//------------------------------// // A Close Shave // Story: TAF: A Close Shave / The Diseasel / Wrong Road // by Lawton //------------------------------// Twilight was waiting at Edward’s Station for a new engine to help out. His names Duck. Sir Tophom Hatt sent him and Twilight to help Applejack and Edward at Edwards Station. “Hi, Applejack. Hi, Edward.” Said Twilight. “Howdy, Y’all.” Replied Applejack. “When’s the new engine gonna be here?” Just then, they heard an unfamiliar whistle from the distance. “Oh! Here he comes.” Said Twilight seeing Duck puff into Edward’s station. He looked very sad. “Whats wrong, Duck?” “It’s not fair!” Duck complained. “Someone has been telling lies and made some of Sir Tophom Hatt’s engines think I’m horrid!” “Whats!?” Gasped Twilight. “Oh! Whoever it was, he’s up to no good. That’s for sure.” “So, you must be Duck the Great Western Engine.” Whistled Edward. “You can say that again.” Replied Duck. “Anyway, I’m am here to help all the other engines on Sir Tophom Hatt be really useful like me and the number 1 engine, Thomas. Of course, if some of them still like me.” “We know you’re not horrid and so does Sir Tophom Hatt. “ Said Edward. “You can help us with these trucks.” Twilight climbed into Duck’s cab, Duck buffered up to the back, and off they went. The cars were silly, heavy and noisy. The two engines have to work hard pushing and pulling all afternoon. At last, they reached the top of the hill. “Goodbye!” Whistled Duck and rolled gently over the crossing to the other line. Duck love coasting down the hill, running easily with the wind whistling past. Suddenly, They heard a sound. It was the conductor's warning whistle. “Whoa! What was that!?” Twilight heard the noise, Too. She looked behind and gasped. “Oh no! Hurry, Duck!” Cried Twilight. “Edward’s train is after us!” And she was right. There were 20 heavy troublesome trucks. “We’ve broken away! We’ve broken away!” Laughed the trucks. “Chase them! Bump them! Throw them off the rails!” Duck raced through Edward's station, but the trucks were catching up. Soon, they bumped into Duck and started making him go faster. “Man! This cant get any worse!” Cried Twilight before looking ahead. “Aaaaaagh! Me and my big mouth!” Rarity and James are just pulling out on they're line through the station ahead. Any minute, there could be a crash. “It’s up to you now, Duck!” Duck put every ounce of wait and steam against the trucks. The station came nearer and nearer. “It’s too late!” Screamed Duck and shut his eyes. The station master saw the runaway and quickly switched the tracks. Twilight and Duck swerved into a siding where a barber shop it behind the buffers. Duck applied his brakes as hard as he could. But, it was too late! Duck crashed into the building and bounced the trucks off the rails. The silly trucks had knocked their conductor off his van, and left him far behind after he had whistled a warning. But the cars didn't care. They were feeling very pleased with themselves. “Beg pardon, Sir.” Gasped Duck. “Excuse our intrusion.” “We are so,p sorry for busting into your shop.” Apologized Twilight. “No, I won't!” Said the barber angrily. “You frightened my customers! I'll teach you!” And he lathered Twilight and Duck's faces all other. Thomas was helping to pull the cars away when Sir Topham Hatt arrived. “I do not like engines popping through my walls!” Fumed the barber. “I appreciate your feelings.” Said Sir Topham Hatt. “But, you must know that this engine and his partner had prevented a serious accident. It was a very close shave.” “Oh.” Said the barber. “Oh! Excuse me.” He filled a basin of water to wash Twilight and Duck's faces. “I’m sorry. I didn't know you were been a brave engine.” “That's all right, Sir.” Said Duck. “We didn't know that either.” Added Twilight. “You were very brave indeed.” Said Sir Topham Hatt. “I'm proud of you.” Sir Topham Hatt watched the rescue operation, then he had more news to Duck as Thomas pulled him back on track. “And when you are properly washed and mended, you are coming home.” “Home, sir? Do you mean the yard?” Asked Duck. “Of course.” Answered Sir Tophom Hatt. “But, sir, they don't like me.” Said Duck sadly. “Yeah and it’s all thanks to whoever told those lies about you being bad, Duck.” Added Twilight angrily. “You’re both right. I know you would never say stuff that stupid, Duck. Whoever lied to my engines, we’ll find whoever’s responsible. Also, The engines who had doubt in you were sorry and want you back.” A few days later, when Duck and Twilight came home, there was a really rousing welcome for Twilight Sparkle the Princess of Friendship and Duck the Great Western Engine.