Fallout Equestria: Jams of Friendship

by Visharo

Chapter 3: Talks

The Jaded Files: The Beginning

“So, I think we should properly introduce ourselves before we go on this adventure. We did sort of just rush out of there without getting to know each other,” Earthy smiled at me.

I was lying down, under a small rocky overhang that he found while traveling to Meatlocker. After I went unconscious, he decided to loot the raiders and drag me all the way here. While he was treating my wound, he noticed something peculiar about my fur.

“Alright, what do you want to know about me?” I smiled as well, despite me not wanting to. Darn his handsome features making me do things!

“How about we do rapid fire questions. I ask, you answer, then vice versa,” Earthy poked at the fire that lay between them, “what’s your name?”

“Jaded Jam, I thought you already knew this. What’s yours?”

“Red Lichen. You don’t look like a unicorn, yet you can do magic. How?”

“Magic. I really like your name, a whole lot better than Earthy. Why did you come to Meatlocker?”

Lichen held up a hoof, “hold up. You didn’t answer my question, how is it that you can do magic?”

“I’m a unicorn, duh. Now answer my question!” I waved my hooves around in a random pattern, I had no idea why I did this, maybe my subconscious mind was trying to dissuade him from asking more. No idea.

“I came to Meatlocker because I was looking for a friend, couldn’t find him. Where’s your horn?”

“Ah, a combination of a megaspell and Killing Joke. It wasn’t a pleasant experience. Who’s your friend?”

“Wait, wait, wait…a megaspell? But those haven’t been around for a hundred years!”

“Oh, you didn’t know I was a ghoul? I live in Meatlocker for Celestia’s sake!” I waved my hooves around in exasperation.

“But you look nothing like a ghoul! You look like a regular earth pony, none of this makes any sense…wait, where’s your cutie mark? How can you not have a cutie mark!” Poor Lichen looked terrible, his face clearly displaying his confusion.

“I lost it? I’m not sure what happened to it, I don’t even remember it. Eh, the past is the past, and I’m too tired to go delving in my memories,” and with that, I collapsed on the floor and fell asleep. If Lichen tried anything to wake me up, I didn’t feel it.