//------------------------------// // I. // Story: Equus Wars-Episode I: Knights of Harmony // by Metal-Max1991 //------------------------------// Equus Space. Four hundred twenty-eight miles outside of Equus atmosphere. Bridge of Venator class Star Destroyer Starlight Chaos. The operative word for Belle’Sara’s situation. Alarms blared. A child’s cries echoed. Crimson light bathed the bridge in a powerful, eerie glow. Orange and white sparks hissed through the durasteel door. The ship heaved and shuddered as it plowed through the thermosphere. “Damn it.” Belle’Sara cursed under breath. “Thought we could keep them better contained.” Surrounded by chaos, Belle’Sara remained steady and solid, focusing on what would come. Her heart pounded in her chest. Muscles tensed. Sweat dripped down her scalp. Fear flooded her system, but she quashed it down, her grip tightened on the lightsaber hilt. With a hiss and thrum, the green blade sprang to life. She glanced behind her to the pilot’s seats. “Arbee, keep this crate level!” she barked at the commando droid operating half the controls. The response drowned out in the wail of alarms, cries, and searing flame cutting through metal. With a final sputter of white-hot fire, a chunk of molten slag dropped to the ground with a jolt, the impact shuddering through her legs. She readied herself, eyes narrowed in focus, hilt held in snug reverse grip. “Blast her!” a gruff voice shouted. Out of the thin sheet of smoke, blue bolts whistled by. Through honed Jedi reflexes, she deflected them with ease. Three men clad in shimmering white and purple armor, their helmets adorned with a painted eye, waded into the cockpit, fingers firmly on the triggers of their blasters. Her thoughts raced with every deflection. These clones she fought side by side with, her stalwart allies through the jungles of Felucia and the desert wastes of Geonosis, now turned against her. They closed in around her, and her heart thundered in her chest. Her mouth was dry as she faced them. Sparks flew as she parried their shots, her grip tight on her lightsaber. A bolt struck the first soldier, the hole in his chest glowing white hot as he dropped dead to the floor. Belle’Sara turned to see Arbee, blaster rifle leveled in his hands, blasting away at the invading troopers. “Arbee! I told you to keep this ship level!” She barked as the second soldier came within her reach. With a fluid motion, she diverted another bolt and swung the blade across his chest. The armor melted as the saber cut and seared the flesh underneath. The third soldier cracked off two bolts as his partner fell. Belle’Sara recoiled, staggering as the white-hot bolts pierced and cauterized her wounds. The soldier advanced further, aiming his weapon between her eyes. Though dazed, she swiftly slashed at his arms, lopping them off as she drove the blade through his chest. With a final hiss, it retreated into the hilt as Belle’Sara dropped to her knees. “Mistress!” a deep mechanical voice called out over the thrum in her ears. The pain made her wince as her metallic companion hoisted her up. She gasped for air as he led her through the doorway. Her vision came and went as she staggered farther down the corridor. The haze faded. Her eyes met with the glowing white lights of his face. “Arbee…” she slurred as he strapped her in, along with a wrapped bundle. Her vision faded. A final hiss of air echoed as she passed out. ******* Canterlot Castle Gardens. 00:01 hrs. A cool breeze rustled through the meticulously trimmed topiaries, carrying the sweet scent of blooming night flowers. The faint gurgle of running water from the ornamental fountains filled the air as Aysel’s unit marched in lockstep through the royal gardens. “Maintain standard patrol vectors, Sergeant Aysel.” Aysel glanced at his commanding officer as their unit marched through the royal gardens, craning his neck to meet the Captain's steely gaze. Moonlight gleamed off the polished armor of the more senior Thestral stallion. His shimmering golden eyes remained steadfast, unwavering even as they locked with Aysel’s. “We can’t risk any harm befalling Princess Luna. Is that understood?” “Understood, Captain Midoka,” Asyel replied with a sharp salute as the unit reached the garden’s central plaza. Captain Mikoda raised his hand, silently signaling the unit to halt. As they stood at attention, he turned to Aysel, clasping a firm hand on his pauldron. “One last thing, Sergeant,” Mikoda said, voice full of authority. “These troopers are now under your command. Be mindful of that - understand?” Aysel quietly nodded in reply as Mikoda gave his shoulder a firm pat and then made his way to the edge of the gardens. Aysel turned his attention to the squad now under his watch, crossing his arms behind his back. “You heard the Captain’s orders,” he stated, pacing slowly in front of the troopers. “Standard two-by-two patrols. Stay within sight of each other and keep your wits about you. Any threat could come from every possible blind spot. Now move out.” Aysel surveyed the squad as they dispersed into the shadows of the gardens, his jaw set with determination. No missteps were going to happen under his watchful eye if he had anything to say about it. Those same vigilant eyes would soon be drawn to a young Thestral mare standing before him, at attention. “Sir!” The mare barked with an enthusiastic salute. Aysel regarded the unfamiliar face with a measured gaze. “At ease, trooper,” he said, voice calm but authoritative. “I don’t believe we’ve met. What’s your name?” The young mare relaxed her stance slightly, though her posture remained disciplined. “Dawn Star, sir. I’ve been assigned to shadow you and train under your guidance.” Aysel nodded, lips parting into a small smile. The mere thought of a greenhorn Lunar guardsmare under his instruction swelled in his ambitious mind like a balloon. “You’re new to this squad,” Aysel began, his tone level and even to stem the tide of pride. “I expect you to be attentive and to follow my orders without hesitation. This is no easy task, and lives depend on us performing flawlessly.” Dawn Star nodded sharply. “Yes, sir. I understand. I’ll give this job my full dedication.” “Good,” he replied, gesturing for her to follow him as he began pacing the perimeter of the gardens. “If I may ask, sir, what is the princess like?” Dawn Star inquired as she fell into step beside him, her gaze attentive and curious. Aysel halted the patrol before a topiary archway, gesturing ahead “See for yourself.” Aysel’s attention shifted to the pair within - Captain Mikoda kneeling amidst a cluster of lunar flower shrubs, with Princess Luna herself at his side. The princess’s ethereal mane billowed in the night air, and though he remained stoic, a part of Aysel couldn’t help but admire her figure, accentuated by the tight-fitting nightgown. His eyes wandered, noticing her hands tenderly intertwined with Mikoda’s, sparking a pang of jealousy. “Sir, we have a huge problem!” Dawn Star’s alarmist tone snapped Aysel back to his senses. He turned to her, clutching a pair of binoculars in her outstretched hand while her other pointed towards something in the air. Aysel raised the binoculars to his eyes and scanned the horizon. His breath caught in his throat as he spotted an enormous, unfamiliar craft descending rapidly from the sky. “By the Goddess, what is that?” He murmured, transfixed by the sheer size and alien nature of the vessel. The massive triangular craft plummeted earthward, trailing smoke and debris. Aysel watched, mesmerized, as a smaller object detached from the ship, drifting down separately. “Something just broke off of it!” he exclaimed. His ears perked up as the rest of the platoon gathered around, hushed and anxious whispers rippling through the group. Aysel witnessed as the others craned their neck up, all taking in the unprecedented aerial spectacle hurtling down to their world. Even Captain Mikoda and Princess Luna joined, their faces plastered with puzzlement and a hint of fear. Aysel refocused the binoculars on the smaller object, his eyes widening in shock when he realized its trajectory. The binoculars fell from his grip as the panic set in. “Disperse! Disperse now!” Aysel shouted as the strange, pod-like object plummeted straight towards the royal gardens. The platoon scattered, taking cover behind trees and hedgerows. Aysel leaped towards Mikoda, who’d shielded Princess Luna with his body as the object slammed into the ground with tremendous force. A deafening boom echoed throughout the gardens as the alien vessel struck the earth, sending up a massive plume of dirt, smoke, and shattered flora. Aysel shielded his eyes from the debris, clumps of hot soil plinking against his vambraces. He coughed up from the smoke and dust as he cautiously approached the impact site. As the chaos settled, Aysel and his troopers crept forward, hands tightly gripped on their hilts. The strange, oblong object lay embedded in the ground, its metallic exterior charred and dented from its violent landing. Aysel motioned for the unit to surround it, his sword unsheathed and poised to strike. “What in the name of the Goddess is that thing?” Mikoda murmured, his brow furrowed with equal curiosity and trepidation as he joined Aysel at the edge of the crash site, Luna following close behind him. Aysel shook his head slowly, never taking his eyes off the bizarre, alien craft. “I’m not sure, Captain,” he replied, his voice tense. “I’ve never seen anything like this. We must be prepared for whoever, or whatever, emerges from within.” The platoon tightened their formation, their weapons raised as they braced themselves for the unknown. Aysel felt his heart pounding in his chest, grip tightening on his sword as he waited with bated breath for the mysterious occupants to reveal themselves. ******* A quiet night in the gardens. That was all Princess Luna wanted. Another night with her stalwart consort Mikoda as they held each other in passion and solace among her small patch of moonflower shrubs. But not tonight. The deafening crash that tore through the serene tranquility of the royal gardens instantly shattered Luna’s reverie. Shock and bewilderment etched themselves on her face as she and the guards present stared at this strange, oblong metal object embedded into the soil, smoke lightly billowing from four small nozzles at the end. Tension hung thick in the air as all waited for something, anything to happen. A hiss of air caused many of the Lunar Guard to leap back in surprise. “Steady, steady,” Mikoda ordered as Luna made her way behind the object, primal curiosity compelling her to discover whoever or whatever was inside. Her eyes were transfixed as something made its way out. A bipedal figure stumbled out of the doorway, clutching a bundle of some kind in one arm, its other hand was pressed against its stomach, a red stain covering the cloth underneath. Its robes were tattered, its mane appeared frazzled despite being tied back, and its skin an unfamiliar hue, yet there was an unmistakable air of desperation about it. “Stop!” Aysel commanded, his voice booming across the gardens. “Do not move any closer!” But the figure seemed to ignore the command, its gaze focused on the bundle it held. Luna’s ears perked up to some familiar sounds, little coos that appeared to be coming from- “Stand down,” Luna said calmly but firmly, her eyes locked on the creature. “It’s injured and it has a young one with it.” She turned her attention to the guards, their faces etched with nervous confusion as she stood between them and the creature. She pointed to two of the guards near the rear of the alien vessel. “Bring a medical team up here and hurry.” She commanded. The two lowered their swords, exchanging looks of bewilderment between each other before turning their gaze to Mikoda in protest. “Do as she says.” He ordered, moving to Luna’s side as the guards hastened to follow their captain’s command. Luna refocused her attention on the creature, her expression softening as she empathized with their shared plight. Cautiously, she extended a hand in a gesture of comfort. “It’s going to be ok,” she assured calmly. “We’re going to get you help, I prom-” “My lady, stand back!” Aysel suddenly interjected, wedging himself between Luna and the being, sword poised for a swift strike. Fury flashing in her eyes, Luna spun Aysel around to face her. “Stand down, Aysel!” She commanded, shoving him aside with determination. Aysel’s face hardened with suspicion as he eyed the strange, injured creature. “We don’t know what this thing is or its intentions,” he argued, circling around the alien. “It could be dangerous.” Before Luna could protest further, Aysel lunged forward, his sword poised to strike. She watched in stunned awe as the creature reacted with blinding speed, igniting a beam of searing, humming energy from a device in its hand. With one swift motion, it sliced clean through Aysel’s sword, leaving him holding only the hilt. Luna’s face, as well as the others, was plastered in shock while Aysel stared at his weapons remains. Before he could even react, the creature then thrust the same hand outward, pushing Aysel back with an unseen powerful force, sending him flying against the garden wall. The alien let out a pained grunt, dropping its strange weapon as it clutched its wounded abdomen, the beam retreating into the hilt with a loud hiss. Luna cradled the wounded alien, pressing firmly against the bleeding gash. “Mikoda, help me stem the blood,” she pleaded. Mikoda rushed to her side, ripping a strip of fabric from his cloak to bandage the wound. “Steady now, we’ve got you,” he murmured, working quickly. In the aliens arms, the small bundle stirred, and a tiny, plaintive cry escaped the infant within. With the last of her strength, she pressed the child into Luna’s hands. “Take…care…little…brother,” it weakly rasped before its head fell back unconscious. Luna cradled the infant with the utmost care, her heart clenched with empathy. “I will,” she vowed, resting her hand in the creature’s head. The infant cooed in Luna’s arms, its small hands grasping at her sleeves. As she gently pulled the cloth back, she gasped softly - on the child’s forehead was a curious, intricate tattoo in the shape of a watchful eye. At that moment, the sound of pounding footsteps approached. Luna stood, turning to see two Lunar Guards make their approach along with the medics, who quickly took over and began to work on the fallen creature. As she gently rocked the infant, the guards caught their breath. “My lady,” one spoke up in between heavy gulps of air. “We’ve…received word that…an unknown vessel…has crashed into the…Everfree forest.” Luna’s brow furrowed in concern, the news deeply troubling her. She turned to Mikoda, her eyes silently pleading for his counsel. “We must act quickly,” she said, her voice low and urgent. “This child may have others of its kind on that ship and they may be in greater danger if any survived.” Mikoda nodded, his expression grave. “Agreed. We’ll need to organize a search party to investigate the crash site, though I don’t think we can keep this low key for very long.” He turned to the Lunar Guards, his voice commanding their attention. “Listen up! We’re heading into the Everfree Forest to investigate this crash. We need to inform Princess Celestia of the situation and gather a team of our best scientific minds, soldiers, medics and scouts. I want everypony ready to depart within the hour!” The guards saluted sharply and hurried to carry out Mikoda’s orders. Luna watched them depart, then turned to the sleeping infant, the strange tattooed eye catching the moonlight. “Loki,” she murmured, the name feeling right on her tongue. “We’ll keep you safe. I promise.”