TAF: A Close Shave / The Diseasel / Wrong Road

by Lawton

The Diseasel

Sir Tophom Hatt sent Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie to help Bill and Ben. They are tank engine twins. Each has four wheels, a tiny chimney and dome, and a small squat cab. Their trucks are filled with China Clay. It is needed for pottery, paper, paint and many other things. The Ponies and Twins are now kept busy pushing and pulling the trucks for engines on the Main Line and for ships in the harbor. One morning, they arranged some cars and went away for more. But when they returned, The China Clay trucks have all disappeared.

“What the!?” Gasped Pinkie.

“Where did they all go!?” Gasped Bill. Both he and Ben were most surprised. Fluttershy noticed a patch of oil on each track the trucks have disappeared on.

“It must be a diesel.” She said.

“It’s a what’ll?” Bill asked.

“A Diseasel. I think.” Said Ben. “There’s a notice about them in our shed.”

“You might be right.” Said Bill. “Coughs and sneezles spread diseasls.”

“Well, Since you had a cough in your smoke box yesterday, It’s your fault the Diseasel came!” Said Ben.

“It’s isn’t!” Yelled Bill.

“Yes, It is!” Argued Ben.

“It isn’t!”

“It is!”

“Stop arguing, You two!” Called Fluttershy.

“Lets go get our China Clay back.” Said Pinkie. The twins were horrified.

“But, the diseasel will magic us away like the trucks!” Cried Bill.

“He won’t magic us.” Said Fluttershy.

“Then maybe, We’ll magic him.” Snickered Pinkie. “We're more likely magic him. Listen, he doesn't know you're twins. So we'll take away your names and numbers and then this is what we'll do.” When their plan was set, The twins set off with the ponies and set off to find the diesel and the China Clay. They were looking forward to play tricks on him. Creeping into the yard, they found the diesel on a siding with missing trucks.

“There he is!” Whispered Pinkie. “Fluttershy, Bill, Go!” She and Ben hid behind as Fluttershy and Bill went bodily alongside. The diesel looked at them.

“Do you mind?” He asked sternly.

“Yes.” Said Bill. “We do.”

“We would like to have our trucks back.” Said Fluttershy.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Said the Diesel. “These are my trucks! Now, beat it!”

“Ok.” Said Bill as he and Fluttershy backed off. They ran back and hid behind the trucks on the other side. Pinkie and Ben now came forward.

“Truck stealer!” Hissed Pinkie and Ben and they ran away. Fluttershy and Bill took place.

“Horn head!” Laughed Fluttershy and Bill. The twins and ponies took turns playing tricks on the diesel. This went on and on 'til the diesel's eyes nearly popped out.

“Aaaaaaaagh! Stop! You’re making me dizzy!!!” Cried the diesel. The twins and ponies gazed at him. “Huh? W-Wait…… There are two of you!?”

“Yes. We’re twins.” Said the twin engines.

“I might have known it.” Laughed the diesel. Just then, Applejack and Edward bustled up to see what the commotion was about.

“Alright, Bill and Ben, Why are you two playing here?” Edward asked sternly.

“We’re not playing.” Protested Bill.

“We’re just taking our trucks back.” Squeaked Ben.

“Even you don't take our trucks without asking, but this diesel did!” Said Fluttershy angrily.

“I see what you mean. But, there’s no need to be rude.” Said Edward severely. “This engine is a Metropolitan Vickers, Diesel electric type: 2.” The ponies and twins were most impressed.

“Wow!” Gasped Pinkie and Fluttershy. Applejack recognized the diesel and was cross.

“Boco, What in tarnation are you doing taking Bill and Ben’s trucks!?” She asked sternly.

“She is right.” Replied a voice. It was Sir Tophom Hatt. He was not happy with Boco, Either. “I told you to take the China Clay from the quarry. Not the docks. You didn’t listen and now, you have caused confusion and delay!” The diesel, Boco, Finally realized he had made a mistake.

“That’s what we’ve been trying to tell you.” Said Bill sternly.

“So, your names Boco.” Said Ben.

“Yes and I’m sorry for the misunderstanding.” Said Boco.

“Sir Tophom Hatt sent Applejack to help Boco at the quarry. But, We had to deliver milk to the market. It seems Boco was impatient when he was waiting for Applejack.”

“Now, a lets go fetch the rest of the China Clay.” Said Applejack as she climbed into Boco’s cab.”

“There’s no real harm in them.” Sir Tophom Hatt spoke to Boco about Bill and Ben. “But, They’re maddening at times.” Boco chuckled.

“Maddening….” He said. “Is the word.”