Twilight's Nightmare

by Nightsclaw

CH 57.1  Bittersweet Cookies

“I love you.” The words that always touched her heart so, had a haunting finality to them this time. 

Tears ran from Tiger Lilly's eyes as sunlight dragged her from sleep. The ghostly sensations of a final kiss lingered on her lips. She lifted her hoof to where the phantom touch of his hoof rested against her cheek. Part of her wished it was just a dream, that the final goodbyes from her beloved Silvermane were a simple delusion, but the rest of her knew it was the truth.

The painting on the wall demanded her attention, a beautiful beach at sunset. His painting was amateurish, but she insisted on keeping it and hung it with pride despite her husband’s attempts to throw it away. For just a moment, through vision distorted by tears, two ponies lay together on the sands. Her heart ached to relive that moment again to have one more chance to hold him.

She curled up as sobs wracked her body. She desperately clung to the pillow that still carried his scent. 

Hours later, the dream was still clear in her mind. As pristine, if not more so than memory she could recall in her old age. 

As she hobbled her way towards the kitchen, she caught her reflection in the mirror as she passed. Her eyes were still reddened, even if the tear tracks had been cleaned from her coat.

She met her own gaze in the polished surface. She was no longer the young mare that had fallen for a gallant guard in training, and the years had taken their due from her.

The framed copy of Silvermane’s oath, flanked by his long service awards, perched proudly upon the wall. Her eyes traced the words that pledged his life to the service of Equestria. It was the one and only promises he held equal to their wedding vows.

The ornate golden frame was warm under her hoof. “Once a Royal Guard, always a Royal Guard.” Silvermane had said the words so many times, but she never truly understood what it meant, until now. 

Princess Celestia looked out of the photo next to it. Her eyes were kind and wise as she accepted Silverman's oath. She could be wrong, but there seemed to be sadness in the Solar Princess’s eyes. It was as if she knew what might be asked of those that swore themselves to her service.

“Do you even remember him?” Unsurprisingly the photograph did not answer. Long moments passed before she continued on.

The old kettle performed its duty far better than her body did. Both it and the teapot that waited on the heating water had been housewarming gifts from their first shared home. Even here in the kitchen, so many things held memories.

The kettle’s song shifted to a whistle. Her hooves went through the long practised motions as her mind lingered on the past, over a century together, with ten decades of happiness. Later, she would dig out the old photo album, perhaps tell her great grand foals some of the funnier stories.
She sipped at her tea. Only the slightest tastes had seeped into the water from the exhausted leaves to great her taste buds. Still, it warmed her old bones. But her heart longed to be done with this all to simply join her beloved. 

The old grandmother clock ticked ever on. Each sound advanced the time second by second. Life continued on, time only waited on one mare, and she was no Princess Celestia. Her charges would be here soon. It was an endless task of keeping the little ones out of their parents' manes.

“Granny, Granny”, The small army of foals called. One, two, five, eleven of them vied for her attention. Eleven? She checked again. Yes, there was one extra. A small twinge of doubt entered her mind. She shook her head. She must be going senile in her old age. “Now, who wants cookies?”

And so she set to work, stretching the diminished baking supplies and making each one thinner and smaller than she usually would. Despite that, the little touch of sweetness would bring smiles to their little faces.

So she set about making them the same method her grandmother had taught her. Even if this time the secret ingredient of a little love might be a little bittersweet today.

Little Racer's wide eyes silently pleading to lick the spoon clean reminded Tiger Lilly so much of herself she could not help but give in.

Her eyes gauged how little was left in her pantries. Enjoy them, little ones. There might not be any more for a very long time. She thought as her mind wondered if she would ever have another chance to bake cookies.

Tiger Lilly looked out from her porch as she rested on the cushioned bench. It might not be the classic rocking chair her age demanded, but it was comfortable and had room for two.

Celestia's sun neared the end of its daily journey. In less than an hour, the beautiful reds and oranges of sunset would claim the sky briefly before Luna’s night claimed the heavens. 

The village's new defenders stood diligently. They arrived, as if Celestia sent, just as the monsters closed in. A tide of white and gold fearlessly swept through the hoard of evil. 

Like her husband, they looked dashing in their armour, and like her husband, they would offer up their lives in defence of Equestria if called to. 

Like normal, the pony in charge did not have their appearance concealed by the uniform enchantment. Unlike normal, there was a second distinct looking pony. 

Four mares crowded around that one. He was an absolute brute of an earth pony.  Far too big for the uniform spell to work. She let out a quiet chuckle at the poor stallion. He looked far outside of his comfort zone. 

A wistful smile played over her muzzle. One or more of the mares would be starting a new chapter of their lives soon, she just knew it. 

 “Are you alright, Mam?” 

Tiger Lilly turned her head. The tall, lanky sergeant stood there, uncomfortable in her armour. They must be throwing the youngins into the thick of things… She snorted. “They’ll be none of that Mam thing here. I’m Granny Lilly, and you better remember it.” 

“Yes, Mam…”

She levelled a hoof at her. “Now if you keep that up, you won't be getting any cookies.”

The Sargent blinked. Utter bemusement painted the perfect image of confusion on her face. 

Tigger Lilly laughed, the sight was just so ridiculous. The brave and stalwart Royal Guard was defeated by one slightly crotchety old mare.

The sergeant nodded and recomposed themselves. “I will honour your request… But my question still stands, are you ok?”

Moisture formed in her eyes again. She blinked it away before the tears could fall. 

The guard’s armoured hoof gently rested on her shoulder. The simple touch conveyed far more warmth than the ridged metal armour should have been able to.

After a moment, Tiger Lilly patted the Sargent’s hoof. “No, but don't be worrying about me, I will be.” Her smile was bittersweet, and she knew it. At most, it would be only a few years before she was with her Silvermane again.

“If you need anything.”

Tiger Lilly nodded. In the distance, something moved. Just a smudge of colour in the sky. “Now, what's that?” She mused.

The Sargent turned to look, then froze. “An airship? What's Princess Twilight doing here?”

Tiger Lilly’s ears pivoted towards the mare. Was that a note of panic in the Sargent's voice? The young could be so silly at times. She slowly shook her head. The princesses were not going to tear a stripe off anypony for slight uniform infractions or not having a proper royal welcome ready.

A bright flash erupted from the village square. “Now, what's all the fuss about?” She grumbled to herself.

A much smaller flash appeared right in front of the Sargent. A scroll fell, striking her on her muzzle. As if in a daze, the guardsmare broke the seal and began to read. She trembled, eyes going wide as they locked onto the blur that was apparently an airship in the distance.

Tiger Lilly’s joints painfully protested as she rose.  She had been the wife to a serving guardspony for most her life. She probably knew their jobs better than they did by a country mile. An amused snort escaped her. “Come on, Deary. Lets see what our newest Princess magicked into the square.” She nudged the highest-ranking guard’s armoured form. The Sargent snapped back to reality and began to follow. “I know its hard, I know you've been thrown into the thick of things.”

The Sargent nodded. “This is not what I was expecting.”

“Just stay strong, stay calm and look like you know what you're doing.” Tiger Lilly looked straight into the Sargent’s eyes. “You’ve been trained for this. You would not have that armour if you weren't ready.”
From the square, an excited cheer rose. Well, whatever had been delivered, at least it seemed to bring good tidings.