The Celestials

by CountDerpy

A Friendly Chat (Edited)

"Twilight, you got everything." The small automatonic dragon called out from the back room.

"Yes Spike, now you be good while I am gone. I don't want to come back and find you sleeping in a fort of books on a nest of gems."

"Damn, your no fun." Spike laughed a little bit. "Just get outta here! See you later!"

"See ya." Twilight walked out the door and the scenery around her quickly changed. Ponyville, the once beautiful small town, was now nothing more than a dump of broken buildings and even less ponies. The only place that even looked like it wasn't touched was the Ponyville Train Station, but that was only because it was the one place the soldiers would rebuild after the fighting was done. It looked like a palace compared to the rest of the town. Two large brass doors adorned the grey bricked building, two permanent automaton guards standing on either side.

"Ticket please!" The guard on the left barked as she stepped closer to the door.

Twilight levitated her ticket over to the guard. The blacked hole where a normal ponies eyes should be lit up with a ruby red laser that scanned ever inch of the small metallic ticket card.

After a moment the card floated back over to the purple mare and the guard returned to her charging post. "You may enter!"

Twilight nodded and watched the large gears on the door begin to turn, squeaking from the amount of rust that has built upon them. She steeped through the entrance and was not shocked to see what was inside.

Nothing..... Not a single pony, nor a single friendly image from a time before the fighting began. She sighed and walked over to a small bench and sat, struggling to keep her large leather jacket on over her metallic shoulder socket. The ticker that hung just above the tracks read.

The 4:15 Train to Canterlot Via Railway 6.... Ponyville, Appleoosa, Dodge Junction, Manehattan Crossover........ will be arriving shortly............... The time is 4:08 p.m................. In Celestia Nomen Nos Regere.......

Twilight stared up at the red-lit plasma banner. Even the sight of Celestia's name brought back old memories, most of which caused her great pain and descended her soul further into it's melancholic and solitary state.

"Is this seat taken?" A voice called out beside her. Twilight looked up to find a brown earth pony staring down at her. His mane and tail were a dark chestnut color, a green tie hanging around his neck. His cutiemark, an hourglass, was half hidden by his long leather coat and the small satchel that hung at his side.

"Of course not." She said with a smile. "It's nice to see you again Doctor."

"Likewise, Miss Sparkle." He said sitting down beside her, removing the small fedora from his head.

"You don't have to call me Miss Sparkle or General Sparkle or anything. Twilight will work just fine."

"As you wish, Twilight." He said. "So what brings you the train station this fine evening?"

"I've been called to Canterlot on business. The princesses want to see me for some reason." She said looking over at him while she messed with the ticket in her hooves. "Are you making another delivery?"

"Yes. Just a few letters to Fillydelphia this time so nothing that will keep me away from home for more than a day or two."

"That's good." She said. "I take it Derpy is staying home this time?"

"No actually. She decided to fly to Fillydelphia this time." He sighed. "I tried to talk her out of it but she seemed so dead set on the idea."

Twilight giggled abit. "Well you know how Derpy is, she just wants to be independent and to do what she wants."

"I know, but with her eye sight gone and only that weird sonar device to help her see I have good reason to worry."

Twilight nodded her head abit. Derpy had been in Canterlot when it first got attacked. She was lucky that she wan't actually killed in the crossfire, but taking a face full of shrapnel was enough to make her lose both of her eyes. At the time the prosthetic eyes that the world has now weren't available to the general public without having most of your body replaced with robotics, so she decided to opt for just a sonar detection system and two detectors that sent the layout image to her brain. The odd thing was that the detectors were painted to look like eyes, but thanks to a mess up with the order they were painted abnormally, which would have been normal for Derpy, Twilight assumed.

Twilight was snapped back into reality by the low hum of a train horn as the large brass-covered steam engine pulled up in front of the platform. A tall stallion stepped out with a lantern hovering a few inches to his side. He cleared his throat before yelling into the large station. "ALL ABOARD.... CANTERLOT 685 BOUND FOR APPLEOOSA...DODGE JUNCTION...CROSSOVER MANEHATTAN 754 FOR MANEHATTAN....FINAL STOP CANTERLOT... ALL ABOARD!!!"

Twilight stood up and gathered her things. "Well it was nice talking to you again, Doctor."

"It was really nice getting to catch up against with you Miss Sparkle." He stood up and bowed abit. "Have a safe trip. In Celestia Nomen Nos Regere."

"I will." She smiled with a small curtsy. " In Celestia Nomen Nos Regere."

Twilight trotted over to the train and boarded the the froward passenger car. She sat down on a small seat and looked out the window before the train started to roll away. She watched Doctor Whooves waving at her before slowly fading from view.

It had been a long time since she had left Ponyville, and somewhere deep in her mind she hopped it would be the last time she would every have to leave again.