reach the moon." "I don't know. D'wanna play pinochle?" An audible sigh came from Tess.