Song of the Deep

by Cloudy_Quartz_Cakes

Chapter 2: A Strange Filly

Ms. Rosa yanked on Sugar Pine’s ear. 
“For Celestia’s sake! How did you get that foal!? It’s parents must be worried sick, and you could have gotten seriously hurt as well!” 
Sugar Pine looked away from Ms. Rosa heavily implying that she didn’t care that Ms. Rosa scolded her. She was proud and stubborn as ever. The Guard station they waited in was cold and relatively empty, they sat on the hardwood slabs in the waiting area, which were cold and just waiting to give any unsuspecting pony a splinter. 
Ms. Rosa sighs.
“Sugar Pine, sweetie, why did you run away in the first place?” asked Ms. Rosa with a more passive approach. Sugar Pine sat there silent, acting as if she didn’t hear her teacher out of protest.

The head guard walked into the waiting room, the clickety clacking of his hooves being the only thing to disturb the silence. He held the small foal rather roughly like a tax paper and asked in a stern voice,
“How did you get this little one? Did you kidnap her?! Do you know how badly you could get punished for a crime like that?!”.
“Sir,” said Ms. Rosa, “I don’t know! Sugar Pine already had the foal when i found her in the middle of the city!” 
The head guard took a moment to think.
“Mam, may I ask in addition what this kid was doing outside of school, and why they were unsupervised?” 
Ms. Rosa sat there silently looking down at her hoofs ashamed.
“I-It’s not her fault Mr. Officer…” Sugar Pine mumbles to the head guard. “I snuck away during recess.”.
Sugar Pine spoke up, “I was hoping to get some grilled crickets.” 
Ms. Rosa slightly scrunched her nose in disgust, by the mention of grilled bugs.
“I-I snuck away because I know that Ms. Rosa wouldn’t ever let me..”.
The head guard sighed and patted Sugar Pine’s head.
“Alright little filly, I will believe you but I will only let you get away with this once, Your parents will be notified and given 1 warning no charge included.”.
She nodded.

The head guard cleared his throat.
“You aren’t free to go yet though… We still have a missing child to deal with.”.
He plopped the little filly in front of the two, it was tangled comfortably in a blanket that hid most of its body. It pushed it’s face out from under the blanket, stretched and yawned in the form of a small squeak. The two ponies’ eyes widened and Ms. Rosa covered her mouth with one hoof, while the head guard nodded. There, in front of them was a cute, fat, fluffy, squirmy, sleepy baby hippogriff. Her coat was fluffy and thick, it had a pinkish gray tone with other sections beholding a seemingly perfect pearl white, her front feet were small and fluffy, so fluffy in fact that one could barely see the sharp little talons under all of the fluff. One thing was off about her though, she had no wings but instead had a tiny, stubby, velvety, grayish pink horn tipped with the pearl white that also found itself on her legs, the under part of her face and her belly. 

“Sugar Pine!” Ms. Rosa exclaimed “What the hay?! How in the world did you get this little griff??”
“That’s the question we are trying to answer right now,'' said the head guard.
“Please explain Sugar Pine, this is serious!” mumbled Ms. Rosa to the stubborn filly.
The Stallion nudged the filly and asked, “Where did you steal h-”.
“I didn’t STEAL her!” Sugar Pine interrupts, “If anything I SAVED her!” 
The guard looked surprised and shut his mouth, waiting for her to continue.
“I went into the tavern to see if there were any grilled crickets available today-”.
Ms. Rosa scrunched her nose again to be soon met by a judging stare from pine.
“Anyways, I decided I wanted to explore a bit after I snuck inside maybe well- steal some crickets-”
“Sugar Pine!” exclaimed Ms. Rosa.
“Stop interrupting my story Ms. Rosa!” Sugar Pine snapped back.
“So after I got a cricket or two I gained interest in the V.I.P section of the tavern, I’ve -never- been there!” she continues. 
“It was sooooooooooooo fancy! There were pretty shiny rocks and gold and colorful lights everywhere, along with very very comfy chairs- everypony was dressed quite formally actually-”
“Sugar Pine, get to the point- the little one, how did you get her?” the guard said impatiently. Sugar pine glared at the guard and stopped talking, staring at him with an annoyed expression.
“My apologies young lady, continue.”
“I hid under one of the chairs and the lights went out. They slowly faded back on after a minute and directed themselves to face a small stage in the room. A pretty Mare stepped out on the stage holding a box covered by a red velvet cloth. An older pony went up as well, he had on a nice tuxedo and a funny red bow tie.”. Sugar Pine pulled on each end of her imaginary bow tie, gesturing what the old stallion did on the stage.
“After a while of greeting the audience the mare pulled the velvet red cloth off and it was a filly sized cage, containing the little one. The cage was quite dainty and decorative, it had thin wires. The old Stallion yelled “This is what you have all been waiting for!” maryly, and proudly presented her in the cage as if she were an expensive ornament, rather than a filly. They put her backstage again and began asking around how much the guests would pay to “buy her”. I- didn’t pay attention to the rest- I just crawled backstage and played with her through the cage. She had a strange mouth thingy on and didn’t seem to enjoy it, so I chewed through the wires and I slipped the mouth thingy-”,
“Muzzle.” The head guard interrupted. 
Sugar Pine paused and gave the guard a disapproving stare, but eventually continued.
I wiggled it off of her, but as soon as it was off, an annoying alarm went off so I stuffed her in my bag before squeezing through a tight hole under some crates with her. I ran away from the tavern as quickly as possible and didn’t look back. Then of course…. I was unlucky and bumped into that gang of young stallions.”.
Ms. Rosa and the guard sat there speechless.