The Trial Concludes

by Zerocool7785

A cold night in Canterlot

For Apple Bloom the week went by slowly. She really wanted to do this sleepover in the clubhouse for both girls. She was trying to show Twilight that she was definitely her friend. The main reason was to do something nice for Sunset after the Anon-A-Miss incident. 
Apple Bloom was snapped back to her senses by the teacher calling on her in history class. When Apple Bloom couldn’t answer the teacher scolded her.
“Apple Bloom I suggest you pay attention this morning and wake up.” Ms. Harshwhinny scolded.
“Yes Ms. Harshwhinny.” Apple Bloom said looking down.
“Can anybody else answer the question.” Ms. Harshwhinny asked.
 Twilight quickly raised her hand and answered the question correctly. Ms. Harshwhinny was pleased and moved on. Scootaloo nudged Apple Bloom slightly when Ms. Harshwhinny turned towards the board.
“Apple Bloom are you O.K.?” Scootaloo whispered.
“I’m just thinkin’ about Saturday Night, that's all.” Apple Bloom replied.
“I know but ya need to stay focused, or you might end up in Sunset mom’s office. That won’t be good just before a sleepover.” Scootaloo whispered.
After that Apple Bloom did her best to try and stay focused. 
Two rows ahead of her, Twilight could tell Apple Bloom was thinking about Saturday night. Twilight thought about it a lot too. She had only camped once with her mom, dad, and Shining Armor when they were little kids. 
So, she was scared and unprepared, but she was reading books on the subject so she figured she would be ok. Hopefully. In the end Twilight decided just to talk to Sunset about the issue and maybe her sister-in-law and her brother.
At lunch that day the girls all met together and as always now the crusaders joined the Rainbooms and Trixie. That was when Twilight asked the question that had been bugging her.
“Guys I have never been camping but once with my parents and brother when I was little. What do I do?” She asked.
“Twilight don't stress about it. A campout/sleepover is not something you do by the book; you plan a few ideas of stuff to do. But mostly you just hang out, I was scared at my first sleepover too.” Sunset told her.
“I would be too after what you six did.” Scootaloo replied.
“O.K. squirt, we don’t need to be reminded of that.” Rainbow Dash replied.
“What happened?” Asked Twilight.
“Well, we had the great idea to drink at our sleepover. We all got totally sloshed.” Sunset replied. All the Rainbooms shifted uncomfortably in their seats when Sunset said that.
“Really?” Asked Twilight.
“Yeah, we don’t like to talk about it.” Fluttershy said quietly.
“Can I at least ask what you drank?” Twilight asked.
“Ooo, Ooo!! Let me tell her!!” Pinkie said excitedly.
“O.K.” said Rarity.
“I made Jello shooters, Rainbow brought beer, Rarity brought wine, and Applejack brought cider from the farm!!” Pinkie exclaimed.
“But there will be no alcohol on Saturday Night I promise ya that Twilight.” Apple Bloom said.
“I have been reading the book Slumber 101 and I figured we should do it by the book. So, this way you have fun.” Twilight said.
“You want to have fun?” Asked Sunset.
“Yes, I do.” Twilight replied.
“Then forget the book, I’m sure Apple Bloom has it all well in hand.” Sunset said.
The rest of lunch went by with just casual conversation.

* * *

After School…

The Crusaders arrived in detention that day. Luckily for them it was Principal Celestia over seeing it. She was laxer than most of the other teachers. She was definitely more relaxed than her sister Luna.
“Guys.” Apple Bloom whispered to her friends. “I have no idea what to do Saturday night. It’s not like a sleepover with you girls.” She continued.
“Just get some snacks and games, and talk. Maybe watch some videos on YouTube. Just act like it’s me and Sweetie Belle.” Scootaloo replied.
“Guys, Principal Celestia is looking right at us.’ Sweetie Belle whispered,
“Unless you have something you wish to share with everyone, I suggest you be quiet-because Saturday detention is not nice. 
As for the rest of you, don't think I don’t know when you’re texting. No one randomly looks at their lap and smiles.” Celestia said to the few other students in detention.
Once detention was over the Crusaders talked to Apple Bloom
“You sure you don’t want us to be there too. You know we also hurt Sunset too ya know?” Sweetie Belle asked.
“No, you and Scoots have plans, ah can handle this.” Apple Bloom said.
“You sure?” Asked Scootaloo.
“Yes, go out with dates that night, after all you will need someone to keep ya both warm. Have fun, ah don’t want ya disappointing your boys.” Apple Bloom said.
After that, Apple Bloom spent time making plans. For the girls the week seemed to crawl; Apple Bloom was getting lectured by Applejack about cold weather camping on Thursday Night.
“Ah know ah did this once with the crusaders remember you lectured me then as well.”  Apple Bloom whined.
“Sis I just want ya to be careful out there. Now do the girls know what to do?” The worried cowgirl asked.
“Sunset said she spent several cold nights out there, which makes me feel bad.” Apple Bloom replied.
“Ah know sugarcube, but if Sunset had been nice and came up and knocked on the door, we would have made room for her on those nights.” Applejack told her sister.
“Sis Sunset is set to go, It’s Twilight ah’m  worried about, she has this book called Slumber 101. Sis how do you have a slumber party by the book?” Apple Bloom said.
“Let me and the girls help her tomorrow in the morning in the music room and at lunch. Ok? So don’t you worry about it.” Applejack told her.
True to her word the next day in the Music room all the girls laid out what they did at a slumber party. Sunset said to make sure she had a sleeping bag and some warm clothes and her pillow.
“I only did camp once with my family and only really been to one sleepover when I was a little girl. Moondancer and I had a slumber party. I really need to reconnect with Moon Dancer. Try to be a true friend to her.” Twilight said.
“Twilight just stick with me and Apple Bloom and trust us. A good sleeping bag, pillow, and warm clothes. We will be ok.” Sunset said.
“My parents are also a little concerned.” Twilight said.
“I will have Granny Smith talk to them tonight I promise.” Applejack said.
“Relax, we got this.'' Sunset said, giving Twilight a little punch on her arm.

* * *

Finally, Saturday rolled around after a rocking thunderstorm Friday night. Sunset spent it in Luna’s lap and wrapped up in Luna’s arms. This time she had her Aunt Celestia rubbing her back while it went on. 
Saturday Sunset spent help cleaning up the house and doing some schoolwork. This way there was much less to do on Sunday. After dinner Sunset gathered a sweat suit and change of clothes for the morning. 
“I thought it was spring.” Sunset going over her packing list.
“You know Canterlot Sunset, there is always one last blast of winter. This is it. 
Now Sunset I want to talk to you about something. Now this summer. I know you wanted a job, but it is a junior tradition to spend the first week of the summer at Camp Everfree.” Luna told her.
“Yeah, Applejack is going and even Apple Bloom is coming too.” Sunset said.
“Well, it’s not just open to juniors, but it is your last chance to go and be a camper. I went with Celestia her junior summer and I also went, my junior summer too.” Luna continued.
“We have time to think about it, but I think I’m willing to go.” Sunset said.
“Good, you can sign up on Monday, and see if you can convince your friends to sign up too. Now if you are ready let’s head to Sweet Apple Acres.

* * *

Across Town Twilight was getting ready too.
“Oh, I can’t believe it Spike.” Twilight said up in her room. 
“What can’t you believe that you have friends? That you are going to a sleepover/campout? That you have a crush on one of the girls that you’ll be spending the night with?” Spike asked the last part teasingly.
“What eww I don’t have a crush on Apple Bloom.” Twilight replied.
“You know who I am talking about.” Spike chided.
“I know and let’s not discuss this anymore, please?” Twilight replied.
“When are you going to tell her?” Spike asked.
“How about never, that sounds like a good time.” Twilight said, shouldering her pack and heading out.
She wanted to tell Sunset Shimmer ever since they spent the night on the couch, but Sunset never appeared to have those same feelings for her. Twilight always figured she would end up alone but to like another girl that was totally ludicrous. Ludicrous and also completely true.
Twilight was startled out of her thoughts by her mom calling her to see if she was ready to head to the sleepover. 
Twilight headed out with her mom. Her mom was talking about staying warm and Twilight was only half listening. She knew she had to stay warm, she had read a lot about sleepovers/camping out. Maybe she was overreacting, so she decided to let Apple Bloom take the lead. This bothered as she was not used to knowing things.
About the same time Sunset pulled up to Sweet Apple Acres and got out of the car. Luna was glad the ride was over while Sunset’s driving had improved; she still had somewhat of a lead foot. Sunset grabbed her bag and pillow and shouldered her pack,
“Sunset!!” Apple Bloom exclaimed and came running out wrapping Sunset in a big hug. Sunset gladly returned the hug.
“Come on I’ll take you to the club house!!” Apple Bloom said, tugging on Sunset’s arm.
“I see someone is excited to get started tonight.” Sunset said.
“Also ah want to get you set up so ah can be here when Twilight arrives.” Apple Bloom replied.
“I know where the clubhouse is. When I was homeless, and the shelter was full I slept out in your clubhouse. The night I ran away from home I ended up in your clubhouse.” Sunset confessed.
“Wow.” Apple Bloom said, looking down.
“I’m sorry Apple Bloom, I just needed a shelter to spend the night in.” Sunset said.
“It’s cool, ah just wanted to surprise you, but ah forgot you have already been there.” Apple Bloom still seemed down as she led Sunset back to the clubhouse. 
Sunset had never gone through the orchards before but soon enough they were at the clubhouse. It looked different in the daytime. It definitely seemed cheerier than in the nighttime. 
“Sunset go ahead on in and set up ah gotta go and meet up with Twilight.” Apple Bloom said running off to the farmhouse.
Sunset went in and unpacked her sleeping bag and pillow that had been rolled up in her bag. She took out her winter hat and coat and put them aside from her bag and laid back on her bag and relaxed. It was going to be a cold night and she was ready.
Apple Bloom got back to the farmhouse just as Twilight was arriving. Apple Bloom ran up and greeted her with a big hug as well. Then she led Twilight out to the clubhouse.
“You built this Apple Bloom?” Twilight asked as they walked over the stairs.
“No Applejack did, ah just fixed it up, for Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and ah.” Apple Bloom said.
Entering the clubhouse, Sunset looked over to see Apple Bloom leading Twilight inside.
“Hey Twilight, you made it.” Sunset said sitting up.
“Um yeah.” Twilight replied she seemed very uncomfortable.
“Go ahead and set up your stuff Twilight.” Apple Bloom said cheerfully.
“I have a question, where are Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo tonight?” Sunset asked,
“Ah wanted to do this personally and they have dates tonight too.” Apple Bloom replied.
“I get it all the single ladies in the house!” Sunset trying to lighten the mood.
“No ah’m doing this to show Twilight that ah want to be friends and showin’ her what different friends do.' ' Apple Bloom says.
“What about me?” Sunset asked. Apple Bloom mumbled something in response.
“I didn’t catch that.” Sunset said.
“To make up for Anon-a-miss.” Apple Bloom said quietly.
“Apple Bloom you don’t need to make up for that anymore, I forgive you it’s ok.” Sunset told her.
“Then why do ah feel so bad still?” Apple Bloom asked.
“Because you haven’t forgiven yourself. At least you didn’t become a dark creature I call “Midnight Sparkle.” Twilight said digging in her bag after a second, she found what she was looking for. “Twinkies anyone?” Twilight asked.
Sunset raised her hand and Twilight tossed her a pack. Then Twilight looked over at Apple Bloom who was sitting there Indian style with her head down. 
“Apple Bloom want a pack?” Twilight said holding a pack of Twinkees.
“Apple Bloom please don’t do this we are supposed to have fun, bundle up and tell ghost stories.” Sunset said.
“Well before it gets too late, why don’t we head to the farmhouse and make some s’mores, what do you say?” Apple Bloom said. The others agreed and headed to the farmhouse.
Once inside Applebloom got out a bag of marshmallows, some chocolate and a box of Graham Crackers. Using the microwave, they made s’mores it was a favorite of Twilight’s for Sunset this was something she never had often. Mainly because Luna didn’t care for them.
Once back in the clubhouse the girls took their places Applebloom unrolled her sleeping bag and set up and took out a big thermos. It was still very warm to the touch. Taking the top off she poured a steaming liquid into the lid/cup and offered it to the girls.
 “I want to know what I’m drinking after my last sleepover.” Sunset said.
“It’s ok it’s hot chocolate, I wouldn’t serve alcohol after how mad Granny Smith was with Applejack when she came home drunk.” Apple Bloom said.
“Should we all drink out of the same cup?” Twilight asked,
“It’s ok we don’t have cooties.” Sunset said.
“But what if one of us has a cold or something?” Twilight asked.
“Twilight just drink, you'll need the hot liquid for tonight.” Apple Bloom said. Twilight drank what was left. After that Apple Bloom wiped the lid/cup out and after putting it back on the thermos she got hit in the face with a pillow.
“Pillow Fight!!” Sunset cheered loudly. 
“You're going down, Shimmer!!” Apple Bloom said grabbing her pillow and swinging her pillow wildly but accidently hitting Twilight in her face.
“O.k. you are both going down!!” Twilight exclaimed. Grabbing her; pillow she went after the other girls. While Sunset and Apple Bloom swung wildly. Twilight seemed to hit every time after several times without missing Sunset had to know her secret.
“My secret? Easy I took into account angle, friction and wind resistance. I aimed too.” Twilight said smugly. She was answered by having two pillows hit her in her face. After that all the girls burst out laughing. Later after a few ghost stories and some more hot chocolate the girls went to the house to use the bathroom as the temperature was dropping rapidly. 
After using the bathroom, they left for the clubhouse. After a few YouTube videos Everyone got zipped up. Sunset put her hat on, and everyone drifted off to sleep.  
Sunset awoke an hour later and saw Twilight was shivering as her sleeping bag was a summer bag and she wasn't dressed warm enough. Twilight was laying there in her bag shivering.
“Twilight.” Sunset whispered. Twilight didn’t stir. Sunset got up and rushed over to Twilight's side. She was definitely cold. Sunset shook her and Twilight opened her eyes.
“Hey, Sunset is it morning yet?” Twilight asked.
“It’s A.M. yes very A.M.” Sunset replied.
“I’m c-c-cold.” Twilight said shivering.
“Come with me quickly, we need to get you warm.” Sunset replied.
Twilight got up and was shivering with cold. Sunset grabbed her arm and brought her over to her sleeping bag; Sunset slid in and motioned for to slide in next to her. Twilight grabbed her sleeping bag and after sliding in on her side next to Twilight Sunset zipped on her sleeping bag throwing Twilight’s over them. She and Twilight wrapped their arms around each other. 
Ten minutes later Twilight was warm again, but she wasn’t going to let go. She was holding Sunset, and Sunset was holding her. For Twilight this was a dream come true. 
Sunset knew she was holding a girl that she really cared about; she was protecting her. Sunset and Twilight held each other throughout the night both sleeping peacefully. Both of them are thinking to themselves:
“This is so nice why can’t she like me too.”