//------------------------------// // Chapter 9 - Portal 2: Sisterhood Is Magic // Story: Luna Plays... // by Chaotic Note //------------------------------// Luna landed on her bean bag chair as she held her newly repaired I.P.V. She had been looking forward to this moment since forever and now that the visor is now compatible with the PC, she could finally try Portal two. She was hyped to buy the sequel ever since she played the first game, but she never bought it because of all the new releases that came out this week. But now, nothing can stop her from playing the game with the I.P.V. From what she heard, Portal 2 had a cooperation mode and she was eager to try it out. She downloaded the game and patiently waited for the usual update notification to pop up. As she clicked on the update to start, she thought about the co-op mode and wondered who could play it with her. She scrolled through her Steam friend list for a potential partner. A lot of ponies were online. Perhaps too many were online. Practically everypony she knew is online today. Who should she pick? As she rolls down some the list more, one name caught her eye. “Ah, we shall pick this one to play with us!” she said. She moved the mouse cursor over the pony’s Steam account. Suddenly, the online status bleeped grey. She sat there for a while until gathering her thoughts on her next move. She decided that since the pony is right around the corner, she’s just going to go knock on her door. She stepped outside her bedroom door and made haste for her supposed partner’s bedroom. After a few minutes of trotting, she reached her destination and decided whether to knock on the door or kick it open… The door didn’t stand much of a chance against the mighty moon princess’s hooves. The unhinged door reveals a large chamber meant for royalty. A red carpet extended from the other side of the door and leads to the foot of the bed. Lying on the bed was a white, majestic alicorn of scorching beauty, with a gigantic cutie mark to match. In other words, Celestia, Luna’s sister. She was relaxing on a white plushie bunny; eating hay chips and watching what appears to be some sort of sitcom. “Sister, what are you watching?” Luna asked. “Oh, just a show called Friends. You’ve never seen it?” Celestia said with a mouthful of munchies. “I have before. I just wanted to confirm.” “Ah,” she threw a couple more chips in her mouth, not batting an eye at the night pony. Luna walked towards her table in a calm fashion that didn’t betray any suspicious motives. She then scooped up the furniture and flipped it over wildly. Thank mother that there wasn’t anything on there. Celestia didn’t seem so pleased however. “Luna! What the buck are you doing!?” “Play Portal with me,” she said with a blank face. “What?! That’s what this is about?” She nods like it wasn’t a big deal. Celestia huffed and puffed until she starts storming around the room. She started flipping out on a neatly piled stack of paper on a desk and chewing madly on a pillow. She gave out whines and ughs and moans as she complained about how Luna is so overdramatic about everything. Luna just stared at Celestia until she calmed down. “Are you done yet Tia?” Luna said. Celestia lied on the bed exhausted, waving a tiny white flag. “Yes.” “Can we play Portal 2 now? With I.P.Vs by the way.” “Sure, today’s episode was just a rerun anyway.” Luna turned towards the mess of sheets everywhere. “Was that important?” “Just the peace treaty between Gryphonian and the Diamond Dog territories.” “Will it be okay?” “Meh, somepony will clean that up.” Celestia sat upon a red velvet couch in a waiting room, waiting around for a certain night princess to join the lobby. In front of her was a table that was piled on high with magazines from ‘Game & Hoof Informer’ and ‘Pontendo Power’. She was dressed in an orange jump suit and holds an orange portal gun in her hooves. She has just finished the latest edition of ‘Dessert’s Monthly’ when Luna finally materialized in the room. “Finally, where were you?” Celestia asked. “Sorry. Sorry. The game had to update for me to adjust for the I.P.V,” Luna said. “Well fine,” she walked up to the doorway to the first level. “Just so you know, I haven’t played the co-op campaign yet so don’t depend on me for everything.” “Hay! I played Portal before! I think I know what I’m doing!” “Oh please, I’ve seen you walk in circles for hours.” “That was because the turrets were targeting me and I had to dodge around to avoid the missiles!” Celestia paid no attention to her remarks and pressed the button. The door opens up to a large, sanitary, circular room with windows that only projected fake images of grassy plains and sunlight. In middle was a large machine that hung from the ceiling. Huge cable lines and wiring stuck out from the chinks of its shell and it had a large lens to serve for an eye. “Oh. Hello there pathetic test subjects. How are you doing on this sunless dreary day?” it said in a monotone voice. “Dear, I forgot how much of a prick GLaDOS could be,” Celestia whispered to Luna. “Hey! We’re not pathetic you know! We are the princesses of Equestria!” Luna shouted. “Yes, I know that,” GLaDOS replied. “And from the wonderful source of information known as the internet, I know that one of you didn’t stand a chance against a single bug. I laughed very hard that day. It goes like this. Ha ha ha.” Luna smirked as she saw Celestia biting down hard on her lower lips. She knew all too well about Tia’s embarrassing fight against Chrysalis. “It was a fluke of a victory for Chrysalis anyway! I couldn’t be connected to the sun because of Shining Armor’s bubble shield, so I wasn’t as strong at the time,” Celestia insisted. “Also I just woke up from my nap before the wedding! I was tired.” Celestia leaned towards Luna. “Remind me to write a very strong letter to PIPe about this particular moment. Letting an A.I. with access to the internet? That’s downright evil.” She just rolled her eyes at her sister. “Well then, we should start the tests.” GLaDOS opened up a door on the other side of the room. “Losers first.” Celestia walked across the room in a high and regal manner like she was the top of the world. Luna sighed in exasperation at her sister’s ego and trotted after her. The room didn’t look like much on the other side of the doorway. It was simple and empty. It felt like being trapped in one of Canterlot’s finest insane asylums, where they keep all the weird and wonky ponies in to keep them safe from others and themselves. Also, it’s white. “Gee, you would think the designers would have added some more color to this game,” Luna said. “I wouldn’t say that. White is a very nice color sister. You should try dyeing your mane sometimes,” Celestia said. “We CAN’T change our mane colors Tia. In case you haven’t been paying attention, our hair can’t exactly be affected by normal means.” “Twilight actually showed me this new spell once. It temporarily allows a pony to change their hair style.” “What’s the point in that?” Luna scoffed. “I don’t know, but it was fun using it on other ponies!” Celestia smiled. “Whatever.” Luna walked to the center of the room, with her sister in wake. “So what are we exactly suppose to do here?” “Simple.” The walls suddenly opened up to reveal a wide, expansive space behind them. Luna looked down from the edge to see a gigantic fall and another platform below them. Two mechanical arms suddenly dropped from the ceiling, the both of them holding pairs of white socks. “Oh, I almost forgot. Silly me,” GLaDOS’ voice echoed. “You will need this steel nylon wool socks for the rest of the game. They help protect you against most of the damage you could get from falling from heights. Without these socks, you could possible die from these experiments.” “Oh great, like I haven’t died before,” Luna said sarcastically. The two royal sisters put the long and comfy socks on, looking extremely cute and sexy. “Wow you two look really nice for once! That is good, because the test starts now.” The floor surround the two Alicorns suddenly fell apart, leaving only enough space for the two to stand on. “Remember, no flying, magic, or jay walking and we’ll get along just fine. Do not disappoint me like the two robots that came by earlier,” GLaDOS’ voice said. Celestia looked down and squelched a little at the sight. Luna however wasn’t fazed at the GLaDOS’ attempt to scare them at all. Tia looked at her sister with uncertainty. “Hey Luna, you can’t be serious about this are you? I mean you aren’t gonna-“ Luna took a flying leap across the chasm. Celestia face hoofed. “*Sigh* I stand corrected. Well, here goes nothing.” The sun princess jumped as well. She tried to keep her flight path steady with outstretched hooves, but it seemed to do nothing against the air. Luna ahead fired a portal against the wall and fired another above that one. She went through the pony-made passage way with ease. The night mare dived out of her blue colored hole and made a straight beeline for the platform below. She landed on the platform with grace and quickly looked around. Above her was a hoop of some sort and next to her was a box of white metal balls. The hoop above has a trigger line that leads to a doorway ahead. “Sis! Catch this and put it in the hoop!” Luna threw one of the balls towards the white pony. The ball then teleported in front of Celestia and she caught it with her available hoof. “You want me to do What?” Celestia shouted. “Just do a slam-dunk on the hoop above me!” “Why can’t you do that?” “It’s too high!” Celestia rolled her eyes at her sister’s excuse and goes for the hoop. She started to lose altitude fast. “Come on! Come on!” Celestia strained. With a deafening shockwave, she slammed the ball through the hoof with a sonic boom. The sound was enough to tremble the game codes and the door opened up for the two sisters. The two of them however didn’t notice it and assumed the hoop opened it. “Tia. As much as I hate to admit it, that was awesome,” Luna brohoofed her sister. (Or is it sishoofed?) “Well your older sister does know a thing or two about sports,” Celestia boasted. “Too bad nopony cares.” A camera popped out from the side of the wall. “Well, the next test awaits.” Celestia and Luna raced down the seemingly endless hall with an army of robot turrets behind them. The door ahead was slowly but surely closing in on them. “Come on sis! Faster!” Celestia said. “You think this is easy? My legs are tired!” Luna huffed. “I’m cutting your supply of Moon Pies after this is over!” “Hey if anypony needs a break from snacks, it’s you and those bucking cakes!” “Less talking! More running!” Luna ducked down as a laser nearly grazed her starry mane. The tip of her horn wasn’t so lucky. “My horn!” Luna cried. Celestia looked at Luna’s simulated burnt tip. She snickered. “It looks bucking good on you Luna!” “Shut up!” The two slid underneath the doors Daring Do style and took a moment to breath. Luna looked back to see the door still open and a group of angry turrets still coming after them. “Oh shit!” She looked around for a button. “Where is it, where is it?!” She smacked a blue one and the door immediately shuts. Luna leaned against the wall and slides down to the floor. She was just plain exhausted after all that running. Her sister wasn’t looking too hot either as Celestia collapsed on the floor, holding her chest and breathing hardly. “Forget. The. WII. Sports.” Celestia breathed. “This is more. Than enough.” Luna laughed at Celestia’s comment. The white console wasn’t that bad to Luna but most of the games that turn up every now and then were of bad quality. The only good ones were ‘Legend of Luna’, ‘Mario’, and ‘Super Smash Ponies Brawl’. She looked at the middle of the room to find a stand at the center. On top of it was a chocolate cake with strawberry toppings and pink candles. “Oh no, Celestia look.” Luna poked the still body. “Huh what?” Celestia looked at the direction of Luna’s hoof. “Oh no, is this the end?” she whispered. “Well we did go through quite a few rooms. Still I can’t believe we’ve finished the game today.” The two heard GLaDOS from somewhere, humming a tune that sounds dreadfully like a birthday song. “Humm hum hum hum hum hummmm hum hum hum mmmm hummm hum.” The two stepped forward to the cake where all of its chocolaty goodness awaits the goddess. Celestia looked at the cake with obvious desire but also has a shine of uncertainty as the cake could mean the end to everything. The sun goddess raised a hoof to have a bit of frosting but held back at the last moment. Luna held her sister’s hoof and looked at her with determination. The two nodded and they set their hooves of the two forks beside the plate. The room suddenly darkened and the walls lifted up to reveal a surprising view to the princesses. The now expanded room had tens of thousands of tanks filled with ponies. The ponies floated in what seemed to be sea green brine and were peacefully asleep. Luna’s jaw dropped at the sight as she looked at each tank. Celestia herself however didn’t look surprised, and instead focused on eating the long sought cake she had been waiting for. “Wow. I’m actually impressed. To be honest with you, I never knew this was here. I just assumed this was empty,” GLaDOS voiced echoed. “Look at all these test subjects! They are, beautiful to look at.” Luna shrugged at the robot’s weird obsession with test subjects. Celestia didn’t listen to what she said and kept chewing. “And now that you two are here, you will join them.” Two mechanical arms suddenly grabbed the both of them and placed them side by side in two empty tanks. Luna banged her hooves at the glass with Celestia swallowed her bite. “Oh come on! Just let me finish my cake!” she said. “Sorry, but I think you two had enough testing for one day,” GLaDOS said. “See you two losers in a few weeks.” Luna’s vision darkened as the game simulated green fluids washing over her body. It kinda felt warm and nice and the night princess was lulled into deep sleep. Her eyes opened once more to find herself back in the waiting room, with the Celestia watching the credits on a movie tarp screen. “What? That’s it then?” Luna asked. “Yep, I suppose it is sister,” Celestia dug her hooves into a bag of popcorn. “Well, I kinda expected, I don’t know, more?” “So did I. Kinda disappointed. The single player ending was better.” She tossed a few kernels in her mouth. Luna sat there for a few moments watching the credits and enjoying the music for a while. She looked around the waiting room again and looked at her sister. “Want to play some custom maps Tia?” Luna asked. Celestia shrugged. “Sure I guess.”