One Hearth's Warming Eve

by CalmHeart

He Felt His Heart Leap

The fresh white snow lay thick upon the streets and roads of Ponyville. The moonlight reflected off of the snow, hues of white and blue. The sound of parties and laughter could be heard from inside the many houses he passed by.

Shadow wore a sky blue hoodie with golden highlights on the hood and the sleeves, hands in his pockets.

He remembered finding it upon the ARK, when he was visiting his old home.

She had given it to him.

He remembered, his first Christmas with her. She looked so joyful, so happy as her smile landed upon that decorated tree of colorful lights and ornaments. This was the first gift he had ever received in his lifetime.

He had kept good care of it too, only wearing it on these two special days.

Ponies called it Hearth's Warming.

He thought that was endearing, and very fitting for their world.

He gazed into the houses he walked past, each one giving off a gentle orange hue. There were families reading, talking, and playing. There were couples enjoying the other's company.

Shadow smiled to himself. He was glad to see them happy, to see others content with their lives. His smile quickly dissipated, and he returned to a neutral face.

Shadow was pleased with his life. He kept everyone safe, weather it be humans in his world, or the ponies and creatures of Equestria and beyond. But, he couldn't help but feel a little lonely at this time of year. No doubt because of her. But she asked him to stay strong, so he stood tall.

His walking slowed, as he approached the familiar bakery of the village.

He silently stood adjacent to the door, a few feet away.

Ever since he got here, Pinkie Pie was the most interesting to him. She always had a smile worn, no matter the situation. Okay, well, maybe not every situation. But when somepony needed sympathy, she was there, right next to Fluttershy. Shadow had felt a connection to Pinkie ever since their first conversation. Their actual first conversation, after she had calmed down a bit, for Pinkie Pie standards. Her overly optimistic view on the world hooked him. Then her smile. Then her dark fuchsia mane and tail. Then her eyes, oh, her beautiful, sky blue eyes. The eyes that he could stare at for hours, get lost in them, then find himself again. She...Was beautiful.

Although Shadow would never admit it to anyone, he was in love. In love with everything about her. He often wondered, would she feel the same? They were friends, even though Shadow would never mention it casually. But, could it ever be more?

Shadow softly walked forward, to look into the window.

He felt a smile trying to escape.

Yup, she was having a party. A bright, joyous, warm atmosphere. Ponies drank cider, sang songs, and talked to each other. He even noticed a few of his Mobian comrades inside, also enjoying their time. Then, he saw her.

Her eyes sparkled as she talked, giving off a sense of innocence. Her tail swayed from side to side as her mane bounced. She was smiling again, that bright, brilliant smile full of happiness, so much wanting to be shared.

He could feel her warmth from out there in the cold. He couldn't help but stare at her. It gave him comfort.

Pinkie Pie noticed the ebony figure outside, looking on in. She beamed, and waved to him. Her smile so big, that her cheeks were tinted with a brushed pink.

Shadow's eyes opened wide. She noticed him, even out here. He felt a blush coming to his muzzle, but he was frozen in his stance.

He snapped out if it when herd a door open. He turned from the window to the door, and saw Pinkie standing there, the light framing her stance perfectly.

'Could she not be any more enchanting?'

She grinned.

"Hi Shady! You coming in to the party?"

Shadow wanted to smile, but he kept it at bay. He shook his head.

"Nah. You know I'm not a big fan of party-going."

Pinkie kept on her smile. He always seemed to make her happier than normal. She knew why that was though.

"Would you join me for a cup of hot coca, at least?"

He couldn't deny that.

"Just you?"

Pinkie's smile softened.

"Just me."

Shadow felt a small smirk break through to his lips.


He walked into the store, and was hit with the scent of sugar cookies, gingerbread, and candy canes.

The place was lively, and festive. Everypony there was having a good time.

Pinkie closed the door behind him, and began hopping through the crowd. Shadow followed her close behind, taking note of the laughter present around the room. Suddenly he herd his name.

"Yo Shadow!"

He turned his head to see Sonic standing with Tails and Knuckles. All of them were holding cups of cider.

Shadow had a neutral expression as he walked over to them. Yes, he wasn't buddies with them, but not walking over would be rude.

"Sonic, Tails, Knuckles." Shadow greeted them all with nods, and they all gave nods back. Sonic smiled at Shadow.

"You've finally decided to join the party?"

Shadow rolled his eyes.

"I'm just here to get something, then I'll be on my way. Enjoying yourselves?"

"Very much. The place is as lively as usual." Sonic replied.

"Have you seen the food Pinkie's been putting out? It feels endless!" Tails chimed in, eyeing the table of confections again, seeing the treat he had just finished eating already stocked up. He walked past Shadow to grab more.

"And this apple cider from Sweet Apples Acres is just top notch." Knuckles noted, taking a sip from his cup.

Shadow nodded again.

Tails came back to the circle as Sonic started to talk again.

"So, what are you here for Shadow?"

Shadow quickly looked around, noticing that he had lost track of Pinkie Pie.

But as quickly as he had lost her, he saw her again, standing near the kitchen door-frame. She had been staring at him, with a warm, trance-like smile. When their eyes made contact, Pinkie realized she was caught. Shadow seemed to know too, as a small blush came to both of them. Pinkie kept smiling, but it grew small. She tilted her head to the kitchen, telling him to come along.

Sonic noticed that Shadow's attention was on something else. He turned to see that someone was Pinkie Pie.

Sonic smirked.

"Oh, I see."

Shadow's red blush grew visible, and he turned to Sonic with a scowl.

Shadow gave a humph, and walked away from him.

Sonic chuckled to himself, Tails and Knuckles clearly missing the moment, apparent by their confused faces.

Shadow walked into the kitchen as Pinkie trotted over to the oven, pulling out some gingerbread cookies. He took off his coat, and spoke.

"Another day, another party."

Pinkie beamed at his comment, and placed the cookies down on the counter. "Yes indeedy!" She turned and closed the oven.

"I'm quite proud of this one if I do say so myself."

Shadow smirked.

"The party, or the cookies?"

Pinkie giggled.


Shadow chuckled softly, and hanged his coat on the kitchen door, Pinkie walking over to two mugs of hot coca she had prepared.

Both were topped heavily with whipped cream, marshmallows and sprinkles, nutmeg, and a candy cane hanging onto the rim. She placed one on her head, and on in her hoof, and walked over to Shadow, who was now standing in front of the counter. She handed him the one in her hoof. Shadow chuckled as he examined the drink.

"Really went all out for me, did you?"

Pinkie gave another giggle.

Oh, how that giggle sent shivers down his spine. A giggle that could stop even the worst enemies from ever doing ill. A giggle that only intensified his love for her. He let himself smile. One of only people/ponies he openly showed it to.

"Of course I did! Only for the ULF himself!" Pinkie began to laugh, and Shadow joined in.

They talked for hours, even as the party wound down, and ponies left for the night.

Pinkie Pie couldn't get enough of Shadow's voice. It was cool, the perfect balance of deep and light, so soothing. She could listen to him for hours.

But it wasn't just that. She loved his jet black fur, with his red stripes down his quills. She wanted to fall asleep on his snow white chest fur, it looked so soft. She loved his small pointy ears, his inhibitor rings, his shoes. But the one thing that hypnotized her...

His eyes. Those fiery, warm, stunning red eyes. They took her breath away. She could see all his emotions through them, something no one else could. She could see someone who loved more than anypony, or anybody, she had known. Yes, he had troubles showing it, but it was there, she could feel it.

She wanted to tell him, and she had made up her mind. That time was now.

Shadow had finished talking when Pinkie fell silent. Both their cups were empty, and half the cookies had been eaten.

Shadow had immediately noticed her sudden silence, and grew concerned.


Pinkie drew a deep breath, and looked into Shadow's eyes. She was nervous, and wore a small, shy smile.

"Shadow, I.. Value you a lot... And...Care for you a lot."

Shadow felt a blush rise to his cheeks as she spoke those words.

'Is she about to say what I think she is?'

"Um, I... Don't know how to say this, but..."

Pinkie stopped herself mid-sentence, turning away. She closed her eyes, trying to think of how to say it.

Suddenly, she felt a hand on her back. She turned to see Shadow giving her a soft smile.

"I think I know what you're trying to say."

Pinkie Pie blushed, turning to face him.


Shadow rubbed the back of his neck. "You're trying to say that... You love me."

Pinkie's blush turned a red wine color. She was stunned that he was able to read her that easily. She glanced down to the floor.

"..Yes. I am."

Shadow placed his backhand on her cheek, making her look up in surprise. Shadow was blushing a crimson red.

"...I've felt the same way about you since I first talked to you. I don't know how, I don't know why, but I'm in love with you. I can not keep my feelings a secret from you any longer. I really do."

Pinkie felt happy tears come to her eyes, as her smile grew bigger and bigger. Shadow's smile started to grow as well, feeling relief coming to him.

Suddenly, Pinkie grabbed him, and pulled him into a huge hug. She was beaming. Shadow hugged her back, feeling a newfound happiness in his heart.

After a minute or two, Pinkie finally had an idea.

She broke from the embrace, and gave him a playful smile.

Shadow kept grinning, but was a little confused.


She motioned her head upwards. Shadow looked up to see Pinkie's tail holding some mistletoe.

Shadow chuckled, put a hand on cheek.

"You don't need mistletoe in order to kiss me."

He suddenly pulled Pinkie close, and gave her a passionate kiss, one that she gave back immediately. The room suddenly rose in temperature, the two getting very heated, and passionate.

Sonic was making his way to the kitchen when he stopped dead in his tracks. Through the doors, he saw Shadow the Hedgehog and Pinkie Pie pouring out their love for each other. Sonic's eyes widened, and he quickly hid behind the wall. They had not seemed to notice him however, as they were fully engrossed in the moment, and in each other. Shadow had one hand in her hair holding her head, the other hand on her back, pulling her ever closer. Pinkie had both of her front hooves on his back, also coming closer to him, the kiss getting deeper every second.

Sonic could not believe what he was seeing. He forced his head to move from the spying position, standing straight up against the wall.

He remained in shock for a few more seconds, before a smirk came to his lips.

He began to walk away, smirking.

"I guess I was right after all."

Sonic's smile widened.

"I know a few people who owe Silver some money now."

Pinkie and Shadow had kissed for as long as they could before having to catch their breath.

Shadow held Pinkie close to his chest, the only sound in the room being their labored breathing.

They stared into each other's eyes, only filled with love and admiration.

Shadow finally found his voice, and whispered to her:

"Happy Hearth's Warming, Pinkie Pie."

Pinkie Pie put her lips to his, saying all she needed to.

"Love you Shady."